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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19547208 No.19547208 [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem

>> No.19547213

Imagine the guy that has to weigh all the discarded food.

>> No.19547233

just make it so they have to pay extra if they dont eat everything on their plate

>> No.19547238

This it's actually a win-win cause you get extra money and keep to your moral point.

>> No.19547239


>> No.19547247
File: 153 KB, 817x651, nerds BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly not my problem either, as I am not too weak to eat all the food I grabbed. Imagine losing to food LMAO little babby's stomach having an ouchie?

>> No.19547251

oh god they're doing the fucking ort report

>> No.19547258

its why most all you can eat places either have time limits or extra charges for uneaten food.

>> No.19547277

>which can feed 180 people
Really? And were you going to personally deliver it to 180 faggots? No? Then fuck off.

>> No.19547279

Agreed, I've seen this shit in Georgia USA, and it's like fuck the fuck off you presumptuous fucks, if I'm paying for it then piss off if I leave something on my plate. It's like what are you little plate counters, deal with it niggers. I'm paying you, not the other way around.
Clean my plate bitches.

>> No.19547287

yeah either it gets turned into shit or goes in the garbage. what's the fucking difference hmm?

>> No.19547296

I don't really care, if I dont want it and it goes to niggers then what do I care? That's what you types dont quite understand.

>> No.19547302

>don't take the food
>still gets thrown away at close

>> No.19547337
File: 1.48 MB, 4032x3024, f9bhk1eqmvn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food about to expire
>better toss it all

>> No.19547360

If you're really worried about waste you wouldn't open a restaurant. Unused/unfinished food is a huge portion of our waste, the rest is expired grocery products.

>> No.19547363

just feed the leftovers to the pigs then eat the pigs later lmao

>> No.19547392

Not only will they eat your junk, they are big portable onaholes too.

>> No.19547401

i don't fancy tapeworms on my dick though

>> No.19547406

Is that how a buffet works? Do they fry up an extra chicken because I filled my plate?
Just pay attention to how much you're wasting and make less in the future ffs.
It's not like the food is less wasted if I just force myself to eat it and feel like shit/get fat.
Truly not my problem.

>> No.19547416

why not? just pull em out through your pee hole

>> No.19547452

Because there are people starving in Africa? Dumbfuck....

>> No.19547622

just stop wasting food

>> No.19547643

TATA is a business. It's likely this is an employee benefit rather than a typical "all you can eat" place

>> No.19547675

>puts all the leftovers in my purse
Heh nothing personals boys

>> No.19547680

>my purse
are you gay?

>> No.19547687

maybe they should plan their events a bit better

>> No.19547712

This is the dumpster of a dollar store, you can just tell.

>> No.19547722

a janny's feast

>> No.19547727

No but my boyfriend is

>> No.19547741

This is the real horror of AI taking peoples jobs. Jannies now can't afford to buy hot pockets so they just throw them all out

>> No.19547747

Having around 1000 people in a buffet a day would mean you're talking about 2-3 tablespoons of waste per person. That would also need to account for bones and anything else thrown into the waste bin for measurement.

>> No.19547761

I volunteered at a homeless shelter washing dishes for a while and all the people serving food were 400-500lb women who would pile plates with like 3 portions worth. I had to throw away an incredible amount of food because no one was gonna eat 3000 calories that some hambeast had foisted upon them. Fat people should be killed

>> No.19547789


>> No.19547830
File: 376 KB, 400x288, Newest Fad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ship it to Africa then, you give a shit about food wastage.

>> No.19547833

i ran a fast food restaurant for a while, i must have personally threw away several tons of food. the amount of moralfagging i got from idiots just got annoying after a while, i would just ask them, are YOU going go give this to the homeless people?

it's not like we wanted to end up with extra food after the shift, it's finely projected to a very conservative number but never to the point of selling out. plus everyone else was worse at projecting numbers than i was.

>> No.19547950

I work on TATA but in another country. For us, it is not allowed to take home our left overs for some reason. And the fucking salad bar is nasty, they do not clean the bowl when preparing a salad.

>> No.19547960

What will that accomplish? Will hungry people somehow magically get food if I don't waste mine?

>> No.19548038

I move for jannies's salary to be adjusted to inflation. A 15% raise seems fair.

>> No.19548039

I really want to go dumpster diving, seems like genuine fun but it's not legal

>> No.19548043

>not my problem
Chang, i...

Mother love me, long time, long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky
Wonton, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wonton, Hong Kong, wonton
One time, one time, wonton
Love me long time
Feed on my long schlong
Go back to Hong Kong-gong
I'll send you back to Hong Kong
Pair a wonton, wonton, love me long

>> No.19548048

In my experience, provided you don't leave a mess, don't break in and aren't loading a truck, police/security often sympathise and agree that waisting food is ethically wrong,so they let you

>> No.19548054

They wouldn't have this problem if they let people take fucking leftovers home, they played themselves

>> No.19548062

I serve/bus/do dishes and I throw away so much food. Also there is at least one needy/bum/homeless fuck a day coming in begging for food but if I give it to them they'll expect it again or tell others and then I get in trouble for helping someone out.
We throw out pie if we've had it for more than six days, so i just give it out to my regulars since if it somehow got back that i was selling it i'd get in trouble.

>> No.19548069

No need to, when my family was facing hard times my mom would just ask local grocery stores if they had food that was going to waste and they would always give her lots of stuff, we are a big family so it really helped

>> No.19548080

The restaurant has to make more food when you waste it, you stupid fuck. And there are plenty of restaurants and grocery stores that donate their food to shelters. Do you need to feed them personally in order to understand?

>> No.19548100

Do they not let people take food home?
Might as well as it's not like they can put back.

>> No.19548197

tata lol, like boob

>> No.19548198

>The restaurant has to make more food when you waste it
How do you figure? If I order a plate of food and eat it, how are they making less food than if I order a plate of food and don't eat it? It's the same amount.

>> No.19548213

yeah id recognize that brand of lobster egg roll (just imagine) anywhere

>> No.19548234

Man I've been trying to be nicer on this site and treat people with more benefit of the doubt but are you actually fucking retarded

>> No.19548274

I imagine the freezer went out.

>> No.19548299

That's great from TATA consultancy services, who is paying them to go through garbage? I want to to know who's paying these fucks to go through other people's garbage.

>> No.19548316

>put garbage can on scale next to dish tank
>dump food into trash can as dishes come in
>write down the total weight at the end of the night
>expense: no additional labor, cost of one scale

>> No.19548339

Fuck off, go join sally struthers or some shit.

>> No.19548342

That's not going to happen, if it matters that much to you then you weigh it. Don't be a stupid bitch.

>> No.19548345

>that's not going to happen

>> No.19548351

Imagine the moron that not only weighs that but writes down the leftovers. What a carrear job.

>> No.19548357

I understand that you're scrambling to cover for the fact that you didn't understand how simple this was but you're not doing a great job

>> No.19548391

What's simple and that you dont understand is that I don't give two fucks about africa, they get trillions and it goes to their warlords and shitheads. I've stopped caring about that shithole, why do you still care about it?
Explain yourself.
Do you still need money from the USA like the fucking scum that you are?
How about do something for your own for once, just once. hahahah that'll never happen when foreign dollars are going into afreeeka.

>> No.19548395

Do you realize that you're parasites?

>> No.19548397

This thread is about all you can eat buffets. If people take more than they'll eat, more has to be made to fill the trays. All restaurants waste food but this one is completely on the customer that can be controlled by just paying more attention to how much you'll eat instead of overfilling your plate.

>> No.19548407

are you schizophrenic or something? this meltdown seems increasingly incoherent.

>> No.19548413

Seems to me that you're the incoherent one and insane one for keeping dropping money into a bottomless pit that is africa, the USA has no purpose there. Hate to tell you that but it's true.

>> No.19548421

so, like, the reason I'm calling you schizophrenic is because you pattern-matched africa into a conversation about a buffet saving money by encouraging people to only take what they can eat

>> No.19548426

Fuck the hungry. Work or die.

>> No.19548430

Am I so wrong to tag niggers and buffets and crab legs?

>> No.19548431

He’s 100% right and it’s not the customers responsibility to ensure the business has a sound profitable model.
Basically, eat shit and die, bro :)

>> No.19548437

>taking one plate of food and taking two plates of food both require the same amount of food to be made to keep the buffet full
>he's 100% right
so now there are at least two retards

>> No.19548441

yeah demand has no effect on supply