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19543916 No.19543916 [Reply] [Original]

Is Aspartame bad for you?

>> No.19543922

no, go drink a 50 gallon drum of it and shoot up a few COVID vaccines
you'll get cool superpowers

>> No.19543926

>less so then red meat
If you're still eating hot dogs and burgers you shouldn't worry about aspartame.

>> No.19543933

Yes. Carcinogen or not, any artificial 0 calorie sweetener interferes with your gut-brain connection.

>sweet taste in the mouth
>signals to brain and stomach
>get ready to digest some yummy sugars down there, maybe sucrose, maybe fructose, maybe something else
>fizzy chemical-laden caffeinated acid hits the stomach
>wtf is this shit?? I thought we were getting sugar?? Send the sugar!!
>cravings, appetite hormones all thrown out of whack

Just say no to sweeteners

>> No.19544007

>noooooooo you can't just break sugar dependancy

fuck off big sugar you'll need better deceptions

>> No.19544088

>WHO cancer group to declare...
they did no such thing and do not seem to be close to doing so

>> No.19544097

I would say no but after the whole vaccine thing I really don't trust anything the corporate lobbyist funded government officials say so in general I just avoid artificial anything
Since we really don't know. Even if it was bad they would lie and say it's good because money

>> No.19544109

other things classified the same way

>> No.19544118

>Ginkgo biloba

>> No.19544143

also they taste like shit

>> No.19544172

at the same tier with staying up late, what a joke.

>> No.19544187

Fast food burgers or what?

>> No.19544190

only fatties are drinking this garbage anyways

>> No.19544202

>Is Aspartame bad for you?
Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. Cells can become cancerous from a mutation without external cause. But obviously, things that damage cells in certain ways can increase the chance of that mutation happening. However, that's not what studies that declare something as carcinogenic look for. Instead they just look at rates of chance. But you see, increasing cell growth means increased chance of the mutation occurring due to an increased sample size of cell growth where mutations can occur. Therefore, anything that promotes cell growth can technically increase your chance of cancer. Therefore, all food that sustains your bodily functions technically increases your chance of cancer.
If aspartame is bad for you, it'll be for another reason. Cancer risk and carcinogenic is a meme when it comes to food and drink. Something that really affects cancer is going to be toxic in more ways than one.

>> No.19544237

If I die of cancer in my 90s I won't die of obesity and diabetes complications in my 50s. Retards.

>> No.19544256
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>WHO cancer group to declare aspartame as carcinonegic
First of all its spelled carcinoGENIC and the WHO only declared it "possibly carcinogenic". Also since when was WHO a reliable source of information?

>> No.19544277

it's been placed in the 2B list, the "possibly carcinogenic" one. That usually means it's likely carcinogenic in animals but there is no solid proof about rising cancer risks in humans.
Hundreds of substances found in common foods you eat everyday are in that list, so I i wouldn't make a big deal about aspartame in particular.

>> No.19544313

I keep seeing ads for Abstertine Health benefits, within the first 5 seconds before you can skip the ad It'll show a cute brunette ponytail scientist in a lab coat and then a Black woman dietician with huge tits in a tight blue dress defending it. This shit will halve your life

>> No.19544822

I drink diet coke and put equal in my coffee all the time, I don't have cancer. Do with this info what you will

>> No.19545079

It's just as bad as sugar. It triggers the same blood sugar response as sugar. It's only benefit is that it *technically* has no calories.
Cancer-wise, nearly all snack food is carcinogenic because of the canning/packaging alone.

>> No.19545100

anon, we're still gonna get cancer, or alzheimers, or some other fucked up shit, it's a rare luxury to die in your sleep from old age, just enjoy life man

>> No.19545120

idk but it's why the grey can pepsi one tasted so good. went to shit when they swapped to splenda.

>> No.19545156

>trusthing WHO

>> No.19546337

>Is Aspartame bad for you?
Not particularly, unless you are a phenylketonuric.

>> No.19546685

I heard that retarded mom-science so many times and it's still not true. do you even know to what aspartame digests? don't answer that was a rhetorical question

>> No.19546794

nah dead peat loved the stuff

>> No.19546863


>> No.19547111

>>cravings, appetite hormones all thrown out of whack
Explain. I hope you're not suggesting that sweeteners make you crave sweet stuff.

>> No.19548297
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>Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, such as, but not limited to, those associated with wireless phones

>> No.19548424

>sweet taste in the mouth
>signals to brain and stomach
>get ready to digest some yummy sugars down there
Except that isn't how your digestive system works retard. Are you like 10 years old?

>> No.19548735

>>cravings, appetite hormones all thrown out of whack
so? are you a woman who is a slave to their hormones and cravings?

>> No.19548749

t. plastic wrap reptilian

>> No.19548752

this nigga think he an ascended being unaffected by the conditions of machine that is he

>> No.19548756

all sweeteners are detrimental to your health, including "real sugar"

eat fruit you piece of shit

>> No.19548768

>people still going on about the vaccine no one has gotten in over a year

>> No.19548780

some people don't feel like they have purpose unless they invent an imaginary enemy to fight

>> No.19550642
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I'm a guy who drinks a liter of various sodas a day. Ginger ale, mountain dew, sunkist, you name it
I'm not a fatass, my bmi is 23 and people ask me if i've hit the gym (i dont, fast metabolism)
someone gave me a can of that zero sugar mtn dew spark a couple of months ago
2 sips and i poured it down the drain
Im a goyslopper as far as soda, but holy shit aspartame tastes like literal poison, i literally felt sick from those 2 sips

>> No.19550662
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I don't understand why it's so hard for soda manufacturers to just use fucking sugar, they act like it's some high dollar ingredient they can't afford to use for mass production but then you got other mass produced shit like Ragu that uses sugar instead of corn syrup or lab grown cancer inducing flavortown chemicals.

>> No.19550667

>doctor told me I was pre diabetic
>oh fuck
>stop drinking soda and sugary drinks cold turkey immediately
>lose 23 pounds and not even change eating habits
>no longer pre diabetic

You can do it bro's, no soda in months and I'm not changing that.

>> No.19550687

Huh... I've been sipping sugar free energy drinks while working on a project and despite eating a full meal not too long before, I get sudden hunger cravings I never had before, it's the artificial sweetener in my drinks causing this it seems and me encountering your post must be the universe telling me to stop

>> No.19550695

bad for you? debatable
cause weight gain? no
cause cancer? possibly in very high amounts

>> No.19550704

How else would you use all that corn ?

>> No.19550718

Shit what was that weird al song where he actually mentions carcinogenic sweeteners

>> No.19550726

It saves pennies on the dollar.

>> No.19550737

Just drink water, you fat fuck.

>> No.19550809

>using allcaps for clickbait when one of the words is an acronym and not even distinguishing it by changing font

>> No.19550820

I dunno but it always gave me a headache so I don't consume it anyway.

>> No.19550833

>23 bmi
>not a fatass
try again hato

>> No.19550881

They're declaring it 'possibly carcinogenic' which means that any danger can't be 100% ruled out. It's the same category that EM radiation from your phone and computer is in.

>> No.19550884


>> No.19551135

Because not only are the negative health consequences of them ongoing, but so is the economic blowback.

>> No.19551142

One thing you must understand about the professional world is the moment you say something for certain is the moment you become liable.

>> No.19552726

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.19553251

obviously the sugar jew is not going to allow you to enjoy aspartame, you have to stop drinking sugar sodas for the zero sugar ones to taste better

also try coke zero sugar i think they made the formula better

>> No.19553264

is it worse than sugar?

>> No.19553274

OP says WHO is going to declare it carcinogenic. Are you saying they lied about the vaccine but not about this? Why?

>> No.19553413

You should probably drink less of it than you already do, but of all the things you are exposed to in your life aspartame is probably NOT what gave you cancer (assuming that you ever actually develop the disease).

>> No.19553439
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Why would i stop drinking soda i enjoy to start trying to enjoy an objectively inferior and now possibly carcinogenic option?

>> No.19553493

Because Anon is a fucking moron who insists reality conforms to his toxic beliefs.

>> No.19553563

>drinking anything other than water
Deserve cancer if we’re being honest

>> No.19554148

Does date sugar count as artificial?

>> No.19554163

>read group 2A, 2B, and 1
>no mention of sodium nitrite
What the fuck?

>> No.19554179
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>> No.19554182

the purest form of insulin response generator

>> No.19554188

I do the same aside from non-concentrate orange juice.

>> No.19555469

2 cups of coffee.
10 cups of naturally uncaffeinated tea (roobois)
That's all you need to drink in a day

>> No.19555487
File: 59 KB, 897x399, cancer 2B group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again having to point out that the IARC's 2B cancer group is based on homework and not on research into human physiology, Also worth pointing out that aspartame has been studied by IARC for over ten years at least, and still hasn't made it into 2B, likely because there isn't enough homework to suggest it.

>> No.19555747

Because of Iowa farmers lobbying for their corn syrup garbage to be injected into everything. Also, it's subsidized to be cheaper than sugar.

>> No.19555792

source for these "negative health consequences"? a cherry-picked article of 1 person dying doesn't count btw

>> No.19555963

Under group 2A, it's just listed as nitrite in general.