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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19484121 No.19484121 [Reply] [Original]

Just spent my weekly food budget on eight boxes of pic related and eight cans of offbrand flaked tuna in water. Any suggestions on how to spice it up?

>> No.19484149


Stir in some frozen peas when it's nearly done.

>> No.19484164

The only thing I have in my freezer is a few of those disposable ice packs.

>> No.19484201

Eat some of those then. Faggot.

>> No.19485546


>> No.19485564

I eat stove top and baked tuna casserole all the time. If you don't have frozen peas, broccoli, carrots or some hot sauce or cayenne pepper that's pretty much it. Unless you want to add in premium cheeses or bake for a crispy breadcrumb topping. Used this stuff to groom so many little girls it's crazy. Good luck.

>> No.19485572

Oh, also... get solid white albacore over chunk light in the future. Much better product with thicker whole fillets that break up into tasty chunks. Chunk light is of much lesser quality that includes the scraps and bits left over during processing. Also has more liquid in it I've noticed.

>> No.19485619

I only have regular tuna and I'm pretty sure albacore is just a brand name..

I don't even know why I ask anything of the retards on this board. You fucks are absolutely useless.

>> No.19485623

yeah it's like labrador brand dogs

>> No.19485627

hee hee

>> No.19485644

Nah. White albacore is the type of fish. Kinda like some cans are yellowfin tuna. Often in oil. Chunk light is scraps of skipjack tuna.

Trust me. I know my tuna. I've eaten it since I spent most of my youth locked in my room with four sets of encyclopedias. I sometimes ate it every day and could almost recite whole entrys on tuna.

>> No.19485647

Ugh. Flashbacks to daycare. Almost throwing up trying to choke down tuna noodle casserole.

Daycare lady's son was a nut job. One time he bit my back. I told daycare lady. She said I was allowed to hurt him back. I was like wtf I don't want revenge I want you to keep your wild dog child away from me.

>> No.19485653

Tuna casserole is great, cheap and good for you.

>> No.19485665

I remember a woman at daycare forcibly carried me outside and I bit her hard as fuck, causing her to drop me on the sidewalk. My aunt was walking home from high school and saw me all bloody and crying and 30 minutes later my insane white trash mother arrived and beat the shit out of the woman. All of the kids cried.

I also remember hiding under a crib they had and peeing on the floor. I was a strange child.

>> No.19485674 [DELETED] 

Well, my daycare was a locked room for the first eleven years of my life so at least you had more varied life.

>> No.19485679

Yeah, you win the pathetic faggot contest. Congratulations.

>> No.19485682 [DELETED] 

Nah, not a child rapist (homosexual). Why is everyone so hono/transvestite minder these days? It's a mental illness.

>> No.19485684

Proverbial faggot, but now I'm not so sure since the lady doth protest too much.

>> No.19485697

Just kidding. I hope you're doing well and your parents didn't fuck you up beyond repair. Love you, buddy.

>> No.19485713

Sorry for the misspellings.

>> No.19485741

>apologizing for typos

I think you should go back into the room for a few more years.

Just kidding. Rise up triumphantly like a phoenix, baby. You can do it. Love u

>> No.19485784

>I spent most of my youth locked in my room with four sets of encyclopedias.

>> No.19485794

How do you think people end up on 4chan? What's your excuse?

>> No.19485797

pro tip from my years of poor: Fry your canned tuna in some oil with salt, pepper and a cheap hot sauce until it starts to turn brown.
Takes canned tuna to a higher level.

>> No.19485811

Or you could not be a retard and just make tuna patties

>> No.19485816

What do you have to work with? For me it’s black pepper, some parmesan, and slices of bread to top with extra sauce (like a fish “Poop on a Paddle” so to speak).

Also do you not have any food banks nearby?

>> No.19485819

I "met" a girl on Warcraft in 2005 and she called me a /b/tard. I didn't know what the fuck that was so I went to /b/. And here we are.

>> No.19485825

I miss when b wasn't just weird porn shit constantly. I can't even stand being on that board anymore. Mostly a poltard now.

>> No.19485831

I'm not involved in politics so I don't really go on /pol/. Know what you mean about /b/. Constant porn, log threads. I like /wg/, /tv/, /v/ (lol), and obviously the gigachad board, /ck/.

>> No.19485838

b hasnt been browsable in over a decade. pol is no longer browsable, either. average IQ of the site dropped significant for some reason. All the smart ones left, I guess. Now it's just a mix of old losers and zoomer retards.

>> No.19485847

tv and pol are good for general shit talking, but 4chan is mostly reddit now and b is the black hole

>> No.19485886

Yeah I post on V sometimes as well. Can be a few good threads

>> No.19485894

Sad the child pornography moved to catchan, infinichan and omegachan. That's why many alt-chans call this place cuckchan etc.

>> No.19485902

Kill yourself.

>> No.19485904

It's not funny any more bro, how old are you?

>> No.19485906

Also lgbt doesn't accept MAPs here. Just like the antiquated software this chan uses, it's far behind the times and heavily censored/curated. Sad really.

>> No.19485908

What is? I mostly moved to 7chan after /b/day. There just isn't many cooking related boards out there.

Don't add to the problem troll. Shitposting has messed up enough boards.

>> No.19485913

How old are you?

>> No.19485920

I was here in 06 or so. Whenever the Hal Turner and Tom Green raids were going on. Also Jessie slaughter... I remember girls like Sandra, Catgoddess, and a few others that were cute.

>> No.19485922

I used USENET in the late 80s to 2005 or so.

>> No.19485925

so you are a midtard, edgy isn't funny any more, but I guess you know that since we are posting on /ck/
just accept that we are in a bad timeline.

>> No.19485940

Edgy? I wasn't trying to be anything I am not. Just having a discussion and reminiscing.

>bad timeline
In some ways but I never liked that explanation of certain things that have changed the last few decades.

>> No.19485951
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I really miss 12chan. k0w was a great guy and the community never really trolled and people helped each other and had fun. Oddly enough the random board was the best.

>> No.19485956

fair enough, I used to enjoy the same things, guess I have become cynical with age.

>> No.19485974 [DELETED] 
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I understand. I've gotten into lifesize exotic dolls. Still like youth like every red blooded young buck, but now any talk of teens or preteens is slammed with fbi and glowing memes. Really sad.

I think people just get older and change some. Just like I don't play video games anymore. Different life stages.

>> No.19485991

>Just like I don't play video games anymore.
Same here.
I just play SC2 now and then to fuel my rage, maybe some dwarf fortress.

Age is good in that it provides at least some level of perspective, I just delayed my perspective by many years because of my addiction to sites like this.

>> No.19486083

Can you retards give it a rest and post about Tuna Helper, Christ

>> No.19486088

>Tuna Helper
This sounds like something they give retards in a special need community.

>> No.19486126

Go to a food bank and get some spices and canned veggies. Sounds like you should be visiting the food bank regularly.

>> No.19486149

poors amirite?

>> No.19486216

>tuna mac and cheese
>bring your own tuna
why not just get normal mac and cheese

>> No.19486278

Because food is unhealthy if there is no meat in it.

>> No.19486372

I should change my opinion. Kids are great and you should ditch the box and just have tuna with alot of good real cheese. Shits just unhealthy pasta anyways.

>> No.19486742

>tuna wiggle
Sounds like what I gave you're are mom.

>> No.19487929

Should have spent your budget on dried rice, dried beans, an onion, and some chicken leg quarters. Fuckup.

>> No.19489655

tuna san

>> No.19489854

Poverty aesthetic

>> No.19489859

dumb esl

>> No.19489867

yeah next time spend it on a cheap firearm , ammo, notebook paper and a pen for the note you leave

>> No.19489888

I like walmart's great value Mac and cheese. Dirt fucking cheap and it tastes pretty good and you can add bacon and shit to it

>> No.19489989


>> No.19489994

>I was a strange child.
Abused anon, you were abused and didn't develop properly.

>> No.19490003

if you are actually eating this poor and its not a bait post op then id suggest just buying the pasta itself and some cheese powder, it's the exact same thing and will cost you half the price.
id personally go with something green to healthy it up, broccoli or baby spinach would do good. Otherwise a pack of frozen veges.

>> No.19490166

>Any suggestions on how to spice it up?

i'd probably return it for the alfredo versions, they are superior in taste

>> No.19490206
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buy some flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt and make some biscuits.
should be less than $5 total

>> No.19490214

Should have bought potatoes instead of mac and cheese. You can do a lot more with potatoes so you can at least vary your slop. Why's the food budget so low?

>> No.19490233

I also ended up on 4chan through world of warcraft lol. People were talking about the duck roll in trade chat in 2009.

>> No.19490284

>id suggest just buying the pasta itself and some cheese powder, it's the exact same thing

ive never seen cheese powder sold in the grocery store. only stuff like velveeta prepared sauce for around $1.25. a pack of basic noodles will be around $0.40 cents.

the box of this tuna helper which has the pasta and cheese sauce is only around $1 or $1.35 at the most.

what's your counter argument to that?

>> No.19491894


>> No.19491905

Imagine using frozen vegetables fucking ever. Buy fresh Brocolli, corn and carrots you disgusting mongoloid

>> No.19492550

>Edgy? Good sir, I am indeed an actual pedophile, and was just inquiring about the lack of child pornography on 4chan whilst I was pondering a tuna

>> No.19492555 [DELETED] 

>ck please cook for me using the shit sloppy sludge i paid 35 cents for

How about no

>> No.19492678

>my whole food budget
holy shitbdude get a food stamp card or start giving truckers hand jobs.

>> No.19492688

I fell for this meme. Frozen vegetables are perfectly acceptable in the right recipes. If you're going to eat the vegetables directly though, of course you buy it fresh. Throwing some Frozen broccoli into an alfredo dish versus the fresh though? You're just wasting

>> No.19494219


>> No.19494290


>> No.19494313
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>Frozen vegetables are perfectly acceptable in the right recipes.
Frozen riced cauliflower is good esp the Birdseye Roasted Garlic.
I use frozen pearl onions and frozen okra in my soup when I turn the heat off at the end.

>> No.19494337

yeah you can get a pound of cheese powder on Amazon for like 15 bucks.

>> No.19494378

>weekly food budget
How poor are you?

>> No.19494657

>Hal Turner
>The "raid" where no one shows up
Based oldfag

>> No.19494683

>Sad the child pornography moved to catchan, infinichan and omegachan. That's why many alt-chans call this place cuckchan etc.
Good riddance