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19508946 No.19508946 [Reply] [Original]

My tian I made today
Post your dinners

>> No.19508967
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That looks delightful OP, nicely done. Today I made some whole wheat penne with a simple cherry tomato sauce, typical weeknight meal for me. The sauce is EVOO, garlic, shallot, small onion, chili flakes, cherry tomatoes, can of Italian peeled tomatoes (crushed by hand), basil, and parsley. Rustic and full of good fresh veggies (and fruits if you want to be pedantic).

>> No.19508974

Very nice, I'd want some romano or parmesan grated on top but sounds/looks very good.

>> No.19508975

where's the meat OP?

>> No.19508976

>whole wheat penne

>> No.19508978
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>whole wheat pasta

>> No.19508987


Same, unfortunately I live in Thailand and good Italian cheese is expensive as fuuuuck out here. I save that for the really special dishes like a Sunday Bolognese ragu.

>> No.19508991


Maybe it's an acquired taste, but lately I just prefer whole wheat pasta. It's chewier (my favorite texture), a bit more flavorful, and I find it more satisfying. Just cook it properly, tossing to combine with sauce in the skillet during the last few minutes of cooking so it absorbs the sauce, it won't taste like cardboard if you do it right. Plus I eat pasta almost every day, so I it pays off to go with something a little bit healthier.

>> No.19508994

Looks like ratatouille

>> No.19509006

>it pays off to go with something a little bit healthier.
that's the problem, it's NOT healthier. and if you want more chewy noodles just use the egg noodle

>> No.19509032
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Cheap and easy for a Tuesday night.

>> No.19509045

I snacked on some salami and grapes lol
Oof yea cheese ain't popular in SEA
It's the same dish, but it's called a tian, but it uses the same vegetables as a ratatouille stew.

>> No.19509050
File: 55 KB, 750x891, slommy cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I snacked on some salami and grapes lol
you have to eat like a cat because you didn't make a real meal
"b-but I took a long time to slice zucchinis!"
not a meal

>> No.19509060

A little slommy is good, don't hate.

>> No.19509067
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your OK kid... but this is a dangerous board.
here's a real recipe... use it well.

>> No.19509090
File: 905 KB, 720x858, Screenshot_20230718-214025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of my lamb shoulder with caprese?
Not tonight's dinner but still

>> No.19509100


Literally every single dietitian and nutritionist agrees that whole grains are better than refined, wtf are you smoking. I swear people just want to be contrarian faggots to feel special for no reason these days.

>Lower glycemic index
>More fiber
>Keeps you full for longer

Is it a massive upgrade over white pasta? No. But if you eat a lot of pasta even a small, marginal improvement is a good thing.

>> No.19509105


Looks good, but is there any dressing/seasoning on that caprese? Needs olive oil, salt, and pepper at minimum, ideally a drizzle of balsamic too but that's optional.

>> No.19509106

it's a 4/10
your tomatoes are cut too thick, no balsamico, no olio d'Oliva, no pepper, the lamb was pulled too quickly from the pan before being finished, garlic is nice but that is TOO MUCH GARLIC for that amount of lamb.
I show you recipe:
If you like, just put the basils with the pomodori but really the pesto takes care of it.

>> No.19509108

>Literally every single dietitian and nutritionist agrees that whole grains are better than refined, wtf are you smoking
And they tell you to go get the mRNA vaccine lmao.
Yes, listen to them instead.

>> No.19509111

looks like that'd be an interesting cram

>> No.19509122


Woah, the anti-science faggot is just throwing out random conspiracy shit now because it has no argument, how novel. Why would you listen to a dietitian about vaccines anyway? It's not their area of expertise, and they're not the ones responsible for communicating with the public about vaccines.

>> No.19509128


You don't even need to "listen to the experts," you can just go read the studies yourself and compare nutritional data to arrive at an evidence-based understanding of how different foods affect the body. How is it possible that the exact same product, with a bit more fiber but otherwise basically the same, wouldn't be better? We know fiber is important to our health, especially digestion, and most people on standard western diets don't get enough of it.

>> No.19509132

I actually prefer it without anything desu
>Too much garlic
It was roasted and I love garlic mmmmmm

>> No.19509139
File: 177 KB, 959x1280, soy phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg r u a fuckin nazi

>> No.19509140

That cat looks a bit suspicious. Some doggos need to chase it around.

>> No.19509150

ah yes, not being an expert in anything I'll just go ahead and read these verbose academic papers and draw my own conclusions, thank you so much!

>> No.19509161

show foot gout

>> No.19509176

how do you get it so pretty?

>> No.19509184

>I prefer is without anything
that's just daft

>> No.19509191

i made picatta this night with lemongrass and saffron rice and a butter/cream cheese/wine sauce. i am making lamb korma tommorow

>> No.19509206

Time and patience, cut everything and then set into rows and just grab one from each row making a stack and set it in pan with sauce. Spread it out a bit and coil it, just takes time is all.
Then baking I bake it at 375 covered for 40 min and then 20 min uncovered. Covering keeps anything from charring and the uncovered stops it from being too soggy. And basil always looks nice
I noticed most recipes don't include basil as part of the stack, I really enjoy the fragrance and taste of fresh basil and I feel oil and vinegar kinda detract from it. Fresh tomato, mozzarella and basil just compliment each other so well there no need for anymore imo.
Try it sometime.

>> No.19509218

It’s not an all the time thing for me but sometimes I crave the taste and texture of whole wheat pasta, so I can see where you’re coming from.

I’d cram that lamb… into my mouth because it looks yummy.

>> No.19509230

>everyone who disagrees with me is some kind of leftist s0yfag

Uh huh.


Okay so if you're scientifically illiterate and can't read a research paper, go find actual experts (RDNs, RDs, MD-PhDs) and see what they say. Oh look, every credible nutrition scientist and clinical dietitian is saying whole grains are better for you, even if they disagree on many other things. Wow! Gee whiz! Must be a conspiracy by Big Whole Wheat?

Listen, I understand it's hard to find quality science-based nutritional advice these days, most people online are doing clickbait shit and/or trying to sell you some fad nonsense. But it is really not that hard to go on Google Scholar or Pubmed, find a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of whatever you're curious about, and read the abstract to get an overview of relevant research on that topic.

>> No.19509231
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Hey make a return to reddit you giant niggerfaggot.

>> No.19509238

You guys realize humans live to be 70+ in this day in age right? No need to force feed yourself this vegangoyslop

>> No.19509251

If it's any consolation I make my pasta sauces with an anchovy or chicken fat base.
Goyslop is premade shit filled with preservatives, there's nothing wrong with cooking with fresh vegetables anon I'm not a hippie vegan faggot, but I still enjoy veggies.

>> No.19509254



it's literally just tasty pasta anon. I eat eggs for breakfast and deenz for lunch, I get plenty of protein in a typical day. For dinner I want something easy, quick, and satisfying. Usually that means a nice pasta dish, with or without meat depending on what I have/want.

Human life expectancy is also declining in the USA anon, it's still important to take care of your health. I would rather eat healthy and not take statins/ozempic/other drugs to stay alive.

>> No.19509260


>Anchovy pasta sauce

My man. Nothing better than a good aglio e olio with some chili flakes, anchovies, and parsley to punch it up. Anchovies just melt into the olive oil and give such an incredible umami flavor. It's a shame so many people are afraid of them.

>> No.19509275

It's an American thing, 95% of everyone just buys their shit precut at a supermarket, I love eating sardines out the can but I used to live with some Filipinos that had me try some dried shit in a bag, fish head eyes, brain, organs everything still intact. I still ate them because I didn't want to be rude but god damn. That shit is super unnerving.

>> No.19509313


Aw man you haven't lived until you've had whole fried smelts with a spicy mayo or red vinegar dip. Tiny crunchy whole fish are the best. Filipinos have their flaws, but they know their shit when it comes to food.

>> No.19509328

Aye, it was a game changer for my sauce, that and adding a splash of vinegar at the end.
As long as I'm not cooking for people that don't eat fish, I don't tell anyone about the anchovies, as you say they just melt completely and you'd never know they were there. It's my secret weapon since everyone "hates" anchovies and would never think to use them.
Hell I like them as a pizza topping, I don't think I could eat them alone though, maybe on some buttered bread but that might be too salty.

>> No.19509333

I'd eat it, I've heard of smelts, haven't had them. It's a euro thing no? One of my Swedish friends is the only person I know that eats smoked fish other than me, he's mentioned smelt before but I don't think I've seen it in the states.

>> No.19509448

>eurofags shitthemselves over the face sometime can possibly smell wosre than the breakfast they prepare every morning

>> No.19509642

ah yes, a peer reviewed paper that says absolutely nothing, written by people whose career revolves around publishing papers about nothing for all the other academics to natter over. Thanks for educating me!

>> No.19509681

I bought this from my Nicaraguan immigrant neighbour, paid 20 dollars for it now I am writhing in agony on the toilet shit everywhere flush this hoss

>> No.19509863

how do you find veges to all be the same round shape?

>> No.19509924

Zucchini, Yellow Squash and Roma Tomatoes are all cylindrical. I just pick out the ones closest in thickness the best I can and the go to town with my knife. You can also use Chinese eggplant but my store was out.

>> No.19510129
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Looks amazing OP, very professional.

Here's a pasta with meat sauce I made Monday night.

>> No.19510142

Nasty sexpat.

>> No.19510171


Do you understand what the peer review process is supposed to achieve? If a paper says absolutely nothing valuable at all, it won't be published by a major journal. Of course that doesn't mean every paper in a major journal is correct, but every one of them is making some kind of significant claim (we performed X test and observed Y result). Then you can evaluate the evidence as a whole and come to your own conclusions. Christ, what is with you people. There are so many valuable studies ranging from randomized controlled trials to epidemiological studies that have advanced our understanding of nutrition and human health. Do you just straight up not believe in the scientific method?

>> No.19510175


I'm worse than a sexpat, I'm a white ladyboy who moved here to get away from transphobia and culture war bullshit. It's pretty comfy over here I cannot lie. You are probably glad I left the US anyways.

>> No.19510481

Most people barely have the reading comprehension to get through a newspaper, scientific papers may as well be magical runes.

>> No.19511586
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>chicken picatta with a side salad please