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19489123 No.19489123 [Reply] [Original]

Cheap booze thread?

>> No.19489143
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Cheap booze thread?

>> No.19489149
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*blocks your path*

>> No.19489163

These threads are always full stuff that only exists in the USA or Africa. Really activates the almonds.

>> No.19489191
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ok so post stuff that does not exist in the US or in Africa
these are 3 bucks a bottle, feels nice having a poverty option that doesn't make me feel like im drinking battery acid

>> No.19489215

Aldi has great 4 dollar wine

>> No.19489219
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>> No.19489220

Does cheap booze exist in Asia or Europe?

>> No.19489223

my alcohol addiction was cheaper in europe when i visited for a few weeks than it is in america if that can serve as a metric

>> No.19489255

Based snake piss enjoyer

>> No.19489375
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For me, it's Kirsebær vin (Cherry wine).

>> No.19489387

Frio 6% is the cheapest beer I ever saw. Better taste than steel reserve and to be honest it tastes like water to me.

>> No.19489609
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Oh yes, most certainly. Here in Poland we have a long, long tradition of cheap booze. Famous are the cheap fruit "wines" known as jabols (comparable to MD 20/20, I guess), popular since the 1970s and coming in like 300 different variations from different wineries and in flavors like peach, fruit, other fruit, apple, "forest fruit", and even piss flavored lemon. Though in recent years the cheap wines have lost much popularity due to the rise in cheap extra strong beers. 9% ABV beers are available everywhere, and since last year even 12% ABV beers are available in Frogshops all across the land. It's a true battlefield for the hearts and livers of teenagers, students, the poor and those who like having more money than not.

>> No.19489637

Spainanon here, I can get a litre of brandy from the grocery store for about 5 euro, a decent bottle of wine for 2-3 (boxed wine for 1 euro) and a 12 pack of mild lager or a 6 pack of 6-7% double malted beer for 4 euro each

At the bar, a glass of wine costs me under 2 euro, a 330ml glass of beer about 2.50 and hard liquor poured without measure (you usually get the equivalent of a double or triple pour in Angloid bars) for a fiver.
I lived in Ireland for ages though and it was so much more expensive.

>> No.19489710

3L box of sake in Japan was like $4 worth
miss that shit so much

>> No.19489716

Based poland.

>> No.19489760

I'm interested. What's it taste like?
Is it very sweet?

>> No.19489798

red star baijiu

>> No.19489801

I'm sure you're familiar with sadness and disappointment. It tastes exactly like that.

>> No.19489822
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My friend's dad has tried all manners of booze for about 50 years and settled on, and swears by, the good doctor.

Back when he was married and owned a home with a farm, he would drink proper peppermint schnapps and hide the bottles in the barn (we found hundreds of them hidden many years later).

But after he was divorced, kicked out of the house and was estranged from the family, he froze to death in a tent on the side of the highway.

Every 2 days my friend would pull off the side of the highway to give his dad cans of food and check up on in, swap his dead USB battery for a new one, etc. One February his dad got super sick, and after not being able to reach him by phone my friend feared the worst. Asked me to accompany him to visit his dad this particular day. Yeah, his phone wasn't dead, his dad was. Frozen to death in the tent. It looked like he was wasted drunk (vomit) and pissed himself in the sleeping bag, and fell asleep with the tentflaps wide open and died in his sleep. Just like 20 years earlier, there were dozens of bottles of pic related in the tent, unde his bed and pillow, and scattered all around the woods nearby. Autopsy said hypothermia.

>> No.19489845

>make super sugary koolaid in 1 gallon water jug
>drop in packet of bread yeast
>put balloon over the mouth of the jug
>poke hole in balloon so gas can escape slowly
>leave in your closet until the bubbles stop
>pour off everything except the sediment into a new gallon jug
there's cheap koolaid wine that requires approximately 0 braincells to make

>> No.19489849
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For me, it’s the 211. 40, glass.

>> No.19489861

this brings back alot of forgotten memories

>> No.19489869
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They stopped making the glass bottles in my area and now just make either cans or shitty plastic 40s
The glass 40s were always a good time and the plastic ones make me want to vomit, it’s just not the same bros

>> No.19489874

Yeah if you're trying to drink to get warm as a last effort, don't do it unless you're sure you're already going to die and want to be drunk for it.
I almost killed myself when I was homeless this way once

>> No.19489875

>plastic ones make me want to vomit
just like the product inside

>> No.19489896
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Based pruno enjoyer. I made a similar recipe with powdered ginger and champagne yeast during the covid lockdowns. It tasted like absolute shit, but I still drank most of it. Had to mix it with water and ice because it was borderline undrinkable on its own.
Pic related was the cheap booze of choice when I was a kid. Local homeless man would hook it up and buy for us. He never asked for anything in return, since one of the guys in my friend group was a big fucking indian known for knocking dudes out---like Deebo from Friday, but native and still a teenager. Glad I moved out of that shit hole.

>> No.19489904

The glass bottles were kino.

>> No.19489907
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>I almost killed myself when I was homeless this way once
oh friend it's all fucking bad news. he had been constantly crook for months (kind of years in a way) at that point and kept saying he was going to die soon, but around that time he had gotten the flu and at this point he was done with shelters and squatting. I'm sure he never knew he died but I assume he had been particularly expecting that week and then yeah, just didn't wake up.

I'm glad you didn't hypothermiate anon, I assume you aren't 65 and both physically and mentally so lost that you want to just die by accident like that.

>> No.19489919

Odds are he’s a zoomer. A lot of zoomers are suicidal and have no direction in life

>> No.19489926

millennial. At the time I was suicidal but doing better now, that and a few other things made me realize I didn't really want to die I just wanted a different life

>> No.19489928

try harder next time

>> No.19489929

good on you bro, you have literally billions of years to be dead so no need to rush it now

>> No.19489944

gotta admit those flavors sound awesome

>> No.19489951

Oh they're actually pretty good. It's cheep shit so you do risk a hangover and possibly quality control issues, but yeah nothing wrong with the doctor, especially if you want some good selections to make bitches happy

>> No.19489954

i was thinking the same thing kek
anons post made me thirsty
>its 6:30 am

>> No.19489966

I fucking love Žabka pretty sure I ate there every day when I visited. Im a sucker for those hot dogs.

>> No.19490007

Yes, it's basically marketed to the underage in the US.

>> No.19490008

The things I would do to that middle schooler...

Like fucking. Do you have the daki too?

>> No.19490019

I just get the tallboys they're super cheap and drinkable.

>> No.19490080

It’s still just not the same.

>> No.19490092

Tea with lemon zest also works a treat, tastes like alcoholic Snapple if you backsweeten it a bit

>> No.19490107
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Those are the only countries that matter.

>> No.19490258

I made white grape juice "wine" over covid lockdowns with bread yeast.
I mixed that with gatorade and ice it was so nasty but it got me wasted on very little

>> No.19490266

oh shit I haven't thought about JOOSE in ages. I think they banned it here because kids kept passing them off as energy drinks to ignorant teachers

>> No.19490282

joose and 4loko were a good time
and i believe they got banend because of the caffeine alcohol combination

>> No.19490289

This is one of the contributing factors to alcoholism in South Korea. A bottle of "soju" (grain alcohol + water and sugar at 17%) remains at 1 USD per tenth, even after inflation. Bulk bottles are even cheaper, with 35% 1800s around 6 USD, 3600s around 11 USD. But alcoholics love those little green bottles even though they're a worse value, because they don't look like something an alcoholic would drink. With three times the alcoholic value of a beer, you can get severely fucked up for 5 to 10 dollars, even faster and cheaper if you have Asian glow.

Japan is even better. 3 liter jugs of soju at 7-11.

>> No.19490293
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That Owl is winking at YOU!
For me it's either 110proof vodka with cane sugar apple soda and a splash of Reed's ginger ale, or Jarritos Tamarind over ice; or, (for cheap beer,) a 30 pk of Hamms.
Yeah, It's swill, but it has festival nostalgia, isn't BAD Swill, and truly is a decent, drinkable beer.
Great when making Tacos(the drink)

>> No.19490297
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I'd suspect that "Too much, Too Fast" might lead to a moment of panic if you think you're puking blood.
That said, I'd give it a try.

>> No.19490300

For me it's the blue one

>> No.19490307
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>a big fucking indian known for knocking dudes out-
Bet he knocked out a few cases of these:

>> No.19490312

Hey Buddy.. I've only ever had the peppermint--You wouldn't habben to be the guy I killed a bottle with at some weird pagan festival in upstate NY wouldja?
(Wonder how John 6 is doin')

>> No.19490319

I wish I was anon but no, that def wasn't me. I hope you find your dr mcgillicuddy friend someday though

>> No.19490333

It's ok...He was kinda a dick anyway. After I left him to his devices that friday night, I ended up with a couple gals in my tent.
He kinda had a tendency to make pussy DRY.
Pretty decent guy other than the lorniness tho-

>> No.19490362

oh hey anon that was me how have you been

>> No.19490367
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I don't believe you.
You're gonna have to name the festival.

>> No.19490393
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Still searching for the image match, aren'tcha?
There is none. those are from my own personal photos that have never been released except on 4Chins.

>> No.19490417

damn dude you were cool at the fest but now you're being a dick. We're not friends anymore.

>> No.19490425

I don't think youse guys were really friends to begin with based on what you said.

Nothing was lost here :]

>> No.19490431
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>> No.19490444

except anon's anal virginity by the light of the bonfire

>> No.19490447

if anon is cowboy anon >>19490431 that's HOT

>> No.19490456

Ahh just like our pagan ancestors used to build it.

>> No.19490464
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replete with piss bottles

>> No.19490496

Visited Cartagena briefly and every bar and tapas place had sangria on tap. It was cheap and delicious and I was blissfully day drunk for like twelve hours. I was a sailor so such degeneracy was expected. Did get lost after dark and ended up on the Arab side of town, where we were not appreciated.

>> No.19490880
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>Me after 4 steely bois

>> No.19491051
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is this cheap booze? I prefer cognac but I tend to buy this for £20/bottle and make old fashioned cocktails when I'm sad

>> No.19491067

>a litre of brandy from the grocery store for about 5 euro

why oh why didn't I go to spain when I had the chance

>> No.19491083
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I feel bad now.

>> No.19491084
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>The history of Thunderbird is as interesting as the drunken effects the one experiences from the wine. When Prohibition ended, Ernest Gallo and his brothers Julio and Joe wanted to corner the young wine market. Earnest wanted the company to become "the Campbell Soup company of the wine industry" so he started selling Thunderbird in the ghettos around the country. Their radio adds featured a song that sang, "What's the word? / Thunderbird / How's it sold? / Good and cold / What's the jive? / Bird's alive / What's the price? / Thirty twice." It is said that Ernest once drove through a tough, inner city neighborhood and pulled over when he saw a bum. When Gallo rolled down his window and called out, "What's the word?" the immediate answer from the bum was, "Thunderbird."

>WARNING: This light yellow liquid turns your lips and mouth black! A mysterious chemical reaction similar to disappearing-reappearing ink makes you look like you've been chewing on hearty clumps of charcoal.

>> No.19491090

I was waiting for someone to post Steel Reserve. That stuff will destroy your gut. No matter how much of a broke, day-drinking mess you are, Steel Reserve is never worth it.

>> No.19491160
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Yeah, we caught Flak for the bobcat that year.
Previously, it was ALL done by hand.(and chainsaws)
I've done plenty of Bonefire stacks with just manpower. But this one was 23 feet tall and we were 3 days behind because the weather was shit, and the wood got there late...The show MUST go on.
KEK!, No... That's GATORADE. That shit was HOT work. Hydration was key to not getting heatstroke.

>> No.19491174
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I get this shit from the local Bakers/Kroger/Whatever for three bucks a bottle and it's perfectly drinkable.

>> No.19491224

Yeah but at 9% alcohol its poor value. Barely even wine.

>> No.19491247

>serve cold
Warm Thunderbird is actually worse than rubbing alcohol. Truly vile. There is nothing lower. It's worse than that fake Black Booster plastic jug whiskey that's posted often. It makes Steel Reserve taste like ambrosia.

>> No.19491248

Let's all remember to appreciate what we have even when things look bad. It's okay to relax and take it easy every once in a while. Sit in a chair with a drink in hand and relax. The simple life is the best life

>> No.19491255

It's a normal 13%

>> No.19491288

No idea but more than likely
That's probably the silliest question you have asked in your life anon, euro is being fucked by cheap alcohol. I think Finland is the worst for it then maybe the UK.
I stood behind a guy in the store and he bought the cheapest blue bottle cider you can get. Asked if he wanted a bag and the guy declined and said "nah mate it will be gone when I'm down the street"
And that was before school.
God bless the UK

>> No.19492730
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Oh yes it does.