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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19528677 No.19528677 [Reply] [Original]

>do you find this appetizing?

>> No.19528680

>no, I have never tried baked beans as I hate the smell

>> No.19528699

White American
I don't like baked beans.
Their only redeeming quality is convenience when you need an easy side for a cookout. I would never order baked beans at a restaurant, let alone go to a restaurant geared around baked beans.

>> No.19528701

adopted so don't know so some sort of Catholic mutt

>> No.19528703

England white yes.
Not paying london prices for it though.

>> No.19528706

>yeah but I wouldn't pay 12$ which is probably how much they sold it for

>> No.19528707

Yes I love beanz

>> No.19528717

Land of the free
I don’t care for baked beans, generally too sweet

>> No.19528739
File: 49 KB, 750x530, 1690201398841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Slav
Not at all, only S*rbs eat beans

>> No.19528744
File: 12 KB, 409x389, 6n8mqz93xrdb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bri'ish "culture" they want to protect.
I swear the UK is culturally like one, big flyover state.

>> No.19528746

Not really but I as a germ I also don't really understand the appeal of baked beans outside a full english breakfast. Just like the other dude said I wouldn't go to a baked bean centered restaurant in the first place .

>> No.19528747

What is it with Serbs and beans?

>> No.19528750

I prefer charro beans

>> No.19528816

if it's beans it has to be fuul

>> No.19528870

Yeah. I never really understood this vitriolic bean hate that's been floating around the net recently. They're always nice in winter and you can basically throw anything you want with them and it'll turn out ok.

>> No.19529011

>not appealing but I'd eat it if it was cheaper I guess
This is the sort of shit you make at home when you have nothing else but a tin of beans and some shitty end of a cheese block left in your fridge not what you pay to eat outside your own home. Also Heinz beans have gotten worse in the last decade or so give me branston's any day.

UK-normal baked beans won't be as sweet as you're used to, definitely in the savoury end of the market.

>> No.19529017

>bean hate that's been floating around the net recently.
Mostly just another lazy way to shit on white people from deprived inner-city seasoning-americans.

>> No.19529021

100% purest white genes in europe
not something i'd order but would eat happily if offered

>> No.19529041

I like baked beans, but Heinz are one of the worst brands.

>> No.19529044

but heinz are shit...

>> No.19529058
File: 125 KB, 1180x1576, cider-baked-beans-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It looks like shitty baked beans.
The whole point is, whatever additives and spices you use, they bake and saturate the beans.
0/10 worse slop than fastfood and probably with just as much sugar.
Also they are cooked in a pot, not even baked...

>> No.19529074

No, baked beans are the worst beans

>> No.19529079

>t. Paki

>> No.19529080

hispanic: mexican, nuevo leon region

i dont think it would have much flavor. i would only eat it if I were hungry and had no other options. beans should be served to prisoners.

>> No.19529092


Honestly the cans if beans labelled as Saudi recipe, Egyptian recipe etc. are 100 times better than heinz slop

>> No.19529108

it's not very appealing, but it seems like a cheap nutritional meal.

>> No.19529131

i've never had baked beans in my life. i imagine it tastes sour/ketchup-y and the beans aren't soft enough. how close am i?

>> No.19529141

It seems okay, not sure why you would go and order something like that tho. It looks more like something you'd make yourself when lazy

>> No.19529154

Nice try glowie. And no. This doesn’t look appetizing but I’d still try it.

>> No.19529161

They are sweet

>> No.19529163

>Implying a glowie can't just see your ip

>> No.19529169

sweet?? that sounds disgusting

>> No.19529193

>not sure why you would go and order something like that tho
>It looks more like something you'd make yourself when lazy
so you understand exactly why someone would order it, its just not what you would do when you are lazy

I swear this place gets more and more like reddit every fucking day

>> No.19529199

It's more of a sweet x umami taste it's 100

>> No.19529205

the best beans I ever had was from this local mexican place that puts serrano peppers and porkbelly in it. sweet baked beans are gross.

>> No.19529212

It's £3, tho. If it includes whatever you'd like in it, that's not /too/ awful a price, izzit?

>> No.19529253

Slav (white?)
It looks alright, but nothing amazing.
If we're talking beans in tomato sauce I'd much rather eat chili.

>> No.19529255

Real chili has no beans

>> No.19529257

Mutt (Mexican - kraut)
Hell no
Sweet or not, baked beans suck
Give me some real frijoles

>> No.19529262

yeah, whatever. I'd still much rather eat unreal chili than those baked beans

>> No.19529267

good one mr.roach

>> No.19529288

This really puts into perspective how bad beans actually are. Like, before watching this I might have defended beans but now I just can’t. A mash potato would be preferable in every one of these, I can’t think of a single instance where the presence of beans improves a dish or where the presence of beans is good but it wouldn’t be better if you substituted them. It’s like I have been judging beans by a different set of standards my whole life, the same way you will think a black person can be attractive but then if you compared them to attractive people of any other race you realize they aren’t and you have just tricked yourself into holding blacks to a lower standard of looks.

>> No.19529294

>another beanposter

beans and deenz get saged, faggot

>> No.19529307

the best bean recipe I ever had was boiled beans with pork belly and spicy peppers in it. the flavor is really addicting and you just want to keep eating it. that's how we cook them in texas.

>> No.19529316

Doesn't look terrible. Although I've heard British beans are different from the ones we have, so I don't really know how it would taste.

>> No.19529337

lol the first time I ever ate sweet baked beans I was horrified by the taste of it. beans should never be sweet. the american commercials I grew up hearing about baked beans always made it sound like they were amazing... it's not. I think you have to grow up eating them to enjoy them. for example my mother loves frito's today because she grew up eating them as a kid. most modern kids would choose fritos as a last option for chips.

>> No.19529399

£3 is a great price. Would destroy a tub of these with ham.

>> No.19529546

I simply do not like beans

>> No.19529570

No I hate beans

>> No.19529583

white trash
yes especially if I was freezing my ass off outside at night

>> No.19529603

>chilean just accepts their mutt status

>> No.19529619

>serb american
>white slav cracker

beans and pork? how can you fuck that up. I''d eat it at home and not a restaurant though. Going to a restaurant paying $10+ and sitting down for a cup of beans is mildly retarded i reckon

>> No.19529765

>most modern kids would choose fritos as a last option for chips.

because they did not know of the chemically superior taste of other flavors that would come into the future

>> No.19529781

>Home of the Brave
>mongrel master race {50% Roman+25% Bong+(((25%)))}
>meh, not really, wouldn’t make that for myself

>> No.19530170

Has Reddit mindbroken you? Understanding why someone would make it at home doesn't mean I would understand why they'd go out and order it.
Like, I can understand heating a frozen pizza at home but I would never understand a restaurant selling frozen pizzas heated for you.

>> No.19531368

So why do baked beans make Americans seethe so hard?
Never got the vitriol they have towards beans on toast.

>> No.19531376

Bix nood

>> No.19531380

For the right price point. As it's in selfridges it won't be

>> No.19531384

> American
> American
> Yes

>> No.19531388

The second I posted that I saw webm said price in it

>> No.19531396

nobody of any country is going to find that mess appetizing

>> No.19531401

>I don't like baked beans.
>I don’t care for baked beans
>i dont think it would have much flavor.
>Sweet or not, baked beans suck. Give me some real frijoles
>I simply do not like beans
Your (lack of taste) is not a personality trait. Maybe try obsessing over coffee and it might pass for one in a dull crowd.

>> No.19531406

Ah yes the constant posting by Americans insulting baked beans is totally not them seething at it.
Curious how you ignore that. Might it be because it hurts your le epic narrative response?

>> No.19531416

Baked beans are pretty popular in the US, they are just decisive. Either people really like them or they really don’t.

but beans on toast is just fucking retarded, don’t even try to conflate that with ‘baked beans’ hate. That shit is in a category of its own for being an atrocity

>> No.19531417

>beans on toast is retarded
Woah did you le heckin add something to bread!?!?!?! I am literally going insane help me bidenman!

>> No.19531427

I can only imagine what third world shit-hole you must come from to seek for validation from mild opinions on beans. Obviously no former colony of Britain since you have never been in within a single longitude of anyone who has spoken proper English.

>> No.19531431

lmao American seething.
Get bean'd

>> No.19531435

Southern American
No, I like baked beans but not with a bunch of ad ins. I haven't actually tried it though but it looks unappetizing

>> No.19531491

>White Man
>yes, that looks fucking dank as long as it isnt' gonna burn off my face

>> No.19531494

Looks good to me. I don't know what british baked beans taste like tho, never had them. I do have a can of Heinz and a can of Bachelors on my shelf. Looks like they'd be good for binge watching shows about aliens and secret space programs slurping them one bean at a time in the dark and absent mindedly splitting them on the seam with my teeth and then squishing them on the roof of my mouth. With a sppon of course. The webm shows forks. That's just dumb.

>> No.19531517

I'm not really into baked beans but I don't know why people make such a big deal and about it and pretend that it's some horrible shameful thing to enjoy either.

>> No.19531533

On the other side, why the fuck do brits take pictures of themselves making beans on toast or bring it up[ in conversation?
I understand eating low effort poverty meals with whatever you have on hand, but only brits will actually act proud of it like some culinary achievement.

>> No.19531545

I can see the appeal at the right price point. I wouldn't pass it up but wouldn't go out of my way for it.

>> No.19531552

I mean you have multiple threads about being seething over it and mocking the british for it. So they do cause some anger

>> No.19531558

Don't have an ethnicity, I'm white Australian
I like baked beans

>> No.19531569

>canadian brit living in britland
not my first choice at the foodhall but yes i'd probably enjoy eating it

>> No.19531572

What do you think your birth parents are like? You ever gonna track them down?

>> No.19531847

I quite like baked beans but this shit looks cheap and unappealing. Like KFC side dish unappealing

>> No.19531982
File: 20 KB, 322x292, poster above is italian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can Uh Duh
Possibly? Havent ever actually had white baked beans. It's always been black and kidney beans in my house. The ham and cheese one at the very beginning of the video looked like it'd be nice on a winter morning.

>> No.19533049

New Jersey, Sicilian, yes. I hate the turquoise color of the British bean can though. When they panned out and showed how much of the restaurant is turquoise, I found it disgusting. Looks like the kind of place that would smell like babies.

>> No.19533060

certified scran

>> No.19533086

Sweet beans are disgusting. Other than that that’s some tame shit.

>> No.19533108

Yes, I love beans. I don't usually add stuff like that to them, but I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad.

>> No.19533276


>> No.19533279

>No, that's fucking gross.

>> No.19535214

yeah that looks good but I don't see why they would make a whole cafe for it. looks like a pozzed version of a good concept (a beans restaurant)

just saw the beans bants from bulgarian bro, it's true desu

>> No.19535297

bait but (You) got me to reply

>> No.19535325

I wouldn't call it appetizing, but it's probably alright sloppa. I'd give it a taste at the very least.

>> No.19535340

>Not really, too tomatoey and sweet for my tastes

>> No.19535360

no, charro beans all the way

>> No.19535377

Yes, i think its something i would do at home, the first one with ham and cheese looks great, but i do not think i would buy it somewhere.

>> No.19535436

>Yeah, baked beans are pretty good, and they get punched up by adding things like bacon and brisket to them. Pork and beans is pretty gud too.

Not all beans are equal though.

>> No.19535471

I was completely unaware people even had a hate boner for beans until this thread. I get dissing some piss-poor attempt at beans from a restaurant, of which there are plenty. But beans themselves? Mexicans have refried beans as a mainstay in their shit, bbq has beans as a super common side, Asians love themselves bean sprouts and tofu (bean products), plus it's fermented derivatives. Vegans and vegetarians basically live on the stuff.

I don't even get the hate for beans on toast, bread is a great accompaniment for sauce that is good. Beans are peak canned goods too, you can eat that shit right out of the can almost, it's not like a lot of the other stuff that needs cooking or processing to make it decent.

>> No.19535502

we now know your skin color and if you like beans
your days are numbered,chud

>> No.19535729

idk what you're talking about cuz i like chili

>> No.19535768

>united states
>no, but if I'm hungry I'd eat some, especially if they had corn bread to mix in to make it stick.

>> No.19535776

us south
uhhhh I'd eat it if offered but don't trust boomer baked beans. Good baked beans are good though.

>> No.19535794

>le epic narrative response
take a break from 4chan

>> No.19535854

we eat bean soup and bean stew but i find britbong sweet beans in tomato sauce pretty bad. too sweet for my tastes.
here's a beans in tomato sauce dish i've tried that i like

and what we eat as a beans dish here usually is a stew with some onions, celery, carrots and peppers, with a few chunks of tomato thrown in for acidity at the end. for seasonings we use mainly paprika, savory, and spearmint as the fresh minty flavor of spearmint is considered to complement the heavy flavor of the beans. it's usually made in soup form or stew form, which is the same but thickened with flour
subs are pretty gnarly so don't count on them too much.

as for baked beans, we usually make something like a simpler version of cassoulet baked in a clay pot

i will say that even though they're not my thing, i understand people using baked beans in a can as a quick snack. and those beans are usually perfectly cooked, not falling apart or anything. and op video is at least an attempt to liven them up a bit. it's affordable street food and it's probably better for you than a pastry

>> No.19536111

>white mutt
I’d eat it if a friend or family member presented it to me but I wouldn’t seek it out or spend money on it.

>> No.19536147

100% High Caste Aryan
Yes sloppa looks good. Rajma with Bacon sounds interesting.

But the bigger question is Beanz supposed to rhyme with Heinz?

>> No.19536168

People here eat ‘fasola po bretonsku’ which is identical, except it uses a different kind of bean

>> No.19536177

Aren’t baked beans essentially the same thing as this, or at least derivative, except sweeter and with less red/tomato sauce? They seem similar, at least.

>> No.19536308

Those literally are baked beans, there's really very little difference between bonglish and merican baked beans. But nobody is crazy for baked beans in the us like they are in bongland. Just like how we all like our peas and pea soup but we don't put it on hot dogs or fries as a topping.

>> No.19536314

Yeah baked beans are alright, I don't really get the UK's obsession with them though. You boys eat them constantly, for us they're like an occasional side with dinner. I eat them maybe four or five times a year

>> No.19536327
File: 43 KB, 444x436, fr-fr-no-cap-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very little difference between bonglish and merican baked beans
It may be subtle to some but the difference is noticeable. Britbong beans are lighter tasting, less sugar, less sticky, the sauce is tomato-forward, no bacon or BBQ flavor. People who can't imagine eating beans at breakfast should withhold judgement until they've tried the real thing.

>> No.19536331

you presume american baked beans are the same as the ones in the heinz can
you presume bongs heinz cans' differences are evident of unilateral differences
you disregard regional variation and attitudes
you were presumptuous from the start

>> No.19536334

Most americans have had mexican food before, non-sweet beans aren't some rare alien curiosity

>> No.19536696

I eat just about anything but I wouldn't order this.

>> No.19536969

Where the fuck am I

>> No.19537143

Not really

>> No.19537144

Ok wog

>> No.19537210

Until I got to the end I assumed they were free.
Three quid for a scoop of beans with cheap shredded ham is robbery.

>> No.19537211

Why would they be free?

>> No.19537221

absolutely not. that is nasty

>> No.19537224

Yup, for the right price obviously. Beans are based, and if you've ever been in a bad place financially you learn to respect and appreciate them real quick. Some well seasoned beans are more than enough to make a meal, with some ham and cheese tossed in I could see it being a cozy pickup. Warm bowl of beans on a cold winter day is nice.

>> No.19537263

No I hate baked beans

>> No.19537305

>sandnigger rape grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-child
I'd gladly choke to death on some beans

>> No.19537594

>not a single black or asian ITT
no wonder this board sucks at cooking

>> No.19537610

Drowning a 5 dollar rotisserie chicken in McCormick seasoning salt is not good cooking, jamal.

>> No.19537617

No, it's extremely unappetizing

>> No.19537618

Because it's an advertisement. They don't have free samples in the UK?

>> No.19537624

I'd be so down to pick up a cup of hot beans with cheese and egg or bacon for a quick breakfast
I'd pay like, $2-3 probably

>> No.19537676

I don't get westoid's obessions with beans

>> No.19537687

White american, god no it looks like diarrhea and it's from a can

>> No.19537746

>literal White trailer trash
Looks pretty gud

>> No.19537748

>full size portion fit for adult human
>in America it's just a sample

>> No.19537755

>Middle Eastern

>> No.19537765

Why so much hate on baked beans? They are not bad, just not very exciting

>> No.19537777

not really in this thread, but spend a little time on twitter and it's very evident

>> No.19537918

OP said country retard

>> No.19537923


>> No.19538177

Heavily mixed
Beans are alright.

>> No.19539770

Nothing. The bulgarian is being a mongoloid, per usual.

>> No.19539775

>spend a little time on twitter
No, thank you.

>> No.19539793

White American
Hate baked beans, they're always too sweet. I love regular beans though. I eat them without seasoning.

>> No.19539804

Nah, more of a black beanS and rice kind of guy.

>> No.19539810

>Caucasoid Euro Mutt
>eh, i'd eat it but i'm not going out of my way for it.

>> No.19539828
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Looks tasty, man. I'd try any of those. Wouldn't go out specifically to eat here, though. And that shit better be no more than $4

>> No.19539834

I have no problem with baked beans, they go hard with a burger and some Ruffles chips.

>> No.19539852

more or less, i'd rather have beans with cheese alone

>> No.19539856

>charro beans all the way
my nigga

>> No.19539862

Whites don’t exist

>> No.19539975

Love some baked beans.

>> No.19540183

Explain your mom’s BWC addiction then

>> No.19540673

White English

I would eat it and I like beans but beans on their own like this is what I would eat if I was too lazy or poor but wanted some hot food, this would be infinitely better on some toast or a jacket potato, beans are a topping or a side dish not a meal in themselves in my opinion.

>> No.19540688

>white latino
Luv' me some caldinho de feijão (black beans, onion, garlic with some pork and parsley), maybe the chesse and ham would be doable

>> No.19540823

You can just say “English.” You wouldn’t say “Yellow Chinese”

>> No.19540886

Yeah but I meant my ethnicity is white and nationality is English, I know the two are synonymous but I was just being specific to the request of Op

>> No.19540909

Your race is White, your ethnicity is English

>> No.19541085

>white southerner
not in the slightest. Baked beans are the worst beans.

>> No.19541268

Best post in the thread.

>> No.19541289

I think ranch style are the worst

>> No.19541361

>New Zealand
That looks horrendous

>> No.19541494

Southwest USA
White (Anglo)
Looks ok but wouldn’t go out of my way to eat it

>> No.19541592

Can't tell what's going on in those beans so I can't say if they're good.

>> No.19541604

>cider baked beans
Post sauce now

>> No.19541615

I want it in my mouth

>> No.19541711

Baked beans are an abomination

>> No.19541963

>Yes, love baked beans

>> No.19543696

Yes baked beans are fucking excellent. Not best when topped with mountains of rubbery low-quality cheddar like in the OP video though. They're good on their own but much better as an accompaniment. Best when tarted-up with some spices or hot sauce. I personally like them with some cumin and smoked paprika and habanero sauce.

>> No.19543708

Meh, I was partial to the cheesy beans on toast when I was kid but this doesn't look that nice. Throw in some sausages and I'm sold

>> No.19543710
File: 753 KB, 959x1096, 1689827451460843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know now that I think about it I don't really see free samples anymore. I saw them as a kid, mainly at cosco but sometimes super markets but I haven't seen one in years

>> No.19543834

baked beans are good as a side but not a main dish.

>> No.19543839

Fine sperg.

Ethnicity: English
Nationality: English
Race: white
Opinion: I like beans

Happy with this format of categorisation cunt?

>> No.19543842

Vietnamese only use bean for confectionery and sweet things.

>> No.19543849

Ethnicity and nationality are not synonymous

>> No.19543915

>whiter than you
>so-so. I do like baked beans, although Russian cuisine doesn't really have much of them. but mixing beans with all kinds of other stuff sounds a bit awkward to me.

>> No.19543927

but Anglos are not white

>> No.19543943

There are no none white English Englishmen sweetie. I think the umbrella multicultural nationality label you are looking for is British

>> No.19543947

Anglos are the only true whites you got it wrong way round

>> No.19543966

White European
Not that precise version

I don't get the hatred. They're just legumes in a sauce and highly nutritious. I wouldn't eat those particular beans because they have added sugar, but they put a lot more sugar in other foods and people happily eat it up.

I make my own beans with carrots, celery, onions, garlic. Cook the tomato sauce separately and add it back to the beans once cooked. Sprinkle some herbs on the top and serve with really crusty toasted sourdough that's bean rubbed with garlic or has sardines/avocado on top.

We used to have a ladle of baked beans as an option for school dinner. People would eat it as a side or on top of baked potato. Nothing wrong other than it wasn't in the same league as good homemade version (like most things).

>> No.19544032

We dont care churka

>> No.19544155

and still you responded. curious

>> No.19544231

Britain isn't a country, retard. You can be an English national with nonEnglish while having ethnicity from elsewhere. Like an Irishman moves to England, his grandkids might still be ethnically irish but they would also be English nationals

>> No.19544242

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for British cuisine

>> No.19544246

>Good with BBQ. I really like baked beans but have never cooked them or had the desire to. I normally default with a potato salad, coleslaw, and grilled vegetables.
Be a man. Do man shit. Take man shits!

>> No.19544330

You don’t know shit lmao try living in this country before telling us what nationality we are.

>> No.19544910

Generally they are.

>> No.19544989

American. Looks like the McDonald's version of baked beans.
>beanz meanz yummz
You fuckers can't help but speak like toddlers can you?

>> No.19545006

American, caucasian, fuck yeah gimme the beans

>> No.19545008

baked beans with sausage and some potato hash is a staple breakfast, easy to make out in the bush too when you go camping

>> No.19545010

No, looks terrible honestly.

>> No.19545080
File: 2.54 MB, 1792x828, 1679812381362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic of Finland
Finnic / Han Chinese mixture
>>do you find this appetizing?

>> No.19546617
File: 65 KB, 828x522, 1690561175355350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>customize sloppy bowl of beans with meats, cheeses and maybe other random shit like pickled veg and sauces
fuck bros imagine slamming this shit after a workout.

>> No.19546626

>Leaf with European background
>looks good, throw some chopped up wieners in there for a gourmet meal

>> No.19547615

looks like something i would gladly eat when very hungry, not in any other circumstances though

>> No.19547933

>No, I rarely eat baked beans (maybe once every two or three months) and NEVER on a fry-up. There are thousands of things I would think to buy when eating out before baked beans entered my consciousness.

>> No.19547969
File: 453 KB, 799x799, 1686968720504-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest country in the world (united states)
>greatest ethnicity in the world (aryan)
>greatest opinion in the world (no)

>> No.19547973

Eбaть мoй хyй, кaкaя pжaкa))