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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19498622 No.19498622 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong?

>> No.19498628

It's easier to make good fried chicken than it is good fried fish.

>> No.19498630

how are we fixing this lads, subsidize fish and chips, create a new fried chicken tax or ban fried chicken outright?

>> No.19498634


>> No.19498637

It starts with the letter N

>> No.19498638

Price of fish went up more than chicken

>> No.19498641

Nathan's Famous not opening an Arthur Treacher's in the UK?

>> No.19498656

We gave back the colonies and let people who hate Britain rule it.

>> No.19498659

>Wales Online

>> No.19498684

FISH AND CHIPS? MORE LIKE, SHIT AND SHITS!!!!!!!!!! Nothing went wrong, fried chicken is just better.

>> No.19498722

>fish and chips is £13
>chicken shop is £2

>> No.19498725

norf fc lost? bloody hell...

>> No.19498848

£2? its £7.99 for 2 pieces of chicken and chips with no drink

>> No.19498853

>bongs when they realize chicken tastes better than fish

>> No.19498855

Eh, i prefer fish. There's more variety so I could never grow bored of fish and chips. Chicken and chips would eventually get old.

>> No.19498856

Lard got replaced by sneed oils
Cod got replaced by Haddock
Malt vinegar got replaced by non brewed condiment

>> No.19498860

No. See >>19498855
I think it's more likely what >>19498638 said
Chicken and chips is £8 or so. Fish, regardless of type, costs at least 50% more

>> No.19498861

america's #1 export is culture

>> No.19498870

Previously what >>19498638 and I are getting at. It's a sad, slow race to the bottom since fish and chips will never be something anyone would bother to elevate to a point of pride.
Tho I do love me a bit of haddie, lad

>> No.19498885

what kind of gentrified bullshit chicken shop are you going in senpai

>> No.19498893

even kfc is cheaper than that you hyperbolic faggot lmao

>> No.19498924

Here's one in Clapham. It's £6

>> No.19498954

stop embarassing yourself

>> No.19498959

Your mother is a whore. My only embarrassment is that I fucked her.

>> No.19498967

I knew this for years. Most chip shops seem to sell at least as much chicken as fish.

>> No.19498969

The allegory of Plato and the cave where British people are finally discovering that they have taste buds

>> No.19498979

i used to be an anglophile and it was really cringe

>> No.19499001

number of english chippys within 15 minutes of my house: 1
number of chicken shops within 15 minutes of my house: 20+

>> No.19499038


>> No.19499058

Isnt the water so fucking bad in the UK that they have to import their fish?

>> No.19499062

Yes. They only have like 2 types of domestic fish that are barely edible and they import all the rest.

>> No.19499099


>> No.19499104

Thats not what fpbp means you dumb reddit nigger.

>> No.19499111


>> No.19499173

They're still discharging sewage onto shores like it's 1850

>> No.19499193

Americans aren't holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to choke down chicken strips and throw your fish in the garbage

>> No.19499196

Is it true that english foods can rot your teeth?

>> No.19499204

They've overfished their cod supplies so much that they have to import it from China, how pathetic

>> No.19499214

Zoomers aren't into seafood very much.

>> No.19499215

Well, it's no wonder the place is full of Indians

>> No.19499218

Fish has become expensive
Its haddock not cod
Chippies increasingly use cheaper, shittier fish.
Most chippies are shit and don't let the oil get hot enough and use old/shitty oil which makes for soggy fish n chips.

There's a chippie 20 miles from me that has people traveling from all around Scotland to visit. All they do is use fresh ingredients and hot oil and they are head and shoulders above everything within 50miles.

>> No.19499245

On the contrary. They have dozens of fish they never eat which they now have to sneak into Danish and French harbours at dumping prices. Thanks to Brexit.

>> No.19499281

Is it because of low catches or picky British eaters? iirc ingerland had the second highest fishing quota in the EU

>> No.19499294

Boss man opened more chicken shops innit

>> No.19499301

>Live smack in the middle of the continental US
Listen, you island fuckers, you better appreciate fresh/good fish.

>> No.19499313

It's all the pakis, niggers, sand niggers etc. Saying 'muh white people food is oppressing me' and stinking up the streets with shitty chicken joints up and down the country.

>> No.19499323

90% of the fish and chip shops in the cities are owned by foreigners, the fish and chip shops run by British families are always jam packed.

>> No.19499324

>Wales Online: Come and read our Wales Tales

>> No.19499368

>explosion of blacks
the rest is the end of history

>> No.19499374

norfbros.... can we reconquer chippies??

>> No.19499429
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Nope. Living standards and the amount of disposable income increased in the mid-late 90's. Even as these increases and living standards dropped since the 2008 crash, the middle-class sensibilities that they engendered persist. People want to try "exotic" food and, most significantly, people's expectations increased. Nobody wants rank, greasy chips that most fish 'n chip takeaways produce.
On top of that we seem to have been flooded with American chain takeaways that traditional chippies find it difficult to compete with. This has become increasingly so as fresh fish prices increased. American chain takeaways over-heads are so low, their profit margin's are so high, and they're able to maintain their cultural relevance by throwing millions at advertising campaigns. Small chip shops cannot compete.

There are barely any non-white people within 100 miles of me and chip shops have significant problems in attracting and maintaining a customer base.

>> No.19499446

cheeky Nando's, you mean

>> No.19499490

I don't know why, but me my and my brother where talking in noticed a lot of younger people now days (Zoomers if you will) just don't like fish in general.

>> No.19499512

Correct because traps and trannies are a thing.

>> No.19499516

99% of people who love fish and chips hate fish.

>> No.19499530

fish and chips are fucking shocking these days
frozen chips and sneed oils
if you can find a proper place there is nothing better, but there aint one near me

>> No.19499572

I like al dente fish like halibut and salmon quite a lot, and smoked cod, paired with potatoes and a thick sauce. My mother is constantly cooking dinners of haddock in watery sauce with tomatoes, and it is the worst shit.

>> No.19499575

1. Most fried fish is in fact bad.
2. Fish has become expensive.
3. Chicken has remained cheap.

>> No.19499586
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>> No.19499592

Is fish really getting expensive on an island nation? I live in the desert so I'm used to fish being expensive and always cooked frozen.

>> No.19499600

Cod fillet is around £20 per. kilo. So yeah.

>> No.19500179

How is fried chicken taking over the world. I don't understand.

>> No.19500231

Purely economic factors.

>> No.19500237

chicken is cheaper than fish even though it shouldnt be since we're a fuckin island surrounded with a sea full of plentiful fish

>> No.19500510

Tendies > Fish

>> No.19500514

Fish > Fish Tendies > Chicken Tendies > Chicken

>> No.19500647

I like fish and chips occasionally, but it's a really heavy food and pretty shitty for you.
I usually get grilled fish and some of my mates think it's funny, but I have 15% b/f and can work a full day in the garden without breaking a sweat while they get puffed out walking up stairs.

>> No.19501229

does malt vinegar work on fried chicken? never thought to try it but that's kinda my favourite part about fesh n cheps

>> No.19501260
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Nashville Hot Chicken?

>> No.19501285

The difference in quality between a good piece of fried cod and a bad one is immensely higher than between good and bad fried chicken. It's not worth the risk unless you're at a place that's known primarily for fish and chips. If you pop into some random chipper the fried chicken's always going to be the safer option.
Also fried fish is super expensive these days compare to other chipper staples, it's more a statement of the decline of fish & chips than chicken becoming more popular..

>> No.19501328

I would also like to know the answer to this question

>> No.19501332

Fish and chips are popular beacuse all reminiscent of proper fishiness is fucking killed in hot oil&batter

>> No.19501347



>> No.19501666

Based. I like fish and chips but fried chicken is better.

>> No.19501697

>what went wrong?

>> No.19502106

>Be not British
>Don't like fish smell
>"But anon, fish don't smell if they're fresh and made right!"
>Curious as to what fish and chips is like
>Approach F&C place
>5 meters away fish smell is overwhelming
>Can't even enter the restaurant
This sucks sometimes.

>> No.19502113

so why don't they just breed more fish?

>> No.19502126
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Colonel won

>> No.19502132

The UK is surrounded by fish that the British don't want to eat, like Mackerel. There's actually very little fish like Cod or Plaice in UK fishing waters.

>> No.19502170
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>> No.19502178

Fish and chips is expensive as fuck.
Chicken is cheap.
Literally that simple.

>> No.19502194


>> No.19502215

so why don't they just bread more fish?

>> No.19502971

/pol/ has rotted your brain

>> No.19502981

I followed some UK beer batter recipe for fish and chips for the first time recently and it came out pretty well, maybe I did it wrong but I made the fried fish fillets really crunch but soft inside, I never had "authentic" fish and chips but what I made was really good.

>> No.19503206

Haddock is a vastly superior food fish than oily shithead cod.

>> No.19503220

Stop embarrassing yourself you risible faggot. There is a bounty of excellent food fish in UK waters such as haddock, monkfish, ling, cod, trout, whiting, john dory, turbot, halibut, plaice, skate, hake - not to mention Scottish salmon which is the UK's most valuable food export, and the best atlantic salmon in the world.

>> No.19503221

Brits unironically can’t fry fish, shit is soggy trash

>> No.19503229

Of course it does. Plain chicken sorely needs an acidic sauce to brighten the flavor and malt vinegar, or really any vinegar, fits the bill.

>> No.19503235

Picky British eaters primarily. As a nation we've succumbed to the US culture of consuming greasy nutritionally void goyslop instead of local foodstuffs. The UK fishery industry produces vast quantities of fantastic wild and farmed fish and shellfish but the majority of it is exported to Europe because lardass UK city dwellers have been weaned on to a diet of Greggs, Starbucks, and MacDonalds. Sad.

>> No.19503240

The British got B L A C K E D

>> No.19503250

even perfect fish and chips are not toothsome the way mediocre fried chicken is

>> No.19503474

The drugs they put in chicken make it addictive.

>> No.19503767

this nigga deliverooing chicken from fucking Clapham lmaoooo

>> No.19504136

reading not your strong suit huh?

>> No.19504164
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