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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 1024x847, steak-and-eggs-alt-hero-1024x847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19538640 No.19538640 [Reply] [Original]

A couple slices of steak, 4 or 5 eggs, a glass or two of whole milk along with some sardines or oysters.

Do you even need anything else? What nutrients is this meal lacking?

>> No.19538647

Where are the fucking vegetables

>> No.19538652

Veggies are for pussies

>> No.19538657

I fail to see how they're necessary.

>> No.19538661

I'd probably throw some green onions or sprouts on the steak/eggs for color and vitamins, maybe those little bell peppers to snack on while I prepare it. That'd get you fuckin' goin' for sure. Spinach maybe? Brussel sprouts? You'd be a fucking machine.

>> No.19538664

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.19538692
File: 48 KB, 450x361, f0379a1a-dcc1-46c2-960f-4f9b3800afd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs potatoes

>> No.19538696

That's a fine looking hash sir.

>> No.19538758

>sweet potatoes
>orange juice

Literally add those 3 and you're pretty much there.

>> No.19538765

No you obese fuck

>> No.19538873

this you need a bit of fiber

>> No.19538932
File: 142 KB, 680x510, 2023-06-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs corn

>> No.19539045

Luv me some corn. Yup.

>> No.19539065

Fiber and phytochemicals. There are actually thousands of beneficial compounds in plant foods that you can't get from meat, nutrition isn't just macros and USDA-listed micronutrients. Polyphenols and shit make a difference too.

>> No.19539080

For adults on planet earth on average across the planet a healthy diet includes the following:

Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice).
At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots.
Less than 10% of total energy intake from free sugars (2, 7), which is equivalent to 50 g (or about 12 level teaspoons) for a person of healthy body weight consuming about 2000 calories per day, but ideally is less than 5% of total energy intake for additional health benefits (7). Free sugars are all sugars added to foods or drinks by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.
Less than 30% of total energy intake from fats (1, 2, 3). Unsaturated fats (found in fish, avocado and nuts, and in sunflower, soybean, canola and olive oils) are preferable to saturated fats (found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard) and trans-fats of all kinds, including both industrially-produced trans-fats (found in baked and fried foods, and pre-packaged snacks and foods, such as frozen pizza, pies, cookies, biscuits, wafers, and cooking oils and spreads) and ruminant trans-fats (found in meat and dairy foods from ruminant animals, such as cows, sheep, goats and camels). It is suggested that the intake of saturated fats be reduced to less than 10% of total energy intake and trans-fats to less than 1% of total energy intake (5). In particular, industrially-produced trans-fats are not part of a healthy diet and should be avoided (4, 6).
Less than 5 g of salt (equivalent to about one teaspoon) per day (8). Salt should be iodized.

>> No.19539081 [DELETED] 

The food that I eat ate plants. Therefor I am eating plants.
Checkmate you jewish vegtard.

>> No.19539140

op this is the sort of shit the notorious big ate (in “big poppa”)
i guess if you want to grow body armor

>> No.19539267

I would add a slice of toasted bread with a light topping such as butter or mayo with tomato.

>> No.19539293 [DELETED] 

That's not how it works, Kyle.

>> No.19539300

>0 fiber

>> No.19539301

If you'd divert your gaze to the top left of OP's picrel you'll notice a bowl of delicious gruel known as Grits, a preparation of milled corn. I'd hope that you could find a place local to you that will serve up a proper bowl.

>> No.19539321

Whole milk - Cholesterol, Calcium, Potassium, A, Folate, Niacine
Egg - Cholesterol, Sodium, A, Folate
Steak - Protein, Cholesterol, Sodium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Folate, Niacine
Oysters - Cholesterol, Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, A, Folate, Niacine
Sardines - Cholesterol, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, A, Niacine

So, you are lacking in B6, B12, C, D and fibre. You are also consuming an unhealthy quantity of sodium, calcium and cholesterol. This is an excellent diet if you want to be infirm in your 20s and die before you turn 40.

>> No.19539347
File: 554 KB, 1000x667, Country-Fried-Steak-and-Eggs_ExtraLarge1000_ID-1022443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine country fried, big glass of milk, large side of scrapple and thick cut bacon

>> No.19539369

you probably reeks. met a ketards and most of them literally smells like shit.

>> No.19539374

Post nose Goldstein Shekelberg

>> No.19539419

>nutrient complete
that's just protein and a little bit of fat you dumb fuck.

>> No.19539420

Milk has Vitamin D, especially if it's whole milk. The Sun also have vitamin D.

Milk is also a great source of B12. As are shellfish, fish, and beef. OP's breakfast has this.

B6 also found in beef and fish, especially organ meats

Only thing missing is Vitamin C, which could be remedied with a single orange

>> No.19539445


Well it's not my breakfast, it's liteerally the only thing I eat all day. I'm an OMADfag

>> No.19539452 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1200x800, feijoada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feijoada. you can eat this twice a day, every day for months straight. I know because I have.

>> No.19539466

No you don't.
Stop projecting

>> No.19539469

>Well it's not my breakfast, it's liteerally the only thing I eat all day. I'm an OMADfag

How do you manage to do OMAD without getting super hungry? Do you just basically starve all day then have a big meal before bed?

>> No.19539480

No vegetables?

>> No.19539482

So, swap out deenz for liver and lemon?

>> No.19539506

I don't see no welch's grape

>> No.19539552

I dunno, it's easy. Like any addiction, don't pay your cravings any mind. If you eat well during your meal. you won't actually be hungry/

>> No.19539569

You lack vitamin C and E

>> No.19539599

i didnt notice them the first time. Those look pretty good. usually get mine with just butter but sometimes Ill add sugar or salt

>> No.19539660
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x4032, u956p8dx2lx61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did this grape juice thing with S&E begin?

>> No.19539706

Black people drink it because it's real juice and you can buy it with food stamps unlike other "juice". But then you give some hood rat money and they still drink grape juice.

>> No.19539833

I usually supplement vitamin c. I have avacados every once in a blue moon. Those have vit E.

>> No.19539855

the actual food is better for you than a vitamin, dummy. we can't absorb them the same.
Eat something green please. I bet you smell so bad.

>> No.19539859

idk, but i think i'm gonna try it because i have never liked wine, and this seems like a fun little silly solution for when i'm in a goofy mood & wanna pretend i'm eating my steak with a fancy wine.

>> No.19539861

chill out, dickwad

>> No.19539864

hey man it's okay, vegetables can be scary, i get it.

>> No.19539869

Your pussy smells like poop ketobitch

>> No.19539874

what this dumbshit doesn't realize is that green veggies are an important part of a low carb diet. This fucker is gonna get scurvy.

>> No.19539983

Beef might be the best source of B12, that guy is probably trolling (too much effort to be that stupid)

>> No.19539987

Eggs have E, more the higher quality they are.

>> No.19539991

>Milk has Vitamin D, especially if it's whole milk.
Only if it's artificially fortified with Vitamin D.

>> No.19540000

Vitamin C is pretty neat.

>> No.19540012

Your attempts to fit in and be funny are tiresome and pathetic. Go back to Twitter.

>> No.19540019

I eat steak and eggs for breakfast once or twice a week, great nutrition on a rest day. Only thing I would add to this is some cherry tomatoes and maybe some fried onions.

>> No.19540021

t. john arbuckle

>> No.19540026

> no soluble/insoluble fiber
> minimal calcium
Enjoy pooping

>> No.19540039

Shalom! Thanks for reposting the (((advice))) that caused the obesity crisis, but I'll stick with meat, thanks.

>> No.19540048

All it needs is an apple.

>> No.19540050

Corn is a shitty filler food.

>> No.19540078

>that hash
Damn now I'm hungry for a cheeky hashy.

>> No.19540107

No vitamin c
No fiber
No phytonutrients

>> No.19540112

splatter your brains in the wall or tell me where you live so I can do it for you

>> No.19540121

cope seethe die of sugar related diseases lmao

>> No.19540159

>muh vegetables are for pussies
eating tortured animal parts via factory farm is retard nonsense
eat meat from a farm, fine but you eat the flesh of an animal that was tortured
living in cramped conditions 24 hours a day
walking around in its own shit because they cant go outside
tortured every agonizing second they go to sleep and wake up in a nightmare
nice, social creatures that just want to walk around in the sunlight
every agonizing second of their lives

fuck you

>> No.19540162


>> No.19540164

lol what a fag

>> No.19540176

youre retarded

>> No.19540274

You’re an unempathetic, uneducated, unfunny, stupid lardass. I command you fuck off from this board with your shit threads.

>> No.19540282
File: 1.82 MB, 360x270, 1686764801202092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I command you

>> No.19540307

cry harder nigger

>> No.19540331

There are some problems with it...

First, you are consumming iron rich foods along with calcium rich foods, which block each other's absorption. To remedy this you should add some acid to lower the PH of the food, such as lime juice on top of the steak.

Furthermore, your total lack of vegetables means there are no fibers in your food, so it will move through your digestive system way too fast, preventing you from being able to absorb the nutrients properly, leaving quite a lot to be lost in your feces.

>> No.19540334

>not being a crybaby over eating meat is being retarded
ok fag

>> No.19540335

>no fibers in your food, so it will move through your digestive system way too fast, preventing you from being able to absorb the nutrients properly, leaving quite a lot to be lost in your feces.
Source? Sounds like broscience.

>> No.19540338

Fuck you vegan scum.

>I command you
Hue, what are you, a child?

>> No.19540341

>Source? Sounds like broscience.
I have a degree in biological sciences.

Go ahead and google what fibers are used for in your diet, see if I am lying.

>> No.19540348

Eggs are vegetarian

>> No.19540356

Fiber makes me feel like shit. I don't like being Gassy and sitting everyday.

>> No.19540370

Fair enough, but then you will be absorbing a lot less nutrients from your food.

>> No.19540467

If you can find a fat fuck who eats five servings of non-starchy vegetables a day and has a diet with less than 10% free sugar, I will fly to Jerusalem and eat a torah in front of the first rabbi I see.

Self-reported intake doesn't count because all fatties are liars.

>> No.19540511

Vegetables are medicine

>> No.19540514 [DELETED] 

now THIS is a proper meal

>> No.19541076

huh? are you ok? people are worried about you.

>> No.19541508

it's easier to kill something than to grow something lol

>> No.19541514

vegetables are for libtard soi boy faggots

>> No.19541955

>What nutrients is this meal lacking?
Vitamin C. You should make a pan sauce with red wine. That'll fix it.

>> No.19541972

>muh vitamin C
very easy to fix
my diet is frugivore + carnivore
the only two things you need to be completely healthy and have every nutrient your body needs are meat and fruit
meat is delicious and fruit is dessert that grows out of the ground. I am objectively correct. Orangutans eat nothing but fruit and they are great apes like us.

>> No.19542031

most fizzy drinks have vitamin C in them

>> No.19542038

If you are heading out to work as a bricklayer, miner, a weightlifter, someone who spends 12 hour shifts carrying bales of hay, sure.

If you're some cuck NEET playing valorant all day, no.

>> No.19542042

Needs dark green veggies

>> No.19542046

kys wagie

>> No.19542070

Just because something is difficult to do doesn't mean it's worth doing.

>> No.19542081

>What nutrients is this meal lacking?
Pretty much everything that isn't protein and iron

>> No.19542085

Egg yolks contain a fuckton of nutrients my dude. They're basically nature's multivitamin tablets.

>> No.19542088

That's insanely stupid
Buying from a farm is great
but buying from a factory farm is soulless npc nonsense

>> No.19542089

I would gut and eat your children in front of you.

>> No.19542090

You're a nonsense retard who isn't sapient enough to understand how much of a retarded annoyance you are

>> No.19542091

You're not protesting.

>> No.19542092

git gud

>> No.19542097

Every day of your life is spent in an annoying haze

>> No.19542219

you already lost by admitting ur a cuck vegan, vegan dialectics is just the whining bullshit of fast talking losers

>> No.19542253

this nigga talkin bout the vertical diet

>> No.19542703

Scrapple ?

>> No.19542907

everything in that meal is a super food. Eggs, steak and milk are all super foods, as are oysters and sardines.

>> No.19543805

Meat contains vitamin C btw so don't worry

>> No.19543869

Your english isn't very good anon, nobody will take you seriously if you don't fix that first.

>> No.19543924
File: 35 KB, 481x401, Random chick is deeply disturbed by some walking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I command you

>> No.19544145

>instead of doing To a doctor to address a problem, I will increase my risk of an infinite number of maladies, diseases and cancers, and deprive my body of essential nutrients
I hate this board

>> No.19544148

>my diet is frugivore + carnivore
Thats called being an omnivore

>> No.19544152


>> No.19544837

False, I don't consider vegetables or grains as food that humans should ingest.

>> No.19544948

>I don't consider

>> No.19545004

leave him alone. he aspires to be an impressionable tool.

>> No.19545015
File: 77 KB, 828x814, E8C191D8-14DC-4BF3-AEA8-BE2489739FBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veggies are difficult for 4chan users

>> No.19546071

Wrong. Liver has it.

>> No.19546081

liver is fucking gross

>> No.19546105

It is not if it comes from a young healthy animal.
We don't need C anyway, it's a meme https://borntoeatmeat.com/vitamin-c-and-all-meat-diets/

>> No.19546114

>gets scurvy

>> No.19546123


>> No.19546182

>not if it comes from a place it never comes from
>source: totally unbiased source bro

>> No.19546526

Based, phytonutrientcucks seething

>> No.19546551
File: 59 KB, 554x656, 1683245584670333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes Ill add sugar
just drizzle honey on to taste, savory grits > sweet
Salt, butter, pepper, garlic powder, msg, smoked paprika, boom, god tier grits
I miss breakfast with my mom

>> No.19546577

>anon isn't slaughtering veal for his meat
>anon doesn't sacrifice baby animals to his dark master
>anon doesn't drink the blood and consume the organs
>anon isn't cultmaxxing

>> No.19546598

Jesus Christ is it still 2016

>> No.19546720

>ironic pivot

>> No.19546988

>no greens
enjoy your constipation and egg farts

>> No.19547109

You think bushmen and eskimo get constipated and have smelly farts?

>> No.19547168

They die young and have terrible atherosclerosis

>> No.19547511
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2973-e1563218179570-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves steak
>easy to cook
>cheaper than takeout
>apartment smells like shit after cooking

I hate this bros, how do I deal with the smell of burnt seared flesh in my apartment? I tried boiling vinegar, but if I'm on keto/carnivore diet then it doesn't matter, my apartment always smells like steak grease and vinegar constantly. I hate it.

>> No.19547515

>You are also consuming an unhealthy quantity of sodium, calcium
mitigated by hydrating properly
>and cholesterol
mitigated by exercising (Ez mode because he's a proteinchad)

>> No.19547603

Based eggs and beef master race.

>> No.19547661

Don't burn it, brown it

>> No.19547699

Its an eating disorder. Theres no logic to it aside from the deprivation/reward mechanism