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19539659 No.19539659 [Reply] [Original]

I once drank 2 weeks expired 1% milk. Didn't check the date and chugged a full glass before realizing. It tasted like fine cheese.

>> No.19539690

I ate a 2 year old cream puff once. It was fine just really stale.

>> No.19539692

Had this giant container of cinnamon powder that expired in '99. Didn't buy a new one till 2015.
The taste difference blew my mind. In a way I kinda miss the old flavourless cinnamon since I'd gotten used to it.

>> No.19539756

ur moms pusssss

>> No.19539759

Ate a one ounce portion of prosciutto (cured raw pork) that was a year past its expiration but I thought it was only one month past expiration.

It was unopened from its package before I opened it, and it smelled and tasted fine, mind you, but after looking at the expiration date more carefully AFTER I already ate a piece, I threw the rest away.

I didn't get sick, but that could be because I only had a small amount.

>> No.19539763

I honestly don't pay attention at all to expiry unless it's an animal product. Check for mold, check for bulges or dents in cans, smell it..

>> No.19539789

i ate some two year old expired cheese. i think it was brie. it became hard as a rock and smelled like feet but i ate it and enjoyed it.

>> No.19539796

If cheese doesn't convince you that best-by dates are bullshit I don't know what will. Sometimes it becomes 90% mold after two weeks, other times it's good for a year or more.

>> No.19539835

8 years expired pepsi as part of a dare
wasn't great but I survived

>> No.19539844

not technically "expired" but I used chocolate syrup for two weeks not realizing it was supposed to be fridge'd after opening

>> No.19539930

>Check for mold, check for bulges or dents in cans, smell it..
And then there's my father, who when I told him that he had ten year old cans of soup in his cabinet that were bulging and in one case even leaking from popping a seam, he insisted that I must not throw them out because they might still be good to eat.

RIP Dad.

>> No.19540097

I ate a london roast I'd left in the fridge for a week, and told myself it was perfectly fine. I ate the entire thing because the family said it was off and I refused to believe them.

Amazingly, I was fine, after my rectum collapsed out.

>> No.19540521

Not really expired but I ate half a pack of biscuits which were quite bland then I realized wife bought them for dog.
Even more shameful is I ripped the packaging and arranged it like the dog got into it, so wife scolded the dog.
I am sorry pal..

>> No.19540531 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 522x595, 1683494084071633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing a food is bad after t time because a capitalist is concerned for your health and safety and definitely not because they want you to buy more shit

>> No.19540546

Damn, how young were you when you completely lost your gag reflex and was he related?

>> No.19540580

In stead of cow udders I wish my cock what there

>> No.19540603

Last year, I found a ton of long-forgotten mackerel in the back cupboard that had expired in 2015. It had no taste to it, which was somehow worse than of it'd had a bad flavour. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I binned it after two bites

>> No.19540608

Your mom's pussy

>> No.19540728

It wasn't expired but I bought a bunch of groceries including a block of cheese and it got overlooked. It was at the bottom of a bag under some potatoes that got thrown in the pantry. I found it a couple of weeks later. I checked on the internet to see if it was still okay to eat and saw people talking about how cheese sits out and ages and how people have been keeping and eating cheese long before refrigeration and others saying that it would have gone bad if it sits out for more than 4-5 hours. The vacuum seal was still tight, the cheese smelled normal, and I saw no mold so I gave it a try and I was fine.

>> No.19540958

Is actually to avoid getting sued

>> No.19540972

a hardee's burger that was sitting on my pantry for like 1 month, i checked it and it looked good enough so i trew it in the microwave and ate it

>> No.19541028

Why would you buy canned mackerel if you have a home to store the cans in

>> No.19541063

I made soup last week with a can of beans that was 7 years out of date. Didn't get sick, still tasted good.

>> No.19541150

about 200 pieces of 12 years expired MRE
didn't get sick

>> No.19541201

3+ month expired choccy milk, shit tasted like blue cheese (which I hate)

>> No.19541222
File: 157 KB, 1262x592, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no EXPIRATION dates on food.

there are "use by", "sell by", or "best by".

food does not expire.

>> No.19541227

I ate a yogurt a former employee left in the fridge. it was 14 month past it's "best by" date. tasted fine no ill effects, but the token office vegan was certain I was going to die.

cooked a pork roast frozen for 2 years. turned out it was going rancid. ate some of it, but it didn't taste good so threw it out.

found a whole duck in my freezer that was 4 years old. defrosted it and it was rancid (threw it out).

food doesn't expire.

>> No.19541240

your food did not have an expiration date on it.

>> No.19541243
File: 881 KB, 3590x2137, old cardamom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this in my mother-in-laws cupboard after she passed away.

didn't use it as it had no smell.

>> No.19541244

i got sick after eating a burrito out the trash. i dont know if that is what caused it, but im still recovering.

my throat is tight and dry. feels really dry. like when youve been in the humid south and then spend a few days in someones house who keeps the AC running nonstop and its just insanely dry in there and your throat is dry and its just very uncomfortable.
what causes this?

I think ill just stick to asking healthy looking people for their leftovers

>> No.19541254

>turned out it was going rancid.
it was going rancid when it was then frozen, or it started going rancid while it was in the freezer? jw

>> No.19541261

it went rancid after it was frozen. yes pork can do that. freezing it any longer than 1 year is pushing it.

>> No.19541271
File: 2.68 MB, 7801x2626, cocoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also found this in her cupboard, it had barely any smell and almost no taste.

>> No.19541281

Gatekeeping expiration dates now huh

>> No.19541284

show me a food with an "expiration date" on it.

>> No.19541294

Any more? I love vintage food finds like these

>> No.19541307
File: 125 KB, 1176x885, farmers wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prior to some time in the 80's or 90's all canned food had a coded stamp on them, this was the manufacturing date. they had nothing else on them to indicate that they would expire, because canned food does not expire. so they did not want consumers to throw away perfectly good food (canned or not).

if it is not swollen, or has a hole in it, you open it and it smells fine then it is ok to eat.

but then manufacturers started putting "best by" dates. now one could argue this made morons think that canned food expired (because they can't read) and so idiots throw out food because of date.

>> No.19541320 [DELETED] 

dude there were tons of stuff, but most of it had no dates on it, so it was difficult to tell how old it was, some of it you could tell by the packaging that it was from the 70's or 80's.

we found multiple bottles of unopened spices and seasonings brand new, but no dates. when you opened them there was no smell or very little smell. we threw out a bunch of stuff (not because old) but because we would never be able to use 5 containers of garlic salt, or multiple containers of sage, or cardamom, or whatever spices she got because coupon. we found bottles of all sorts of seasoning salts never opened that were only a couple of years old. I'm still using some of that stuff.

>> No.19541326
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>> No.19541327

dude there were tons of stuff, but most of it had no dates on it, so it was difficult to tell how old it was, some of it you could tell by the packaging that it was from the 70's or 80's.

we found multiple bottles of unopened spices and seasonings brand new, but no dates. when you opened them there was no smell or very little smell. we threw out a bunch of stuff (not because old) but because we would never be able to use 5 containers of garlic salt, or multiple containers of sage, or cardamom, or whatever spices she got because coupon. we found bottles of all sorts of seasoning salts never opened that were only a couple of years old. I'm still using some of that stuff.

>> No.19541331

I knew you were going to post something stupid like that.

>> No.19541336

that's a use by date.

>> No.19541398

At least I'm not a faggot.

>> No.19541415

pretty certain you are.

>> No.19541476

Some of the shit they fed us in the army had been expired for like 4 years. but the expired food was still better than the raw chicken they fed us or when they gave 40 people dysentery from serving food from the truck bed that transported the latrines. And of course that time I spent a week drinking water that was diluted with jet fuel. Good times.

>> No.19541490

>And of course that time I spent a week drinking water that was diluted with jet fuel.
how did that happen? unlabeled containers? i rememebr working in a blackmarket weed lab and one of the guys was using a bucket that just had coolant in it to transfer weed/solvent mush from one machine to another.

>> No.19542432

Several years expired protein powder. It basically lasts forever though, so other than that several months old yogurt and eggs.

>> No.19542444

6 month expired hummus
I spent like 4 hour shitting

>> No.19542844

I ate 2 decade old hamburger helper. I didn't use milk, just water, and I didn't have meat. It was not the best, but I didn't get sick.

>> No.19543283

i finished a half gallon of hot sauce that expired 5 years ago. i used a lot of it per dish so i think it counts as a significant ingredient

>> No.19543328
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 1682927080123212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sriracha I used at my dad's place tasted funny, so I checked the bottle and it had expired 8 years ago. No idea how that was even possible since he'd only been living there for 1 year.

>> No.19543845

I like canned mackerel.

How would you know?

>> No.19544022


>> No.19544030

Five bucks nineteen in 1986 money. That seems expensive.

>> No.19544066

>I ate a 2 year old...once. It was fine...really...

>> No.19544072

Press the 'use' key to consume food.

>> No.19544078

as a treat I bought a chicken teriyaki maki roll and a bunch of other sushi, I thought maybe they had forgotten the maki roll in the order.
a week later when I was looking in my car for something I found the teriyaki chicken maki roll, as a self hating poorfag I figured worst case scenario I would give myself food poisoning and I paid for it. so I ate the week old maki roll.
it was still fresh, still delicious and I didn't get sick.

>> No.19544082

Hawaii. Same shit that has been going on in Korea/Philippines/Japan for decades, only became a stink because only americans were affected.

>> No.19544134

$14.45 in todays money.

>> No.19544296

We moved in with my grandparents when I was 8 and I brought my big ass jar of big ass pickles (already eaten half of them). got tired of them after a few more and so that jar sat in the back of the fridge with one pickle left for a few years. when we finally moved out i was 11 and the pickle had turned grey. best pickle i've ever had, so extra juicy and soft.

>> No.19544304

I had this pumpkin spice yogurt at the back of my fridge for 10 months, at first I was just curious but it looked, smelled and to my surprise tasted totally fine. I ate the whole thing :D

>> No.19544357

What the fuck is this post saying.
He should buy mackerel uncanned because his home can fit cans in it?

>> No.19544414
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>> No.19544427

i drank a Carlsberg that expired in the seventies