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File: 508 KB, 632x627, beef liver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19475045 No.19475045 [Reply] [Original]

You have three hours to make beef liver palatable.
How do you do it?

>> No.19475046

I'd call McDonalds and offer it as a trade for a McDouble

>> No.19475047

Soak it in milk for 2 hours then pan fry it

>> No.19475049


>> No.19475053

put some salt and pepper on it. eat it raw. you ARE using calf liver, right? none of that disgusting old hag liver. RIGHT???????

>> No.19475102
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Here. Work quick and have the stock premade.

>> No.19475162

marinade in soy sauce, lemon, sugar, and garlic
pan fry
source: i just made it up idk

>> No.19475255

Put it in a blender to finely chop it
Fry it up with a little garlic and a lot of onions in butter

>> No.19475287

how does it taste? do u fry it a little first?

>> No.19475295

>Put it in a blender to finely chop it
does it blend? do u need to add liquid?

>> No.19475301

no need to cook it. it tastes much milder than livers from adult cows. people that feel the need to go through a whole process to prepare their liver have never tried a good liver

>> No.19475304

Grind it, mix with egg and breadcrumbs, bread, fry.

>> No.19475307

alright im gonna try it, but not completely uncooked, who knows what surfaces the liver has been on.

>> No.19475327

Easy. Beef liver pâté. With three hours I even have time to make bread to eat it with.

>> No.19475352

ok, just make sure to buy one that has all the meme labels like "organic" and "grass-fed" if you want the best raw taste

>> No.19475471

Trade it to some retard for actual beef, lamb, or chicken even.

>> No.19475476


>> No.19476997

Cut it into slices
pan fry it
Done. Don't need anything done to it or added it just taste like beef.

>> No.19477056
File: 81 KB, 653x490, liver and onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry it up with some onions lot's of butter lot's of onions

>> No.19477108

I looked forward to liver all year long until slaughter day.

Flour. Roast. Salt. That's it. It's one of the rare things you should only pepper at the table. Onions are optional, but to be ringed and to line the liver pan if you like.

Serve with roasted carrots, mash potatoes with just butter and salt. Rye bread and butter at the table. Glass of milk.

Don't be a faggot about liver.

>> No.19477115
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Do it the turkish way, I like it

>> No.19477116

fry it in a hot pan with butter for a couple minutes on each side, then spend the rest of the roughly-three-hours beating OP to death with the pan for being a tasteless, it doesn't take three hours to cook liver

>> No.19477119


>> No.19477123

Y'all really gotta start soaking your liver in milk for two hours, it's a significant taste improvement

>> No.19477157

Shit has a nasty flavor, some act like it doesn't like they are refined but it does they just grew up eating shit

>> No.19477158

If you soak it in milk for 2 hours it removes the bitter gross flavors

>> No.19477166

Why would I eat anything that I have to soak in milk for 2 hours so it does not taste like shit?

>> No.19477206

>slice thin, season and fry with onions (10 minutes)
>add water and simmer (20 minutes)
>stick in blender and blend to chunky but not paste consistency (5 minutes)
>put back in the pan and cook off excess water (10 minutes) until I have my delicious pate
>go to your mother's house (15 minutes) and give her what she wants (2 hours)

>> No.19477208

Lots of shit should be soaked, do you not eat beans?

>> No.19477210


>> No.19477211

cut it thin if it's not already (thick liver sucks)
fry it
add salt
fry a fuckload of onions
wa-la, it's all you need you pussies

>> No.19477216

sorry but this guy >>19475053 is literally eating it raw so you're the pussy here lil bitch

>> No.19477262

How old was the cow, and how fresh is the liver? I love calf liver.

>> No.19477309

>cringe carnitard
>above anyone
I wouldn't feed raw liver to my dog (she eats cooked liver with me every time I eat it)

>> No.19477346

spend 2 hours sharpening the axe

>> No.19477407

i dont
liver's too expensive
what happens is
>X goes up in price
>I switch to Y
>X goes up even more in price
>other people start buying Y
>Y goes up in price
>repeat forever
supermarkets keep scratching their heads wondering why people wont buy beef or pork at $20/lb and why organ meat is suddenly so popular
this has happened to other trash, like tongue, hearts and trotters.
the only affordable meat left is chicken if you see it marked down the day it's about to expire.

>> No.19477409

>tongue, hearts and trotters.
all of those are delicious

>> No.19477411

Only to soften them not alter the flavor from tasting like shit

>> No.19477413

fry it in butter with onions and mushrooms

>> No.19477418
File: 176 KB, 2560x1707, cow-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great, still cheap at least where I'm at

>> No.19477429

Chop and Cook in alot of butter then Flambé with a smokey wiskey, and serve over a toasted butterd soursough bread.

>> No.19477443
File: 64 KB, 640x640, Chkn Gizzards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack of these fry them up

>> No.19477451

You can not polish a turd

>> No.19477499

I always boil these first because otherwise it's almost like eating rubber

>> No.19477500

I’d soak it in milk for half an hour, lightly season it, and then sautee it with onions and garlic. Usually I’ll make some garlic bread and a small side but the liver and onions by itself is filling and tasty. I eat it for dinner once a week

>> No.19477501

>Soak in milk
>Deep fry
>Bbq sauce
>Caramelized onions
Simple as.

>> No.19477502

Based, that sounds fucking delicious. Do you really think peppering liver during preparation takes away from the dish?

>> No.19477557

>soaking your liver in water
>soaking your liver in milk
>soaking any offal other than pork kidneys
Why would you do that? Do you hate flavor?

>> No.19477565

I blend it with some beef stock and mix it into a chili. If I had my own meat grinder id grind it in with some cuts and make burgers

>> No.19477571

Market it as dog food, they'd clean the plate every time

>> No.19477582

3 hours?
Pan fry, serve with sauteed onions, and a side of something likr quick pickled radishes or cucumber.

Only use simple spices and salt.

>> No.19477587

It definitely cuts down on the gameyness and leaves the liver tasting closer to a standard steak

>> No.19477608

Use it as bait for catfish and then make fried catfish.

>> No.19477615

soak in milk, prep beer batter and deep fry served with some peri peri mayo. still got time to pound a pack and some bongs lad

Simple as m8

>> No.19477855

sell it and use the money to buy lamb's liver

>> No.19477957

So fucking good

>> No.19478266

This guy gets it

>> No.19478564

cook it up real quick then give it to my dog

>> No.19478583

you can't

>> No.19478599

Use it for cat fishing. Eat the cat fish.

>> No.19478914

How does it fare in Bolognese or chili? The spices should cover up most of it if you puree.

>> No.19478929
File: 29 KB, 450x338, kalbsleber-berliner-art-50539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut it, flour it, fry it. Serve with dried onion rings, fried caramelized apples, and mashed potatos. Apples finished with a shot of brandy, muscat for the potatos

>> No.19479121

replace it with literally any cut of beef steak.

>> No.19479127

Liver should be enjoyed, not covered up. But it doesn't go with tomato sauce imo (or dairy sauces for that matter). Definitely not a substitute for meat

>> No.19479137


>> No.19479229

I get sick nearly every time I eat beef liver.

>> No.19480119
File: 100 KB, 921x691, beef liver biltong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 3 hours but..
The liver biltong that I used to make is for me the best tasting and probably safest way of eating it raw. I freeze the liver for a week at -22 celcius to kill parasites. Then the liver undergoes the biltong process and after 24 hours in the dehydrator it is ready to eat. Basically beef jerky but with corriander and tons of salt and vinegar.

>> No.19480142

You don't cause it is the nastiest meat ever,
It is the filtration of bile and tastes like it did the job

>> No.19480177

Liver is too chewy for my taste. Maybe if I chop it in small pieces and cook it in a stew it will be a bit easier to eat?

>> No.19480193

If you have to jump through hoops to make something edible why are you trying to eat it?
Unless of course you are starving and all you have

>> No.19480304

fuckin' snowflake cauliflower getting offended by a simple lime

>> No.19480414

I fell for organ meats and bone stock meme, but I don't care for liver, so I dehydrate it, put it into a food processor and blend it into a powder and then add to water and gulp it down.

>> No.19480438

This nigga knows what's good.

>> No.19480464

>fry the liver 30 seconds on each side
>cook in the oven for 2 minutes
That can’t be right, does it really take so little time to cook?

>> No.19480606

I'm thinkin bout thos beans

>> No.19480618

Make stone soup from it. The liver is the stone.

>> No.19480627

Watch this extreme kino to see the size of the pieces and how he does it. Calves liver has a milder taste, so try and use that if possible.

The liver recipe starts about halfway down the vid. The whole thing is a great watch.

>> No.19480736

You gonna deglaze that fuckin pan?

>> No.19481665

This is expensive anywhere there's Korean bbq

>> No.19481697

soak in milk, cut into tiny chunks, add it to the meat in a cottage pie

>> No.19481716

About the only thing you CAN do to try to make it not suck.

>> No.19481753

Chop it and fry it with garlic and onions AND cucumber, don't ask, that's how grandma always made it and it surprisingly works out great.

>> No.19481767

It's very nutritios and pretty cheap.
Also I don't see your point, cooking literally is making things edible and tasty.

>> No.19481782
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, 6277038560_c0307f2807_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liver yakitori niggas
Literally 5 minutes on binchotan barbecue, salt and pepper, done
No need to overcomplicate with 3 hours of milk soaking whatever recipes, don't be a faggot

>> No.19481797
File: 97 KB, 1024x683, 999275_8f110d0c941d46b99a3d78ae2225e6dd~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to say this, it's so easy and delicious. But I grew up eating liver so just like it lightly fried as well. We never soaked in milk.

What about kidney, is my question. How do you prepare it?

>> No.19482182

What you mean palatable, throw em on the grill for a few mins and it's el delicioso.

>> No.19482266

Why do you guys hate beef liver?

>> No.19482269

because chicken liver is immensely better

>> No.19482293

I know but what's so bad about beef liver
Is it bitter?
If it's bitter then the butcher has fucked up and accidentally popped the bile bladder

>> No.19482300

I like both was just trolling you, but yeah overall I like chicken better that's all

>> No.19482324
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x1840, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I never bothered with the soaking and it always came out fine anyway.
That applies to kidney as well, by the way.

Either is good fried with onions obviously, or in a pie, but they also both stew really well. When I first stewed liver I suspected it would turn into a mushy mess but it just doesn't and the gravy is top notch.
You can also make excellent pate with liver and kidney. In my country liver pate is traditionally firmed up with what is basically a very thick bechamel. It's easy and delicious and also tastes less "livery" if you're trying to get someone into organ meats but liver and onions is still too much for them.

Sadly, organ meats are not nearly as cheap as they used to be. At least here.

>> No.19482342

>What about kidney, is my question. How do you prepare it?
Kidney actually does require 1.5-2 hours of soaking in water to get the last piss traces out.
It also gets quite hard after cooking so it's always gonna be chewy unless you stew it for a long time. But despite the chewiness it's pretty good simply fried.

>> No.19482355

I like that texture.

>> No.19482359

do you guys eat veal sweetbread? that shit is the tastiest organ EVER

>> No.19482800

Yes. A bit of a pain to prepare, but it's truly delicious. I got lamb sweetbreads for $10/lb from my rancher buddy.

It reminds me of popcorn chicken, butnwith a very very mild liver flavor.

>> No.19482816

>I got lamb sweetbreads for $10/lb from my rancher buddy.
so lucky man
A great way to eat it here is with a round puff pastry vessel with mushrooms and a béchamel sauce. It's a treat obviously but fucking hell

>> No.19482841

If you're putting in the effort to nicely remove all the membrane you might as well go all out with it. That sounds like an excellent way to have them. Little tarragon on the shrooms would be nice as well.

>> No.19482851

Great call, love tarragon

>> No.19482871


Not my problem, I have type 2 diabetes so I can't eat red meat anymore.

>> No.19482882


>> No.19483071

rinse thoroughly, soak 20-30 mins (20 for calf, 30 for beef) in a cold brine (I guess) of decently salted water with a pinch of sugar. Slice thinly. Discard pink brine, rinse bowl/container/bag, cover liver slices with buttermilk for 20-30 mins.
Dredge in a seasoned flour-cornstarch mix. Fry up onions and (hot) peppers in neutral oil or butter, set aside. Fry liver strips in the now-flavoured oil until browned (2-3 mins each side), put veggies back in to warm up. Plate. Put a mashed garlic clove, a lot of black pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg in the cooling pan. Splash in (malt) vinegar and stir until pan is reasonably clean. Sprinkle seasoned vinegar over liver and onions. Figure out what to do with your remaining 30-60 mins.

>> No.19483077

Put it on a fishing hook and catch a catfish. There, done

>> No.19483087
