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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19480173 No.19480173 [Reply] [Original]

how does this "picky eater" phenomenon even happen? i constantly hear people say that something "doesn't agree with their western palette", or "i don't like seafood because my mom didn't like it". it simply has no logic to it. i feel like i am the only person that is fine with any food that is completely foreign to me, and that should not be the case

>> No.19480176
File: 102 KB, 850x976, D0D4ED92-9D9C-4838-BC5F-CC0D59A17634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t even eat Mac n cheese

>> No.19480190

Well when I was a kid I loved shrimp. Ate too many and got sick, threw up everywhere. Cant eat shrimp, and dont like most seafood in general. I've tried bites here and there, but often thats all I can stomache.

I'm not that picky about land based food.

One guy I knew basically only ate potatoes but he had celiacs or some shit like that.

One chick I knew in highschool was a picky eater wouldnt eat crust on bread, and tended to go for really simple dishes in general. She was dating one of my friends who said he could barely take her to any places to go out to eat because she wouldnt eat there. I dont really know what causes that.

>> No.19480205

>Well when I was a kid I loved shrimp. Ate too many and got sick, threw up everywhere. Cant eat shrimp
that happened to someone i know with peanut butter. personally, i've thrown up a lot in my life and it hasn't put me off from any foods

>> No.19480218

> "i don't like seafood because my mom didn't like it"
I meet a lot of these NPCs. They are just chaff, not worthy of consideration in the least. What I wonder about is you. Why did you post a pic of crinkle fries? You know they are worst fries. Are you truly clueless, trying to troll, or are you a bot?

>> No.19480233

When I was a kid there was lots of food that disgusted me but my parents didn't accept that and they forced me to eat it with the threat of taking away my gameboy
Now I eat anything

>> No.19480258

My mother was a fucking idiot who never cooked with salt or any real spices (why do white people put salt and/or pepper on something after it's served? retards)

My dad thinks black pepper is too "hot"

So basicallyi grew up eating overcooked dry porkchops, chicken so overcooked i had to drink milk to swallow it, spaghetti with canned sauce, bland and tasteless shepherd's pie made with canned corn, and when I became a teenager I was fucking bored of this garbage so I started demanding to try proper fucking food and made my parents buy me grocery store sushi to try (lol i know) and by the time I was 17 I hated my parents and started learning to cook for myself. I went to college late and then just taught myself to cook from there after living alone.

Only fucking retards make excuses but there's no doubt parents are enablers. If you let your kid eat nothing but cheese and candy they're going to grow up to be a fucking retard.

>> No.19480263

>Why did you post a pic of crinkle fries?
It is a picture of a guy that only eats french fries. A picky eater.

>> No.19480273

I moved back to my home state after being away 20 years, college and such. During that time I developed a love for cooking and learned to cook all kinds of things. I come back, happy to cook for family on the weekends, discover my mom and brother have the palates of children. So 90% of the things I can cook, I can't for them.

>> No.19480276

How is he not dead from protein deficiency

>> No.19480280

I simply have autism, which gives me texture aversion.

There isn't much I hate the taste of, but I absolutely cannot stand raw tomato or raw onion.

>> No.19480291

You are really missing out. You actually mentioned some of my favorite things. Oh well. More for me.

>> No.19480309

What I am more curious about is why picky eaters get so angry and defensive when you simply point out the fact that they are finicky babies. You admitted yourself that you will not eat most foodstuffs. Why then get mad when someone names that condition for what it is? It is an undeniable fact that you admitted to yourself.

>> No.19480321

>why do children act like children?

>> No.19480338

If only it were just the children…

>> No.19480368
File: 127 KB, 1024x689, 1638877389991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met one (1) person who was frank about their food aversions. The rest took it like some unquestionable disability

>> No.19480947
File: 362 KB, 1600x1200, tomato-slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive met one. Didn't like bananas but ate one occasionally because they're heathy. Can't stand tomatoes but likes a nice pico de gallo (crisp tomato meat cubes, no seed filled snot) and when her food comes with the occasional tomato slice she just picks it up, sets it aside and enjoys her sandwich anyway. I'm madly obsessed with her for being so reasonable, and want to lock her in my basement and starve her feeding her nothing but sliced small and cherry tomatoes while bringing her to repeated orgasms until she begs me for more.

Personally I can't stand lima beans, they taste like dirt.

>> No.19481147

You can live on potatoes alone. They have enough protein.

>> No.19481184

Wow you're so open minded and refined OP and definitely not an insufferably arrogant faggot at all

>> No.19481197
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It's 100% just human weakness and that's why they get defensive. Their retarded behavior was never questioned and they grow up believing that any simple contradiction is the most traumatic thing that could happen to them.

>> No.19481224

The lady in your gif developed an eating disorder as a kid after someone made her eat food she didn't like until she vomited

>> No.19481445

come on, eat a tomato. you can do it!

>> No.19481612

I'm American and I dont eat sweets or fast food or anything like that because of a health condition, but honestly if something doesnt agree with the "western" palette, just go into Starbucks and watch people ordering "coffee" at like 6am. These people are pumping syrup into whipped cream topped cold coffee filled with cream. A western palette its just a palette dulled from obscene amounts of sugar and salt, unable to taste subtle flavors of actual food.

>> No.19481690

only pigs eat everything they can chew

>> No.19481692

Don't drag salt into this, you faggot.

>> No.19481703

>why do white people put salt and/or pepper on something after it's served? retards)
Because it tastes good

>> No.19481706

I have that same problem. I enjoy onions and tomatoes when they've been cooked, but raw they trigger my gag reflex.

>> No.19481707

For me it's pumpkin and sweet potato. It doesn't even taste bad, but trying to force myself to swallow it just makes me gag and I can't even explain why

Any kind of cold porridge, too.

>> No.19481720

Being willing to eat anything isn't much better than being a picky eater, it puts you one step below being a circus geek.
If I don't like eating something I don't force myself to eat it. Simple as.

>> No.19481722

if you don't like something, then you are a picky eater. simple as.

>> No.19481724

Would you eat a rat? A $1 dollar store steak? Pig vomit regurgitated and incorporated into soup?

>> No.19481729

>1 dollar steak
>pig vomit
that is not food. i am not a picky eater just because i refuse to take a bite out of my drywall

>> No.19481744

>why do people like some things and dislike others

This is a very deep question OP. I will meditate on this.

>> No.19481763 [DELETED] 

Why are normalfags okay with shoving anything that gets put in front of them in their fat faces? It's disgusting

>> No.19481765 [DELETED] 

Why do normalfags feel the need to comment at all on someone else's food choices? Kill yourself uncivilized nigger

>> No.19481769 [DELETED] 

>why picky eaters get so angry and defensive
I see the exact opposite much more frequently. Nice projection.

>> No.19481771 [DELETED] 

No one is 'missing out' on something if they don't like it moron. Do you 'non-picky eaters' lack theory of mind too?

>> No.19481772 [DELETED] 

Your body's survival mechanisms are broken. Conditioned taste aversion is supposed to happen.

>> No.19481775 [DELETED] 

>why do people get angry when you insult them over something you have no business commenting on
kill yourself retard nigger

>> No.19481780

the replies in this thread are literally proving his post

>> No.19481783 [DELETED] 

kill yourself samefag

>> No.19481784

>you're supposed to hate a food because you threw up one time
this makes no sense. apparently i am supposed to hate pretty much everything since i have puked many different foods

>> No.19481785

>"i don't like seafood because my mom didn't like it"
here's how that works
a lot of seafood fucking stinks, if you don't grow up with it it's hard to habituate to it
weird to see two completely unfussy autists replying to each other in such short order, it's usually you guys that are picky

>> No.19481786 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.19481788 [DELETED] 

lol if anything the "NPCs" are you brainless idiots who happily shovel down whatever slop you can get. put a bullet in your head you pretentious fat fuck

>> No.19481792

human brains are fucking weird and form all kinds of strong irrational connections, not particularly surprising that includes foods, can see a thousand ways certain foods would end up triggering (yes, triggering, seethe at the proper use of the term) trauma responses
I don't think I'm picky about anything but the normal stuff like eating the heads of things, or whole insects, and that's not really so different from having an aversion to some fruit because the shape or smell of it gives you a vivid sense of putrefaction or whatever

>> No.19481816

>tomatoes, oysters, mushrooms, and raisins are slop
you """""""""""""people"""""""""""""" are the ones that are brainless

>> No.19481824

Point proven. Picky manchildren can't stop losing

>> No.19481839

No, it should already fucking taste good after it's prepared if the cook knows how to cook.

>> No.19481842

Seafood should smell like almost nothing unless it's rank. You flyover fucks are eating old fish.

>> No.19481854

My youngest nephew is a picky eater but you can tell something is overall wrong with him after being around him for 10 minutes. The parents are rich and smart so they'll get him some kind of neetbux diagnosis eventually, but I don't know the name of what it will be.

>> No.19481857
File: 104 KB, 1236x837, baby_tries_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be exposed to a variety of different foods, starting from toddlerhood.

Babies, when they first try food, often don't like a new food. It can take up to ten tries eating a new food before you can even begin to understand whether the baby does not like it, or just is reacting to the novelty.

If parents don't repeatedly try to feed a baby a variety of different foods even in the face of apparent rejection, the child will not develop a wide palate.

>> No.19481862

Certain food makes me ill, don't think I'm particularly picky though, just genetics.

>> No.19481872

I thought one of you were going to say this
fact is I've got half a dozen lobster ports within about an hour's drive
maybe what reaches your urban restaurant table is covered with enough butter, garlic and herbs you don't notice the smell, but I assure you fishmongers and fish markets, and fishing boats, all that smells, why is that the case if the product smells like roses or whatever urbanite bullshit you'll try and tell me next

>> No.19481881

>why do white people put salt and/or pepper on something after it's served?

Because the assumption is that not everyone enjoys the same level of saltiness or pepperiness, so the individual can adjust it for themselves. It's the opposite of "I don't care if this is too salty or too bland to you, it's what I made so shut the fuck up and enjoy it how I do."

>> No.19481882

>that is not food
Says you. Predators in nature regularly eat the stomach contents of their prey, it is a great source of pre-digested plant nutrients that are difficult for a carnivore to consume. Refusing to eat vomit is akin to refusing to eat offal

>> No.19481885

Obviously fishing boats and piers smell like old fish. Their point was if the fish itself doesn't smell fresh then it's shit. If you go to a local fishmarket near a fishing area, take home something and it smells like rotting fish then you're getting scammed.

t. lived in PEI for 4 years

>> No.19481886

I season while I cook, I never have to add more salt/pepper after my food is done

>> No.19481887

>this makes no sense
If you're retarded maybe. The body has a natural aversion to eating foods correlated to periods of sickness for the obvious reason of not wanting to get sick again.
Weirdo living garbage cans like you provide a valuable service to society, in that we learn what is edible from you retards eating whatever random shit you find, but it's not normal behaviour whatsoever.

>> No.19481888

Fish smells like the ocean, the ocean is a strong stank. Considering you live in fucking PEI that smell barely registers to you anymore.

>> No.19481889

Humans aren't carnivores though. We have plenty of enzymes to break down plant matter. Unless you've been keto so long that your gut biome is completely fucked there would be zero reason to.

>> No.19481890

I add salt after cooking because I habitually under salt while cooking. It's easier to add a bit later than ruin it with too much before it's even done.

>> No.19481891

I am back in Ontario now, I can still tell the difference between fresh and not fresh fish. The ocean smells like salt. Clean fish smells clean.

>> No.19481895

Pre-historic humans ate the stomach contents of game all the time, retard. It's easy nutrients and easy calories in a world without farming. If you're gonna draw the line there you're officially a picky eater by human histories standards.

>> No.19481899

I'm not talking about old fish smell, it doesn't smell off, it just smells, fresh lobster smells
I'm not being conned by literally every fisherman's coop on the coast, or by diver friends of the (extended) family, it just smells and I wasn't raised with it and i don't like it

>> No.19481900

Same happened to me as a kid with lobster. My grandpa used to catch them all the time in the summer; I'm sick of lobster now and if I never eat it again I'm fine with that.

>> No.19481919
File: 247 KB, 485x597, 9C56C63F-718C-455F-BC4D-4354C5747ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of people do not like every single food. Is this some sort of revelation to you?

>> No.19481931

That's nice.

Obviously it smells. It smells like fish. That isn't a bad smell unless it's off.

>> No.19481939

It's not about vomiting you fucking retard, if you get sick and your body thinks that the last thing you ate caused this then it connects that food with aversion and disgust.

>> No.19481955

>You're pretentious because you eat stuff I can't pronounce
Maybe try learning something instead of seething because you're a fucking moron. We can't all get nuggies delivered to us by mommy all the time.

>> No.19481958

>Obviously it smells. It smells like fish. That isn't a bad smell unless it's off.
it isn't a bad smell TO YOU, and many many people. but I did not grow up with it and find it challenging to the point of distaste as I have told you twice already, I'm wondering how many times I shall have to rephrase this really quite simple idea

>> No.19481959

Explaining things to anons on here is like dealing with the mentally retarded sometimes. My wife tends to oversalt things so lately she hasn't been salting most of the food she makes. I just add salt to it afterwards, simple as.

>> No.19481960

White parents who never hit their kid. Growing up in a mexican household, I had to eat whatever my mom made or else I would either not eat that night or get hit with a spoon until I ate. Survival technique desu

>> No.19481966

So you are white and hate white people. This is why kids aren't supposed to watch tv.

>> No.19481971

>by around age 5, a typical child has learned they are stupid and doesn’t question things. A smart child tends to have great difficulty in accepting that most people are retards that do everything wrong. Smart people don’t like stupid people.

>> No.19481976

>b-b-but mommy tells me I'm special

>> No.19481979

Whether autistic kids and smart kids are the same thing or not you know I’m right. That wikihow author is describing the autistic experience as exactly the same as the smart kids experience. Smart adults don’t just accept that others have their opinions either, we just call you retarded.

>> No.19481995
File: 114 KB, 599x503, 6B9199ED-050C-477D-AB96-2ED3C4AEEF98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That wikihow author is describing the autistic experience as exactly the same as the smart kids experience.
I got some bad news for you buddy

>t. Non autist, tested 145iq in childhood

>> No.19482001

Here's what you said
>a lot of seafood fucking stinks, if you don't grow up with it it's hard to habituate to it

And I maintain thar seafood does not stink and I didn't grow up by the ocean. You're just a whiny baby.

>> No.19482004

>i constantly hear people say that something "doesn't agree with their western palette"
Kill yourself, chink

>> No.19482007

Wow, you genuinely are autistic. It doesn't imply anything like that.

>> No.19482013
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 104837291901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple: People today are man/womanchildren and have never faced real hunger.

Put these faggots in a chamber with no food for a week and see if they still whine about crust on their toast or whatever stupid fucking bullshit they complain about like toddlers. Their parents should have spanked them for acting like that, but instead they were coddled their whole lives so they still act like this as adults. It's embarrassing.

>> No.19482014

>Smart adults don’t just accept that others have their opinions either, we just call you retarded.

Those aren't smart adults. Those are griwn autists and literal idiots.

>> No.19482048

>And I maintain thar seafood does not stink and I didn't grow up by the ocean. You're just a whiny baby
ironic, I would have been happy leaving it at one post. the only reason why we are having this back and forth is because you are autistic, have the emotional intelligence of an infant, and the idea that subjectivity might be real upsets, confuses, and terrifies you all the way down to a deep subconscious level
you're literally so fucking stupid you can't understand how somebody's milieu influences their tastes, it's breathtaking
if you weren't hanging out on 4chan with bunch of other social retards encouraging the worst excesses of your condition amongst each other, you might be encouraged to rationalise your way into accepting that subjectivity exists, even if you can't understand it

>> No.19482056

>doesn't agree with their western palette
Lol that was me in the Japanese thread.
Truthfully, taste perception in the brain is heavily influenced by cultural bias, nothing truly tastes bad otherwise people wouldn't eat it.

>> No.19482077

>I would have been happy if no one called me out for being an idiot

No shit. You're the one whining about fish smelling bad despite it being pointed out that fresh fish doesn't actually have the strong ocean scent of fishing boats you claim it does. You either literally can't tell the difference or are such a child that even the sweet scent of fresh fish hurts your feelings. I don't care either way, you're just as pathetic.

>> No.19482086

>despite it being pointed out that fresh fish doesn't actually have the strong ocean scent of fishing boats you claim it does. You either literally can't tell the difference
I see, the problem we are having could be your reading comp being almost as dire as your EQ

>> No.19482092

That webm makes sense to me. I've never had brussel sprouts that didn't smell like a fart.

>> No.19482102

Lol keep whining, you've already claimed all fidh smells too much for your delicate countenance, you can't back pedal now.

>> No.19482105

Simply opening up your mind and being ready to try/get used to new flavors is by far the most important thing. This is why being picky is considered immature, you are being a stubborn brat. So many people will piss and whine they don't want to try something, convince themselves they won't like it before even trying it, act like a cunt, make a face and spit it out after just tasting it, etc. This is all toddler-type behavior and the fact that many full grown adults act like this is extremely cringeworthy, and it's how you end up with manbaby redditors who only eat fruit loops and tendies, because that's all they ate as kids and their parents gave in rather than slapping the shit out of them or telling them they'll go to bed hungry if they don't eat what they're given, letting them pick processed snacks from the pantry and go watch tv instead of sitting down to eat, etc. It's a complete refusal to grow up and no one ever forced them to quit acting in this faggot bullshit way.

>> No.19482113

>nothing truly tastes bad otherwise people wouldn't eat it.
Disagree. People eat disgusting shit all the time for superstitious or other reasons. Like maggot infested meat. Or straight up maggots.

>> No.19482115

Nigga when you live in another country nothing is ever going to taste like home

>> No.19482129

The Irish literally lived on spuds for hundred of years. This faggot can do it no problem.

>> No.19482133

you're resorting to just making shit up now, embarrassing

I don't believe for a moment that you and the other food is fuel autist don't have any preferences of your own, but if you don't, it frightens me

>> No.19482144

You need salt. Your food should be served slightly under seasoned so your guests can adjust to taste. But your food should always be seasoned during preparation.

If you can't dose your salt so it's not completely unseasoned or a health hazard you shouldn't be let anywhere near food until you learn this basic skill.

>> No.19482156

Yet you can get used to it if you aren't behaving like a stubborn, stuck up, spoiled little bitch. When I traveled to other countries I ate exotic foods I'd never tried before, which was a little weird but fine because I'm open-minded, I got used to it and now I find myself missing it back home, I've even made these dishes myself a few times if I can find the ingredients. But most people I know turn their noses up and refuse to even try it. My own family members are some of the worst with this, which is probably why it annoys me so much, I've had a lot of experience watching people behave like manbabies.

>> No.19482176

>fuck picky eater
>get shown to be a picky eater
>ignore reality and continue to bitch about picky eaters

>> No.19482207

Because kids have stronger taste buds and dislike strong flavors like fish, mushrooms, and some leafy greens, and the impressions we get as children last for life

>> No.19482214

I knew the dumbest bitch in high school who tested as a genius IQ when she was little, she needed my help with scratch kek

>> No.19482231

Your family sound like fags.
Anyway, everybody tries new food when they travel, but malding because people who try 'exotic' foods and say they don't compare to home foods is retarded

>> No.19482253

>Your family sound like fags.
>Anyway, everybody tries new food when they travel, but malding because people who try 'exotic' foods and say they don't compare to home foods is retarded
There is a major difference between simply preferring one food to another vs. being picky/immature, these are nowhere near the same thing. For example, I have my favorite dishes but I'm not going to be a whiny little cunt if I get something that I haven't had before/isn't exactly what I was craving/isn't perfectly tailored to my liking.

>> No.19482328

What great things did you accomplish

Tell me you are at least unvaxxed

>> No.19482417

Bad parenting

>> No.19482453

My last ex was a pathological picky eater and that was one of the main reasons we broke up. One time I made her chicken parmesan and she complained it was too spicy because I put pepper on it. We lived near so many cool unique hole in the wall restaurants of every nationality and she would only want to go to olive garden and order the same meal every time.

>> No.19482469

You don't like what you don't like. Water chestnuts can burn in hell.

>> No.19482498

Quintuple vaxxed + boosted + enrolled in top secret DOD super-soldier serum program

>> No.19482505

It stems from childhood and bad parenting. Children are often picky eaters due to genetics, where through evolution we've evolved certain behavior's, like avoiding picking up poisonous berries and eating them. They're then suppose to learn through their parents what's safe and what isn't safe to eat, and they will carry this then throughout their lifetimes, and go on to teach their own children the same. Lots of parents however are clueless, or simply don't care and are lazy, and therefore will give their child cheap convivence food, like frozen chicken nuggets and other processed food that's easy to cook. Therefore the child never overcomes their childhood pickiness and it forms a habit that lasts into their adulthood. They then go on to do the same to their own children.

>> No.19482550

There is definitely a balance to strike, not giving into them and letting them eat fucking cereal all day but without repressing them in a way that makes them see unhealthy stuff as 'forbidden fruit' when they're on their own.

>> No.19482584

It's because they were fed throughout childhood the same meals with no change or deviation. Of course someone who has eaten grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pizza, chicken fingers, hotdogs and burgers their whole lives and haven't experienced anything else because they think it is going to be "gross."
I used to be a picky eater until I dated an Indian girl who's family would refuse to feed me unless I ate their food, realized Indian food is awesome and by extension became more adventurous and aimed to try new things. Turns out not much food grosses me out.
Another factor is poverty. The poor kids parents couldn't afford fresh food so their kids are fed reheated freezer meals their whole lives.

>> No.19482586

>people have individual preferences
>somehow this is an alien concept when it comes to food

>> No.19482636

Fuck you mom and dad!!!!!

>> No.19482646

The generational gap is wild.
Ten years ago picky eater threads would be full of anons unanimously dunking on them and sharing greentexts to make fun of picky roommates.
Now people are genuinely defending it.
What happened to the zoomers?

>> No.19482650

Actually Starbucks is now advertising drinks with olive oil shots put into them. I thought, wow how disgustingly fattening, but then i thought about how it probably balances the macros a little compared to what people normally order there.

>> No.19482654

We're just mostly not completely irredeemable assholes

>> No.19482655

Yeah it doesnr

>> No.19482664

It's not the zoomers, it's the millennials that were in those threads beating on people in 2005 who are now fully grown adults instead of disaffected sociopaths

>> No.19482670

Nobody is being a whining cunt here

>> No.19482673

>grew up with Whyte mom food
I'm so sorry anon nobody should have to experience that

>> No.19482682

The retards won't like this, but it's true. "opinion" is glue brain cope for people who don't want to examine their preferences or beliefs, there's a right and wrong answer for everything.

>> No.19482693

Usually kids being so fussy and parents being too much of a bitch to force their kids to eat.

>but the kid will resent you

>> No.19482696
File: 41 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-537674123-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a right and wrong answer for everything

>> No.19482698

oddly enough this happened to me with steamed carrots.

I fucking love carrots, raw, sauteed, or stewed. but if they were steamed, even if they are seasoned well, the texture makes me gag

>> No.19482714

People are built differently in fundamental ways, you can cut away a lot of situational bullshit and still be stuck dealing with that brute fact of reality. What makes sense for one person doesn't always make sense for another.

>> No.19482949

My mom forced me to eat moldy lasagna as a kid and i still love lasagna.

>> No.19483001

People like different things, how is this hard to understand? Some people are willing to try anything, some are not. Let people do what they want.

>> No.19483006

I would say it has to do with crude parenting as a kid. My mom tried to force me to eat salmon and yogurt, even tried force feeding me and ever since I avoid them but recently started to open up to salmon again cause I'm on a path of self improvement

>> No.19483060

I used to be a picky eater but now I eat almost anything. I absolutely cannot stand mushrooms, seafood or tomatoes though. Simply because it tastes like shit to me. I used to like seafood as a kid but now as an adult I really can’t eat anything from the sea

>> No.19483112

>if you didn't have breakfast would you be hungry now?
>what do you mean I did eat breakfast this morning
You're talking to one of those people lmao.

>> No.19483563
File: 54 KB, 795x441, 20210615135235ronaldo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread confirmed my suspicions about picky eaters being the biggest copers on the planet
>we evolved to avoid poisonous things!
>people that are able to eat without whining are just our poison testers!
hahahahah what a bunch of bologna. they really want me to believe that tomatoes, mushrooms, seafood, or cabbage is fundamentally poisonous. come on, steaming a carrot suddenly makes you want to vomit? this is certainly some kind of mental illness. probably something related to the spiritual realm. when i have kids, i am going to make sure they don't end up like you people. everyone prefers to eat ice cream over spinach, but hating spinach to the point of vomiting is just complete insanity. i'm the genetic disaster for eating "poison", hah! let's see how long your blood line lasts when you get put onto an island that only has vegetables on it.

>> No.19483570

This happened to me with gin and tonic, it's.been probably 8 years.

>> No.19483578

Because modern goy-hogs are developmentally stunted

>> No.19483587

Was it any specific food that made you throw up. I feel like the taste of the food being associated with the taste of vomit would kill any interest you could have in the food.

>> No.19483611

>Was it any specific food that made you throw up
no, i have intestinal problems that occasionally becomes painful enough to cause me to vomit multiple times a day. there have been times where i vomited from eating too much of a certain food or drink, but that never made me dislike it afterwards either

>> No.19483617

I grew up with two brothers. Picky eaters went hungry at our table, so I quickly learned to try anything.

>> No.19483623

I regularly shit on picky eaters, just the OP is so stupid that as written it didn't end up being about picky eaters at all

>> No.19483641

>my parents didn't accept that and they forced me to eat it with the threat of taking away my gameboy
>Now I eat anything
Absolutely nobody believes this post. This is actually probably some crazy parent trying to still forcibly shove their shit on everybody by trying to pretend to not be the parent, no one would ever brag about their parents putting them through such indignity with such a tone of praise for their parents, almost bragging about being proud that now they eat almost anything because they were abused.

Imagine being proud of being forced to eat anything and having your entire diet be based on the feeling of being forced to like it, rather than learning how to love certain foods naturally based on what you actually like or don't like deep down inside. Assuming you're telling the truth, can it really be healthy?

>> No.19483656

I noticed that if I put salt on a food while it's still cooking that by the time it's done cooking it doesn't taste salty anymore or the salt is very reduced in flavor, but there's still a ton of salt in the food. I like to be healthy by not overdoing the salt that my body takes in. Sometimes I actually prefer the taste that salt gives food when added at the end right before eating when it's already done cooking. I noticed that if I salt my food before cooking it, I just end up needing to add more salt at the end anyway. So for the most part I only add an incredibly small amount of food at the beginning of the cooking process and save most of the salt had actually at the end. I add an incredibly small amount of salt at the beginning of the cooking process so that it has that weird effect where it makes it taste better without actually making the salt flavor come out. I think it has something to do with the formation of naturally occurring MSG. But for the most part I just saw my food at the end because then I control exactly how much salt I'm getting and I can actually taste it when I add it. Of course I'm not a doctor or professional in any way and you shouldn't take anything I'm saying as advice. Ask your doctor before doing or stopping anything.

>> No.19483659

having preferences is normal. you wouldn't want to fuck every girl you meet. why should you be expected to eat everything you come across?

>> No.19483660

Pickytard cope. The job of parents is not to make their kids have good feels every day, it's to prepare them for life as an adult. If you are a picky eater as an adult, they failed you utterly.

>> No.19483664

>you wouldn't want to fuck every girl you meet
I wouldn't?

>> No.19483672

What the fuck about vitamin B12 and vitamin d3?

>> No.19483676

My diet is completely different from what my parents fed me as a kid
Also I still dislike pumpkin, well done steaks, overcooked chicken breast and sweet potato, I'm just capable of eating it if it's served to me

>> No.19483680

Why do people like one sports team over another? Why do people vote one way or another? Why do people like ice cream and other people don't like ice cream? Why do some people like chocolate and other people don't like chocolate? Everybody has things they like and don't like, there is no answer that will ever make logical sense to you because different people just like or don't like different things. They're not the weird ones for liking or not liking something, you're the weird one for not understanding how different people could like or not like different things. People get upset because you're an obnoxious pain in the ass that can't let that go, you're the one that's getting constantly hung up on the fact that other people are doing things different than you, you are not able to cope with that fact.

>> No.19483688

Who would have thought being traumatized and force fed things by completely uncaring narcissists actually has a negative outcome

>> No.19483700

There's logical answers for every one of those things retard
>sports team is based on geographic and social factors
>voting.... lol, this is the best evidence that there's objectively right answers and people are fucking stupid and pick wrong all the time
etc... it's hopeless with you people.
>chocolate, ice cream
There might be a genetic difference in the formation of taste receptors sometimes, but almost 100% of the time its mental malfunction due to being abused as a kid or being retarded as an adult. Never allowed to have sugar and now out of sour grapes cope they hate it. etc. I am not sympathetic to psychological malfunctions like this.

>> No.19483706

But this does get into abusive territory when you live with parents who keep trying to force feed you the same things that they know you don't like hundreds or thousands of times even into early adulthood. If you know somebody doesn't like something and you keep doing it to them for years and years and years, then that's absolutely wrong. It's abusive. It's psychological torture.

>> No.19483709

>based on geographic and social factors
wonder if that could influence opinions about tastes too

>> No.19483714

So people don't like certain things so everyone should just abuse their children and traumatize them until they do what they say? That's evil

>> No.19483720

All this person is really saying is that no one is allowed to have an opinion and no one is allowed to decide for themselves what they like and don't like. Essentially what they're saying is that it doesn't matter if you're an adult that you don't have the right to make your own decisions. If anything this person is extremely immature because they're throwing a constant never-ending temper tantrum their whole life over watching other adults make their own decisions.

>> No.19483731

So people are doing things wrong according to you for not wanting to do what you want them to do? You're the one who's being immature for not being okay with the decisions of others. All you're saying is that you don't want other people to have the ability to control their own life and their own body. That's some satanic globalist bullshit.

>> No.19483747

I actually was a picky eater for several years because of the fact that my parents force-fed me everything that I didn't like and traumatize me. That forced me mentally regressed backwards and become a severely picky eater with a horrible eating disorder for several years. I became morbidly obese. Several years later I've lost 100 lb and went vegetarian then finally went vegan. It was because of the fact that I was no longer being traumatized and force fed by abusive parents that I was finally able to open up my diet and eat more diverse things after which my eating disorder went away and I have a much healthier life now. So actually your way of thinking causes the very thing that you think is a problem.

>> No.19483756

I was picky as a kid because my mom didnt know how to cook and my dad hardly had time to cook. then as an adult i realized all of the things my mom cooked poorly are potentially good if not cooked poorly.

>> No.19483763

Certainly many Westerners are inexperienced in how to preserve seafood.
And most of all, they are inexperienced in how to cook it.

>> No.19483803

It's passed down by parents who had bad experiences growing up. A normal story is being forced to eat something new/strange/unpleasant. And it just mind breaks people.
There's also a lot of crossover with vegetarians/vegans. Vegetarian/vegan parents often create picky kids because to a kid there is no difference anyway. You're essentially being picky by being a vegetarian/vegan. And so you risk making the kid picky.

>> No.19483831

I voted to keep mandatory military conscription in my country for many reasons.
A minor one was to force adult picky eaters to shut up and eat the barracks food. Fuck you.

>> No.19483841

it's not abusive to tell your kid to eat his broccoli. if you balance out the vegetables with the sugary treats, then he will grow up to not have any mental disabilities

>> No.19483853

Yes anon, it’s always them. NEVER you. You’re infallible! You definitely don’t make shit food or weird shit your friend from LA just heard about

>> No.19483871

>Picky eaters went hungry at our table
as God intended

>> No.19483876

Go sniff under the water a few times and try to tell me fish don’t stink.

>> No.19483886

expert level bait

>> No.19483914

I was put off rice for awhile after puking up pilaf and having some shoot out my nose. rice also has a tendency to get stuck in the back of the throat while puking

>> No.19483933

I've been on several fishing boats as part of family trips and visited untold fish markets and markets that also sold fish among other things, and they all fucking stank. Fish stinks, seafood stinks, the end. Maybe get your nose checked if you genuinely think differently.

>> No.19483939

You really wanna play the history game about fucking food of all things?

>> No.19483969

I consider myself a picky eater because I don't eat foods that I don't enjoy eating. How can I learn to enjoy foods that I perceive as disgusting, like chitterlings and monkey brains?

>> No.19483990

Throwing up never gave me food aversion. It was the food poisoning that I got from a shrimp scampi that did it for me. Can't do butter + shrimp combos as a result. I've puked hundreds of times from exercise and shit, never messed with my tastes.

Stinky seafood is bad seafood. That "fishy" smell is rotten seafood, and it goes fast. Fresh seafood has a completely different species-dependent smell.

>people put salt and/or pepper on something after it's served
I dunno, restaurants put condiments out for people to use. Salt, pepper, ketchup, steak sauce, whatever, they put it out for people to put is on whatever needs it. Eggs are a good example - they usually come out with zilch for seasoning, you gotta add it.

I also had cooklet parents, I learned my ass how to cook as soon as I could to not starve on shoe leather steaks.

>> No.19483991

generally picky eaters have multiple things:
highly enhanced sense of smell
too many bitter taste buds

to a lesser extent:
overbearing parents forcing them to eat food that does not taste good.
texture issues

as usual people with no sense of taste and smell believe they are superior because they can eat dog shit and say "that's a little nutty".

>> No.19484030

>Ate too many and got sick, threw up everywhere
my mother wouldn't eat chicken because when she was young she threw up a bunch of it.
>wouldnt eat crust on bread
when I was little the crust tasted very bitter

stockholm syndrome much?

>I was 17 I hated my parents and started learning to cook for myself
I didn't like my mothers cooking and started cooking at the age of 8.

why don't people with no sense of taste and smell understand that they eat food that is revolting?


>a lot of seafood fucking stinks
and taste as nasty as it smells.

>Seafood should smell like almost nothing unless it's rank.
all seafood smells nasty no matter how fresh this is the thing that some people cannot understand. just because you can't smell it does not mean I can't.

you have no sense of smell.

yeah try and abuse a picky eater, the kid will starve and you will go to jail.

>> No.19484044
File: 922 KB, 424x240, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in this thread is stuck on an island with limited food.

all the non picky eaters start eating anything they can find. the picky eaters taste things and realize they are super bitter or taste bad.

warn everyone not to eat certain foods. non tasters eat anyways and get violently ill or die.

pic related is picky eaters.

>> No.19484045

It's almost like it takes days for fish to get from the ocean to Kansas

>> No.19484071

I have never seen an obese picky eater.

>> No.19484086

Idk, I guess not enough exposure to new food? Personally, I've always hated raw tomatoes, especially if they're all slimey and seedy, I fuckin gag. I like ketchup n pasta and even cherry tomatos when my ma puts them on a meal, but in general, I hate 'em. I'll eat sushi and weird deli shit and goofy canned goods with a side of hard liquor, but I'll gag the second I taste the gooey seedy innards of a shitty tomato.

>> No.19484136

>highly enhanced sense of smell
>too many bitter taste buds
tomatoes would not be ruined if i had the nose of a dog and a bitter tongue. sounds like some more whining.

>> No.19484147

To be fair though, I don't think having a revulsion to something after a bad experience is the same as being a 'picky eater', your body 'learned' that a given food was bad or made you sick and rejects it, it's just basic biology and survival instincts. Obviously shrimp isn't gonna kill anyone but your body doesn't know that, it's just going off memory and it's largely an involuntary reaction.

Fuck that lady who doesn't eat crust though that's just being a faggot baby.

>> No.19484150

Maybe, but it's meaningless paste-brain thinking if so. I like salmon and apples because I'm from washington state but I hate barbeque because its from texas or kansas or whatever flyover shithole. A person who thinks like this is a certified retard.

>> No.19484152

>the picky eaters taste things and realize they are super bitter or taste bad.
no, it would go like this:
>picky eaters vomit every time they touch a vegetable they don't like
>become dehydrated
>i munch on my spinach and fish with no problem
>repopulate the island with my superior genes
>picky eaters are now extinct
you're acting like only picky eaters can tell if a food is rotten

>> No.19484156

>I have never seen an obese picky eater.
Now you have: >>19481197

>> No.19484158

>Anon, in a hilariously ironic twist of fate, proves himself the autist by not understanding another perspective while also missing the point completely
Nobody is saying people are picky eaters for not eating every single thing on this earth you bumbling fool, they're talking about irrational preferences and people that exclude entire categories for no reason beyond their own autistic hangups.

>> No.19484175

Open question for non-picky eaters, what DOES gross you out?
Many tomato, onion and mushroom mentions, what else?

>> No.19484187

The whole baby octopus packs from the chink stores are too much for me but that's about it. I'd be down for rat meat or whatever if it was raised for eating on decent feed instead of street trash

>> No.19484189

meat in jelly. i've only had it once, but i don't think i will be trying it ever again

>> No.19484193

Okra, at least in the ways I've had it prepared. Sliminess, distinct from the inside of tomatoes which I love and eat like apples with a little salt

>> No.19484222

People don't raise their kids right and then they become adults so you can't tell them anything.

Basically adults are children you can't help, so cherish the good ones.

>> No.19484281


Nah, you are just a clown who pretends he can't enjoy seafood the way millions of humans do. "Because it smells weird." This is a food board. Seafood is one of the exquisite food options in the world. It doesn't smell that weird. Just eat it and enjoy it fag, or accept that you are a weirdo.

>> No.19484325

He was the complete opposite for me, my parents were not vegan or vegetarian but they constantly forced me to eat such horrific disgusting shit that I became vegetarian and then vegan to get over my eating disorder and then that opened up a variety of different foods for me that I could eat and then I lost 100 lb and got a lot better and now I don't have a eating disorder anymore

>> No.19484329

Yeah you disagree with what they said so suddenly it's just impossible that it could really be their opinion

>> No.19484340

Just to be clear I'm not claiming that being vegetarian or vegan cures eating disorders. I'm just saying that that's what I personally did and that's what personally worked for me. I also lived with horrifically abusive parents for a very long time. I'm not a professional or a doctor an nothing I say is advice.

>> No.19484350

>Stop not liking what I like!!!!!!

LOL you really need to learn how to respect other people, you can't force them to like seafood. Just like they can't force you to stop being such an obnoxious pain in the ass.

>> No.19484356

fat people tend to be on the pickier side from what ive seen
they're very experienced and very opinionated on food

>> No.19484363

>Can't stomach a person who differs
explain this one

>> No.19484364

When I was young I got sick when I ate shrimp too. I just kept eating it til I stopped getting sick. Pussy.

>> No.19484373
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>> No.19484377

tolerating food vs. tolerating faggots vs. patting yourself on the back about being tolerant

>> No.19484392

Try it fried or in a stew

>> No.19484529
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>> No.19484530

I completely agree. However, if I notice someone only eats processed slop, they are just a weak faggot.

>> No.19484578

Zoomer here. Growing up my dad would boil macaroni in tomato soup and call it a meal, and my mom would cook meat until it was completely dry. They said I was a picky eater because I didn’t like their food.
Now I’m an adult, and going out to eat with my mom is a pain in the ass because she only ever orders 2 eggs with toast, fish tacos, or nachos, and she loves to shoot down my suggestions to restaurants without offering any of her own. My dad has a diet of 80% sugar and 20% butter. He’ll spend top dollar on frozen pizza but exclusively buys the cheapiest, shittiest most processed deli meat. He also has said he doesn’t like rice or beans.
As for me, I’ll eat fucking anything, excluding plant based “meat”
My conclusion is that parents who call their kids picky eaters are probably just shit at cooking and are probably picky eaters themselves.

>> No.19484587

>However, if I notice someone only eats processed slop, they are just a weak faggot.
I'm judgmental like you. When people do something I don't approve of, for whatever reason I can invent, I ridicule them.
And then I cry myself to sleep because I have a micropenis and girls won't stop laughing at it.

>> No.19484604


On this website, what's the purpose of respecting the tiny portion of humanity who can't figure out how to eat seafood? I'll respect you in real life out of politeness. On 4chan I can tell you what people actually think of you when you tell them that preference.

>> No.19484927

Maybe it never occurred to him that you could reacquire a taste for it

>> No.19484934

literal autism

>> No.19484935

I eat literally anything. Even “weird” delicacy foods.
Chicken asshole? Give it to me
Fish sperm? Delicious
Coagulated fried blood? Sure
That floppy thing on a roosters head? It wasn’t bad.

I think it’s evolutionary. My ancestors were based and red pulled and able to survive famines because they would eat anything. Meanwhile fags ITT would starve if their favorite brand of goyslop pop tarts went out of production. If you’re picky you’re a subhuman and I would literally execute you in the streets in my ideal utopia.

>> No.19484962

Most based post itt, real and heterosexual even though he ate the cock head

>> No.19485045
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too picky to eat the bugs?

>> No.19485077

Animal brains

>> No.19485092


>> No.19485097

I just have an irrational fear of prions
It's funny because in general I am very paranoid about food contamination yet I can eat practically anything

>> No.19485099

People who've been coddled their entire lives.

Starve them for a week and they'll eat all these foods they apparently don't like.

>> No.19485848

Unusual flavor combinations. I once tried a desert drink made from sweetened seaweed stock and lotus seeds. It was bearable at first, but it slowly made me gag.

>> No.19486454


>> No.19487087
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It's called immaturity. When the average man in [current year] looks like this and his "hobby" is collecting super mario funko pops, it's no surprise he won't eat anything but Cheetos, PB&J and McDonald's happy meal nuggets. These people are eternal children with arrested development.

>> No.19487111

the mental gymnastics picky eaters go through is hilarious.

>> No.19487174

This, though I'm not a diagnosed autistic. I can't stand most fruits and vegetables. I wonder how vitamin deficient I am.

>> No.19487271

Greetings from a fellow autist. I also hate the texture of raw tomatoes. Love onions however. My greatest food hatreds are 1) meat and 2) whole beans. Strangely I Iove bean flavour.

>> No.19487879

There's probably a gene for it, useful to avoid suspicious and new foods if your current foods arent poisoning you

>> No.19487914

I got my stomach pumped when I was a wee lad, my mom saw me and my brother had picked a bunch of wild mushrooms and (she thought) we'd taken a bunch of bites out of them, when we were just ripping them up and playing with them. Haven't been able to tolerate the taste or texture of mushrooms since, which sucks cuz mushrooms are in a lot of things I wanna make/try.

>> No.19487921

All children are skeptical of new foods for the reason you've stated. That's completely normal. They lack the experience to judge whether it's poisonous, so they rely on their parents telling them what's good and what isn't.

However, if their parents stop coaxing them to try new things, they can end up becoming manchildren who only eat those few things they're familiar with. They never develop into thinking adults who have the ability to try new things. They stay forever children mentally and just eat the same "safe foods" forever. It's pathetic. If you're over 20 and still acting like this, you are a manchild, straight up. Being picky and eating only the food you ate as a kid is no different than soiling your diapies or not washing yourself as an adult.

>> No.19487931

>Don't like how it tastes.
>Don't eat it.
Simple as

>> No.19488345

I'm vegetarian, not picky. Sadly that means I can't eat the bugs but that means more for you!

>> No.19488371

sea food tastes, looks, smells and feels disgusting.
and non-western food is repulsive. sorry i don't like 95% spices and road kill.

>> No.19488509

I have been through the whole thread and haven't seen a single mention of ARFIDs (avoidant, restrictive food intake disorder).
It got added to the DSM 5 relatively recently but I would imagine it'll be the next fad diagnosis in years to come.

>> No.19488518

>avoidant, restrictive food intake disorder
kek, sounds as real as "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder"

>> No.19488559

no, see, you're supposed to force yourself to eat stuff, and suffer through it. All because people like OP had retarded parents that forced him to eat every shitty dish they made.

>> No.19488577

I once got food poisoning as a kid on a road trip from a Hardee's breakfast biscuit
Now whenever I smell biscuit in the car it makes me feel sick
Biscuits in a house? Fine
Biscuits in a restaurant? Fine
Someone ests a bacon egg and cheese in the passenger seat? Nausea
Aside from this, I have 0 food a versions, and I still eat biscuits

But if you're a picky eater without a food poisoning event you're a pussy baby

>> No.19488583

>All because people like OP had retarded parents that forced him to eat every shitty dish they made.
Just because you whiny brats think that eating tomatoes is "suffering", doesn't mean that everyone else had to suffer to be fine with eating one

>> No.19488599

but that one is real, maybe not for 90% of kids that get it diagnosed but the real thing more like diabetes, less like depression or something.

>> No.19488605

if you like tomatoes, cool, good for you.
why are you such an insufferable faggot to the idea that others dont?

>> No.19488622

>why are you such an insufferable faggot to the idea that others dont?
Hey now, you're the one that thinks people had to have tomatoes shoved down their gullet in order to like them. You're the one that is making up a fantasy world in order to rationalize your mental illness

>> No.19488624

>if you like tomatoes, good for you.
ok, so you're just retarded and can't read.

>> No.19488630

>All because people like OP had retarded parents that forced him to eat every shitty dish they made.

>> No.19488636

The cope is hilarious, picky manchildren can't stop losing

>> No.19488638

i literally am telling you that it's fine if you like tomatoes.
holy shit you're actually retarded.

>> No.19488641

>argghhh! these people who don't influence my own dietary habits don't like the same things i do!!!

>> No.19488644

>argghhh! He called me a picky eater! MY FREEDOMS!

>> No.19488647

>why are you such an insufferable faggot to the idea that others dont?
>All because people like OP had retarded parents that forced him to eat every shitty dish they made.

>> No.19488654

lmao, that really struck a nerve didn't it?
starting to think i was right.

>> No.19488655

Is a tomato going to make you cry again :(

>> No.19488658

picky eaters don't complain about people who eat a larger variety of foods.
it's always you fags that complain about us.
makes me think you're a shitty cook who's insecure about his abilities in the kitchen.

>> No.19488661

you seem to be the one most upset about tomatoes.

>> No.19488663

>why are you such an insufferable faggot to the idea that others dont?
>ok, so you're just retarded and can't read.
>holy shit you're actually retarded.
>lmao, that really struck a nerve didn't it?
Only one of us is angry here

>> No.19488665


>> No.19488666

im just pointing out how you can't understand how your own logic can be applied to your own tastes.
i can't be angry at a random on the internet. you aren't even real to me.

>> No.19488667

I can eat one without gagging and appreciate its qualities, therefore I am genetically superior to you.

>> No.19488668

really interesting how there's two picky eater hate threads, huh?

>> No.19488673

oh yeah they just complain in restaurants, dinner parties, family gatherings, school lunches, not like your type get invited

>> No.19488676

Well, let's back it up a bit (even though you completely backpedaled). What is the flaw in my logic? How come I like tomatoes, and other people don't?

>> No.19488681

>posting the same cope in multiple threads
How embarrassing.

>> No.19488684

uh huh, sure.
meanwhile you're alone on a friday night, on 4chan, arguing about food.

>> No.19488687
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>friday night

>> No.19488689

but they don't.
at restaurants they order food they like, shocking.
at dinner parties and family gatherings they just dont eat much, it's you fags that give them a hard time about it.
and are you really defending the lowest grade of food served in schools?

>> No.19488692

>heh, you're in two of the same threads?
>it's not retarded at all that there are multiple threads like this at once
hmmm, really activates your almonds.

>> No.19488693

Incorrect, I have a room full of whites laughing at your posts. Our dinners are varied and interesting, unimpeded by childish "preferences" carried through to adulthood.

>> No.19488694

>and are you really defending the lowest grade of food served in schools?
strawman. i accept your concession

>> No.19488697

if you really think im british, then you should know im an authority on what shitty food is.

>> No.19488698

>im showing a bunch of people 4chan posts!
i have to assume they're all as spergy as you are.
which means your genetics are pretty trashy.

>> No.19488699

>wahhh why doesnt the world accept my palate of homogenized meat paste and deep fried carbohydrates

>> No.19488705

nice avoiding all my other points.
ok reddit.

>> No.19488711

Every reply is an uproar, it's like visiting the zoo with specimens like yourself. Can't believe someone so childish can even read or operate a computer.

>> No.19488712

not what any picky eater is saying.
not an argument.

>> No.19488713
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>at restaurants they order food they like, shocking.

>> No.19488715
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pls don't bully I need my cheese :(

>> No.19488719

Because we're not third worlder peasants that have to eat anything to survive anymore. We can be picky and eat whatever we want.

>> No.19488721

Holy kek. That post struck a nerve. Lmao

>> No.19488722

i don't know what's gayer, the fact that you have a bunch of spergs around you (you dont), or how you type.

>> No.19488724

oh no, people might be allergic to something! i bet they're just picky eaters!

>> No.19488736

uhuh. are you allergic to seafood as well?

>> No.19488739

anon, you do know there are people who are allergic to seafood, right?

>> No.19488742

This is when you get asked to leave the restaurant. Developed palates just keep winning

>> No.19488744

let me guess, you think people also have adhd because they are too lazy to do their homework?

>> No.19488750

>reading comprehension

>> No.19488753

the retardation is like a thick fog in this thread.

>> No.19488759

show me one case of a seed oil allergy

>> No.19488766

Whoa watch out, the thick fog is tomato-flavored

>> No.19488774


>> No.19488779

i better there is some fucking mongoloid in this thread right now who doesn't like pickles.


>> No.19488781

I'm tired of this trend on /ck/ I been seeing of picky eaters trying to act like it's based
motherfucker it's nothing to be proud of

>> No.19488788

all I got from this thread is that I want to bite into a big raw tomato and have it gush all over my face

>> No.19488796

normally it's not good to hold a retard's hand, but i'll do it just this once

>> No.19488817

>british or some other kind of europoid
Tell you what if I had to eat the thirdie trash you live with I'd probably be "picky" too

>> No.19488822

>he makes the mark weins face after

>> No.19488824

Based pickles
Not based pickles

>> No.19488833

ok, but i don't see sesame seed oil on his card

>> No.19488866

its in the title you gigantic dipshit

>> No.19488887

if i was allergic to a single specific seed oil, then i would be sure to include that on the list of seed oils that i am not allergic too

>> No.19488893

you asked for a single list
i gave you one
dont move the goal post just because you look retarded.

>> No.19488901

ok ok, i kneel!

>> No.19488904

I'll eat pretty much anything, I'm not a picky eater.
There's something WAY harder than trying new food.

It's trying to cook good tasting food that's healthy, as in very low fat(as low as you can get preferably under 10g fat per day), high protein, high fiber. Now try cooking that shit.

It's much harder to cook good meals with vegetables as opposed to just throwing seasoned porkchops in a pan with butter. And of course a fucking fatty seasoned piece of meat is going to taste good even though it's not healthy.

>> No.19488930

rice, beans, and eggs will have enough protein and fiber for you