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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19471347 No.19471347 [Reply] [Original]

I enjoy meat, but I don't like the cruelty associated with the industry. Is there a way to get cruelty-free meat or should I just become a soy?

>> No.19471350

You should honestly just consider killing yourself.

>> No.19471379 [DELETED] 

I hate women so much it’s unreal

>> No.19471392

Wild game. The animals live a regular live and get killed by a single shot (at least if killed by a proper hunter) they don't even see coming.

>> No.19471401
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Yeah get guinea pigs


>> No.19471414


>> No.19471416

this might be femalekinds biggest achievement

>> No.19471427

Hunting is the most humane way possible to obtain meat. If you place your shots

>> No.19471640

She knows the sequence of events on that bull, its staged.

>> No.19471666
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At first i read that as "I don't enjoy meat but i like the cruelty associated with the industry"

>> No.19471710

tfw when i dislike meat, but I enjoy the cruelty associated with the industry.

>> No.19471730

Its called halal butchering. Thank me later kaffir dog.

>> No.19471734

Who cares? She puts in the effort and time and thought to get it right. Most bitches are just lazy starfish. Honestly I'm thinking about converting to exclusively dating femboys; it might be gay, but at least they have creative energy and drive. I'm so sick of females thinking that all they have to do is lay there and expose hole.

>> No.19471743

I embraced the soy couple of days ago. I hope i wont troon myself.
Soy is actually realy good.
You have to experience with it. Takes 3 hours to boil 500 grams. Im gonna experience also with lentils and beans.
Meat is too heavy for me, truth be told I dont think I ever liked meat. I was never a stake guy, I only ate derivatives from it, like salami and other shit.
Im trying to diet hard, i dont eat a full meal. Industrial made meat products are high in fat, cant really have them right now.
Eating animals seems degenerate from an ethical point of view. I dont know. We'll see how these goes, im gonna post my bussy here, if I ever troon out.

>> No.19471749

when the snowbunny is VERY obviously experienced in riding BVLLS kek XD

>> No.19471773

speaks volumes about the quality of girl you're able to sleep with when they all starfish

>> No.19471789

farmers markets

>> No.19471801

90% of guys end up with a girl that doesn’t care about them and is low quality in that sense. 80% of american women weigh over 200 lbs so that many women can’t do anything but starfish.

>> No.19471817

They start off frisky. They copk, they clean, they have hobbies snd energy. But eventually they revert back to their original form of lazy sluts who want everything done for them with no expenditure of effort on their psrt.

>> No.19471842

What about halal raising? How can you even confirm it's halal and not just them saying it is

>> No.19471960

you guys can only pull pathetic women, sucks for you. cope more

>> No.19472262

Bro if you think femboys aren't the same as women in that regard, then I feel sorry for you. They're also just holes and have no creative energy or drives, except they can't bear children, only have two good holes instead of three, and after 30 they become beyond disgusting. At least women who take care of themselves stay fuckable well into their 50s and 60s.

Also, women don't want to date, let alone settle down with fags. If you don't want to die alone I suggest you leave the gay shit behind.

>> No.19472283

Go to some rural town or get a very religious girl. If that doesn’t help then become amish.

>> No.19472291


>> No.19472298

Yeh I hear ya OP. Industrializing the meat supply was a mistake. If housewives still had to kill and butcher their meat, they would be a lot less cunty and retarded.

>> No.19472299

We all die alone, anon. Every single one of us. BTDT. It's lonely.

>> No.19472307

But Wagyu cows are pampered their entire lives?

>> No.19472319

What makes hunting better than a good farm? I think the potential for messing up a kill with hunting is higher than an animal on a farm getting hit with a bolt gun.

>> No.19472327

stop being a poofter everything has to kill to live

>> No.19472440

I don't think that's true. Less death seems like a good thing anyway.

>> No.19472452

This is a very valid question OP
You already recognize the harm that is being unnecessarily done to feeling living beings
Contrary to what most anons say, in order to convince themselves and also feel good, there is nothing "humane" about killing someone who doesn't want to be killed, regardless of the conditions in which they were raised.
Nor there is any need to do so, ie. You don't need meat to live a healthy life.
>but who the fuck says it's ok to live without animal products, that's vegan propaganda
I don't even need to link any nutriotinists for this, you can easily find the latest recommendations of WHO (world health organization) regarding human nutrition, that corroborates this fact.

You should stop supporting the violence and get acquainted with the based legume threads that pop up on /ck/ from time to time.

>> No.19473595

raise and kill them yourself

>> No.19473606

Buy it from a local farm that lets their animals live naturally.

>> No.19473611

>very religious
>not starfish
think again