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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19506476 No.19506476 [Reply] [Original]

I was eating out at a Thai place and found part of one of those metal industrial brilo pads in my food when I bit down.

>> No.19506485

I can't see the roach

>> No.19506489

Jalapeno, bottom left.

>> No.19506497

>complains about a free source of protein
stupid n*****

>> No.19506501

It’s not that kind of roach retard

>> No.19506507

Yep, during the lock down I ordered pho from a famous Vietnamese restaurant after work. Found the biggest fly wing on my soup which I assume was attached to an even larger fly that sinply disintegrated by the slow simmering of 24hr pho beef broth.

I threw up afterwards.

>> No.19506508

A bone in my boneless chicken

>> No.19506516

Sometimes there's a hair in my food. I never give a shit and just pick it out and keep eating

>> No.19506542

Big deal

>> No.19506544

I found a decently sized piece of plastic wrap in my monte cristo at the cheddars in san angelo, TX. Not huge but big enough that you couldn't swallow it on accident. I told the waitress to warn the chef to be more careful and then finished my meal
>captcha 4YSGAY

>> No.19506546

Friendly reminder that every bit of food you have ever eaten has been touched by bugs at some point.

>> No.19506554

I've never found anything horrific in my food, just the occasional piece of sharp plastic from food packaging, kinda annoying but that's life you know

>> No.19506595


>> No.19506607

Metal shards from an inappropriately opened sauce can in my coconut shrimp at a Chinese buffet.

>> No.19506627

I made a sandwich with the paper separator still on the slice of cheese. Got like halfway through before realizing it wasn’t just really shitty cheddar.

>> No.19506632

Is this some sort of drug thing? I can't really make it out but it looks like it could be an insect

>> No.19506635

>inappropriately opened sauce can
Did they open it with their dick?

>> No.19506638

A niggers opinion on spic food is like a dogs opinion on human food, meaningless.

>> No.19506722

>eating bowl of offbrand honey bunches of oats
>ate considerable amount before really looking at the cereal
>dozens of wriggly maggots

>> No.19506730

>I made a sandwich with the paper separator still on the slice of cheese. Got like halfway through before realizing it wasn’t just really shitty cheddar.
lmao I did that last month. I was like
>fuck did this cheese go bad or something why is the texture so weird
until I realized it was paper

>> No.19506738

Was drinking from a pint glass and there was a huge shard at the bottom.

>> No.19506741

Found an entire clump of hair in a chinese order from a spot in Boston. Doordash gave me a $5 refund, bastards.

>> No.19506742

It's the remnants of a joint (marijuana cigarette)

>> No.19506747

Extremely rude, you should’ve eaten it and then said the fly was superb on your way out.

>> No.19506752
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I was about to start my shift in the pizzeria and basically the day before we left some bell peppers to cool off in the night, completely unguarded or un covered, I walk up to the tray of peppers and what do I see top left of the tray?
A big fucking spider who just got startled cause it noticed me and I noticed it, I was hearing the pizza guys talking and slowly reaching my same spot, so I was thinking to myself (since I was new there) these guys are going to make me do the whole tray again, so I looked at the spider and annihilated him in sad spirit, I didn't want to kill him, but it was either him or a new tray of bell peppers.
Never told those guys about the spider.

>> No.19506762

hairs, the pizza at my local pizzeria always has hairs sticking out the crust

>> No.19506780

I had a doordash driver throw my food on the ground and attack me. Doordash offered half off. Last time I ever used any delivery app, not paying double to have meth heads handle my food and come to my house.

>> No.19506789

thats the vietnamese equivalent of winning the golden ticket you dumb bastard. you could have had a tour of wi lee won kah's pho factory but no

>> No.19506794

honestly most of the time it's totally fine. It's just that when there's a problem they don't give a fuck.

I take that back, one time I ordered taco bell and put in the wrong address. The guy wouldn't deliver to the actual address and doordash reimbursed the whole meal (which i ordered again)

>> No.19506833

That sounds terrible. I once went to a chicago deep dish place (on the west coast where I live) and brought home left overs, the next night when I took them out the pizza was utterly infested with maggots crawling over each other I almost puked. I still shudder about whatever unsanitary conditions are in that places kitchen.

>> No.19506875

A friend of mine once found a tiny cockroach in her dish. I was just before she did take a bite.

>> No.19506909

Yuck, at least she didnt find half a cockroach

>> No.19506962

One time I found a clam in a clam. I cried.

>> No.19506978

Same happened to me, just that I didn't cut anything and had already swallowed the first after noticing a weird texture of the cheese.

>> No.19506996
File: 198 KB, 327x525, Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 19-48-04 CLIF BARRITAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 13 ish, summer (hot)
>bored in parent's car while waiting for them to finish talking to friends outside
>snoop around in glove box, find a chocolate clif bar
>"fuck yeaaaaah"
>peel back the wrapper, notice this clif bar had cool white chocolate sprinkles on it
>"fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i love chocolate"
>move the bar up to my mouth for a bite, stop out of instinct right before biting down
>my fine tuned hawk like peripheral vision had caught some movement on the bar as I swung it up to my mouth
>the sprinkles turned out to be tiny white maggots crawling around the clif bar.
The seal of the wrapper must have been compromised at some point while in the hot glovebox

>> No.19507004
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must be a damn good pizza for you to keep eating there after consistently finding hair in the dough

>> No.19507255

are we talking about the thing on top of the jalapeno in the bottom left? seems more like a bug to me. you can see legs no?

>> No.19507270

I found a livestock needle in some pork from a shitty Columbian place. Thankfully I noticed it before biting down

>> No.19507292

yes, metal in fuet and a small rock in a fry. both broke my teeth, the small rock only broke a portion of one of my front lower tooth, the piece of metal completely shattered my tooth (molar) from the inside vertically, it was fucking terrible, it needed to be extracted and is replaced with a fake one. i'd rather have some nasty thin inside which only makes you puke than something that gives me permanent damage

>> No.19507349

Found a metal wire lodged in a peice of iceberg lettuce at a local fancy steakhouse as a kid once. Got everything comped by the manager.

>> No.19507350

You VILL eat ze bug

>> No.19507378

>avoid the noid
>say no to the pho

>> No.19507410

That'll be 19.99 w/o tax, plus don't forget the tip goyim!

>> No.19507426

I was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and found some kimchi and unmelted cheese.

>> No.19507480

fuck you i have like 40 of these

>> No.19507548

I once left a steak out of the fridge for ten seconds while I was getting salt and pepper and when I turned around I saw that a fucking fly had laid eggs on my meat.

>> No.19507837

Not in my food but my neighborhood. A few cross burnings fixed it, tho.

Srsly, tho, the only thing I found in my food that wasn't supposed to be there that I can recall was a fish nugget in my Checker's french fries once.

>> No.19507876

I got a hair in my macaroni and cheese at a steakhouse as a kid. The waitess seemed genuinely apologetic and was a little angry at the chefs and was like "i am going to have a STERN talk with them". She made sure I got another bowl of it for free but I was scared to eat it. I was afraid that maybe they spit in it.

>> No.19507903

I went to a diner with some kids back in the day and this one fat bitch ordered "just mashed potatoes" and there was a clump of hair in it. Not a strand. A fucking clump. When she told the waitress, she said "ugh, again?!"
I lol'd.
Fat bitch got her second mash and ate it so idk if there was anything wrong with it since I cancelled my order when that came out and I noped the fuck out of there.
Another time at a different diner, same fat bitch just ordered a plate of, like, 2 dozen cookies. Some other guy asked her for one and she said "No. They're my cookies. You can't have any." in the most Cartman-y sounding fucking voice I've ever heard come out of a bitch.
Dude called her, and I quote, a "fatty fat fuckfuck hippo" and I cracked the fuck up.

>> No.19508003

there was a piece of napkin in my carne guisada taco from my favorite mex restaurant. (i bit into it and realized instantly it was non-food). i told my mom to complain about it (since she paid for it) and she didn't wanna complain. anyway it's a really good restaurant but they fucked up that one time. i am still kind of affected by it because i dont like to bite into dirty chef napkins that he probably wiped his balls with.

>> No.19508186

I once found a clam in my order of extra crumbs at Long John Silver's.

>> No.19508201

it’s the only pizzeria in my small town and the pizza is good, the “hair” are from a particular oven glove he uses, it’s not actual hair.

>> No.19508223

I've had various bits of plastic, usually in or around meat. Like part of the container it was in. Most recent was on pizza with nduja on it. Also remember as a kid mom did lamb curry and ladybug got into it somehow

>> No.19508268

the ""chef"" there likely didnt even speak english

>> No.19508277

How the fuck would you even notice or see a fly wing? And why would the fly disintegrate but not the wing?

Makes no sense dumbass, was probably just the onion skin or something

>> No.19508341

There was a deep fried fake nail in my taco bell taco. I haven't eaten there since.

>> No.19508439

Last week I made some powered hot cocoa. As I took my first sip I felt something in my mouth. I assumed it was a clump of undissolved cocoa and chewed on it then discovered it was a bug. I spat it out and felt disgusted for the rest of the day.

>> No.19508451

Pinches negras not being able to appreciate un muy rico cucarahcha con chile y queso, moyos.

>> No.19508456

>I was eating out at a Thai place and found part of one of those metal industrial brilo pads in my food when I bit down.
Similar experience. I had Chinese takeout and came upon a small piece of the Scotch-Brite steel scrubber they were using for cleaning the woks.
On the plus side, at least this meant they were cleaning the woks.

>> No.19508462

I ordered a shrimp plate from a burger place and it had a piece of metal in it that was hook shaped but not sharp like a hook. Also got hair a few times from various places.

>> No.19508720

Ah I see

>> No.19508730 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19508747 [DELETED] 


>> No.19508751

Hair in food. Got metal shavings in some crackers from ALDI once. Never bought the crackers again.

>> No.19508760

My childs fork when shes stealing from my plate. Little bastards

Ive found hair on my food before but it never phased me when it was small and on top, could have fallen off someones head literally in transit from kitchen to table. Jyst pick it off no big deal. But once I got a burger from mcdonlds and it had a looong ass hair inside it that literally kept pulling like it was attached to the burger when I bit it and that was fuckin gross so I threw it out after rinsing my mouth out and never went back there. I was already halfway home and it was just a mcdouble, back before they cost like 5 bucks a pop

>> No.19508774

So it's not hair

>> No.19508780

They probably grabbed the can from the bottom and spoke lewd comments to it while they worked the can opener

>> No.19508789 [DELETED] 

We can’t all be Sandwich Artists. Someone has to be the lowly chef.

>> No.19508874

Are you a white guy?

>> No.19508875

it was a guitar string. sorry

>> No.19508893

It'd probably be more inappropriate to grope at the top, maybe stick a finger in

>> No.19508952
File: 139 KB, 800x800, Kitchen-Fine-Mesh-Flour-Sifter-Professional-Round-Stainless-Steel-Flour-Sieve-Strainer-Sifters-Best-for-Kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at work, sifting the flour to make another batch of fried chicken
>i do this for every single new batch, the other cooks don't
>live fucking cockroach peeks its little antennae out of the crumbs in the strainer like "greetings habib, the usual?"
>what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
>throw away the chicken that just went out, throw out the flour, clean and sanitize the entire workstation before starting again with all new flour
I'm 90% certain it got in there while the bowl of flour was sitting out in the open for 15 minutes while the chicken was cooking, or it was in the bag. But just imagine how much worse it could have been if I had not cared and put more tenders in there without checking. That shit is straight out of my nightmares.

>> No.19508981

My friend worked in a upscale restaurant that was infested with cockroaches. He said multiple times customers found them in their food. The place is long defunct now.

>> No.19508982

Based. Same. Happens at home too. Shit happens. Dunno how these fags would survive 100 years ago when having lice was more common than being able to read or roughing it like the Indians.

>> No.19508985

People obviously were not happy with it then and sought to change living standards. They lived with things like lice being common back then because they just didnt have a choice.

>> No.19509035

>no to the pho
How do you think that word is pronounced anon?

>> No.19509042

I got some chicken noodle soup from a Chinese joint in NYC once and found a packing staple in the soup. Luckily I detected it and didn't swallow the thing.

>> No.19509242

Yes, I made a tuna sandwich and was eating it while focused on gaming, took a bite and couldn’t figure out why my mouth started hurting, looked at the sandwich and it was covered in ants.

>> No.19509306

>I was afraid that maybe they spit in it.

lol anytime my mom got angry with the fast food workers in the drive thru speaker i would tell her cancel the order I don't want that food anymore. because like you said I thought they will do something weird to my food.

>> No.19509331

>some of you are alright
>don't eat at zacatacos tomorrow
what the FUCK did she mean by that bros?

>> No.19509359

eat your maggot bars, maggot boy
you WILL be happy

>> No.19509475
File: 21 KB, 309x309, 20230513_043103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Olive Garden and found what appeared to be part of a condom in my pasta. I also remember seeing a piece of rubber embedded in one of the chicken patties at my middle school cafeteria.

>> No.19509486

Oh shit, i didnt see it at first

>> No.19509488

Black people
*shakes head*

>> No.19509491

Oh wow, such insight. Kys

>> No.19509494

I put needles and razor blade in the Halloween candy

>> No.19509496

Applebees did that to my brother once

>> No.19509500

Maggot faggot

>> No.19509512

Having pest issues can cause big reputational damage to a restaurant. https://news.foodsafety.ca//vancouver-restaurant-closes-following-media-backlash

>> No.19509552

cat bones in my supposed rabbit ragout.

>> No.19509775

You're a responsible chef and I'd happily eat at your place.
Insects and rodents and shit will always eventually show up at a restaurant, food processing factory, mills, etc - that's just natural, they wanna eat and there's a lotta food in those places. What matters is how they're dealt with when discovered. Some fuckers are lazy and will just squash the one bug they see and continue serving everything - and then they end up with a restaurant full of insects cause they've laid eggs or been hiding underneath shit in the pantry etc.

>> No.19509813

no you dont, pussy

>> No.19509851

My brother ordered dominos and whoever boxed up the pizza left a whole circular metal grill in there. This was like 12 years ago

>> No.19509858

But who knows it honestly could've been mine.
>maggot in banana
Some kind of fly laid an egg on the peel and it must've burrowed in because when I peeled I saw it wiggling in the flesh of the banana

>> No.19509864
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my government posts its food inspections online and basically all of them have some semi serious violations. so much for the free market...

>> No.19509875

Nigger bitch probably planted it there. Never trust a single word that comes from a foul nigger's disgusting face. She probably just wanted a free meal or the wait staff pressured her for a tip so she chimped out.

>> No.19509885

The day that vietnamese immigrants are able to speak English with no accent is the day I'll give a fuck. Until then it's pronounced "foe".

Pretentious faggot

>> No.19509893

Time to pronounce it correctly.

>> No.19510013

Haha yes I'm kidding, please send your children over to pick up my safe candy this Halloween

>> No.19510024

They're trying to get a free meal, blacks will put bugs in their food to get out of paying it.

>> No.19510430

only once, but i forgave them because it was just a random mistake.

but I cringe whenever I see people take a bite out of a sandwich/burger without opening it up first and seeing what's inside.

likewise if I had opened up my taquito to look inside i might have seen the foreign object

>> No.19510434

Goddamn she's hot. Reminds me of selena quintanilla

>> No.19510688

Which word? You mean "no", as in the phrase "no-uh"?

>> No.19510724

She's also dead and, as we all know, dead girls don't say no.

>> No.19510735

i would have sex with her fresh corpse. just to see if i like necrophilia or not. you know, just as an experiment.

>> No.19510963

Based!!!!!!!! So fucking based.

>> No.19510969

Remember when PH and Xvideos had snuff on them? Those were fun times.

>> No.19511093

I live 5 minutes away from there

>> No.19511365 [DELETED] 

go kill yourself. NOW

>> No.19511408

No, but I remember when PH didn't fucking suck so hard. ThisVid is full of disgusting shit so between PH being fucking neutered, TV being too extreme for me, hating any site that watermarks videos and all the BORING-ass camwhores everyfuckingwhere now, idfk where to find decent pornography anymore.
I'm still watching shit from, like, 2010.

>> No.19511670

found a chunk of semi melted plastic in a philly steak pizza. pizza was great til that part, then i felt quite sick as melted plastic in the mouth is rather unpleasant

>> No.19511725
File: 109 KB, 800x800, 1651361057629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is inter-ethnic warfare. Nobody really pays attention to this but blacks and hispanics are at each others' throats in Chicago. You think, this is America, it's the wypipo, but whites and blacks operate in such completely different spheres there's basically no tension (other than what mass-media tells people to feel).
Meanwhile black neighborhoods are losing population like crazy, and hispanics who are getting priced out of their own neighborhoods (by white people - white-and-spanish tension is HIGH) and buying up black neighborhoods. The Latine Community hates niggers and blacks at the end of the day do see themselves as natural-born Americans, so they have no basis for common understanding. Meanwhile as the black population floods out of the city, their political power is eaten up by the growing Spanish population. It's bad. They want her out - In the end, it's the formerly-white suburbs who pay the price.

>> No.19512335

once had a meatball sandwich at a really nice carvery and one of the meatballs had a lot of chicken vertebrae in it. at least I hope it was chicken vertebrae.

>> No.19512344

hopefully there'll be a race war and they'll take each other out

>> No.19513168

In the mid-2000s, I went to Cheeburger Cheeburger and ordered their fries and onion ring combo appetizer. After having a few fries, I noticed the basket it was served in was infested with ants. The fucked up part is that the restaurant was brand new at the time.

>> No.19513172

I was eating a steamed bun that my mom made and there was a metal staple in it.

>> No.19513210

That's called a "fiber"

>> No.19513250

Ordered pizza from a greasy old pizza place, one of the toppings was a staple

>> No.19513272

That whole saga of people finding rats in their popcorn chicken is the reason why I don't eat KFC. That and their chicken always has gross black bones, wtf.

>> No.19513284

it's a fucking roach you clown, that's how most of them look, not like the brown meaty behemoths in movies and cartoons.

>> No.19513315

I bet you know all about meaty brown behemoths, gayboy

>> No.19513318

Yeah, bent over and I show you

>> No.19513424

Speak for yourself, I've seen ones as big as mice

>> No.19513432

There was plastic in my raisin Bran. I complained and got free raisin Bran.

>> No.19513475

there's like three places in my entire town with a 1/5 rating and the chinese we order from every month is one of them

>> No.19513520

This thread has inspired me not to get fastfood today.

>> No.19513642
File: 136 KB, 381x492, alfajor-chimbote-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy one of these bad boys from corner shop
>open it up and munch as I walk down the street
>first bite tastes funky as fuck, weirdest flavour I've ever tried
>take a look inside alfajor, where there should be dulce de leche is filled with bright green/blue mold
>blow chunks on the pavement

>> No.19513655

If I saw a mouse sized roach anywhere near me I would probably move. Even if it wasn't in my home

>> No.19513661

You have a friend named Chunks?

>> No.19513668

Yeah, he's a little om the heavier side

>> No.19513669


>> No.19514144
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>wi lee won kah

>> No.19514152

She didn't get the memo, you are suppose to eat bugs now

>> No.19514159 [DELETED] 

Based, animals can consent.

>> No.19515054

>no is actually pronounced “Noah”

>> No.19515060
File: 20 KB, 180x236, 2A4F28B5-B6D6-4A45-B8C9-3434D532D408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing the nigger fried rat hoax

>> No.19515067

Ants? Thats extra protein.

>> No.19515068
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Does she noa lot about pho?

>> No.19515076

I remember that stuff from totse days, &t

>> No.19515088

to have maggots fester in such a short timespan, holy shit. that's foul.

>> No.19515110

Isn't that some medical thing? Maggots are used to clear out rotting flesh, they'll eat the rotting flesh and leave the good flesh alone.

>> No.19515111

small cockroach crawling on a takeout pizza box from a place that has ultra-dim lights all the time (and no windows)

>> No.19515121
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>> No.19515124

Different species of roach. Those tend to live in wet, isolated areas, where they can nest peacefully. The small ones are the disgusting bastards you find everywhere. I see them frequently at places outside my home - my stepsister's mother lives in a sty that probably has more roach matter than drywall in it at this point. I've only ever seen the giant ones once. They were in the basement mechanical room of the English building at my university, roughly fist-sized. There are also palmetto bugs further south, and they fly, but they're harmless.

>> No.19515128

I've had cobweb mold in a Little Debbie swiss roll. Fucking awful stuff.

>> No.19515139

I remember those palmetto bugs from Florida,I used to call them roaches but my grandma was like "those aren't roaches, they're palmettos" I'm not going to disagree with my grandma.

>> No.19515238

Thumb print in the cheese is probably worse for you
Has anyone noticed how moldy berries have become this year
I'm a produce manager and I swear to god half of them are coming in fuzzy
It consumes my day picking through strawberries and blueberries; picking out the bad ones and recombining them
shit sucks, I'm sorry

>> No.19515250

got some strawberries from a farmer's market a few days ago and they are the worst I've gotten in a long time, so many mushy ones

>> No.19515338

I usually plant a plastic toy bug on the food after im done eating 75% of it. they apologize profusely and I get a free meal and drink. I buy the pack of bugs from the dollar tree so i'm noly spending around 20 cents for dinner each time. Pretty smart if I say so myself.

>> No.19515456

I got some chile peppers from a farmers market and when sorting them out to put in a freezer some spider jumped out at me. That was pretty funny.

>> No.19515614

embrace your maggot family, for they will embrace you, the maggot mother.

>> No.19515624

gonna have a pb banana one right now

>> No.19516014

In a box of frozen tamales, one of them had a long ass black wiry hair embedded in the masa. Nasty as hell.

>> No.19516987

Slurped some water and felt a chunk, chunk started moving and I spit it out, it was an earwig that was hiding in the straw. Bastard's probably currently ranting about a prophecy acting like he spent three days in a giant whale's stomach

>> No.19517020

Also, somehow a sewing needle was baked into a cake at a potluck, when I took a bite the needle lodged itself into the back of my throat, luckily there was just enough poking out that my parents were able to pull it out, I was 8

>> No.19517079

My mom made me egg and potato soft tacos and one of them had one of her wiry hairs tangled in all of the food lol. i was like ew wtf mom! and gave it back to her. she seemed really disappointed in herself and idk if she ate it herself or threw the food away. but years later I felt bad about how I reacted to it and I didn't want to make her feel bad about it. if I could rewind time I would just throw the taco in the garbage outside and not tell her.

>> No.19517086

Yes, I found a piece of metal in canned food once. I was young now that I'm older I'd have complained to get some free shit. I also bought a 12 pack of soda and one of the cans was sealed but empty, just filled with air. That wasn't supposed to be there. Otherwise, bugs in bags and spinach and mold on food that I literally just bought but was too stupid to check. Would a cracked egg count? It isn't supposed to be there. But I've bought eggs that looked fine from up top but were cracked on the bottom.

>> No.19517113

if i find stuff in my restaurant meal, i'm not telling the staff about it or my waitress. i'm walking out and I believe you all to be incompetent. I might make a phone call to speak to the manager and leave that message with him. but i'm getting the fuck out of there fast as possible and i'm not paying for anything I ordered.

>> No.19517268

I had a bowl full of cherry tomatos on my counter with a towel over it because I was having trouble with fruit flies in my kitchen. I would move the towel aside, grab a tomato, and then put the towel back so no flies could get inside. one time though I went to grab a tomato and noticed there were a bunch of maggots in the bottom of the bowl. I figure the fruit flies were probably getting in as eggs on the tomatos and then hatching while they were in my kitchen.

>> No.19517390

I would send it back not because I find it gross but because I can get more food. Maybe a bonus im lucky.

>> No.19519090

i work at a cracker barrel and a few weeks ago a customer found a safety pin sticking out of one of their biscuits. kek.

>> No.19520326

that feeling sucks, but you might have helped her become a more sanitary cook with the innocence of a child

otoh I disappoint my mom every day as an adult

>> No.19520347

you have to let somebody know. make that call to the manager, karen

whether you care about helping the place improve itself or you just want to flip the bird at everyone who works there, you could be helping the next person who will eat there

also even if you don't touch the food you could be held liable for dine & dash

>> No.19520364

i had a huge chunk of ceramic in a quesadilla once. almost fucked me up

>> No.19520396
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I can't imagine how many people would freak the fuck out about the ones I see around the house occasionally. (this is in rural north Florida for clarification) You can more or less predict what they're going to do, they aren't very smart. If you see them out in the open they're usually already dying. They can be fast as fuck if they're healthy and caught off guard though. If they start flying, I'm out of there, nope.
If you see little juveniles scurrying around then that means there's a breeding population of them within the walls somewhere. There are also German cockroaches which are a separate species.
"Palmetto bug" refers specifically to the Florida woods cockroach, which is native to here, looks noticeably different and can't fly. I feel bad for killing them if they get in the house.
The other ones are definitely Periplaneta americana, just absurdly huge.

>> No.19520426
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Oats wouldn't have maggots, they eat rotten foods and the maggot shit would be immediately apparent from smell alonr. You likely ate some kind of (harmless and edible) meal worm.

>> No.19520707

okay bud. surely there aren't middle-class blacks living in the suburbs, just like there aren't poor whites living in inner-cities.
inner-city trash is going to be at each other's heads, it's expected. but it's not that black and white. i've seen people of different races get along fine.
people's brains have been rotted by social media and the internet. what a disgrace.

>> No.19520712

glad im not the only one noticing that. makes me want to cut out fruit entirely.

>> No.19520722

one time i was eating burgers at a neighbor's house as a kid. before eating i watched him use a wire brush on the grill and i wondered why my dad never did that.
biting into the burger, i hit a piece of wire. i figured that was probably why my dad didn't use a wire brush. i didn't want to eat any more of the hamburger.

>> No.19521078

most likely just missed the step of wiping the grill clean after using the brush

>> No.19521810

In my experience they can be most easily dealt with by very, very, VERY slowly putting a cup over them. They seem to react to movement, so I move slow and put a cup over them. Slide a piece of paper under it, hold the paper tight, escort the animal outside, release it to be free.
t. North Carolinian

>> No.19521996

Monkey mad they didn't serve her banana.

>> No.19522172

I love animals and I love most bugs. I have house centipedes and spiders and I leave them alone to do their thing, but if I ever found a roach I would gas my entire house without a second thought.

>> No.19522285
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this is a good thread. everyone has one of these stupid stories. i got some powdered donuts at a gas station. opened them up and they felt really fucking weird in my mouth. airy, like cotton or something.
i pulled over and turned on the dome light and they were covered in white mold. the other side of the package had a big hole in it.

>> No.19522936

took a box of strawberries with me in the car to eat while i drive. when i got to my destination, i turned on the car light and saw that the majority of the strawberries were covered in fur/mold. i felt disgusted for the rest of the night.
i don't eat much fruit these days. somehow they're always covered in fur by the time i get them.

>> No.19522954

One time I found an onion ring mixed in with my curly fries from arby's

>> No.19523181

You're not the only one, I suspect that some joints throw in a onion ring with the burgers and fries.

>> No.19523205

Remember when girls were totally at least 18 years of age would do omega streams and the sauces were posted on /b/? Ha ha. Good times. Ha ha.

>> No.19523235

I remember seeing movies about those skate girls wearing the short shorts, that was pretty hot. I think they dont do that much anymore, its not politically correct.

>> No.19523655

Found a hair in my kebab. I didnt want to make a scene or anything so i just continued eating it. There was a few seconds of disgust i felt upon finding the hair but it went away when i resumed eating a few seconds later

>> No.19523922



>> No.19524082

Girl at subway once left one of their little knives on my sub. Still use it at home after like 12 years

>> No.19524115

I don't like thinking that a knife is in my food wrapper

>> No.19524167

Was at a relative's house and cooked up some Cup Noodles. Right before eating I saw one small bugs or their shells. It was weird as it had a sealed lid and plastic wrapping.
Later on when cleaning the house I found one cupboard was full of the same bugs, far from where I got the Cup Noodles.
A few years later at home I was going to make some boxed food and found the same bugs. I don't think we brought that item from their house, I'm sure it was from Aldi and there weren't any stores where they lived.
Haven't found anything like that since.

>> No.19524197
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Shit, looks like I'm not alone. Mine were just shells and dried up.
They might be carpet beetles/warehouse beetles, likely contaminated at facilities or years old food with them eating through packaging.


>> No.19524219

They aren't even from this continent, they came from Africa hundreds of years ago. There is absolutely no reason to keep them alive.

>> No.19524231

I wouldn't trust anything from gas stations. I remember one had Reese's Easter eggs six months after Easter and they were only 25% off.

>> No.19525103

I was eating a Del Taco once and I bit into a hard bit. After spitting it out and observing it, the hard bit was definitely a rat's tooth.

>> No.19525244

I found a literal screw in my pizza once. Same color as the mushrooms, if I didn't see the glint of light off it as I was going for a bite I'm sure I would have lost a tooth

>> No.19526031 [DELETED] 


>> No.19526563


>> No.19526675

>I have house centipedes and spiders and I leave them alone to do their thing, but if I ever found a roach I would gas my entire house without a second thought
Why? It's not like they're dirtier than any other bug.

>> No.19526719

I had a friend find a screw in a can of tuna once. We were going to sue the manufacturer but during the trial my friend admitted that he put the screw in the tuna.

>> No.19526722

When i was younger my dad got me and my brother a bec spek on Saturday morning, as was tradition. I took one bite, went in for another but something told me something was off. I took a closer look and found that there was a dead fly just sitting there right where I had taken a bite. If I bit off any more or less I more than likely would have eaten it without even knowing kek. We went back because it was a really good deli aside from the part that the owner hired junkies and actual retards to work the counter. Still miss that fat German bastard.

>> No.19526735

I was looking for it in the meat

>> No.19526757


>> No.19526822

I guess my perception of it is that centipedes and spiders kill all of the other unwanted bugs whereas roaches do nothing beneficial and just exist to try to eat my food. I feel the same way about mice. Mice are really cute and cool but I won't hesitate to make my pantry into mouse Bosnia if they eat my shit.

>> No.19526834
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>open box of instant rice
>it came with free weevils

>> No.19526844

i forgive you

>> No.19526862

Wait, I remember US strawberry had some issue some time ago, or did that shit already passed out?

>> No.19527554

What about the palmettos? Those big fat ones are what I'm talking about. The tiny roaches get the shoe.

>> No.19527583

Great mom, she was likely trying to give you message, like get out of the house.

>> No.19528403
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>at Uni I use a 'keepcup' with a rubbery lid, 10mmx2mm slit for drinking
>i'll interchange between coffee and cup soup (sealed packets)
>finish up a chicken vegetable cup soup, place it in my locker without washing it but sealed
>locker has 4mmx4mm holes and is elevated a distance from the ground, wait 3 days over a long weekend
>take the lid off to make coffee, everything is all made
>on the lid where the rubber would meet the cup is 10 tiny maggots

>> No.19528454

probably a june bug that came in the jalapenos

>> No.19528457

Yeah, what's worth more: time or getting to complain?

>> No.19528470

I once found rat shit in a bag of lays chips
In the Netherlands

>> No.19528473

>gets washed into thinking that every bug is a source of protein