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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 1024x682, liver-king-brian-johnson-comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19541821 No.19541821 [Reply] [Original]

I started a year ago and have lost 50 pounds. Currently at 200 lbs. I thought it was perfect but recently I get sudden sharp pains in my upper chest/throat. Feels like burning acid reflux on steroids. Is this dietary or something else? I'm 27.

>> No.19541827

That nigga is a roidbeast. You fell for a meme. But your probably missing something important in your diet and thats causing problems. Or just acid reflux and gut issues. Maybe try kefir and other probiotics if you haven't.

>> No.19541828

Go see a doctor, buddy. This board is full of retards. Nobody here will give you a worthwhile response.

>> No.19541843

youre eating like a complete fucking retard and starting to see consequences for it. fix your diet and see a doctor

>> No.19541850

A carnivore diet will not provide you all of your dietary/nutritional needs. See a doctor, you're probably missing some important nutrients. Don't follow a meme diet, the Liver King is a roid head, not an example of success. Make sure you're getting a well-balanced blend of meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains, don't sacrifice your health on the advice of a musclebound dumbass who gnaws on bull balls.

>> No.19541871

How many calories are you eating a day?

>> No.19541873

you fell for THE worst possible meme diet that no real person has ever honestly promoted
I could spend hours explaining it but basically your blood is coagulating and turning into glue
if you care to understand, research zeta potential
even a diet of vegan fast food would be better

they always turn bright red

everyone except me

>> No.19541882

>go to a business who’s worried about their profit margins

>> No.19542023

What vitamins could he be missing if he eats raw animal products(meat, dairy, eggs and honey)?

>> No.19542408

>vitamin deficiency
no? I think carnitards are wrecking their gut health by failing to feed their microbiome though. On the longterm this leads to inflammation which, alongside roiding (almost universal among carnivore influencers) is what causes the cherry red pallor. But a carnivorous diet that includes eggs, seafood and organ meats will easily be vitamin sufficient. Vegan diets have more issues with vitamin deficiency. In fact carnivore diets that are big on organ meat and shellfish can have vitamin/metal toxicity issues. Zeta potential is a complete non sequitur so idk why the fuck you brought that up. The only medical references I see related to it are osteopathy which is quack garbage.

Carnivore diet is arguably slightly less retarded than vegan purism. But both are on the short bus so whatever.

>> No.19542414

Humans are not carnivores
And why do you post a roided faggot?

>> No.19542423

You have rapidly progressing esophageal cancer. Get your affairs in order because you’re not going to be around for more than a few years.

>> No.19542441

also since i forgot to respond to OP's retardation, yes. You are fucking up the balance of your digestive system. Your body is very efficient at digesting animal fat/protein. You are leaving nothing for the heterotrophic bacteria in your gut to eat, they have died off en masse. Even if you supplement probiotic like fermented dairy products it won't matter, the bacterias and yeasts have nothing to eat themselves and whatever you add is just dying back immediately. This happens to lots of people who go on highly restrictive diets
>restriction gets rid of food/foods that are unhealthy and causing inflammation and other health issues
>feel great
>feel like it's a cureall and double down on it
>keep doing it for awhile and eventually health begins to decline due to restrictions creating a vitamin or microbiome issue
>most retards double down and get even more restrictive, causing even more health issues
My recommendation is mixing in some roughage and fermented dairy products on a daily basis.

>> No.19542461

>do a fad diet
>have health problems
You and thousands of other of trend-riding numbskulls are too dumb to understand nutrition, far away from trailblazing a new path and get any good results. Fad diets are light cults -- they will not be there to help you with the problems they inspired you to cause for yourself. Eat normal people food in regular amounts and at normal times.

>> No.19542656

No, my oatmeal and yogurt diet is literally the optimal human diet.

>> No.19543089

>Vegan diets have more issues with vitamin deficiency
most vegans are deficient because they don't know what they are doing. a vegan diet can have everything you need (yes, even b12 and zinc), you just need to put effort into eating enough to reach your numbers. the final redpill here is that humans were designed to be vegans, but modern fruits and vegetables are becoming devoid of nutrients so you need to eat a lot more to make up for it. anyways, i am not trying to turn this into a carnivore vs vegan debate. just eat liver and try to fill the rest of your diet with plants so your gut biome stays alive

>> No.19543105


overstuff myself with garbage my body can't process. Fuck off. Eating isn't supposed to be a science.

>> No.19543118

>humans were designed to be vegans
As much as pigs are also designed to be vegans.

>> No.19543134

>eating isn't supposed to be a science
okay, go intuit your way through another 1200 calorie light snack

>> No.19543160

>humans were designed

sure they were, retard

>> No.19543194

>overstuff myself with garbage my body can't process
maybe yours can't, because you blew out your microbiome
yes, they were. read the bible
see above

>> No.19543334

Ok, say I believe you. Why are vegans so soyy and liberal? And for some reason vegan kids are allergic to anything.

>> No.19543351

>Why are vegans so soyy and liberal?
those are moral vegans, not practical vegans. they're the ones that don't know how to eat optimal diets without supplements
>And for some reason vegan kids are allergic to anything.
says who? there's no reason for eating plants to make someone more likely to become allergic to something

>> No.19543375

Literally just veganism but for chuds. There’s no way on earth this is healthy. Even eskimos got by by consuming all parts and plants when available. Just eat a balanced diet but less of it and work out if you want to lose weight. You’re 100% gonna go bald before 30

>> No.19543379

Not everyone is a kikemerican where everyone hates each other

>> No.19543409

>humans were designed to be vegans

Research on the remains of early humans, show that they ate meat and roots. Most of their diet seem to have been meat.

>> No.19543422

>humans were designed to be vegan
where would you even hear some retarded shit like this, I get morally being vegan, but doing it for "health" is just stupid

>> No.19543428

there is low grade vegetation, assuming early humans had a taste for it, as well, but humans way back had an entirely different sensitivity to certain smells and compounds

>> No.19543445

Why do people try to minmax their diets? They get so self-righteous with the whole idea that science, dieticians, nutritionists, food research in general has to be wrong...it just has to be. That the simple solution of just eating a common sense, balanced, varied diet aligned to one's needs is all that needs to be done. But instead they have to do a fad diet insisted by a YouTuber who makes money off instructing you in their lifestyle, or crooked Facebook posts that try to generate a following off gullible people.

>> No.19543449
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>humans were designed to be vegans
ok rabbi, shall ve eat ze bugs too?

>> No.19543453

People are always looking for lazy ways to solve their lives. By lazy I don’t mean easy but requiring little actual thought. People are seeking minute ways to change their lives by small and pointless habit changes that require little focus. It takes so little thought to follow a meme diet than to simply be healthier the normal way

>> No.19543543

Imagine dying for a meme.

>> No.19543560

Are you vaxxed?

>> No.19543583
File: 453 KB, 2100x1262, 1683140257558941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the people who schreech hysterically about seed oils are the ones eating these full meme diets and giving themselves life long health problems
it's easy as fuck to eat a healthy and balanced diet, stop listening to the mentally ill selling you these lies

>> No.19543658

This is the food and cooking board

>> No.19543660

Vitamin C (enjoy scurvy in 2023)
Fiber, (not a vitamin but a nutrient that you will suffer complications and disease if you dont get)

>> No.19543666

This post is ironic in a way you dont understand
Weird because vegans live longer, with less disease and hive higher levels of testosterone

>> No.19543688

if i had to choose between being a vegan and a carnivore, id rather be a vegan.
vegan meals can be made to taste good. many of our ancestors just a few hundred years ago went weeks or even longer without any meat. yeah they werent healthy but you wont be healthy eating a carnivore diet either. and i would rather off myself if i had to eat nothing but meat.

>> No.19543691

>Weird because vegans live longer, with less disease and hive higher levels of testosterone
I've got a fountain in my backyard that does all those things already. I'll sell you some of the water for $400 per bottle.

>> No.19543692


>> No.19543693
File: 94 KB, 1500x1000, 6a8f3cc9-3684-4e3e-a867-3ce705aa69e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnivore diet is retarded for the same reason vegan diet is retarded. Humans are omnivores and that's how we've developed. A healthy diet for a human includes animal products and plant products.

>> No.19543734

Bro half of the doctors in western countries just google your symptoms. Webmd exists.

>> No.19543738

>vegans live longer, with less disease and hive higher levels of testosterone
What a stupid fucking unfounded thing to say.

>> No.19543742

So what should I add?

>> No.19543765

fat retard cant just eat normally

>> No.19543793

just so you know the mofo here is a scammer and he looks like this just because of steroids, not carnivore diet

>> No.19543811

Anyone who can't tell he's on gear just from looking at him deserves to be scammed desu.

>> No.19543821

t.liverking fanboy cuck

>> No.19543843

I like it when /fit/izens come here and share their retarded diets from fad influencers.
What ever happened to their almost daily threads about seed oils btw?

>> No.19543858

mental illness happened

>> No.19544009


>> No.19544110


>> No.19544116

I hope more people eat raw meat like this. These retarded need to be weeded out.

>> No.19544117

Lime, Lemon, Mushrooms, Aubergine (eggplant?), Shallots, Onion, Red Onion, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Bell Pepper, Carrots, Asparagus (if its in season) and spinach

Take your pick, all tasty vegetables

>> No.19544137

Half of those aren't even vegetables

>> No.19544156

Yeah, it probably is. Don’t destroy your health because of a meme, man.

>> No.19544167

>you fell for THE worst possible meme diet that no real person has ever honestly promoted
>I could spend hours explaining it but basically your blood is coagulating and turning into glue
>if you care to understand, research zeta potential
>even a diet of vegan fast food would be better

This is all made up and you sound retarded. If you could explain yourself you would.

Probably wrong about the first point. Humans most likely are able to consume non animal products only as an adaptation.

Fiber is bad and there is vitamin c in fresh meat bud.

>> No.19544170

No it isnt and you dont have access to fresh meat

>> No.19544173

Fresh meat meaning not dried and yes it is you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.19544175

>only as an adaptation.
Yeah man the dominance amylase in our saliva, long interstitial tract and abundance of fiber fermenting gut bacteria Ina addition to our flat molars and keen dexterity are all "adaptations"

>> No.19544177

>fresh meaning not dried
>ad Dom
Absolutely ignored

>> No.19544179

Not all humans have amylase its a genetic adaptation. The gut bacteria is seeded not coded for in DNA and the last two are you being a retard.

>> No.19544182

>Not all humans have amylase

>> No.19544183

Meat you buy in the supermarket has vitamin c. Is that helpful for you?

>> No.19544186

In the saliva* and yes it's an adaptation.

>> No.19544191
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this is how all "carnivores" shall end up

>> No.19544192

Also there is no possible way anatomically modern humans could have existed prior to agriculture if they did not primarily consume meat for a vast majority of their caloric intake.

>> No.19544193

How many boosters did he take?

>> No.19544195

I'm not a carnivore lmao. I just never see anyone provide and evidence whatsoever.

>> No.19544198

we have been adapted to agriculture for thousands of years you ape

>> No.19544204

Just keep doing it and die already. You’re a fucking mark, a waste of air. If the carnivore diet doesn’t kill you, try the shotgun in the mouth diet

>> No.19544206

We are adapted to be able to survive on something that isn't our main food source which is why we began to be agricultural in the first place. We didn't evolve in such a short time frame, at least not in any major way

>> No.19544210

Good argument! Thanks for trying to help all those people you think are hurting themselves by providing zero information.


>> No.19544211

Everything is an adaptation you fucking idiot. That’s how evolution works.

>> No.19544218

>thousands of years is a short time frame
my wifes sons dna will literally change based on how i live my life. and you think thousands and thousands of generations will have no adaptation?

>> No.19544221

Holy shit you people are literally retarded.

>> No.19544224

>i literally have no argument
this is your brain on "carnivore" but is actually just grain fed supermarket meat

>> No.19544252

BRB I'm evolving to consume your irrelevant statements while I drink my glyphosphate shake.

>> No.19544254

Being vegan is great, but it is not sustainable.
Growing only a handful of plant will greatly reduce the plant diversity, habitat of many many animals.

>> No.19544257

My white skin is an adaptation just like your brown skin is.

>> No.19544260
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1200, 1621865181747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots DO know we didn't need to grow fruit or veggies in order to eat them. We lived in hunter GATHER societies you dingus. Yeah, in all of homosapien history we just ignored berries and fruits and edible plants and only ate hunted food every day (which we had no way of perserving at that time). Let's also ignore that our closests ancestors eat mainly fruit. Humans were omnivorous before we were even humans.

Also also we literally evolved as a result of cooking our food with fire, so you're retarded if you don't think we couldn't also go "hmmm seed go in ground make plant" or simply living in areas rich in berry bushes or fruit trees ect.

>> No.19544262

counter argument: suck my hairy balls, rerard

>> No.19544268

your "son" will be a tranny and "he" will like it. this is the way of the world now gram
my honest opinion, we humans are not smart enough to sustain the earth. we can barely sustain ourselves before we self destruct.

>> No.19544276

>Let's also ignore that our closests ancestors eat mainly fruit
meant to say closests relatives, as in chimps and shit. Also meant to say gatherer; I didn't sleep

>> No.19544286

>Fiber is bad
your shits must be apocalyptic

>> No.19544293

lmao diettards are the funniest

>> No.19544299

You're a sloppy (d)evolved machine for which the warranty has already expired. You're just making life hard for yourself.

>> No.19544354

Humans weren't designed to be anything retard. Humans, as well as our closest relatives, developed omnivory in order to better exploit available food resources. Bonobos and Chimpanzees are also omnivores. Gorillas are the only strictly herbivorous great ape. humans have ALWAYS been omnivores. The health 'benefits' of veganism are almost universally correlative rather than causative. Vegetarian/pescatarian diets provide more health benefits with a vastly lower risk of destroying yourself by not doing the proper calculus on what you're eating. Which is what all autistically restricted diets run the risk of.

>> No.19544362

brother i havent shit in eight weeks

>> No.19544367

Enjoy colon cancer

>> No.19544370

why would you say something mean like that

>> No.19544376

>obvious fact is now being mean
Why are zoomers like this

>> No.19544518

god dammit i made a fucking typo. i’ll never recover from this

>> No.19544619


it's funny how some people are so ignorant they think that isn't a roided guy. to get that big is always 100% roided

>> No.19544657

on top of that he has major roidgut. roids make you look fucking disgusting. People who end up going into retarded restrictive diets tend to be mentally ill though. At least carnivores aren't out there talking to ZOG trying to get us all forced into their schizophrenia.

>> No.19544669

>I have sharp pains in my chest, is this because I don't eat broccoli???
Go see a fucking doctor retard

>> No.19544868


>> No.19544884
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Everything in moderation. You're not a fucking carnivore. Humans evolved to be omnivores. So eat a balanced meal of everything, not just meat (much less raw) like a fucking animal.

>> No.19544892
File: 143 KB, 1010x725, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating this much liver at once
great way to kill yourself.

>> No.19545463

we use way more land to farm animals that give us meat than we would to farm plant based food. We could decrease land usage by ~75% if everyone went vegan. If all our protein needs were met with soy instead of meat we could lower deforestation by 94%.
>oh no we would grow only one plant and kill everything else
no, we would leave more space for other species to flourish if we were all vegan

>> No.19545468

it's even more retarded because you can cook vegan food to taste good, this retard just eats raw unprepared meat

>> No.19546552

Why would anyone think that a carnivorous diet is healthy?

>> No.19546556

people are legitimately stupid

>> No.19546561

Not only that, the dude is shooting up Columbian druglord levels of gear. Literally tens of thousands of dollars a month.

>> No.19546565

Average iq is 100
For every 115 iq guy there is an 85iq barely literate retard.

>> No.19546627


>> No.19546634

that is a pescatarian diet, which is correct pescatarians are long lived.
vegans are not.

>> No.19546660

80/20 plant-based, and only barely pescatarian since they eat fish daily.
THESE are the real vegans (not all Adventists are vegan, but it's like 95/5 when they're vegetarian anyway) that live long. Disprove it, bucko!

>> No.19546677

vegans eat no animal products.
you are not describing vegans, you're describing pescatarians who are omnivorous

>> No.19546719

i was eating garbage and rotten meat and posted similar symptoms.
this site told me i was gonna die of cancer or other stuff.
i went to see a doctor. they said theyve been seeing unusual amount of people with virus;s and what not coming in.
they told me to take antacid and then about 3 weeks later i was feeling better again

>> No.19546750

Shifting the goalposts back to the other blue-zoners
A good chunk of 7th Day Adventists are straight up vegans, now disprove their diet

>> No.19546753

>fish daily
>barely pescatarian

>> No.19546761

Everything else they eat is largely veggie-based

>> No.19546766

guess i'm vegetarian too since i only eat one steak per day and everything else is veggie based

>> No.19546777

>pretty much all what give you
>completely different as ours
Seems like legit advice from a well educated expert for sure

>> No.19546784

No. You cannot trust doctors. You've already been infected with the goyparasite and your mind is compromised. At this rate it's entering it's larval stage. You've got mere weeks before you are another mindless slave.

I'm afraid the only option is a strict regimen of red meat, dewormer, and eggs. NO (((carbs))).

>> No.19546822

Most deforestation in 3rd world countries is for palm oil production. Which is used in tons of vegan food. So, no.

>> No.19546825

Vegans don't even eat honey retard.

>> No.19546827

>I thought it was perfect but recently I get sudden sharp pains in my upper chest/throat. Feels like burning acid reflux on steroids.
Go to the doctor. Regular severe reflux can really damage your esophagus. Some medications can cause reflux. If you started something new recently, that could be the cause. I developed horrific reflux out of nowhere. Antacids didn't help, PPIs didn't help, eating an incredibly bland diet didn't help. Once the doctor switched medications I was completely back to normal within a few days.

>> No.19546841

>everyone telling OP to stop his fad diet
It's like you don't want him to be healthy

>> No.19546843

Wait until you find out how much land is used for beef production

>> No.19546858

Wait until you find out how cows are raised.

>> No.19546887

Good post. OP is a dumb n-person who either has or is going to develop esophageal cancer. I’m not a doctor btw but I am gay. Not sure if that matters

>> No.19546897

very true, I'm not a doctor or gay, but I am trans btw if that matters, and I have bulimia and will develop esophageal cancer

>> No.19547599

I hope you die because of parasites you retarded son of a bitch

>> No.19547617

Wait until you see the lithium mines that provide for your prius and iphone

>> No.19547864

>potatoes and steak? well 70% of the meal is potatoes so they're basically vegan
you're retarded

>a group that does not drink, does not smoke, goes to church/engages in social events, and does not eat animal products lives longer than the population at large
huh i wonder which one of these has the bigger effect. funnily enough the only SDA I know is obese despite being a vegan.

Most beef land is marginal land with low biodiversity potential. Palm oil plantations are being built on bulldozed rainforests
>bbut they clear rainforest in brazil for cattle feed
yes and I don't buy meat from jungle monkeys nor do i buy soy/corn fed beef. I only buy grass fed American beef and enjoy it occasionally, maybe twice a month at most. I have no idea what the issue is with you people and assuming that because you have a retarded extremist position that everyone who disagrees with it must hold the opposite retarded extremist position. Everything we consume as humans is a resource that we are denying to everything else. If you have a problem with that literally kill yourself because it's the only escape from that reality. Simply by existing you are sucking up precious space and resources that cute fluffy animals could utilize instead.

>> No.19547869
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>> No.19547937

Just eat like a normal person (but 100+ years ago)

>> No.19548071

1923 was 100 years ago. the industrial diet was already spinning up by then, came into full swing in the depression era. Soon you'll have to tell people to look 200 years back for a normal diet.

>> No.19548491

If you have aches and pains, it’s likely gout. The Kings disease. Eat some vegetables and go meatless for one day and see how you feel on day two or three

>> No.19549104

Are you eating a lot of honey or liver?

>> No.19549147

Probably cholesterol.
Try swapping out red meat for fish

>> No.19549170

>watched a video where he ate with his family
his wife looks like she's afraid or crazy, one of his sons looks like they're abused, the other son looks oblivious

there's some fucked up shit happening in that household, I don't trust insecure baldies with perma-hats

>> No.19549177

>*dies of heart attack"
Great """diet""" there, emphasis on die

>> No.19549786

Why are Anti-Carnivores so resentful?

>> No.19549821

Thank you for your analysis, Doc.

>> No.19550692

sounds similar to like h. pylori overgrowth leading to bad acid reflux after the rest of your microbiome went out of whack and shrunk from not getting enough bits of starch and fiber to continue existing. the overall microbiome being too weak to keep overgrowths of undesirables like h. pylori in check

>> No.19550747
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>That gut
>Twig legs
No one looks at this and thinks it's healthy

>> No.19550795

Because you're trying to trick others into your meme diet cult. You're as bad as vegans. You're the jehovah's witnesses to the vegan mormons of the diet world. I want both groups to start pushing daisies, and leave the sane people in peace.

>> No.19550808

>start new religion
>tell others their religion is wrong and gay
>why dont they like us!!

>> No.19551462

50 pounds in a year? LMAO What absolutely terrible progress

>> No.19551828

Its fine progress. Its about a pound a week

>> No.19552179

Do Americans really?

>> No.19552186

>Vitamin C
he doesn't have bleeding gums fool

>> No.19552200

his arterial problems predate his switch to keto/carnivore. having that issue at young age suggests genetic susceptibility.

>> No.19552314

why he peed all in his patns lol?

captcha: VRGAY

>> No.19552455

I would recommend lettuce and olive oil (or whatever you can consider good-tasting while carnivore). Fast more. Eat less protein and more fat. Carbs are still poison.

>> No.19553124

I just eat what I call a "pre 20th century" diet. No seed oils, no high fructose corn syrup, no added sugars, no additives/preservatives, etc. This is 99 percent of health problems fixed.

>> No.19553197

>organ meat and shellfish can have vitamin/metal toxicity issues
ive never seen a more made up statement

>> No.19553226

Humans were vegan pre-flood. Post-flood climate change, and the genetic bottle-neck required a re-engineering of humans to omnivores.

Genesis 9:3
“Every creeping thing that is alive, to you it is for food; as the green herb I have given to you the whole;”

Please don’t bring up Daniel’s diet, his meat supply in Babylon was sacrificed to idols. Idolatry was the issue, not meat eating.

>> No.19554550

isn't that dish unbalanced?

>> No.19554554


>> No.19554630

wdym carbs are poison?

>> No.19554635
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>Carbs are still poison.

>> No.19554689

He's a carb schizo chasing dumb fat diet nonsense

>> No.19554693

*fad diet

>> No.19554806

keep doing it, you are simply getting whiplash effect from all the toxic plants and seed oils you were eating. full adaptation to our ancestral way of eating takes time and there are bumps in your journey to perfect health. wagmi.

>> No.19554813

>muh microbiome
literally parasitic bacteria making you sick, only there because you dumbass eat fiber and sugar

>> No.19554823

Why would you fall for something advertised by a squeezed Stretch Armstrong eating like a dog?

>> No.19555479

It was a manner of speaking, what I mean is to avoid it completely until you achieve whatever objective you have. It have nothing to do with the inflammatory metabolism process insulin push your body through your whole life until it inevitably kills you in an early grave from diabetes, heart disease and cancer before you're 60. One might say it's adequate

>> No.19555512

>It have nothing to do with the inflammatory metabolism process insulin push your body through your whole life until it inevitably kills you in an early grave from diabetes, heart disease and cancer before you're 60. One might say it's adequate
Until I see a ketard live to 150, I'll keep believing insulin is a nothingburger if you're not obese.

Making yourself a pain to everyone around you for little to no gain. At least the vegans can be smug about being morally superior.

>> No.19555610

I'm not telling you to stop eating carbs altogether, fatty. But if you have more than the equivalent of 30g of sugar everyday you'll never losing weight ever again. Now go have your loaf of bread instead of enough to hold beef on a sandwich

>pain to everyone around you for little to no gain
A common practice to restrictive diets is not to talk about it and eat whatever with your friends. That's what I do

>At least the vegans can be smug about being morally superior
I feel superior in every way, I seldom feel tired now and I effectively warded off depression symptoms that were pretty much cronical constipation from bread and potatoes clogging my pipes, but now that you mention morally superior I feel that too. It's way better to feel sick, sad and dumb like you all the time

>> No.19555698
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>soy cattle food


>> No.19555806

>if you have more than the equivalent of 30g of sugar everyday you'll never losing weight ever again
What a stupid fucking comment.

>> No.19555831

>instant deflection

>> No.19555835

Adam smith uses terms like “like” and “pretty much” all the time in wealth of nations, I think it is just a scottish cultural thing that has been passed down to us

>> No.19556550

Your rambling is incoherent.