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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 742x655, 1654327316937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19492084 No.19492084 [Reply] [Original]

Starting off with the limited edition Queen's Platinum Jubilee fish & chips.

>> No.19492086
File: 47 KB, 590x885, 1654365780432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish fried in blue batter and chips fried in red oil. Then they add some mayonnaise to make it a Union Jack.

>> No.19492090

What in the Sonic and Knuckles fuck

>> No.19492129

I can smell the curry in the backroom of this picture.

>> No.19492133

proper scran m8

>> No.19492306
File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1595160930982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19492316

At least they toasted the bun.

>> No.19493301

Would be serviceable with some garlic and sweet chilli

>> No.19493318

I've pulled more appetising things out of the engine bay of my car.

>> No.19493321

No this would be a reason to beat the roach that fabricated this to death with his own kebab skewer, the whole thing, beating him with the glued together meat column till he bleeds out.

>> No.19493322

Of course, engine compartment squirrel is pretty good.

>> No.19493349

oh that's... wow

>> No.19493358

you would start to feel hungry after 30 minutes max

>> No.19493377

God British people just cannot fucking help themselves can they. It’s not even funny anymore it’s infuriating

>> No.19493718
File: 269 KB, 590x885, 1689428298304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's al perspective, if looks less disgusting in this picture.

>> No.19493721

I don't know about that, I'd probably still be wanting to vomit at that point.

>> No.19493725

These are the people making fun of Americans?

>> No.19493739


>> No.19493748
File: 72 KB, 250x284, 1688591043114860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon it still looks ugly and the addition of the britbong does not help

>> No.19493759

Why do all brit women have this half-retarded look about them?
Do they purposefully try to look stupid over there?

>> No.19493764
File: 875 KB, 406x720, british slags.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19493787

The royalty though having and keeping peasants low iq, inbred, and uneducated would keep them in check while the upper crust thrived. Well now with democracy the population is out of control and generations of inbreeding, drinking while pregnant, gene degradation, and slight mental retardation have set in.

>> No.19493799

Mac & cheese w/ a can of tuna and some peas seems weird to me but I like it. On a good night I can even get a girlfriend to like it to when I jazz it up with some salt, and some peppers.
I'm the mystery man!

>> No.19493805

this is a joke right, they don't dress up like this for a reason other than to impersonate slags?

>> No.19493816

That looks like fat ass PC barbie shit.
Now with forced diversivication.

>> No.19493820

I mean Jersey Shore Guidettes also exist and are also unironic.

>> No.19493823

They're not dressing up, that's the joke, they're natural slags.

>> No.19493828

So which ones were first, new jersey slags, long island slags, or britsh slags?

>> No.19493851

Damn, that gangbang cop who was in the news a while back got fat.

>> No.19493872
File: 152 KB, 1381x729, Checkers_fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As shitty as that looks, it need some fries or whatever you euros call it to perk it up.
You Brits cant get anything right can you?

>> No.19493878

Why are these fries so girthy?

>> No.19493879
File: 76 KB, 1024x646, 91f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are inbred essentially

>> No.19493901

Because they came your girthy mum.

>> No.19493903

They're funnel cake fries from a shitty fast food chain

>> No.19493907

Is toothpaste illegal or something?
Maybe it's a consequence of drinking tea 12 times a day?

>> No.19493974

Why do you think British men became the best sailors in the world?

>> No.19494058 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 320x240, 1689360015317968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew this shit cured my hangover
they're not even being ironic and the one was walking backwards like a broken NPC

>> No.19494164 [DELETED] 

>while the upper crust thrived
the royals were actually the most inbred

>> No.19494281

Depends on what country your from, there was this shit from multiple central american nations where the toothpaste was aldutrated with weird shit, also mouthwash. Given what the US government has done to it's own citizens I wouldn't put it past them and I'm not a conspiracy nut.

>> No.19494340

drinking orange juice after brusing your teeth should be illegal, that's guarenteed to pucker your lips

>> No.19494660

Go out on the town in any English city and 100% of the women look like that

>> No.19494793
File: 120 KB, 1078x779, would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19495003

You should respect kebab carvers, they are a pillar of modern takeaway here in Australia. Especially if they make their own sauces.

>> No.19495108

they look like gyppos to me

>> No.19495203

Alcoholic baby syndrome, unironically

>> No.19495628 [DELETED] 

we all do things we regret but that doesn't mean you should brag about it

>> No.19495943

Unironically, I think you're fuckin right.

>> No.19495970

When you forget you ate that and have a shit youre going to think youre bleeding internally

>> No.19496305 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 350x350, Sexy-Borsch-tattoo-brunete-001_teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while they do have fetal alcohol syndrome that looks much different

>> No.19496857

No, it doesn't.

>> No.19497036
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, 1675121054727859.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why British folks are so weird?

>> No.19497058

Is this cosplay? I can't honestly believe that britibongs get a boner from this.

>> No.19497076

Fucking pakis…

>> No.19497083

They all look like Amy Winehouse

>> No.19497182

Why do they talk so funny?

>> No.19497218

dibs on the butterface in the white dress.

>> No.19497241

Why are Canadian English higher quality than homeland English?

>> No.19497360
File: 65 KB, 185x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19498008


>> No.19498047

It's clever m8s. Execution could be better but can't knock the effort

>> No.19498084

She isn't british right? She looks like that US cop who had the train ran on her.

>> No.19498124

Huge bitch rushes out without looking at camera lmao

>> No.19498132

kebab is the lowest of meats.
they feed this shit charging a premium to you while they laugh at you for being such fking degenerate and pathetic whites. turks themselves NEVER eat that shit. its served only to you idiots.

>> No.19498136

holy shit it actually get even worse now

>> No.19498993
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>> No.19499308
File: 143 KB, 402x312, 1476201980092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong to be attracted to this?
I would rail them all hard and cum deep inside with no condom on

>> No.19499485

is that lizzy in her box?

>> No.19499581

no wonder your ancestors sailed across the world.
spices were obviously just a lie, considering your food and all.

>> No.19499882
File: 75 KB, 1024x582, 1638820743988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19500232

I like the shadows on those peas

>> No.19500260

well when you put that thing next to it i have to say it actually looks pretty damn good. i think that same principle is basically how females choose their friend group right?

>> No.19500283

>jellied eels, jesus christ
british food is something else

>> No.19500308

VGH the beavty of the English rose

>> No.19501993
File: 42 KB, 340x178, 1689593800939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19502306

why tf those peas upside down

>> No.19503167

Don't lie.

>> No.19503200

they couldn't handle the breakup with america, went into the insane-ex territory, and have acted irrationally ever since.

>> No.19503435

They're pykeys.

>> No.19503470
File: 203 KB, 1000x750, 168881894993723045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when star wars land came out there was an article about how nothing natural humans eat is blue and we're disgusted by it because our brains register it as mold or poison

>> No.19503485

>m-muh forced diversity
>g-gotta shoehorn in muh /pol/shit
British women just love to get ridiculous tans and use obscene amounts of bronzer. All the women in the video are white.

>> No.19503501

Yes it is wrong.

>> No.19503518


>> No.19503519

Probably, I don't understand how any American could look British.

>> No.19503520

Shut the fuck up

>> No.19503541

alright, I'll bite. obviously the pie+fries are lit from one direction, while the peas are lit from another. incredibly disorienting. are we thinking that they photoshopped the "peas" onto the plate? If so, why??? Did they take a picture of a plate with pie+fries+empty space, simply so that they could photoshop the peas on? Or did they take a picture of pie+fries (covering the rest of the plate), and superimpose the peas upon the fries? what a strange, strange image. Imagine them using their lasso tool to grab the "pile of peas" from the source image, then dragging and clipping it to size to fit the plate. all that, and they never noticed the mindbend escher twist effect. brits.

>> No.19503545

Those are more purple/really dark blue

>> No.19503641

>flipped the image vertically instead of horizontally
but that looks like good food too

>> No.19504169

I think what Anon is referencing is the idea that certain foods colored green or blue make you subconsciously associate it with mold or poison.
A blue colored drink isn't weird, but blue colored meat looks moldy and diseased.

>> No.19504190

our brains only register it as negative because of conditioning, it's not genetic knowledge

>> No.19504710

Is their lizard brain broken? Do they not get the warning from green or blue meat?

I guess I'm asking rhetorically, because this is a world where people like jack exist.

>> No.19505144

Is this a recent thing? I remember jacking it to british milf nursing handjobs back in high school and they looked fine.

>> No.19505502

2nd one wasn't that bad just looked dumb

>> No.19506232

there are literally zero blue foods that look appetizing.
And no, blueberries don't count, they're purple.

>> No.19506238

Stop asking 4channers how you should live your life. There are genuinely very few groups thay would so consistently give you such unbelievably shit advice. Go to a mental hospital and the vast majority of patients would be able to give you better advice than the people here.

>> No.19506243
File: 49 KB, 678x452, I'm Blue da ba dee da ba dai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19506248

I thought jellied eel was something made up for Sam & Max

>> No.19506257

The question is rhetorical. I'm gonna feel how I feel no matter what some niggers on the internet tell me

>> No.19506268

>British slags
They're obviously Irish gypsies you fucking retard

>> No.19506332

That's what half the dipshits in this place think as they eat up ragebait being posted by rightwing groups looking to push a narrative

>> No.19506351

What the fuck does this have to do with anything? Shut up, idiot.

>> No.19507168

Show some respect - that's a Limey 8/10 take home to mum

>> No.19507206

what does vgh mean


>> No.19507242

That blue thing looks like a dyed turd

>> No.19507256

I wish I could convince you how retarded that sounded

>> No.19507265

>t. a big dumb idiot

>> No.19508434
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>> No.19509403

Pretty much. Only gyppos dress like this nowadays. Then again slags are slags regardless of the era

>> No.19509472

I was courting an icelandic woman when I was younger that swore that the reason bri'ish women were so ugly was because all the good looking ones were taken by the vikings, leaving only the ugly cunts nobody wanted.
Poor bri'ish men...

>> No.19509481
File: 38 KB, 622x622, 1569534093209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19509546

You know America was founded by british people, right?

>> No.19509581
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>> No.19509639

So why do people love this safe racism shit so much?

>> No.19509906
File: 194 KB, 1500x961, 922e548b-3d8b-4f36-a873-80035bac0f5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. I prefer regular racism.

>> No.19509910

>safe racism
Cry about it you demented retard

>> No.19510052
File: 265 KB, 394x598, Lusamine kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

>> No.19510055

It looks shit

>> No.19510056

Its called envy

>> No.19510057

Yes but more latin, so cooler. At least that why I think they do it.

>> No.19510058

Because they're all heavily inbred and vikings took all their attractive women home with them

>> No.19510062

They're all so fat and wide framed with linebacker shoulders, no wonder so many bongs love trannies when their women look like drag queens

>> No.19510080
File: 242 KB, 2288x1521, 1258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix it all together, form balls, stuff some pork inside
Yep, it's dinner time.

>> No.19510123

>certified by the department
What department?

>> No.19510203

I went to this place when I was in Vegas and it sucked. You get the same experience seeing the funny images of weird things online, and you don't have to deal with a Reddit tier attempt at a conspiracy theory story

>> No.19510251

How did the food taste? What was the game about?

>> No.19510282

There is no food. This is just art. The "game" is interacting with a bunch of terminals and papers in the back weird area and piecing together a disappearance. Standard conspiracy stuff. Very crowded and hard to get the story, plus you have to pay more on top of admission to get the real ending(s)

>> No.19510345

Ambiguous blue chunks... Color me intrigued. I would buy one just to see what it tastes like.
I say we bring all racism back, but the good kind. Jokes and poking fun should all be back on the table for any and all races, but actual unhinged mentally ill racism like beating random Asian women or unironically hating blacks is retarded.

>> No.19510394

So what are the "real endings"?

>> No.19510443

Looks like the sort of holes you'd see night walking the Jersey Shore in like 1992
Just the absolute bottom of the barrel

>> No.19510447
File: 78 KB, 1200x1200, Blueberry-Compote-with-fresh-blueberries-Sip-Bite-Go-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's violet,and then there's "blue raspberry " blue

>> No.19510465

>thumbnail: that looks tasty!

>> No.19510911

>diversity propaganda forced fucking everywhere
>only muh /pol/ would be mentioning it
shut the fuck up you actual idiot

>> No.19510918

very clever photoshop. :)

>> No.19510925
File: 31 KB, 704x495, 1659350890053563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute colossal irony of this fucking post

>> No.19510933

Why should he when you're already doing it for him

>> No.19511329
File: 8 KB, 255x255, Kermit PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a dude I used to know who kept a portrait of Keith Richards behind him in his office so he'd always look better by comparison.

>> No.19511429

>Be Bong
>eat shit
>look like shit
What a fate,