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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 944x416, automatic_gratuity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19515442 No.19515442 [Reply] [Original]

A local restaurant started doing this down the street from me a couple months ago. How the absolute FUCK is this acceptable? (And no, I will never be going back there and will tell everyone I know that they undercook their burgers and have roaches.)

>> No.19515452

Lmfao get fucked by capitalism you commie. If you don’t like it try learning to cook or not being poor

>> No.19515459

Yeah, I'll tip a buck and some change for takeout. 15% gratuity can on take out can fuck right off.

>> No.19515460

If you don't like it, don't eat there retard

>> No.19515481

its just how things are now

>> No.19515508
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If you dont like tipping, learn to cook

>> No.19515522

You know, I understand that this board is suppose to be about all food and not just cooking itself...

But do people really like to talk about the fucking takeout process enough to make an entire thread for it? Is there any more boring subject on this board?

>> No.19515526

This isn't really a takeout thread. It's another complaining about tipping thread

>> No.19515529

Oh, my bad. That's so much more interesting.

>> No.19515534

look, tipping is tearing this country apart. Its such a divisive issue and promoted so toxically from both sides of the argument I am pretty sure it is a psyop by the elite to keep the plebs from finding unification and rising up

>> No.19515541

It's not acceptable, don't patronize scumbag restaurants like that and they'll stop being scumbags.

>> No.19515543

This isn't tipping. It's a service charge that shouldn't exist. Just raise your God damn prices and pay your employees more. Fuck
Get a job at Sisco. Become their delivery driver. Place dead opposums in the fridge and take identifying picture. Put them out of bidness >>19515442

>> No.19515551

There is no argument. These bikers are just pocketing the 15% and you know it.

>> No.19515561

By patronizing scumhole restaurants like that then you by definition are making it acceptable. Blame yourself.

>> No.19515562

This dude gets it

>> No.19515581

I went to a restaurant that had an auto gratuity and then when I went to pay I had to press like 5 buttons to NOT add an ADDITIONAL tip, which of course defaulted to 20%

Mr. Pink was fucking right

>> No.19515585
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>Just raise your God damn prices and pay your employees more
Its the exact same thing
I can raise my prices by 15% or I can charge you a 15 % fee
Its the same goddamn thing
But if I do the service fee, customers feel like they are helping the staff and they feel better about the transaction
The only people that complain are zoomers and low income millennials that are only a small fraction of my business anyway

>> No.19515604

It's not about "zoomers" or low income millennials, it's about not wanting to be ripped off by restaurant scumbuckets. If I go to a restaurant just charge me the price and dont expect tips, I don't want to pay your fucking employees.

>> No.19515610

These creeps dont work for me, they work for the restaurant, don't expect me to pay them. That's the job of the restaurant.

>> No.19515620

Imagine just complaining about the "tip" and making a scene. Pretty sure they'll remove it. If not, they wasted labor and food and it wouldn't be a sustainable business model

>> No.19515622

I am a chronic overtipper and if you're adding a mandatory gratuity to takeout I'm not ordering takeout from you. It doesn't make me feel like I'm helping the staff, it makes me feel like the restaurant is poorly managed.
On the other hand if you just raise your price by 15%, I'm not thinking about that. I may or may not order at that price point but it's solely a question of value for money at that point.

>> No.19515757
File: 561 KB, 4032x3024, automatic tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a place around here that does the same

>> No.19515764

"their team" How faggot level can they be?
Did they have to watch gay videos for mutliculturalism?

>> No.19515768

>it's about not wanting to be ripped off by restaurant scumbuckets
It's like when supermarkets want you to round up your change so they can give it to charity. Sounds like a nice gesture, right?
Well, say every customer of the hundreds said supermarket has everyday all round up and the average was about 33c. Pulling a number out of the air here, but let's say there were 300 customers on a given day. 300 x .33 = $99 x 31 days in the month they're doing this charity schtick = $3069 x the 200 locations this supermarket has = $613,800.
Sounds great. A charity is getting $600k. Except... the supermarket chain reaps the benefits of the tax deduction on a $600k charitable "donation" of money that's not theirs IE what you also donated was a tax loophole for the owners of the chain. They're not collecting money for charity. They couldn't give less of a tap-dancing fuck about chihuahuas with cleft palate in Madagascar. They're using you and your goodhearted nature to enrich themselves, first and foremost. The "charitable" side of it is entirely an afterthought.
This is the biggest /ck/-related scam ever, IMO
If they really gave a shit, they'd donate their own $$$ anonymously and not benefit at all not your $$$ and benefit from it.

>> No.19515775

Easy enough, I just deny that, say no.
Nobody is forcing me to do anything.

>> No.19515779

If you feel forced into making tips at some place then you're a sucker.

>> No.19515795

I'd beat the living fucking shit out of you, punch you in the throat and drop you like a bag of potatoes in front of your customers and workers if I ran into you IRL, fuckwit.

>> No.19515834

can't you just tell them to remove the charge? it's illegal for them to refuse

>> No.19515872

Seems kinda shitty to think that I have to pay the employees' wages instead of whoever is running the business.

>> No.19516770
File: 2.05 MB, 1536x1024, cake explosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until most people stop going there and they have to shut down?

>> No.19516991

>our team
The owner is technically a part of the team.

>> No.19517004

>he supermarket chain reaps the benefits of the tax deduction on a $600k charitable "donation" of money that's not theirs IE what you also donated was a tax loophole for the owners of the chain. They're not collecting money for charity. They couldn't give less of a tap-dancing fuck about chihuahuas with cleft palate in Madagascar. They're using you and your goodhearted nature to enrich themselves, first and foremost. The "charitable" side of it is entirely an afterthought.
I thought this was true too but did some research and it's actually not. They don't get the tax break. It's almost harder to believe it's not a grift than it being one. It's just done for publicity purposes

>What happens to the money you donate at the cash register?

>This is where you round up your bill to give to a charity designated by the retailer, and the donation amount appears on your receipt. The store serves only as a collection agent for your gift. Assuming the business is following the law, it will not include your donation as part of its business receipts, or income, nor will it claim the charitable gift as an expense.

>In other words, your gift has zero impact on the store’s income taxes.

>> No.19517008

then it's a psyop to make you used to 'rounding up' your purchases so that later if they ask you to round up without a charity you'll just do it without thinking

>> No.19517023

The people getting takeout and delivery everyday are already paying more for the "convenience" of never cooking, paying a little more isn't going to break that habit

>> No.19518687

So do I.

Who said I feel forced? Jesus Christ, how shit do you cuntnuggets reach the absolutely fucktarded conclusions you people come to?
It's this what happens when logic and raining are no longer taught in schools? Holy fucking hell, no wonder the world is going to shit.


>> No.19519198

Look it up
Also I'm a tax lawyer it's true
proof that they do get tax breaks?

>> No.19519199

"everyday" is an adjective; they mean "every day".
"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

>> No.19519228
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 6c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19519275

>I'm a tax lawyer it's true
>proof that they do get tax breaks?
I'm the CEO of a certain grocery chain in the midwest and we scam all those stupid flyovers into giving us tax breaks. It's great.

>> No.19519293

I work in the IRS and this post is the last piece of evidence we need in the years long case we've built against you and your grocery store chain. Get ready for a small fine and bad publicity

>> No.19519379

#1 if tipping is supposed to subsidize underpaid and impoverished waitstaff
-BUT the tips dont go directly to the waitstaff/delivery and instead the companies for "reporting income" purposes
I FEEL like tips should count as tax write offs since restaurants and tipping places operate like nom profit corps solisiting donations, and those tips go to supporting disadvantaged and impiverished people.
#2 companies that use "reported tips" cannot claim tax write offs for employing people on welfare, excons, etc....
#3 companies that ask for tips as a part of service must prpvide their employees with health insurence

tips are a gift
informal at that
you want to make them more than that
you gotta address the changes in the meta

>> No.19519412

Are you retarded?

>> No.19519452

I'm a republican congressman and we're defunding the IRS. You won't be able to audit him without any staff to do it.

>> No.19519825

I'm the constitution and taxes on specific individuals or corporations or tax breaks for specific individuals or corporations are unconstitutional and with good reason, any tax or tax break must be market wide to prevent market distortion.

>> No.19519827

I'm an investigative journalist and I'm goinig to publish a story about your secret love affair with your secretary and how you paid for her to get an abortion so your wife wouldn't find out

>> No.19519843

Don't forget the gloryholes in washington dc bathrooms between congress cunts.

>> No.19519849

>I'm an investigative journalist and I'm goinig
you can omit the goy part, it's implied, even as a journalist

>> No.19519874

Idk but I wish more restaurants would do away with tipping entirely and simply pay their staff more. That'd weed out the ones who don't tip (blacks Jews and Indians) due to raised prices and I don't have to see shit about tipping everywhere anymore