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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19513998 No.19513998 [Reply] [Original]

Let's cook canned hash

>> No.19514002
File: 1.30 MB, 720x909, Screenshot_20230720-104824-322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like dog food before it's browned.

>> No.19514015
File: 1.52 MB, 720x1048, Screenshot_20230720-105632-304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likes to stick.

>> No.19514042

How about I hasdtk2yh your can, honey?

>> No.19514045


>> No.19514050
File: 1.48 MB, 720x923, Screenshot_20230720-110731-656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hash is coming along.

>> No.19514058

I hope the excess sodium in your disgusting canned food gives you a headache and makes you thirsty for the rest of the day.

>> No.19514070

Damn girl where are the eggs? Can't have a good helping of hash without some eggs and maybe some buttered toast.

>> No.19514072
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>> No.19514077

I see no salt being dispersed amongst your slop. Are you a liar and a deceiver?

>> No.19514080
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>> No.19514082

i fry that stuff up in lard. good shit. need to remember to buy a couple cans

>> No.19514089

Wonderful. Keep them sunny side up and that's a 10/10 meal from me. Although I usually have 4 eggs (I really like my eggs)

>> No.19514097

oh FUCK YES this thread wharms my heart
anon pls. one doesn't need more salt here so don't feed the trolls

anxiously awaiting crisby finished eggs and hash

>> No.19514098

>adding more salt

>> No.19514102

I agree this is a comfy breakfast thread

>> No.19514106
File: 1.00 MB, 720x866, Screenshot_20230720-112311-793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've had I seen this, but I flipped them for a second because my pan was hot and I didn't want to have cold yolk. I regret it now because it's ugly.

>> No.19514109

You have failed and it is a joy to behold.

>> No.19514111

Oh that still looks delicious. Guten appetit.

>> No.19514113
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>it's ugly
aw hell no it's perfect. I'm super jelly right now, I hope you enjoy it fully OP

>> No.19514123 [DELETED] 
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Here's my lunch right now OP. Honestly can't compare, I'd rather be eating the hash.

>> No.19514147
File: 947 KB, 695x906, Screenshot_20230720-113533-642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe that was just an excuse to eat more

>> No.19514154
File: 956 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_20230720-113726-771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is definitely going to have to be a skip lunch and eat a light dinner day now. Worth it.

>> No.19514157
File: 5 KB, 493x402, hi_five.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's always a good day anon

>> No.19514215

I just came.

>> No.19514277

Corn Beef Hash way up on the great divide, truckin on doooown the other side

>> No.19514288

What song is this?

>> No.19514298

C.W. McCall - Wolf Creek Pass

>> No.19514310

Mercy sakes alive we got us a corn beef hash

>> No.19514339 [DELETED] 

Inna child. I gotta break in my new nonstick and put in a few teaspoons of canola before hand. Always cook covered for efficiency. Frankly, out of the can is just as good because it is already cooked and all you are really doing is drying it out. I understand people liking it warm though. I don't mind things like spam and wein sausages right out of the can. Less cleanup too.

>> No.19514350

Though a little girl can clean up well with her mouth.

>> No.19514380

Go fuck yourselves, this was the perfect thread before you posted here. You're not the OP.

>> No.19514409

When did I say I was? You want the thread all to yourself?

>> No.19514723

Love this shit. It looks like dog food and needs to be cooked until it has crispy bits. Goes great with a couple of over medium eggs. I always have this nibba in my pantry but only eat it a couple of times a year. It can't be good for you.

>> No.19514743 [DELETED] 

Doesn't need to be cooked. It's already cooked. Your just drying it out, dirtying a pan and wasting electricity/fuel.

>> No.19514846

Adding ketchup to the hash once it starts putting on oil, but not to the point where it gets crispy, is a good way to add flavor and make it less dry.

>> No.19515812


>> No.19515850

I prefer adding Valentina to it myself, but you do you homey.

>> No.19515856
File: 208 KB, 720x695, Screenshot_20230720-194838-942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer adding Valentina to it myself

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19516183
File: 55 KB, 245x331, how to pour a glass of water from the tap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make a glass of water

>> No.19517150

Someone's upset

>> No.19517351

man i love corned beef hash but it always makes me feel grody for a few hours

>> No.19517359

I'm hoping to make my own from scratch someday, it's just kind of a pain in the ass
>spend half a day boiling cawn beef
>dice and parboil potatoes
>finely chop or mince the cold leftover cawn beef with just the right amount of fat
>get all that shit into a hot skillet
>adjust salt and black pepper
it HAS to be good but idunno if I can be fucked. I mean, whenever I do make cawn beef I just love it so much I eat it all in a day and half and then the hash never happens

>> No.19518180

> cooking with a table spoon
Retarded even by /ck/ standards

>> No.19518184
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>> No.19518242


>>19514058 BTFO

>> No.19518246

Are you the anon that made the wonderful hot dog thread a couple days ago?....the pan looks familiar

>> No.19518278

Reminds me of camping with my dad.
Shit's mad decent for a lazy man meal at home.

>> No.19518962

I buy corned beef when it goes on super sale and eat it for dinner with potatoes, carrots, etc then make hash with the leftovers. Super easy and nice slices of if beef and chunks of vegetables are preferable to the canned dog OP crisped up.

>> No.19518983

I like hash as a lazy alternative to frying steak and taters for breakfast. I mean, you're still crisping it up, but for some reason it feels like I'm making less of an effort.

>> No.19519478


>> No.19519506

I'm going to keep cooking with a spoon and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.19519517

Beautiful. Fuck. I want hash and eggs now.

>> No.19519657

this, fuck eggs, fuck cheese, getting this shit not to stick is the real pan challenge.

>> No.19519676
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It releases when it's browned enough. Just scrape it off the bottom and stir it. Something like picrel is nice, especially if you're using teflon. I just used the spoon I already had out because I happened to be using cast iron.

>> No.19519979

how the fuck do you get crispy corned beef hash bros?? when I try to do it the thing ends up fusing to the fucking pan

>> No.19519984
File: 577 KB, 1600x1200, Hash-Hot_Sauce-Bird-Photo0145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the trifecta

>> No.19519988

I saw roast beef hash and almost got it. I eat beef enough to just make it myself with fresh potatoes, though. I bet the canned stuff is fire, though.


That stuff tastes terrible. Pleasantly spicy though if you're a masochist.

>> No.19519991

Nice corvid, too.

Also who the fuck is Mary, Hormel?

>> No.19520029
File: 154 KB, 741x1000, alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your crow anon. What's the story?

>> No.19520040

No real story I just found a couple at a pharmacy. They were just sitting around almost saying buy me buy me.

>> No.19520049

Looks like my ex-wife's dad's nips. Delicious.

>> No.19520070

fucking shrekt lmao

>> No.19520085

well I think they're adorable

>> No.19520088

I have smashed about 17 beers since 6:30 and I am starting to get a weird headache. Am i dying?

>> No.19520092
File: 18 KB, 500x327, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're just getting hungover while you're still awake.

I mean yes you are dying but only slowly

>> No.19520106

Very happy to see this thread is still up. I need to get myself some hash now. And 4 sunny side up eggs. Nothing like a comfy breakfast thread.

>> No.19520797

anyone make hash in an air fryer?

>> No.19520805

Sausage hash sounds nice. How's the roast beef hash? Not a big corned beef fan.

>> No.19520813
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Highly recommend the reduced sodium variety so you can eat a whole can without getting the salt sweats.

>> No.19522067

Because of this thread I had to go out and buy some corned beef hash today.

>> No.19522070

just drink water lmao