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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19482946 No.19482946 [Reply] [Original]

should I get a job in a restaurant? I'm flat broke and don't have any education or skills aside from being an ok/10 home cook
there's two restaurants hiring, one is a sushi place that needs roll monkeys and another is a chicken place where the entire menu is deep fried

is it going to be as miserable as I think it is? am I better off trying to get a job at wholefoods cooking for the hot bar?

>> No.19483011

>is it going to be as miserable as I think it is?
It will be far worse.

>> No.19483016

Yes. You will find it difficult, but you will come out a better person on the other side.

>> No.19483019

Take the sushi place. No girl will sleep with you if you work at a chicken restaurant

>> No.19483033

No. Take the chicken place. At the end of your workday you will be covered in grease aka free meal everyday. Thus you can save money while others have to pay for food.

>> No.19483038

Stop being a bitch.
It will hard and stressful but stop being a cunt and get a fucking a job at the sushi place.
DONT work at a fried chicken place unless uou want to smell like oil every day.
Also you will learn to make sushi you stupid dumb fucktard nigger ass cunt which is cool goodluck.

>> No.19484106
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Don’t listen to this idiot, go with the chicken place. Fast food/diner places are amazing for getting your bearings on working in a kitchen, the one I worked in was amazing and I made a lot of good friends.

As far as what it’s like working in kitchens, it really varies. My advice, stay away from fine-dining and stick to more casual places. DEFINITELY stay away from hotels, they’re shitholes to work in.

If cooking is just something you’re looking to do for the bag and funzies, then find a casual place and you’ll be all good. If you’re looking to genuinely pursue it as a career, I would only advise it if you’re ready to sacrifice your social/personal life and be autistic as fuck about the job because further up the ladder you go, the more autistic and pretentious the chefs you work with are and demand a lot from you.

I personally walked away from a kitchen recently because I couldn’t handle how much time with my girlfriend the job took away from me.

Also I underestimated just how seriously the chefs took their job. To me, it was just about the check and the work was a consequence towards that end but these old gnarled bastards were autistic as fuck about being a chef to the point where they were more than okay with having it sabotage their personal life by barely giving them time to see their families. I realised I didn’t want that to be me, so I bounced.

I mean you’ll see for yourself though how much you like it and if you see yourself pursuing it more seriously. Personally I wouldn’t advise it as a career unless you’ve got literally no other passions in life to pursue.

You’re overworked, you’re underpaid, you have no real time to yourself, you have to contend with small-dicked old bastards who hate their life so they take it out on other people, and you risk not only bodily harm but also mental, hospitality industry is notorious for its rates of depression and suicidality

>> No.19484122

yes and yes

>> No.19484125

yes to all of your questions

>> No.19484130

It'll suck ass but it's better than jacking off at mommy's house every day like you currently do

>> No.19484137
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Is it possible to get a job at a Chinese restaurant?
I watch Wang Gang, I use cleavers and I cook Chinese food at home
I want to learn as much as I possibly can, be able to communicate with English or at least very basic Chinese phrases/words and also preferably work at the bench that does all the cutting and preparation rather than at the woks
My only worry is that 1. they want to hire Chinese fluent people and 2. they illegally pay their works

>> No.19484138

it will either ruin your life or make you stronger
you decide

>> No.19484143

Leave as soon as possible. This likely won't be a problem beautiful spending time around subhumans is literal torture for anyone with an IQ above 90, bit never view it as anything other than a short-term means of survival until you find something better.

>> No.19484144

Btw I'm also half Chinese but sadly I don't know much Chinese

>> No.19484191


I think it’s near impossible to get a job cooking at an Asian place if you’re a gweilo. Every Asian takeout or restaurant I’ve been to has had a full kitchen staff of Asians, barring one place that had a white girl but she was only working FOH.

I’m based in Ireland and I think it’s because those places are seen as sanctuaries for FOBs who can’t really get work anywhere else because of their limited English so any non-Asian trying to find work there is seen as someone who realistically could get a job anywhere else trying to take a job away from an Asian FOB who can’t/doesn’t have the same access of opportunity

>> No.19484199


Yeah, what this guy said. Do it for the check but only consider it as a career if you don’t imagine yourself doing anything else with your life and you like being paid shit money for hard work

>> No.19484200

Don't get a job at a Chinese place, they use a million weirdly specific ingredients and it's a nightmare to keep track of anything

>> No.19484203

do the sushi joint. service industry sucks

>> No.19484204

2 months ago I got a job at a new fast casual place. Last week it shut down. This past week is the first time I've wanted to/enjoying cooking at home since before I got that job. I'm glad they shut down and I'm not getting another kitchen job.

>> No.19484218

>it’s because those places are seen as sanctuaries for FOBs who can’t really get work anywhere else because of their limited English so any non-Asian trying to find work there is seen as someone who realistically could get a job anywhere else trying to take a job away from an Asian FOB who can’t/doesn’t have the same access of opportunity
Now I know how Black People of Color feel.

>> No.19484227

It's over...
I'm going to ask my grandfather who ran a Chinese restaurant if he has any buddies who could me a job but I doubt it since he retired 15 years ago
I'm familiar with a lot of them although I still obviously want to learn and absorb everything I can

>> No.19484230

or, more likely, an addict.

>> No.19484246

>wageslaving in a kitchen for ungrateful fat fucks is better than orgasming
you might be Satan

>> No.19484252

Whatever you do any job you get in cooking will not be your last...

>> No.19484256

>I'm going to ask my grandfather who ran a Chinese restaurant if he has any buddies who could me a job but I doubt it since he retired 15 years ago
Why the hell don't you talk to him then?

>> No.19484266

My grandparents are ashamed of me for being a university dropout

>> No.19484296

Start a chinese place down south, they serve Italian spaghetti noodles for lo mein

>> No.19484308

Nah I'd rather start a Sichuan restaurant down south and serve traditional Sichuan food with southern meats

>> No.19484316
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Anon... It will KILL any love you have for cooking.
Another job that teaches you actual life skills; I.E. something that you learn troubleshooting for systems or a valued trade is the only way to go.
Job at Wholefoods may not be that bad-IDK, but I can tell you from firsthand experience that unless you REALLY LOVE cooking, and only look at this as a "Stepping stone" job you have an only evening, weekends and Holidays job that at this point is little more than assembly and strife.
t. worked my way up to a one Michelin star restaurant, only to realize that it was killing my love of cooking and I had ridiculously oppressive hours(evenings, weekends and holidays,) for the rest of my life.
I went into independent contracting after working with a good company for a couple years.
Maybe look into electrical or plumbing, as they aren't as hard on your body.
STAY AWAY from the Union bullshit--find a decent family owned biz.

>> No.19484328

Do you think it'd be better to get a factory packing job or delivery job?

>> No.19484339
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>DEFINITELY stay away from hotels, they’re shitholes to work in.
I worked in one resort for 3 months once..Was an absolute nightmare of an ELECTRIC KITCHEN.
No shit...NO GAS. we did crank out some really good service, but the "Executive Chef" was truly a hick Moran who was a dishwasher 6 months prior, and got the job by nepotism.
The backstabbing work culture there was horrendous too. The ONLY worse kitchen I ever worked in was a university kitchen.
Great equipment--diversity hires who you were ALWAYS picking up the slack for.

>> No.19484376

>I'm flat broke
The answer is yes. Shit can be hell, ex-military hate some jobs they've had, but you gotta pay rent.

>> No.19484387
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If that's all you can get.
Truly, find something that will provide you with a skill that will have value even if the lights go out.
Packing and delivery IDK, I only worked delivery once for a BW3s long ago--(SUCKED)
don't sell yourself short. If I had my druthers, I'd be hiring 6-10 anons at a time, teaching them a skill on the job where they get paid, and also letting them live on my 10 acres in non-permanent housing RENT FREE, until they can afford their own land or whatever...
There are ALWAYS ways to get there--just don't spend on frivolous things and ALWAYS be improving yourself and your skillset.

>> No.19485010
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Piggybacking off thread.

Started serving in a bar. Done 1 night training and 1 solo. Walked away with $105 in wages and $110 in tips. This is my first time serving and my first time working a bar. How long until I gain enough insight and knowledge to begin bartending? I made pretty good money but most of the customers bellied up to the bar and so the tender was getting all those tips. I am pretty charming and talked an extra $30 out of people by proactively being there the moment their drink was finish and ready to refill it when they would probably be finished and not ask for another themselves.

I do not have tits.

>> No.19486070


I would sooner recommend someone choose prostitution as their career over cheffing

>> No.19486373

Gig work is insane nowadays. No reason to get a real job is you are young.
Lots of random companies doing random jobs, you'd be surprised how lucrative a lot are.
I get paid ~$35 an hour delivering boxes of papers for a local company. It's the easiest shit ever.

I have a friend who takes pictures of cars at dealerships and gives them a condition rating on looks, it works similar to door dash and he also makes good money.

I almost took a job driving around train conductors, from the train to the station after they move stuff around.

I'm not sure why anyone would willingly get a restaurant job, or any boring generic job that you have to work hard for little pay.
There are opportunities everywhere that are unique.

>> No.19486397

That type of work is rare retard. There's no fucking ad up for delivering boxes like that. If so post it. You won't because that type of shit is based on word of mouth and it's not at all typical.

>> No.19486431

All of these were on the OfferUp app, which I don't think is much different than Indeed or whatever.
It's a local law firm with like 15 franchises in the state, I deliver legal papers on a route.
It IS a small job that is rare, it could easily be a word of mouth job.

The world we live in has tons of these sorts of random jobs around though. Gig or contractor work has never been more profitable (or easier for the employer)

If you give up and get a job at a gas station, you'll never even know they exist.
Who has heard of a law firm carrier job, or a train conducter driving job?

I'm just putting it out there, you'll find some oddball crazy job you didn't know exists if you start looking.
Most people don't even try

>> No.19486447

You will hate working in sushi
Apply to the fried chicken place, if anything you will have fun with your coworkers

>> No.19486472

>should I get a job in a restaurant?
>don't have any education or skills
okay, yes
t. cook

>> No.19486478

take the sushi place. the chicken place is gonna have a worse quality of people.

>> No.19486482

>spending time around subhumans is literal torture for anyone with an IQ above 90,
its crazy how when you work these type of jobs and there are people that are so comfortable at their job lol.

>> No.19486485

yeah dont get a chinese restaurant job if you dont want to memorize a bunch of shit. chinese menus are huge and dont fall into the "less items on menu means better quality."

>> No.19486486

The only people my local Chinese restaurants hire are Asians (legal or illegal) and illegal Mexicans. They treat everybody like shit. I think that's probably the worst restaurant you could choose to work for.

>> No.19486488

Cool thanks for the tip. If I was nice you wouldn't have given up the info and not nearly so fast. I hate how people work but whatever.