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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 350 KB, 1600x900, carbon-steel-pans-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19524760 No.19524760 [Reply] [Original]

Finally fell for the meme and bought a blue carbon steel pan since I needed a new medium sized pan and didn't want to buy some nonstick teflon bullshit. Couldn't buy cast iron because I have a glass stovetop.

Holy FUCK has it improved my home cooking immeasurably. All memes about microplastics and shit aside it is simply a superior cooking tool than any nonstick pan I've ever owned. Seasoning was a non-issue and autists on this board make it sound much more complicated than it really is, same with maintenance. Every time I cook meat I get a perfect sear and it retains all the fats & juices in a way that's not possible with a nonstick pan.

What have YOU cooked in your stainless steel/cast iron/carbon steel pan recently anon?
Last night I cooked some of the best burgers I've ever made in mine.

>> No.19524769

>Couldn't buy cast iron because I have a glass stovetop.

>> No.19524772

>Couldn't buy cast iron because I have a glass stovetop.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19524773

>Couldn't buy cast iron because I have a glass stovetop.
huh what the actual fuck u mean?

>> No.19524795 [DELETED] 

>Couldn't buy cast iron because I have a glass stovetop.
one time i touched my little cousins vagina, i was about 23 she was 6 or so. we were in her basement, and she instinctively shooed my hand away. i grabbed her little tushie too. this was around the holidays so we met a few times where i tried and successfully did it everytime. i don't believe she has any recollection of it.

>> No.19524800

I went to a circus once and a gypsy lady read my palm, drew Tarot cards and did a crystal ball reading. I insulted her and she put a curse on me. Anytime I'm around cast iron and glass my skin breaks out in blisters and my ears begin to bleed.

>> No.19524826


you think carbon steels good wait still you get on cast iron train

>> No.19524908

>>19524760 (OP)
>Couldn't buy glass because I have a cast iron stovetop.
u wot

>> No.19524966

What the hell is "blue" carbon steel? Anyway, I have a Matfer. Don't care for rivets.

>> No.19524979
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You'll need a woden spoon too

>> No.19524985

My carbon steel pan wont turn black the sides seem impossible to season too on a glasstop.

>> No.19525083

Bluing is a thin black oxide coating on steel that protects it from rusting.

>> No.19525089

Not op but glass stovetops can be very bad at heating things up.

>> No.19525270

it's thick stainless steel wok and "seasoning" it on the first use for me

>> No.19525606

I sous vide my beef and then grill quickly in a 2200 degree oven made specifically to char beef.

>> No.19525622

I use a metal spatula and my originally rough cast iron pan is now super smooth. Wooden spatulas suck in comparison.

>> No.19525642

I bought a 12 inch lodge carbon steel. Works pretty good and also I can lodge it up me ass

>> No.19526109

Grilled cheese last night on my carbon steel 12"

>> No.19526135

They're all having a good time.

>> No.19526298

They're too stupid to know anything better.

>> No.19526445

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.19526543

On more than one occasion.

>> No.19526748
File: 201 KB, 1600x1200, 1688398929377991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. next up: you will get a big carbon steel pan that has no rivets because you get sick of wasting your time cleaning that disgusting shit. debuyer's mineral B is pretty mid, the three huge rivets are extremely close together which makes it a nightmare to clean and tons of the pans are deformed because they're mostly being made by minimum wage africans now, so much for "made in france".
pro line with only small 2 rivets that are far apart is the lowest I would go but it's pretty pointless considering there are much better rivetless carbon steel pans out there

>> No.19527444
File: 73 KB, 750x823, 1688495852182308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stainless steel

>> No.19527891


>> No.19527984

I'm not clicking that shit

>> No.19527996
File: 322 KB, 931x665, oxo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also switched to carbon steel, and yeah, its great. easy to maintain too, you simply cook on it.
the rivet autists have arrived

>> No.19528001


>> No.19528023

My parents have had a glass stovetop for 11 years and use cast iron every day. It looks as good as the day they bought it. You're retarded.

>> No.19528652

What advantages does it have over stainless?

>> No.19529507

I'm not paying twice the price for a rivet less pan when I've been cooking on pans with rivets for decades without issue. The materials and construction methods are more important than the rivets and the rivetless pans are also heavier. A major advantage of carbon over cast iron is it's lighter so grandma can use it--why the fuck would I needlessly add weight for a handle.

>> No.19529540

I've never ever had an issue keeping my riveted pans clean. You must have had shit pans if you had buildup around the handle attachment. I use Made-In, All-clad, and just replaced my 25 year old Tramontina.
My Griswold 10 inch actually cooks better than any carbon steel pan I've ever used but you cant buy those anymore and mine certainly isn't on the market.

>> No.19530705

use 4chanx to see the thumbnail before clicking.

>> No.19530768

some people like the taste of rust in their food. they call it wok hay.

>> No.19530775

What the fuck are those words anon

>> No.19530779

is it worth it if ive got an electric stovetop

>> No.19530904

And now you can use an induction cooktop. Simply the finest.

>> No.19531035
File: 2.92 MB, 1818x1212, stainless steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Buyer stainless steel handle & 3mm THICCness does not fear the oven.

>> No.19531128

>You must have had shit pans if you had buildup around the handle attachment
it's the exact same de buyer mineral B as in the OP, just bigger. not exactly a low tier carbon steel pan

>> No.19531154

Cast iron pans can scratch glass stovetops.

>> No.19531872

...Um sure, ok. Anyways, I've never had an issue with keeping rivets clean on any of my 2 rivet pans. I have seen some riveted pans that have buildup on the attach side or even on the cooking side because the people simply didn't give a shit and I like to keep my shit pretty. It has no impact on the cooking whatsoever.
The weight is a MUCH more important factor to most people than a few rivets and riveted-handle carbon pans will always be lighter.

>> No.19531885

My only regret is that at the time I didn't have the foresight to buy a matfer to avoid the fucking rivets.

I hate the rivets.

>> No.19531953
File: 89 KB, 1500x1308, 61j1L-2oeoL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the cheapo 8 inch pan from Amazon. I cooked a bunch of pork chops so I used my 12 inch cast iron and that one at the same time. It's nice how carbon steel heats up and cools down faster, and obviously is lighter.
The CS pan is pretty new, I liked how cooking the pork chops filled in most of the pan with a shiny black patina.
I used to think burgers could only be good cooked on a bbq, now with my CS and CI pans I can sear the shit out of them and they taste like sex.
Never using a nonstick pan ever again. It was probably a shit pan, but the nonstick one I had everything would stick on it, and then it would be impossible to clean because I didn't want to damage the nonstick coating. Then I threw it away because my roommate got a bunch of food stuck to it and scratched the hell out of it with steel wool.
>glass stovetop
I think they sell little mats you can put between the burner and the pan so it doesn't scratch.
> rivets
I don't see how rivets could be a problem, they are higher up that part doesn't even get food stuck to it, and even if it did, meh. Even when eggs stick to my new CS it cleans off easily with a token amount of scrubbing.

>> No.19532114

Matfer has crappy handle design
You're lucky you didn't get one. The weld also looks like shit and discolors differently from the rest of the pan.

>> No.19533639

what pan is in your pic?

>> No.19533694

Turk 65528

>> No.19533790

It's definitely a dude pan.

>> No.19534156

what would be a girl pan?

>> No.19534333

Not that one. Something that doesn't have a crowbar for a handle would be a good start.

>> No.19535315

I like these guys, I hope they're doing well.

>> No.19535393
File: 64 KB, 666x666, 1655476684630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19536672

>vanilla 4chan
>hover mouse over [Embed]
>see thumbnail
what even would you need 4chanx here for, you 4chanx piece of shit, it's been like this for years
where do you all retarded newfags that went straight to 4chanx even come from

>> No.19537601

Weight can be an issue, sure, if you're a grandma. If you're too weak to get the forearm strength needed to maneuver a pan you have more issues in life outside of what pan you use. Maybe stop taking estrogen?

>> No.19537934
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x600, 1661296294799003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're a grandma
real mémés carry on

>> No.19537959

iron is super effective against glass

>> No.19539108

>Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel
have sex

>> No.19539968


Lol you limp wristed faggot hahaha. Yeah I always kept the skinny femboys off the burners on sauté cuz they'd complain about their wrists hurting during service. Stop being a bitch you wanna cook good food you use a real chefs pan.

>> No.19540250

You are too late
The new meme is hexclad

>> No.19540256

What are the differences between stainless steel and carbon steel? I just use my stainless for like 90% of stovetop cooking

>> No.19540281

>stainless steel
you can deglace with acids like wine or lemon juice to get much more flavor
the bottom should be more thick (5-7mm) so you get more color/flavor
certain food will stick so you can't use it for everything unless you want to use more oil/clarified butter
essential for pasta to finish your dish

>carbon steel
is basically non stick once it's seasoned properly which will make it your main pan (except for sauces or frying stuff in oil)
heats up faster and cools down faster when needed because the good ones are about 2.5mm thick which is important if you don't want to burn your garlic for example without waiting twice as long for the pan to cool down
can't use it for anything with tomato/wine/lemon in it because the seasoning will come off
essential for asian dishes like fried rice or noodles

>> No.19540292

Interesting thanks.
The heating up/ cooling down aspect of carbon steel sounds handy but why do people obsess so much over non-stick though, I don't get it, the only thing where that becomes a consideration for me are eggs and I just use oil + butter for it.
What else are people cooking where bits are sticking to the pan?

>> No.19540317

carbon steel is just extremely versatile and much much cheaper than good stainless steel pans. the benefits of stainless steel pans that I listed only apply to the good ones and those will be expensive.
carbon steel is great for fish, fried rice, paella, fried noodles, pan fried potatoes, pancakes, dutch babies... stuff like that.

you wouldn't have to use any oil to fry some eggs in a carbon steel pan. a little butter for flavor will be enough

>> No.19540625

I dunno I usually find carbon steel pans for like 30€, meanwhile my ikea sensuell stainless pan cost 50€, it's not that big of a difference.

>> No.19540639

>ikea sensuell stainless pan
that is bottom of the barrel tier which is exactly why it's 50€ and not 150€

>> No.19540658

wasting 50 bucks on a shit stainless steel pain is completely pointless. you're never gonna have to replace a stainless steel pan in your lifetime if you buy something decent once and you'll be rewarded with much much better performance and easier, faster cleaning