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File: 41 KB, 418x500, yeast extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19476362 No.19476362 [Reply] [Original]

Why did all the stores suddenly stop selling this stuff?

>inb4 what is it?
Yeast extract. It's what vegemite is called outside of Australia.

>> No.19476369

We had a Marmite shortage in the UK last year, which undoubtedly affected imports.

>> No.19476379

whats it taste like?

>> No.19476382

Marmite is the byproduct of brewing beer. Some guy was like 'Fuck what do I do with this?' and some guy slapped it on some bread and went 'You know what? This is alright, this is'. Also Marmite is sold pretty much everywhere in Bongland and Ireland. Outside of there, you're prob going to have to import it or get Vegemite which is slightly different iirc.

Marmite on crumpets is nice. I like it in brioche rolls. Good on toast. The only thing I hate is trying to spread it and get it out of the jar without a mess.

>> No.19476384

Hard to explain. Tangy, and very salty, thick like molasses.

>> No.19476388

Isn't bread already full of dead yeast?

>> No.19476392

It's very umami like.. or savoury if you're not a weeb. Salty, tangy, can't quite understand it. Some people immediately hate it, some people love it. The UK did a recent advert about it where they pretend you could get a test to find out if your unborn child likes marmite or not. Was pretty funny.

They roll with the whole 'you either love it or hate it' thing and as such it is popular for reaction videos.

Well it's more the fact some guy probably had a bit of crusty bread and dipped it in it to try it and liked it.

>> No.19476403

Makes sense to do something with it, since breweries are inadvertently also yeast factories.
In the pre-industrial era, everybody would go to the local brewery to acquire the surplus yeast, known as 'barm' to bake bread at home with, as powered yeast wasn't invented yet.

>> No.19476405

I should state I don't LOVE marmite, I like it, but it's not my go-to topping. But that isn't really a good sales slogan 'You either love it or hate it or like it, don't mind it, would eat it but wouldn't ask for it'.

>> No.19476409

*powdered yeast

>> No.19476416

Yep. There was a TV show that did an explanation on how Marmite was made and it apparently made people ill. They literally did not know where marmite came from and said they're going to stop buying it now.

This country...

>> No.19476417

>spreading on bread
I'm not against this application but it just works so much better to make meaty-flavored soups, sauces, and gravy. Kind of like chicken bouillon paste.

>> No.19476424

>Why did all the stores suddenly stop selling this stuff
The new crop of zoomer, negro, gay, stoned store managers don't know what it is. They have no sense of nuance, flavor, taste, or culture. Now, if you made an ass extract that you could spread on toast, that would be an instant hit. Until then get used to the shelf space being nothing but Secret Aardvark, Yellowbird, chile lime snacks, and sweet and spicy extreme pickles.

>> No.19476426

Oh yeah it's great in sauces. It's a bit like black garlic in that way. You add it to give it saltiness and savouriness. Plenty of things you can drop it in.

>> No.19476432

Dilute it with some water, add a little oil, use it to baste roast potatoes.
You're welcome.

>> No.19476447

I use it as a secret ingredient is soups and chili. I have a favorite soupe I make that's vegan. Not because I'm vegan, I'm not. It just happens that my recipe has no animal products. Why fuck that up with chicken or beef stock when a bit of marmite juice does the trick?

>> No.19476465

>It just happens that my recipe has no animal products.
So you're okay with killing millions, if not billions of living creatures, but not okay with killing a single animal for your vegan soup?

>> No.19476471

what sort of retarded argument is this

>> No.19476478

Yeah I use it in soups. I've thought about using it in a Chinese sauce that I make (which is using store bought shit like ketchup and garlic and stuff) I might try that some time soon, actually.

>> No.19476489
File: 106 KB, 500x900, chili-bean-sauce-13oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've thought about using it in a Chinese sauce that I make
fermented bean paste (doubanjiang) is what you need

>> No.19476503

Sadly everything like that is super expensive and I have a jar of marmite anyway, so worth a shot. I have bought Yellow Bean paste online and then reduced it down to make a sauce. There used to be a Chinese near me that did amazing food. Lots of garlic and chilli and I mean lots, wonderful stuff. Amazing. Shut down like 15 years ago. Literally no Chinese I've had since from a take out has been as good. They can't do tofu right (I like tofu, not a vegetarian but it soaks up flavors well) and rarely do yellow bean sauce. Ah well.

Maybe one day I'll get some paste, thanks.

>> No.19476525

is there anything similar in usa?

>> No.19476530

your best bet is to look in one of those vegan/health food type stores like wholefoods for yeast based products

>> No.19476538

Yeah, it's called Marmite. Been eating it here in the USA for decades. Or, you know, Amazon.

>> No.19476618

Marmite is sold in the USA. In most grocery stores.

Well, it was until recently. It seems all grocery stores ran out.

>> No.19476818

>It's what vegemite is called outside of Australia.
Marmite is marmite.
Vegemite is vegemite.
They aren't the same thing.

>> No.19476848
File: 39 KB, 554x554, Marmite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Britbong thats not marmite. This is.

>> No.19476863

>brand is literally called SANITARIUM
big yikes from me

>> No.19476928

if you've ever had brewer's yeast, the dark brown bitter kind, not yellow nutritional yeast, it's like that, but with salt. if you let bear evaporate and added salt it would taste similar

>> No.19476931

They are the same thing.

>> No.19476961

They are different varieties of the same thing, like Coke versus Pepsi. The biggest difference is the texture. Marmite is more of a syrup, Vegemite is more of a paste. Beyond that, there are some subtle differences in the flavour. Most of the people in my basement preferred Vegemite, but I think that's because the the Marmite tended to make their eyelids sticky, and that got uncomfortable. Comfort is important, and I always try to make them comfortable during THE PROCEDURE, because it is important that the offering is "willing", even if it's a slightly forced willing. We tried using Bovril once but that was not popular, no no no no, I think it "hit a little too close to home" for the subjects. So we normally use Vegemite, for comfort, even though the import cost has gone up, VAT and all that. We use so much that the tax man thinks we're reselling it, but I wouldn't do that, I'm not dishonest man. I just think the people in the basement deserve the best, they deserve their final preference. After all, they give so much.

>> No.19477171

pretty much like soy sauce, except thick, sticky and spreadable

>> No.19477326 [DELETED] 

never heard it explained so accessibly, Ill have to try it now

>> No.19477473

marmite's farmite and sarmite

>> No.19477865

Spread a THIN smear on the internal surfaces of a grilled cheese. Thank me later.

>> No.19477894

like a bouillon cube

>> No.19477921

The only post who addressed the question OP asked not only answered the question easily but in the first post even.

>> No.19477963

Promite is what vegemite is called outside of Australia
Also inside the country too

>> No.19479104

i tried to eat a tablespoon of marmite and it was yucky! D:<