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19548556 No.19548556 [Reply] [Original]

Us Scandinavians be like
>mmm nice lunch
Literally anyone I've ever told about pickled herring has looked at me like i just told them i ate a dead person while skydiving

>> No.19548565

Pickled herring is extremely common in the US, and not just with Scandinavians.

>> No.19548570

In Germany we also eat pickled herring, we eat it with cream, raw onion, pickled cucumber, and apples, it's great

>> No.19548575
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>> No.19548579

>In Germany
no thanks

>> No.19548580

what a stupid looking knife

>> No.19548593
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>herring on white bread
Rye. You’re not Danish
>Harboe pilsner
Stop being poor
>incel knife
Have sex
>no red onion, shallots or chives
endlessly better than OP’s

For me, it’s fried herring filets in onion sauce, pic rel

>> No.19548599

It dosent look very appetizing, just looks like pickled herring slapped on white bread with mustard slathered on top. Russian make it good in a salad with potato, beets and egg forgot what it's called

>> No.19548609

>Rye. You’re not Danish
i ran out of rye, sorry Queen Margrethe 2.
>incel knife
>Have sex
whoa buddy, i will have you know, i have sexed before
>no red onion, shallots or chives
what, the fuck? who does this
rye bread, butter, herring, thems that

>> No.19548619
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If it doesn’t look like pic rel, you’ve fucked up or are a jyde

>> No.19548625

>just looks like pickled herring slapped on white bread with mustard slathered on top. Russian make it good
its curry pickled herring
>Russians make it good
absolute ass

>> No.19548627

>fucked up or are a jyde
født på Sjælland, vil dø på Sjælland

>> No.19548651

Du er baseret, og jeg knæler. Men step lige dit sild game op, kammerat

>> No.19548671

hårde tider min ven

>> No.19548679

Det giver hår på brystet, hæng i

>> No.19548698

Only live people should be eaten while skydiving. Dead people are for after they [unsuccesfully] land.

>> No.19549034

Might be because millions of Scandis made it over to the US a hundred or so years ago

>> No.19549118

scandinavians would eat this with boiled potatoes not toast wtf

>> No.19549125

nordic diet is too brown, it's all savory and salty

>> No.19549135
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bingu pingu ebin perkele :DDD fug de ameriganskis

>> No.19549145

>scandinavian food is gross! too much savory and salty flavors :(
>japanese food is amazing! so much umami and shio :D

>> No.19549146

Perfect for childhood diabetes.

>> No.19549158

>pickled herring
Nice. Round here, smoked is more common. Both are good stuff, but very different.

>> No.19549165

I gather from context that shio is salty but I've literally never heard anybody say that before this moment

>> No.19549179

Japanese food being full of MSG is posted all the time on here what do you mean?

>> No.19549713

I love pickled herring in all its many varieties. People just refuse to give it a chance. But if they got into it as I have, they would be noshing on that shit all the time. It is the same as it was with sushi before it took off in the west.
>ewwwwws RAW fish???
Now you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting 15 sushi-swilling weeaboos anywhere you go. This could really be the next step in that evolution if people would stop turning up their nose at something they know little about for five minutes.

>> No.19549726

Its unheard of outside the upper midwest

>> No.19549733

I have some very good scandinavian friends, but you nords need to realize that civilized human beings do not wake up in the morning and prepare a piece of toast with pickled herring, capers, mustard, hot sauce and raw onion for breakfast.

>> No.19549734

I will never understand why so many euros put Indian curry on everything

>> No.19549754

Landlubbers can't stomach the stuff.

>> No.19549758

i don't know, that sounds pretty good. i mean it's no chicken fried steak with sausage gravy & eggs, but it's still pretty good for a weekday.

>> No.19549776

There's a top rated multi location Scandinavian restaurant in my town and they dont serve this

>> No.19549783

You can get it at most grocery stores nationwide. If you look carefully in the seafood section, there will be one or two kinds of it in a small plastic jar. It is there, it is just that few people buy it/don’t even know what it is or what it is for.

>> No.19549806

It is kind of like an Italian restaurant serving aglio e olio. This is thought of by Italians as a dish you make at home, not go out to a restaurant for.

>> No.19549832
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I live in rural California and have no claim to Scandi heritage whatsoever, but somehow have some in my fridge right now. Yes, you're not going to get the same stuff I got when I used to drive up to Bemidji, but it's hardly "unheard of". Like anon said, it's literally sold in every grocery store in the country, and there aren't THAT many Scandinavians, so obviously people are aware of it and buying it.

>> No.19549833

I had pickled Herring in the Hague that shit was good as hell

>> No.19549875

>>there aren't THAT many Scandinavians
There are more Norwegians in America than Norway, my state has multiple Scandinavian restaurants still open after decades

>> No.19549915
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>There are more Norwegians in America than Norway
A quick search tells me that's not true, but it's only like a 20% difference. On the other hand, there are twice as many Italians in Italy as there are in the US, but 10 times the amount of Italians in America as there are Norwegians, and yet I've never seen basic shit like locally made fresh mozzarella in regular grocery stores outside of heavily Italian populated areas like NYC and Southern New England. Scandinavians immigrated to a few areas and most of the population still lives in a few areas, but pickled herring is sold everywhere. Just sayan.

>> No.19549926

I live in Minnesota and see locally made mozzarella. Granted I live close to the cities, but still. The upper Midwest actually has a shit load of variety in cheese

>> No.19549955

Do you see it in major grocery chains, though? It's not like it's hard to find if you look around at specialty stores/Italian delis, but when I lived in RI every grocery store carried fresh, locally made mozzarella, and I've only seen it a few other places. I guess you could make the argument that the prepackaged "fresh" mozzarella you can find in every grocery store is the equivalent of the jarred pickled herring you can also find everywhere - but you have to admit that mozzarella, and Italian food in general, is far more mainstream than something like pickled herring.

>> No.19550247

I don’t know. But Whole Foods sells burrata which is baller

>> No.19550258

Can I snag your pickled radish? Thanks

>> No.19550552

Sjælland er en oppbevarings sone for uønnskede elementer

>> No.19550679

nordpill me on the sauce, looks good

>> No.19550696
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superior brødskive coming through

>> No.19550706

you're a stupid looking knife. does it have to be a buster sword from ff7 for you to think it's cool? OPs knife is actually very practical, it's made by Glock of all companies. I have that same one, it's great, the scabbard is good too.

>> No.19550709
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pickled herring is kino

>> No.19550713

Here in Germany, my mom just takes a mix of something like sour cream and yogurt, and that's it, plus salt and pepper of course. It may sound plain (wypipo don spice dey food), but the contrast with raw onion, sweet- and crispness of the apple, and sour taste of the pickles, along with the hering makes for an awesome dish. Goes great with boiled and fried potatoes.

>> No.19550722

This reminds me. The best-tasting herring that came in a pack like that was Lithuanian.

>> No.19550727

Oh wait.. or was it Latvian? No, those were Riga sardines. Never mind.

>> No.19550744

>thicken up cream
>ad parsley
>a little pepper
>more parsley

>> No.19550786

The sauce is the following:
Use a shitload of yellow onions cut into thin slices.
Add good amount of butter to skillet and then add the onions and let them cook until translucent at low heat. No colour.
Turn up to medium heat, add flour and cook that through, then add fish or chicken stock + bay leaves and let it simmer for about 10 mins.
Add a bit of heavy cream, bring to boil again, and season to taste with sugar, salt, pepper, and vinegar. It’s supposed to be sweet and sour hence the sugar and vinegar, goes great with the salty fried fish

>> No.19550869

I've literally never seen pickled herring in America once ever and I'm half norwegian

>> No.19550889

I grew up eating it occasionally in California. Wouldn't say it's super common though. My Dad liked a lot of "weird" foods like that so I'd end up eating some as well. Liverwurst sandwiches, he'd eat cans of deenz in the morning with a coke while doing crosswords.

>> No.19550959

herring in fur coat?

>> No.19550991

Back when we all ate traditional foods instead of pizzas, diabetes basically didn't exist except in 50 year old alchies or the occasional mutant freak

>> No.19551615

Its true but its from a source from more than 10 years ago back when they could count whites separately from migrants. It's now illegal to do so in Europe. And scandis live everywhere too and have mostly just mixed in with other europeans assimilated to American culture

>> No.19553257

not even close

>> No.19553275

what are those breaded, then fried, then pickled in pure vinegar called in English? i fucking loe them

>> No.19554712
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the power of leverpostei....

>> No.19554721

I love any kind of liver spread. French, German, Scandi, bring it on.

>> No.19554724

yes it did and was way more severe than before ancel keys mediterranean diet inspired nordic food pyramid was adopted doing away with stupid amounts of salt, lard and butter. diabetes-induced blindness and amputations ceased to be a thing in nordics thanks to that

>> No.19555049

>locally made fresh mozzarella
italian americans do not give a shit about it

>> No.19555056
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>> No.19555162

not a scandi but that sounds like a pretty swell breakfast to me anon

>> No.19555196

>toast bread
You have to go back.

>> No.19555203

Does being half X country give you your own gravitational field that pulls products from these countries close to you

>> No.19556421

Tell me you've never been at a large family gathering at a kro in jylland without telling me etc./