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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19483028 No.19483028 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat instant noodles? You know it's very bad for your health, right?

>> No.19483039
File: 123 KB, 1024x1019, peckish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I give a shit

>> No.19483047

Sure you don't, you can pretend like you're comfortable in your current state but I know you're not

>> No.19483053

They're my backup food when I forget to stock something else to eat or I don't have time.

>> No.19483055

The trick is to keep eating to stop those thoughts taking hold for too long.

>> No.19483057

Yes and yes. It's not an everyday sort of thing, but from time to time.
Had some today, akshully.

>> No.19483061

There used to be this one western brand that played ads on Youtube for "nutritious" noodles made with "good ingredients". Does anybody recall the name of them? I've been meaning to look them up out of curiosity but can't think of it

>> No.19483092

How is a bowl of noodles worse than rice, bread, pasta, cereal, or tortillas?

>> No.19483097
File: 7 KB, 266x189, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think is worse for you, eating instant noodles once day, or drinking six beers a day?

>> No.19483098

Does not belong in that realm of comparison with the other items.

>> No.19483099

I googled this for you. Sorry if this is the wrong one


>> No.19483101

Very high in sodium, carbs and fat, without any of the good stuff to back it up

>> No.19483104

Noodles have 0 nutritional value. Beer also has 0 nutritional value but I get to be drunk at least

>> No.19483107

I mean I've tried looking it up before but still couldn't find it. I think it came in a brown packaging. This product seems similar though.

>> No.19483130

>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
no one on this website has anything to grow old for

>> No.19483136

If I have any, I usually eat them once a week

>> No.19483141

They're fried before drying, you just rehydrate them when you cook them

>> No.19483148

I remember seeing these posted here before.
>767mg sodium and 490 calories per serving
>1,597mg sodium and 480 calories per serving
Those still don't seem healthy, might as well eat a multivitamin if you're going to eat ramen.

>> No.19483152

At least it's not a carcinogen like meat.

>> No.19483160
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A little indulgence in your favorite foods is better for your health then completely abstaining from them

You see stress is a real killer but happiness adds years to your life. You just need to make sure you don't overindulge and do things in moderation along with an otherwise healthy diet and exercise routine. Don't eat the noodles every day. Maybe once every other week when you are lazy.

>You need to stop eating unhealthy foods FOREVER

>> No.19483165

Microwave your meat and you won't have to worry about it getting burnt.

>> No.19483210

I throw the seasoning packs away and make my own seasoning. I don't need 3000 mg of salt just to eat some crappy nooder. I also add chicken and veg to them, so the carbs are the only thing I'm getting from it.

>> No.19483213

Wouldn't say it's much worse than a plate of rice.

>> No.19483214

>people still falling for the sodium meme

>> No.19483236

Go drink sea water.

>> No.19483238

i wash the oil off before i eat them so its okay

>> No.19483247

I'm literally boiling water to make a pot of ramen right now.

>> No.19483291

I used to.
I don't because I know better now. Also pasta is just as easy, and rice is easy once you get a feel for it, I think every pot requires a slightly different amount of water. Burn a little at the bottom? a little more water next time. Too soggy? a little less. It's cheap enough to experiment with.

>> No.19483350

>moshi moshi, Osaka desu~

>> No.19483379
File: 85 KB, 1137x860, 1 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A little indulgence in your favorite foods is better for your health

>> No.19483399

the flavoring packet is high in sodium and none of that shit is very high in anything

>> No.19483402 [DELETED] 

Children can consent.

>> No.19483424

wait until you find out carbs are a macronutrient
sodium has a direct effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular function, so it can be a good idea to keep tabs on

bros this is really basic nutrition knowledge

>> No.19483457

Consent to what?

>> No.19483467

Nutrition is a meme
You can eat almost anything sparingly and be absolutely fine

You can eat drywall
You can eat cigarettes
You can eat mud cookies
You can eat sand

>> No.19483473

Ramen is dog shit. I have a box of 20 I bought a decade ago that's still half full. The only time I eat that shit is when there's literally nothing else to eat in the house and I don't feel like ordering food or going shopping that night.

The fact that this board is full of manchildren who eat this shit while watching Asian cartoons truly sickens me.

>> No.19483483


>> No.19483488
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>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
Don't care. I like to melt some garlic butter with some chilli flakes then add some flour and milk until the the thickness I want then add a bit of cheese along with the seasoning packet of the instant noodles. Cook the noodles in a other pot then add them to the sauce when they are done.

>> No.19483507
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I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

>> No.19483520
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>> No.19483541

I eat one portion per week at most. Used to have a period where I'd eat 3 packs in 1 meal. Felt like my eyes were seasoned with salt. That msg shit is dark.

>> No.19483588

>Do you eat instant noodles?
>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
fuck you

>> No.19483598

I just use the noodles and mix it with veggies and shit. Also and egg or seitán. The season pack makes them taste like I am slurping cancer

>> No.19483693

I ate instant noodles once and now I'm gay. Coincidence?

>> No.19483703

Hello /LGBT/

>> No.19483815

>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
What do you call this type of statement? It ends in a question mark, but it's not quite a question. It's a declarative statement followed by presupposing you're going to agree with it. Very common with 4chan and sarcastic, instigatory teenage girls. There must be some name for it, but it's not quite a leading question or a loaded question. What IS it.

>> No.19483822

>falling for the ______ meme
kill yourself

>> No.19483835

>time for some facts
>pretty much no facts

>> No.19483843

it's called a tag question

>> No.19483849

LMAO I have a feedee fetish. I laugh at your health concerns.

>> No.19483913

Oh my fucking god. I have been asking this question in threads all over 4chan for literally fucking years trying to figure this out. Getting this answer feels like a splinter getting pulled out of my brain. I knew I should've trusted the high IQ individuals on /ck/. Cheers lad

>> No.19483918
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I do, but I doctor it up

>> No.19483922

I lived off of one 'cup o noodles' a day for awhile and when I added a multivitamin, I felt noticeably better. Still like death but better.

>> No.19483923

Eat them raw with seasoning sprinkled on

>> No.19483949

Protip - you need salt to live. Your body will crave salty stuff if you don't get enough.

Now if you eat 3 of em in a day, yeah you are getting too much, but if you aren't eating anything else except 1-2 of them, you will be fine. Hungry, but fine. It is the lack of all the other shit you need that is worrisome. But that is why people add shit to ramen to fill it out like cheese, eggs, meats, and veggies.

>> No.19484041
File: 1.19 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat instant noodles at least 4 or 5 times a week. But I never just eat them as it, I always add tons of veggies, meat, egg etc to make it a full meal.

>> No.19484081

The ultimately last option for a late night snack

>> No.19484208

>Shin noodles
patrician taste

>> No.19484268

i wish i could eat pussy

>> No.19484514

Get a gf or a hooker and you can.

>> No.19484539

I don't care, eventually we all gonna die.

>> No.19484548

>Nutrition is a meme
Very true. All vegans are liars when they complain about their Iron and B12 deficiencies.

>> No.19484723

>implying people here know how to cook
This board is full of the same dumb tourist retards that pullulate the rest of the site being poseurs in interest boards and shitting everywhere.

>> No.19485355
File: 1.45 MB, 3110x2037, 20221112_161011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing how to cook isn't some high brow thing you think it to be. Anyone can do it. You are just a schizo

>> No.19485463

>You know it's very bad for your health, right?

No it's not. If it were then all of Asia would be dead. In before "XXX Asians don't cook with instant noodles" Yes they do, you can buy bulk instant noodles at most Asian grocery stores.

>> No.19485496

Like once a week on weekends to soothe my hangover after a night of drinking usually so yeah

>> No.19485569
File: 9 KB, 225x225, ramen instant noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have these, great when your lazy and don't want to cook or just feel down, add an egg and best chicken noodle soup ever

>> No.19485820

I'm eating a pot noodle right now

>> No.19486389

Its called a loaded question. Whoever said tag is fucking with you.

>> No.19486411
File: 33 KB, 474x520, instant lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had many many varieties of instant ramen including the premium ones imported from Japan (e.g. Nakiryu). I always come back to the venerable Instant Lunch.

>> No.19486475

It is funny seeing Asians stocking their cart full of instant noodles.
Maybe it's the only meat they eat for the day.

>> No.19487018

Then explain why 95% of the threads are about fastfood shilling, youtuber shilling, junkfood shilling, generals and bot threads?

>> No.19487381

You're on an anime website, mister "I'm top good for this place".

>> No.19487394

Because the real game on 4chan is to get replies instead of promoting actual discussion.

>> No.19488978

Yeah, it's the whitest of white flour noodles fried in the cheapest, shittiest oil, and comes with a packet of the saltiest bouillon on the planet. Definitely something that should be relegated to an occasional treat.

>> No.19489612

Nah, I don't like "instant" anything.

>> No.19489641

How bad does this look? I have one about once a week.

Sapporo Ichiban

>> No.19489664

I don't eat instant noodles because for 10 extra minutes I get to eat actual spaghetti. I confess I've used them as a last resort meal when I had nothing else in the pantry as a student

>> No.19489786

> In Japan, salt intake of population has increased from 10.7g to 11g per a day in the latest data for the first time in ten years. Experts warn that the Japanese are becoming the most 'salt-friendly' people in the world
Longest lived country on Earth
Do some exercise fatty, it's not the extra shake of salt.

>> No.19489809

They would live longer if they cut salt. This is perfect example of how correlation is does not mean causation.

>> No.19489817

They do strange thing to my digestion. Turd comes out in tiny lumps, and I have to strain as if I was squeezing a tube of toothpaste.

>> No.19489824
File: 33 KB, 633x480, ug035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i eat 1800 calories or less a day it doesn't matter if that includes a daily packet of instant ramen, i'm already healthier than 90% of people
take the UG Krishnamurti pill. it's not about what you eat, it's just about eating less, you fat fuck

>> No.19489843

A diet of ramen and energy drinks gave me kidney stones at a way too early age.
It was the worst pain of my life and it was so bad they gave me prescription painkillers and opioids in the ER without even doing the whole “pain on a scale of 1-10” thing they could tell I wasn’t faking it
When it finally passed I thought I died and went to heaven for several hours straight.
Not worth it.
I’m not a fat fuck either I just had a god awful diet for years as a teen and in college

>> No.19489893

based retard

>> No.19491265

>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
whats bad about em besides the salt pack?

>> No.19491269

everyone is complaining about sodium and instant ramen being too salty while i add 1/4 of a bullion cube and soy sauce to mine..

>> No.19491559

i think they're bland and have no flavor. only ones I still eat as an adult are the lime chili shrimp since those were my favorite as a kid, but I eat them without water and I add butter now. also I enjoy the cheese flavor. the spicy buldak ones are pretty good too, probably the best of the three.

>> No.19491560

Enjoy your heart attack-ack-ack-ack

>> No.19491741

Sapporo Ichiban is my favorite brand. Original is the best.

>> No.19491773

yeah but they're the only affordable thing left in a time where fast food costs $20 and frozen meals cost $9~$12
most veggies are $6 each and meat sits completely unsold because no-one can afford it anymore.
trash like organ meats and pigs feet is unironically getting popular so even liver is $6 for a small piece now
eggs havent come down in price now that suppliers know they can still charge $7 for half a dozen

so tell me anon
what the fuck are we supposed to eat if we're broke?
>inb4 beans and rice
its $4 for a single serving worth of rice now

>> No.19491775

the noodle brick is deep fried

>> No.19491882

>meat sits completely unsold because no-one can afford it anymore.

I've seen plenty of that meat getting discounted as it's close to its best by date.

>> No.19491925

what's the best ramen flavor and why is it maruchan oriental flavor

>> No.19492064

Living is also bad for anyone's health and yet here we are.

>> No.19492075

Nope, hate that shit

>> No.19492578

fake news

>> No.19492600

>From $14 for a dollar store quality steak down to $12
Wew lad

>> No.19492618

You CAN eat a cigarette. But you WILL end up in the hospital. Don't try to eat a cigar though.

>> No.19493088

I've found a lot of meats 50% off or more at Kroger and Safeway stores.
Guess it's by chance to find them.

>> No.19493092

Nah, you'll mostly just shit
Old Army books said if you think you have a gut worm, eat half
If you still think you're wormed, finish it

>> No.19493109
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I mix maruchan with thin sliced sausage or tofu and some miso powder so its not so basic.
this is a good mix and fuck you for telling me to not partake in it.

>> No.19493139 [DELETED] 

>sodium has a direct effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular function

In a sense, yes, but the dangers of low sodium are higher than that of high sodium. provided sufficient hydration, it's very difficult to eat a harmful amount of sodium

>> No.19493591


>> No.19494975
File: 50 KB, 896x668, 1688494831296018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk the difference LMAO

>> No.19496513

Just don't add the seasoning packet. Problem solved.

>> No.19496533
File: 190 KB, 960x960, yaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Saturday and I cooked some tri tips, it's time for my weekly yakisoba

>> No.19496881

You’re kind of dumb if you never searched “upward inflection question” after wondering about it for so long.This is what it’s actually called. From wikipedia
>The high rising terminal (HRT), also known as upspeak, uptalk, or high rising intonation (HRI), is a feature of some variants of English where declarative sentences can end with a rising pitch similar to that typically found in yes-or-no questions. HRT has been claimed to be especially common among younger speakers and women, though its exact sociolinguistic implications are an ongoing subject of research.

>> No.19496968

The Japanese eat them all the time, and they live more than 90 years.

>> No.19496971

I could of swore those were better a few years ago.

>> No.19497065

Maruchen Ramen is objectively great. Plain with just the packet, no egg, none of that bullshit

>> No.19497093

My dad doesn't know how to cook and eats these so much. I worry about him

>> No.19497138

this is me

>> No.19497144

>carbs and fats
...which are essential
>without any of the good stuff to back it up
do you also believe in astrology

>> No.19497575

They've almost doubled in price in two years, I like to think they taste better.

>> No.19497589

Do people really not eat this at least 15 times a month?

>> No.19497628

Damn this shit ain't something you can live on when you're older

>> No.19497636

yes it does. rice is just as junk food-tier as all the other carb/starch based foods, lol
only difference is rice has some more complex carbs and is loaded with heavy metals

>> No.19497642

Looks good but you're a psychopath for eating it on a plate.

>> No.19497729

They are indeed not good for you but here's a tip for making them less bad.

Step 1. Boil the noodle cake but do not add the seasoning into the water. If it says boil for 3 minutes then do that.

Step 2. drain the noodles and throw the hot water away, by doing this you throw away a lot of the waxes and preservatives that was on the noodle cake. Set aside the boiled noodles in a bowl

Step 3. Boil 1/3 of the water needed with the soup seasoning, if the instructions said to boil it in 300 ml of water, you only use 100ml because theres a lot of salt in the noodle cake which you no longer have because you threw the water away. Start off with 1/3 of the water then add a bit more if its too salty. Add eggs or vegetables or whatever.

Step 4. Pour the soup into your bowl noodles. Enjoy less bad instant noodles.

>> No.19497731

cute slut

>> No.19497736

Every now and then I'll have 2 packs of Sedaap Mi Goreng and throw some frozen soy beans in with them while they cook. Then I'll have a couple boiled eggs on the side. Sometimes I throw some frozen prawns in there.

>> No.19499279

These are the absolute best

>> No.19499309

Once in a blue moon as a last resort. I'm gonna die from it, aren't I?

>> No.19499847


>> No.19500691

This is why I'm autistic about constantly guzzling water by the kilo liter. I've heard that kidney stones are the worst pain anyone has ever had from anyone who has ever had them. I don't have a great diet. I eat unhealthy food often, lots of salt, and lots of beer. But from chemistry classes ages ago I have the idea that if a solution is imbalanced with sodium, you can just dilute it by adding water. I hope that actually works in my body.

>> No.19500714

>You know it's very bad for your health, right?
So is starving

>> No.19500893


>> No.19502144
File: 305 KB, 595x397, maru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best shit