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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19515628 No.19515628 [Reply] [Original]

>big sign that says FOR SALE
>get to checkout
>cashier rings up the item
>normal price rings up

>> No.19515641

I'm sure most things are pet peeves to you if you're too autistic to mention to the cashier that they're on sale

>> No.19515662

I buy more than 3 items at a time cleetus

>> No.19515683

Unsure how this prevents you from checking with the cashier about the price

>> No.19515697

It’s a pain in the ass when you’re buying 100+ items and a percentage of those are also on sale.

>> No.19515700

Just let him have this...

>> No.19515703


"Naw bitch, them be $1.49... you make it right or you put um back."

>> No.19515707

Seriously, this nigga doesn't watch the price display?
Especially on the first day of a sale you gotta watch that shit as the computers might not be fully updated.

>> No.19515711

for sale ≠ on sale

>> No.19515739
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>> No.19515740

>people who cant keep their carts off to one side
>people who take their carts directly to the coolers and freezers when they could park off to one side and walk over
>people who use carts in already overcrowded stores to pick up 4 small items
>people who forgot something and everyone is forced to wait for them to fetch that item
>people who park in the loading zone at the front of the store while their friend goes in and does the shopping
always feel like im in that Idiocrasy movie when i have to go to stores like this.

>> No.19515751

if only everybody was as smart and cool as you, anon

>> No.19515782

Local wagies gave up
Half the items on sale don't display the price
The other half have the price wrong
Wrong listing too, you would have something on a shelf with an obviously wrong tag under it and like nothing matching it anywhere
You have to use your phone to look up the prices on the website to shop there otherwise it's just taking a guess
It's been like this for months but they truly have the best deals and best prices so people keep going there

>> No.19515830
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>buy something
>cashier rings them up as something twice as expensive or double scans it "by accident"
>only notice when you get home and look at the receipt

>> No.19515838

I hate the "digital coupons". They'll advertise a price and not indicate it's a digital coupon. I don't want to have to log into some good goy app, they already have my info in their "rewards card". Kroger owned stores are the worse in my opinion about it and I've had to argue with so many non-white cashiers about it. Just clearly indicate if the sale is digital or not so I can avoid it

>> No.19515839

fuckin cunt rang up a yellow onion and a sweet onion and got me for like $0.39 earlier. pissed me right off

>> No.19515881

the wagie double scanned my $10 block of cheese the other day. I swear it's the same girl every time.

>> No.19515884

Is she an American basketball player

>> No.19515891

No, some sort of tan-skinned mystery meat

>> No.19515902
File: 102 KB, 301x336, ASTRONAUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retards not looking at your receipt when you get to your car?
I mean, first you should be watching the price display at the check-out instead of playing with your phones r mentally jerking it to the counter girl.
Then you should be checking the receipt at your car if not before you leave the store.
It's like a whole generation of retards whose mothers didn't learn them right.

>> No.19515921

One should read the receipt before getting to the car, if doing it at your car then its too late.

>> No.19515926


Very unpleasant.

>> No.19515935

It's never too late. I've gone back the next week and gotten my money back.

>> No.19515942

Maybe she's just hitting on you and DTF?

>> No.19515956

I shouldn’t have to babysit the cashier, their system should have the damn sale price in already. I’d NEVER imagine they do it on purpose. Also I’ve been screwed over when buying produce. They’ll put the “organic” strawberries RIGHT next to the regular ones and the clear trays they come in are almost identical except a tiny little font that is in cursive that reads organic but it’s double the price. AGHHHHH

>> No.19515959
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>check receipt as I'm leaving store
>cashier accidently double scanned something
>item is only 70 cents
>don't want to have to go back to register, have to line up or butt in and make a scene over 70 cents when there's 10 other customers at the register line
>accept it and silently fume for the rest of the day over the 70 cents I lost at Aldi due to some dumb fuck's negligence and my unwillingness to take the time to rectify the situation

>> No.19515970

I’m a frugal man and $0.70 is $0.70

>> No.19515972

Honestly I don't get bent out of shape over shit like that, because it all works out eventually. Sometimes stuff rings up lower than it should. I used to buy dented clearance cans during 50% off canned goods sales, only giving them my discount card after they input the clearance discounts, effectively getting a whole cart of canned goods for a few dollars. One time I took my kids to a trampoline park and should have paid like $80 and the retarded clerk only rung us up for like $25. It all balances out, so it's not worth me getting mad if I get overcharged by $1 on some peaches.

>> No.19516020

my mom holds up the line and doesn't leave until they give her the 1 dollar discount for an item that is on sale

>> No.19516028

I would do the same and you should too

>> No.19516056

>cashier rings up the item
Here's your problem.
At my store I am the cashier. Ring that shit up as bananas and enjoy the discount

>> No.19516070

It's not about the money, it's about the principle of it. If they do that a few hundred thousand times per year they're stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from our pockets for free.

>> No.19516084

what's the problem? either tell them to check the price or just tell them to take the item back. this isn't hard

>> No.19516111

when there's a hung ho receipt checkers sheriff at the door and I know it's going to become awkward when I walkout stealing everything I want in there

>> No.19516126

So just tell the wagie they are on sale and there must've been a mistake. Politely, not like a sperg.

>> No.19516344

This is what happens in a low trust, low standards, muttified society. Everything gradually then suddenly goes to shit.

>> No.19516350


>> No.19516375

>Honestly I don't get bent out of shape over shit like that, because
Because you're low-test.

>> No.19516388

You can jape and jibe with your shitty memes but it doesn't change the collapsing civilization we live in, faggot. Chug some fucking bleach

>> No.19516394

I’m happy, you aren’t

>> No.19516399

yeah but you or they also forget to scan shit like this I'm sure just as much, shit evens out

>> No.19516401

You're happy because you're too braindead to grasp your situation, chug some bleach and finish the job mongoloid

>> No.19516405

people who think they’re smarter than others are indeed unhappy

>> No.19516450

Call this out when it happens otherwise it will keep happening. Do not allow them to rob you. In fact, false advertising is illegal in some areas, so if they do not honor their advertised prices while said advertisements are still up in store, they could get into a lot of legal trouble.

>> No.19516464

Not him, but he's somewhat correct. Standards are declining year after year, and if we do not stand up for ourselves they will only continue to become worse.
Not saying you have to be a jerk about it, on the contrary you should be polite if you can, but don't remain silent when yo u are wronged either.

>> No.19516478

I think the skyrocketing cost of food is some plot to make Americans less fat. Once the bread is too expensive and the circus is unwatchable, revolution begins.

>> No.19516490

Doubt we will ever get there, but if we do, 'revolution' towards what? By what means? It sounds like an ugly power-vacuum geared towards tyranny in the making.
Hope not...
But yeah. Things are bad and getting worse, and food prices are ridiculous.

>> No.19516503

Id the status quo starves and oppresses people then I'm pretty sure the Declaration of Independence says we have a right to change it to anything else.

>> No.19517029

It sounds like pos clerks called out, don't exist, and/or anyone who can make signs was too busy.

>> No.19517036

The right to revolution isn't granted by a document, you just do it any if you win then it was legal.

>> No.19517040

they don't have the true revolutionary mindset, all they know is RETVRN

>> No.19517353

Prices not just being whole numbers.
I ain't got no time to hand ya a dollar and pocket flint.

Just make it $1.
Not 0.9999999998.

>> No.19517560

Rather be low-test than a spluttering, retarded boomer getting mad over 10c. I don't think getting mad at minimum wage grocery store staff is particularly masculine though. You do you I guess