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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 264 KB, 1280x720, 1640794491963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19509932 No.19509932 [Reply] [Original]

the great debate

>> No.19509933

both for lards, but the English one at least doesn't contain desert larping as breakfast

>> No.19509934

neither, ill just eat my small bowl of oatmeal. breakfast shouldnt be a giant feast that makes you overstuffed and sluggish first thing in the day.

>> No.19509935

American today
British tomorrow

>> No.19509940

Scandinavian Chad who loves the smell of female ass here.

For me, it's both, sneed and cope

>> No.19509942

Well eat big in breakfast, eat light in lunch and dinner. Words to live by son.

You’re burning all the fat throughout the day when you have a good breakfast. It’s terrible to eat a lot at dinner yet I see a lot of people do that.

>> No.19509944

that’s a fucking lie. Only thing Scandinavians love is immigrant cock. You sell your women to immigrants

>> No.19509954

my country is 96.1% white lmao
sneed and cope more, incel

>> No.19509960
File: 16 KB, 540x303, e2f07be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k calories each
Im gonna pass.

>> No.19509975

>Tomatoes not sliced, still on the vine
>The size of those fucking yolks
>Fucking HERBS
This isn't even close to what an actual normal Englishman would eat.

>> No.19510029

What the fuck are those sausages, they look like some sort of vegan abomination.

>> No.19510034

both too much food but at least the full english has some vegetables

>> No.19510043
File: 812 KB, 850x850, egg_in_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no debate, I go for the egg in the hole.
You're stupid made up debate is like biden/kamela bullshit and makes no sense.

>> No.19510281

I had British Breakfast in Malta once, it was godly.

>> No.19510289

What fucking vegetables, bacon works out.
What are you retarded eurofaggots?

>> No.19510298

English is superior in every way
t. American

>> No.19510300
File: 118 KB, 1024x683, best-american-breakfast-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a full english

>> No.19510303
File: 245 KB, 2560x1920, d6209be9-how-to-make-the-perfect-full-english-breakfast-fry-up-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an american one

>> No.19510304

American is beyond superior
t. Gary

>> No.19510307


>> No.19510309

based Gary

>> No.19510311

>he bought the meat before pudding meme

>> No.19510353
File: 228 KB, 1280x853, french-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19510355

American. You really don't want to be around me after beans in the morning.

>> No.19510357

I prefer the fusion French x Blörö breakfast myself

>> No.19510384

neither, both way too heavy as a breakfast. it's more of a lunch imo

>> No.19510401
File: 109 KB, 600x400, frühstück.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19510441

American breakfast wins every time, c'mon dude
It's one of the few good things about this shithole country

>> No.19510450

That looks like the 20 euro breakfast bar at every hotel I stayed at in Europe.

>> No.19510455
File: 80 KB, 700x467, dimsum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs your country's breakfast*

>> No.19510467

God I hate English "people" and their fucking beans for breakfast.

>but anon, British beans are different from American beans, they're not as sweet

I don't give a fuck what kind of beans they are, keep them out of my breakfast. And a random bunch of roasted tomatoes? Blood pudding? Fuck off I got work to do.

>> No.19510491
File: 228 KB, 1000x750, Arada+cafe+Istanbul+Turkish+breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The turkish brekkie for me

>> No.19510561

>beans soaked in molasses and ketchup
Ok bud

>> No.19510575
File: 519 KB, 2120x1414, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all ain't got nuffin on us

>> No.19510649

Say what you will about the Dutch but that sure is a breakfast

>> No.19510817

who the fuck eats all that?

>> No.19511106

Based, I kneel.

Someone Redpill me on baked beans, I'd prefer the English except for that.

>> No.19511110

They both look like full bullshit and should be flushed down the nearest toilet.

>> No.19511113

What foods/dishes does attractive female ass smell and taste like?
>inb4 shit lol
I said attractive.

>> No.19511117

Poopy, but as we all know attractive chicks don't fart or smell bad.

>> No.19511124

English beans are in a tomato sauce that's only lightly sweetened. It's not like the super sweet American baked beans.

>> No.19511240

They're very soft and swimming in a mild, slightly tomato-y liquid. They're mostly there as a sauce and lubricant. Having a bland carb and some wetness with a strongly flavoured salty piece of bacon or a rich chunk of sausage sort of spreads the flavour out and makes it more enjoyable.

>> No.19511250

>look at all this pseudoscience I'm about to say
That's not how the human body works anon.

>> No.19511376

Where's the protein and fat in here? How do you eat this and have the energy to go through the entire rest of your day without eating lunch? This meal does not help you work a 12 hour shift.

>> No.19511395

>talking about working a 12 hour shift like it's good or normal
God I hate bootlickers

>> No.19511423

>clearly baked beans
Disgraceful display.

>> No.19511431

>without eating lunch
Why would you do that? Weirdo.

>> No.19511451

fuckin love me some pancakes

>> No.19511464

That's the gayest most homosexual shit that I've read this week.

>> No.19511479
File: 40 KB, 417x266, mclovin-203552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to pull out the McLovin card if get asked by a copper. If you pull one of these out you can usually get out of silly stuff.

>> No.19511494
File: 147 KB, 512x344, eggo_blueberry_waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this weirdo >>19511451, he doesn't go for the blueberry waffles. Pancake eatin' freak.

>> No.19511527
File: 79 KB, 707x490, 1609788299460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american obviously. bongs can't even get breakfast right

>> No.19511532


>> No.19511552

I was amazed a few years ago when I found out Americans consider muffins a breakfast food.
It explained a lot.

>> No.19511554

Full English, no bread, no sugar, no bullshit, pure fat and protein as god intended.
High T meal right there
I'm gonna get one tomorrow good call my nigga

>> No.19511569

Its an American making it. They don't have real food to replicate it correctly

>> No.19511573

Not everyone is a skinnyfat manlet
Full English is actually keto

>> No.19511581

>sugar and sugar with stimulants
Nice, now show us your man tits and your small dick

>> No.19511663

I love waffles and french toast even more, but I still love pancakes, too


>> No.19511675

Looks like dyed maggots, enjoy your eurotrash breakfast.

>> No.19511685

Or guys working 80 hours a fucking week, grinding their asses off trying to improve their station in life. Jesus fucking Christ you have no idea how many calories I burn through in a fucking day. I will PASS OUT before my lunch break if I don't eat a big ass breakfast.

>> No.19511698

How does it work, then?

>> No.19511715

You might want to consider getting a better job if you're grinding 80 hours a week,

>> No.19511728

This is just what it fucking takes, man. I understand what you're trying to say but I need to get what I want in life otherwise why am I even alive? And in order to do that I need to work two jobs at 40hr/week each. I'm just trying to get what I want. A "better job" isn't in the cards for me right now.

>> No.19511733

This isnt the place to bitch about your shit life

>> No.19511737
File: 105 KB, 604x603, 1560586202706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast

>> No.19511739

Yeah well all I was trying to say was that a full English/American breakfast is viable for SOME PEOPLE. And you gotta grind to get that better life. I've accepted that things are going to be shit for a couple of years, just gotta keep my head down and keep soldierin' on. Things will get better.

>> No.19511742


>> No.19511763

I'll take the coffee and fruit to go, maybe an oj for later. Thanks

>> No.19511764

This guy looks like a hollywood faggitron. Why would anyone watch or listen to it?

>> No.19511873

why do the dutch love chocolate sprinkles and no other sprinkle flavors

>> No.19511896

I'm so hungry for some breakfast right now

>> No.19511899

i hope you make it anon.
Drink whole milk like its water and eat 12 eggs a day. Put honey (real raw crystallized honey) in the milk too.

>> No.19512065

mushrooms and tomatoes are best friends with eggs though. honestly i'd replace the pancakes with the mushrooms and tomatoes and then you have the perfect breakfast. bongs can fuck off with their beans and inferior bacon though

>> No.19512068
File: 632 KB, 2884x1926, MmgciAa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very little beats a good Hong Kong dim sum or a Taiwanese breakfast with a little black egg in the porridge. Both of these beat anything I had in mainland china, England or turkey cleanly. However, I couldn't say they cleanly beat a full scottish with a good haggis or a southern style American breakfast with flaky biscuits topped with butter and molasses

>> No.19512117

>One half teaspoon of butter for two buns to share
I need minimum 10x that amount of butter. This isn't even enough for a slice of toast.

>> No.19512124

american "hands" typed this post

>> No.19512125

Is that fuckin congee jook

>> No.19512145 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should shut the fuck up you lazy faggot. You’ll be working when you’re 50. I won’t.

>> No.19512151 [DELETED] 

>everything I don’t like is American
Rent free god damn. Don’t you faggots have a war or immigrants or something more important to worry about? I know we’re the greatest country in the world but you don’t have to keep reminding us we’re all you think about.

>> No.19512156
File: 424 KB, 800x1206, 080416_jook_08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gweilo wouldn't hazard a definite name nor distinction between congee and jook,, but yes, and its really one of my favorite simple dishes.

>> No.19512165

it is not the fucking 1900s anymore fagtron. If your national breakfast resembles the caloric intake of a construction worker while 90% of your population only gets out of a chair to make their way to another chair, then it's food for lards on average, with miner exceptions (hyuk).

>> No.19512166

AH i see, this hambeast is of the "norff ingerland" variety. I may be able to placate him with a traditional call of his people


>> No.19512170

Who the fuck eats 13 stewed tomatoes on the vine for breakfast?

>> No.19512191


>> No.19512202

>english: one vegetable and 5 proteins
>american: two proteins and 3 carbs
what a debate

>> No.19512203

I do this

>> No.19512252
File: 1.04 MB, 640x849, full english.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full english
>no toast
>no black pudding
>way too many tomatoes
>gay tomatoes
>faggy shit sausages
>shit piece of bacon
if this isnt an ironic shitpost kys. pic rel is an actual full english.

>> No.19512259

based retard

>> No.19512261

Too much food for me. Just a quick bagel, thanks.

>> No.19512264

Didn't read this thread
Don't care
Only true answer is
>Full English sub beans
>Sub Beans with Hashbrowns

>> No.19512267

I'll take Amerifat.

>> No.19512282

>english: one vegetable
Tomato and mushroom? Beans are still starchy and it usually comes with toast and sometimes hash browns too. But I agree the American breakfast is better if it's an omelet with some veg.

>> No.19512287

>american: two proteins and 3 carbs
Also 3 carbs = pancakes and potato?

>> No.19512333

>I will PASS OUT before my lunch break if I don't eat a big ass breakfast.
You are a complete sissy and I highly doubt you're capable of manual labor.

>> No.19512820
File: 69 KB, 1080x187, 1689829997674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the big breadman

>> No.19512822

Shame, trips wasted on some office drone who's never had to sustain physical effort

>> No.19512929

there is no debate, everyone, including brits admit american is better. t. bong
we might have a soft spot for the full english for nostalgia's sake, but i openly admit it is inferior to american

>> No.19512940

still looks mid af

>> No.19512953

It doesn't explain anything. Muffins are just cupcakes without frosting. All it is is further evidence that our food is too sweet.

>> No.19512975

Unbelievably based and redpilled

>> No.19512989

>Carbohydrates with a side of carbohydrates with a side of carbohydrates and drown it all down with some carbohydrates and caffeine

>> No.19512990
File: 278 KB, 421x421, 1636005948082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenchbros... do we tell him?

>> No.19512998

>hash browns and toast instead of fried break
This is an Americanised full english

>> No.19513836


>> No.19513905

You'll be long dead when I'm 50 you fucking bootlicker

>> No.19513911

French are Meds, they don't work, they're like the Greeks, they lean against buildings all day trying to struggle snuggle women.

>> No.19513912

brits were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.

>> No.19513915

Coming from a gay cruisin flaming homo I take it as a huge insult

>> No.19513916

The both of you will still be working at 50 and will never retire, but you will have spent far more effort making money for jews with no personal benefit

>> No.19514301
File: 293 KB, 1024x731, penis_size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not french myself, but...
This is just a representative example. Any amount of butter goes, the french are famous for using lots of it.
>Muh macros
French breakfast isn't big either. It's a little starter until you eat lunch, not to keep you going for 12 hours of hard work.

>> No.19514357

>80 hours a fucking week
Damn, couldn't be me (union job) :^)

>> No.19514379

Girl here booking a flight to Hungary

>> No.19514597

i'd rather eat the left american plate with some orange juice. eating the right british plate would make me feel like i'm eating lunch or dinner. maybe it's because the way I was raised. I would totally eat the right british plate for dinner or lunch.

>> No.19515215

what even is that slop? describe it in english words, not whatever the tursk call it, because i can't speak turkish.

>> No.19515901

I've never worked an office job in my life. Every job I've ever had involved manual labor. If you'll pass out from skipping breakfast, you absolutely are not capable of anything beyond stocking shelves, if that.

>> No.19515929

carrying the coil of Romex to a room and then sitting in that room all day isn't what they were talking about, sally

>> No.19516692


>> No.19517121

the answer really just depends on where you were raised to be honest. the right sided dish of full english appears to be lunch or dinner and not breakfast related at all. but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. I would say that's a lot of tomatoes but I would probably eat them all out of curiosity.

>> No.19517131

Eating a small breakfast (or none) after a bigger dinner the night before means you're still burning yesterday's dinner throughout that day. All you're doing is changing when you intake most of your calories, they get burned regardless.
A big meal will always naturally slow you down to digest the large intake, why not do that in the evening instead?

>> No.19517172

english muffins are not what you would traditionally consider a muffin

>> No.19518888

Steak and eggs. Simple as.

>> No.19518908
File: 279 KB, 1280x1920, coffee_croissant_cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the REAL french breakfast

>> No.19518920

I rarely eat lunch at work, but I always eat breakfast. I'll eat whatever gives me enough fuel to make it to dinner, and even then, dinner is usually my smallest meal of the day. I just want to feel satiated enough to go to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night from hunger pangs.

>> No.19518948


>> No.19518951

Greasy fake shit

>> No.19518955

Because it is

>> No.19518965

fucking weeb pellets

>> No.19519088
File: 239 KB, 1600x1200, allstar_breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like waffle house so american for me. pic related. I've never had a full english, but they look awesome and I wanna try it.

>> No.19519126
File: 1.04 MB, 800x800, Air-Cooling-Commercial-Industrial-Portable-Mobile-Fan-WITH-SURIA-LOGO[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are great, as long as there is no hashbrowns
I'm not a huge fan.

>> No.19519135

I'll take the american but can I swap out the pancakes for toast or steak or something?
who the fuck is eating pancakes besides children in the year 2023?

>> No.19519136
File: 162 KB, 587x822, 20220608_121947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel w/ a glazed d'ohnut and hot coffee

>> No.19519156

from 1 to 10, how hooky your nose is?

>> No.19519204


>> No.19519440

Am i the only one who has almost no hunger at all during the morning? Maybe it's a culture thing, but usually breakfast where i live is just something light like coffee and bread, not a full-ass meal.

>> No.19519444


>> No.19519508

>in the year 2023
Were there extra reasons to have eaten them in 1997 that have been lost? Were new globally-preferred foods invented?

>> No.19519523

>eggs, grease, little to no fruit, all disgustingly hot
both gross
both true kino
The Continent does breakfast better, sorry

>> No.19519689

Have you had your second lunch yet, lard ass? You look like you're going to faint again. Put the single 2x4 you're carrying down and let the real men do the work.

>> No.19519929

>Thinks calories matter and not macros


English, too many carbs in American

>> No.19520005

For breakfast I usually go for leftover Chinese food while listening to some Gunsmoke.

>> No.19520015

looks like hamster turds on toast no thanks

>> No.19520020

Get a load of this pickey eater >>19520015 he doesn't like hamster turds.

>> No.19520276

Was just about to post this.

>> No.19520384

you are full of shit, they're the same thing. please get out of the UK and travel a bit before opening your cock holster

>> No.19520423

Ew, why ruin espresso with cigarettes? Also eating when drinking espresso or coffee ruins the extra placebo when you consume caffeine on an empty stomach.

>> No.19520607

do britbongers really eat a full dozen tomatoes at 7 AM?

>> No.19521235

Thanks Gary

>> No.19521245

I'm American. You can look up the nutritional information for English canned beans and American baked beans. American baked beans have less tomato and more sugar. I've tasted them too and the English beans aren't as sweet.

>> No.19521246

Unionize. There’s no excuse to be a slave in the west anymore. Also, you’re fat and unhealthy if you eat that much every morning.

>> No.19521249

Get it get it

>> No.19521257
File: 30 KB, 436x436, 1660874254161908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see charts like this it doesn't seem right
I don't think of my own cock as being all that big but it's always at least a half inch longer than the biggest number
Are these charts made up
Or are they measuring in a different way
Or have I been overestimating how big everyone else's penii are
Or do I genuinely have a large penis
It keeps me up at night

>> No.19521261

Why does this guy put spiders in everything he cooks?

>> No.19521326

After they pass through my digestive track, sure

>> No.19521462

If you were "American", then you would know full well that America is so large and so wealthy that we have multiple options for baked beans in even the most remote supermarkets in even ruralflyoverland, some of these being less sweet than others, and no such thing as "American Baked Beans". This of course is some kind of alien concept to Europeans, who are unfortunately subject to whatever meager rations their government distributes to them.

>> No.19521465

so what do you actually do big guy?

>> No.19521472

More commonly it's just one medium sized tomato sliced in half and grilled.

>> No.19521477

Name five.

>> No.19521506


>> No.19521508

Heinz beans has 4g added sugar per serving. The lowest I could find for two local stores in the US for baked beans is 10g added sugar per serving. Same serving size. Can you show me something lower?

Don't know what your point is about saying American baked beans aren't a thing. If it's that we don't literally call them "American baked beans" then that's really silly because you're ignoring the context of comparing them to another country's beans.

Are you offended by me just pointing out that an American food contains more sugar? I never said anything negative about that. I simply pointed out the difference between American baked beans and what the English have with their breakfast. Chili beans in America would be closer to what the English eat since they're not sweetened, but a bit spicier.

This has been a very unpleasant conversation about beans.

>> No.19521553

American, but swap the pancakes for the tomatoes and mushrooms from the English.

>> No.19521694

it made perfect sense

>> No.19521697

>I will PASS OUT

>> No.19521899

>so many beans
How do you deal with being filled with gas all day?

>> No.19521960

Bush's, Heinz, Campbell's, Van Kamp's, Amy's. That doesn't include store brands like Kroger or Great Value. In Europe governemnts have monopolies on industries and issue ration cards for the peasants.

>> No.19521980

Man. What a faggy comment.

>> No.19521984

Thanks, I don't know American brands and I was curious about this argument.
Those are 9%, 11%, 7%, 6%,and 7% sugar respectively.
Heinz (UK version) is 4%, Branston's, 5%, Sainsburys 4%, Tesco 5%, and Waitrose 4%.

>> No.19521987
File: 387 KB, 630x472, 1656866556525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bush's, which is nationally distributed, has a line with 1g of total sugar, zero added. My point is that Americans have options, and Euros don't seem to, since their markets are jammed into corner stores and don't have shelf space for options. And if there's one thing I can't let slide, its shit talking America by slack jawed Europeans who've never left their continent, for any reason, baked beans included.

Also for breakfast I prefer steak and eggs, because I can afford to.

>> No.19522015

Every one of those brands will have multiple different product lines, and some of those product lines will be low in sugar, and while the example in OP is probably the high sugar variety, you can almost certainly find the low sugar varieties.

>> No.19522029

There is no "traditional American breakfast" retard. You might try to compare American regional breakfasts with the English breakfast but even that is not canonical. America has vastly more regional diversity than shitty UK.

>> No.19522051

>Bush's, which is nationally distributed, has a line with 1g of total sugar, zero added.
It has artificial sweetener. It might technically be zero sugar, but the sucralose will make it taste just as sweet. And possibly upset your stomach.

>> No.19522087

American cope is off the scale.

Let's face it, most Americans have NEVER been abroad or eaten local food. They base their assumptions of British food from GI's who visited England during a world war (with its food rationing) and a meme on a Mongolian bell-ringing site.


>> No.19522136

>full English
>no (possibly fried) toast
>no black pudding
>weird fucked up sausages
Looks like he at least didn't use American style bacon.

>> No.19522140

>hello fellow based female ass smell enjoyer. I personally like when there's a slight hint of tthat fine fine poopy smell.

>> No.19522149

Hey guys!!!!
I think about my last meal.
What do you reccomend?

>> No.19522174

If you're thinking about your last meal anon that means you've already had it, surely you know what's good

>> No.19522383

Pancakes suck ass. I worked as a teen for 3 years at an ihop and only had pancakes once. Id go English. The only down side is their bacon is ass and id prefer hasbrowns over sweet beans.

>> No.19522415

Sugar is the second ingredient on Heinz Beanz ingredients

>> No.19522425

>only Americans eat pancakes
Why are Europeans such shameless liars?

>> No.19522434

>carbs carbs empty calories carbs
Explains why frogs are all low-T twinkolds

>> No.19522445

Only blacks are this afraid of a little lactose
Friendly reminder that traditional European diets included nearly a pound of butter at every meal

>> No.19522449

>bongistan filled with 3 inch jeets
>France filled with afrikangz

>> No.19522452

>Sell your soul to a labour union which includes forfeiting the right to negotiate your own promotions and raises

>> No.19522454

>Looks like he at least didn't use American style bacon.
You can't really tell from the look, as the difference is in the cure. Both ways are good, but they're very different; one side of the Atlantic prefers sugar-based cures for bacon, the other prefers salt-based.

>> No.19522461

>Bush's zero sugar added beans: 1g sugar
It's amazing just how many yuros criticise america for "let me tell you about your country", whilst doing the exact same thing themselves.
What's the Aesop about glass houses, again?

>> No.19522464

And yuros have never had American food outside of a local McDonalds franchise. Try looking in a mirror

>> No.19522498
File: 244 KB, 957x1415, url(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't.

>> No.19522543

>vegetables for breakfast
what the fuck is wrong with britfags

>> No.19522561

it's mainly different cheeses, yogurt, spreads, a few breads/pastries and eggs with tomatoes

>> No.19522655

>More sugar than salt
Is this supposed to be a W?

>> No.19522671

American breakfast is mostly carbs, English wins.

>> No.19522675

>egg in the hole
you shove the egg up your ass and shit in back out pretending to be a chicken?

>> No.19522753

I guess. It still has less sugar than American baked beans. Or pancakes. And that poster claimed sugar is the second ingredient when it's not.

>> No.19522797

>less sugar than american baked beans
Already debunked. There are versions of american baked beans with less than a gramme of sugar.
And pancakes are both a European food and have less sugar than waffles which are more popular in Europe than are pancakes. In fact, I don't think straight pancakes have any sugar at all. The sugar comes from the syrup usually eaten with them, which is common in Europe as well as the US. And in Europe, the syrup is something like Lyle's which is made from pure sugar unlike maple syrup which is tree sap with some sugar mixed with water and tannins.

>> No.19522807

>There are versions of american baked beans with less than a gramme of sugar.
That's not what most people are eating. And it uses an artificial sweetener instead of real sugar, so it still tastes just as sweet.

>> No.19522871

You need those calories when you work in the fields with the crops and horses and cows. Have fun in your cuboid.

>> No.19522890

why did you put chicken nuggets in the oatmeal

>> No.19522906

>not what most people are eating
So says you, from across an ocean
>artificially sweetened
Also debunked.

>> No.19522970
File: 148 KB, 720x713, Sucralose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificially sweetened
>Also debunked.
You can see sucralose in the ingredient list. That's an artificial sweetener. It often causes digestive issues so I wouldn't recommend eating it.

>> No.19523003

>less than one gram

>> No.19523055

Yes, there is a small amount of natural sugar in the beans and onion. Sucralose doesn't have to be included in the amount of sugar because your body doesn't absorb it. So it's still sweetening things, just with no calories. It's also hundreds of times sweeter than regular sugar which is why something can taste really sweet with it even when it's low on the ingredient list meaning there's only a small amount of it.

Sometimes foods even have warnings on the package saying that sucralose can give you gas and diarrhea. I think that probably means it's really not good for your body which is why I'd recommend against consuming it.

>> No.19523126

The ingredients list on a package is listed in order of how much of it is actually in the product. There's more yeast extract in it than sucralose, it's the second-lowest used ingredient. The FDA requires artificial sweeteners be included in the 'added sugar' label.
You haven't even tried the beans, and you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19523191

No one should be eating more than 300 calories for a meal wtf

>> No.19523204

>There's more yeast extract in it than sucralose
Yes but sucralose is hundreds of times sweeter than regular sugar, so if you replaced it with regular sugar to get a similar level of sweetness it would be much higher.

>The FDA requires artificial sweeteners be included in the 'added sugar' label.
It literally has an artificial sweetener in the ingredient list with zero added sugar on the front label.

Zero added sugar doesn't mean the same thing as unsweetened.

>> No.19523210


>> No.19523377

Why are British people so ugly?

>> No.19523594

>Already debunked. There are versions of american baked beans with less than a gramme of sugar.
Oh cool, I guess everyone in my country lives in a 100 room mansion because there are versions of domiciles like that too.

>> No.19523604

I don't see any deserts on that plate.

>> No.19523632

No, American is eating from both plates at once.

>> No.19524476

I used to be like you, and if I skip breakfast many days in a row, I lose my morning appetite. I even used to get nauseous.
Now that I’ve forced myself to eat something in the morning, I always feel like eating something, although something doesn’t mean a truckload of pork.

>> No.19524483

That's a full day's worth of eating

That's a full day's worth of eating disgusting shit.

>> No.19524486

Your negotiations sure seem to be going well considering you’re working 80 hours a week to get by.

>> No.19524495

you can't argue with Europoors. They have to find some form of supremacy to forget they live in the American world.

>> No.19524501

Amerilards shop in supermarkets that resemble industrial warehouses and can only be reaches by car. There they drive about in their mobility scooters and pick their food from a vast selection of slop.
Europeans on the other hand shop in markets. There we may hand-pick our groceries: fresh produce, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish… not a drop of additives nor palm oil in sight. To be born in Europe is like to win the lottery.

>> No.19524504

>They have to find some form of supremacy
Like claiming that English beans have just as much sugar as American baked beans. And then when you're given proof that it's incorrect, you start talking about salt content instead.

>> No.19524560

Nobody denies the importance of America. We just feel supreme in comparison to the average American because we are.

>> No.19524724

Aww, you poor little thing.

>> No.19524779

Why are Americans such retards?

>> No.19524789

> desert
If only Americans could spell basic English words

>> No.19524821

We have more land mass than all of europe so there's more retards in the pool to pull from.

>> No.19525049

Brits don't make endless threads about American food ('Processed food flavoured product' )
We honestly don't care about your stuff.

>> No.19525756

Can we mix?

>> No.19525777 [DELETED] 

As long as you not adding waffles to the full english

>> No.19525878

When are you pathetic freedomless fucks going to stop humping our legs and worshiping everything we do? Why don't you start your own website make make your own culture?

>> No.19527261


>> No.19527265

Also, I don't know what the fuck those beans are supposed to be but they definitely aren't baked beans

>> No.19527278

So gay. The English is the same every time, the American varies dramatically by state. California, you’re eating avocado toast. Maine, you’re eating lobster with maple syrup.

>> No.19527407

>people ITT arguing over the nutritional value of these

Let's not pretend you faggots are going out and working the fields all day, your eating this for the sake of indulgence.

>> No.19527415

21 grams in the entire can you illiterate faggots

>> No.19527461
File: 102 KB, 310x479, illbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans for breakfast

>> No.19527508

Europeans waif about all day until whatever they're calling their ration cards now are replenished. They then shuffle their diseased feet into what Americans might confuse for an especially small gas station for meager allotments of food. The European then walks back to his 350 sq ft apartment, wherein he will deposit food not fit for dogs into a pantry and a depressing minifridge. He will then chuckle to himself and head down to the cafe and take 3 hours to sip on an espresso and smoke because he doesn't have money nor property to do anything else.

>> No.19527522

fat fucks, either foreign or domestic, are disgusting and I hope you and them all die a violent death hopefully sooner than later

>> No.19528095

>Americans don’t have cherry tomatoes on the vine
Nice try Mohamed, can you even see what a tomato is through your burka?

>> No.19528113

>in b4 jew
Don’t let the basement dwellers on this site get you down. You’re doing the right thing, try to get to management as soon as you can.

>> No.19528123

The difference between America and the irrelevant is that Americans don't need anything to convince us we're the best. People responding to you demographic disaster areas are only pointing out factual inconsistencies. Like spoiler alert: we have access to every type of food in the world because we have money. If it exists we've tried it.

>> No.19528310

As an European, I’m thoroughly upset for having to stroll through beautiful, vibrant and culturally significant cities in order to get to a marketplace where I’ll find fresh food of supreme quality. If I was an American, all I’d have to do is drive my truck down the highway into the closest Walmart and grab a jar of Cheese Whiz to spread on my morning Pop-Tarts. I wouldn’t have to go outside, walk, or see anything of significance. I’d be able to do it all sitting on my ass.

>> No.19528382

>Cheese Whiz to spread on my morning Pop-Tarts
Don't knock it until you've tried it.

>> No.19528394

Do you have a farm?

>> No.19528651

Driving a tractor sure burns a lot of calories.

>> No.19528681

American minus the pancakes, maybe waffles or biscuits with jelly instead
pancakes are not good for how filling they are

>> No.19528950

Nope. Also I'm unemployed
Right because tractors existed 500 years ago

>> No.19528958

blörö? :DDD

>> No.19528967

not anymore they ain't
the rape thing is correct

>> No.19528985
File: 498 KB, 1008x1021, 1689950622888548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slop on paper pilates

>> No.19528989

coffee and cigarettes is a great combo

>> No.19529006

I HATE pancakes. It's all floury and greasy. So Full English.

>> No.19529259

The peasants working fields and farms five hundred years ago couldn’t afford breakfasts like that.

>> No.19529348

>balls of lint with brown sauce
Yeah this shit is literally garbage.

>> No.19529355

huh no wonder the Irish love flat asses.

>> No.19529357

Fuggg :DDD

>> No.19529359

Full English, miss me with that corn syrup hormone infused ass

>> No.19530309

I like pancakes but I don't think they need a bunch of sides. I'll take the American hash and bacon with the English mushrooms and eggs and maybe one vine of the English tomatoes.

>> No.19530789

Remove the beans and add bread. I'll take english.

>> No.19530863

Yeah movie film peasants certainly couldn't afford anything special or good. But real life is very different and more complicated

>> No.19530948
File: 50 KB, 400x300, deluxebreakfast02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the GOAT of breakfast.

>> No.19530955

only 6 days until BBS

>> No.19530962
File: 161 KB, 600x600, pancakes Meijers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the Meijers frozen pancakes, $4.00 for 24.

>> No.19531428

Why not both?

>> No.19531436

Me nigga

>> No.19531963

>Friendly reminder that traditional European diets included nearly a pound of butter at every meal

>> No.19531986

I used to get an All Star with pecans and chocolate chips on my waffle, has browns had mushrooms+onions+jalapenos+chili. Last few times I've gotten a texas patty melt with all the way has browns, insanely good.

>> No.19531994

My grandpa used to take me to McDonalds when I was a kid for the big breakfast. I got one last year and almost cried eating it alone in my house, thinking about him.

>> No.19532219


>> No.19532332

if I'm honest, I want the scrambled eggs, hash browns, about 1/2 a strip of bacon crumbled into it with about half of those beans on the side.

>> No.19532455

Just google what late medieval and renaissance era peasants ate. It wasn’t pork by the carload.

>> No.19533139

Uh. Well that depends on many factors. Peasants would keep pigs because they eat all the leftover garbage. Then when it's fully grown, they would butcher it and devour it. They weren't eating fresh pork every day, but it wasn't some unknown delicacy.
Then there is also salt pork....

>> No.19533533

I'll take full english but I'll pass on the beans. Or just a little bit of beans that much in op is crazy.

>> No.19533667

lol Bri'ish people cant do anything right

>> No.19534288

Yes, so then they couldn’t have eaten a full English breakfast regularly before work.

>> No.19534325

>Sorry oim late guv, had to finish muh 14 tomatoes and 2 cups o beans.

>> No.19534363

The claim was that they couldn't afford such a breakfast. There was nothing about regularity.
Actually medieval peasants couldn't eat a full English because there would be no tomatoes.

>> No.19535114

Gimme the hash browns and scrambled eggs from the left, and the mushrooms and meat from the right.

>> No.19535119

oh fuck yes

>> No.19535781

good goy. Keep slaving away for others to be richer.

>> No.19536422

Jesus Christ, mister, you made the claim that an English breakfast resembles what peasants ate five hundred years ago before working the fields. Isn’t it quite obvious why regularity would have something to do with that? If pork was a delicacy, then it couldn’t have been something they ate loads of every morning.

>> No.19536424

>Peasants ate very little meat—their diet was wholly based on what they could grow or buy locally. Their meals mainly comprised bread, eggs and pottage (made with peas or beans, vegetables, grains and small amounts of bacon and fish)—the original wholefood diet! Scarce meat was reserved for feast days and celebrations.

>> No.19536432

ameriCAN btw

>> No.19536437

I tend to agree with the premise but could you quote a gayer source?
First, it's a post on an Australian blog
Second, it cites literally 0 sources
Third, it was written by some renaissance fare obese woman with 0 credentials on the matter. Her words mean nothing without supporting documentation.

Don't link random blogs as sources or you just make yourself and your argument look retarded.

>> No.19536475

>some renaissance fare obese woman with 0 credentials on the matter
lol, you got me to click

>> No.19536483
File: 75 KB, 612x406, istockphoto-470438041-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only breakfast i stand behind

>> No.19536506

Excuse you, hot cakes are anabolic

>> No.19536658
File: 142 KB, 479x365, FAT-OPERATOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19536686

In Serbia, breakfast is usually cold cuts of cured meat, bread, yoghurt, coffee, and cheese (usually feta). It varies from household to household.

>> No.19536694

this post is making me want to buy a pack :(

>> No.19536845

Sad I'm going to miss on the hash hashbrown but those mushroom and tomatoes look amazing.

>> No.19537059

This all started because one anon said they don't like big breakfasts because it makes them sluggish. It was never my intention to say that peasants would eat a literal English breakfast. Just that they had the means and motivation to eat a giant breakfast.

Im just trying to have a casual conversation here, not some facts-and-logic debate

>> No.19537223

For me, it's
>loaded grits

>> No.19537237

Whoever says british is on full copium

>> No.19537244

Pancakes aren't supposed to be that sweet, retard and neither is pure maple syrup. Dont talk about shit you've never tried

>> No.19537658

Full English is great for a bulk
American is fine for a bulk if you mess around with the ingredients of the pancake (e.g. lower sugar, maybe find some way of putting whey in there idk)
Both are shit for a cut obviously.
Both are held back from god tier by using pork over beef

>> No.19537679

>>good for bulk
Are you retarded?

>> No.19537762

Do you cook your own grits?

>> No.19537830

Breakfast is a scam. Just have your leftovers.

>> No.19537840

What's that on the bottom left on the American side? Rosti?

>> No.19538034

Your mom is a scam

>> No.19538145

fuck off pierre this post is for anglos only

>> No.19538384
File: 1.27 MB, 381x319, 1649379297152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans who visit Europe on other boards praise the food and hate their fake goyslop ingredients they have to eat once they return home
>Americans on /ck/ are the opposite


>> No.19538528

niggas be proud of eating like an 80 year old grandma lol

>> No.19538656

pretty much

>> No.19538867

a true brexit geezer and a true red blooded southern american would each take down both and be still hungry for lunch

>> No.19538983

I can never make softboiled eggs right.

>> No.19540506

This pathetic loser can’t make a proper English breakfast and clearly doesn’t understand it, like so many American foodtubers I’ve seen go to the uk and try and order a fry up but end up with a mixed grill without realising the. Complain that it’s not good. Who the fuck puts fresh herbs on the eggs or uses small tomatoes on the vine in a full English? The sausages don’t look English either.

>> No.19540604

The fucker is thinking only of thumbnails

>> No.19540805

let's look at each individual item in the breakfast choices

>home fries
great choice really tasty and crispy. great energy booster
terrible choice you are basically eating complex sugars for breakfast
>scrambled egg
decent choice tasty and salty
>bacon strips
okay choice, it has some protein but has a lot of negative health consequences
Overall I would eat this meal maybe once a month. 5/10 room for improvement but a better baseline than the Full English.


get this shit out of here maybe a single slice of tomato to go on toast, but whole mini tomatoes get that shit out of here
Just like tomatoes the mushrooms got to go I could only ever see this diced up in a scrambled egg but eating it by itself makes no sense for breakfast
>sunny side up eggs
the perfect breakfast egg imho it can act as a sauce when you break the egg if you didn't overcook it. by far the best thing in either of these breakfast items.
I don't even like beans for dinner, there is no way you are getting me to eat beans for breakfast
decent choice only if it comes from a good source of meat and brits don't know how to cook meat so this will most likely contain scraps from every animal under the sun.
>fried chicken/steak
I think this is a fried steak but it could be a fried chicken I'm not sure. Either way, I don't want a big fried 8oz steak meal before heading out to start the day.
Overall, I would give it a 3/10
I would probably try it once for novelty sake but never order again.