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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19492559 No.19492559 [Reply] [Original]

I don't eat food cooked by fat chefs.

Sorry not sorry. I just won't do it.

>> No.19492571

You don't eat your mother's cooking? Oof

>> No.19492573

Based and I won't eat food made by sandniggers or gays either

>> No.19492580

Really? So you check the kitchen of restaurants first to make sure you're not eating the work of a fattie? Can you recall any specific times you've had to ditch a restaurant?

>> No.19492582

My mother isn't fat

>> No.19492587

But if they're fat, it means they're eating well. I was watching a youtube video of some recipe and you could see the guy's body in the reflection on his window. He was a fat fuck. You better believe it was delicious food.

>> No.19492593

He's going to die of a heart attack before he finishes your food

>> No.19492595

>But if they're fat, it means they're eating well

No, it means they're not properly satiated by the food they eat, which means they're eating low nutrient slop, which means they're not discerning enough with their taste in food..

>> No.19492605

It also means they can't wipe their asses right and will possibly get feces on their hands they cook with (same reason I don't eat from Arabs or gay men)

all fatties die soon hahaahah :)

>> No.19492606

You're reaching hard

>> No.19492611

No, I'm not. Fat chefs cook fat people food.

>> No.19492972

The fattest chef I've worked for in the last decade wouldn't even be considered fat in his homeland of Texas, I know they exist to some extent but most chefs are skinnyfat or gymfags, even line cooks don't tend to be that fat, a 300lb person isn't going to be able to stand on their feet 10-12 hours a day in a hot ass kitchen for very long. I worked with this colossal fat fuck beaner named Gary at a diner for a little bit and watched as his life as an employable adult end when he passed out from being a 400 pound diabetic working in a 150°+ kitchen and collapsed into the flat top with his face and bare arms resting on the 325° surface for god knows how long until egg stationed noticed and we lugged him off. Guy was so fucking fat that we had no choice but to leave him and his horrifically burnt flesh laying on the dirty kitchen floor because the other cook was a 4'11" Mexican woman in her late 50s. Guy lived by got SHREK'd by a stroke a few years later. Owner replaced the flat top though which was nice.

>> No.19492974

So you'll eat a Big Mac if it was flipped by Skinny Pete? Weird logic but ok

>> No.19492980

>eat a restaurant for 15 years
>go in and menu is changed
>all the salads have sweet dressings now
>fucking dessert salads
>ask the waiter what happened
>"we have a new chef"
>"your new chef sounds fat"
>waiter laughs because it is true
fat people who hate salad shouldn't be making them for people who like them