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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19470966 No.19470966 [Reply] [Original]

Was it kino?

>> No.19470976

Probably was the best food show of its time. Also probably significantly better than any foodtuber currently out there aside from A.B. himself.

>> No.19470993
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>Turns brining a turkey into a 48 hour ordeal because he doesn't want to cut it up
>Every recipe requires 1/8th of a teaspoon of a $20 spice
>Literally grilled his fucking grilled cheese
>Endless bitching about the USDA/FDA even though he spends whole episodes talking about food safety
>Thinks black people invented Korean fried chicken
>Completely controlled by his cunt of a wife who hates the show and doesn't consider him a real chef
>DMCA troll who both doesn't want people to actually watch/share clips of his shows but also wants to profit off of nostalgia
>Shills fake vitamins
>By far the worst Food Network host (which is saying a lot because Alex fucking Guarnaschelli is a Food Network host)
Fuck off Alton, your show was overrated and you are a hack cook.

>> No.19471011

You sound mad. Did Alton Brown fuck your wife or something?

>> No.19471013

as a newb cooklet i watched it religiously but the recipes i made from it were never more than about a 7/10, despite all the pretensions to being the scientifically perfected way of doing it.

>> No.19471036

I used to be a big fan but went back and watched his show and then realized he didn't know what the fuck he was doing. He was slightly more competent than Rachel Ray.

>> No.19471044

This was my experience as well, anon. And he has some weird culinary opinions that just flat out don't make sense.

>> No.19471064

Great show, but not a great cooking show.

>> No.19471071

>You can't use metal cookie cutters because I am a retard who can't keep them from getting bent out of shape
Always will be my favorite stupid cooking/baking opinion of his

>> No.19471078

I remember being very sad when I couldn't find it any more as a child. Looking back it was as engaging and educational as something like mythbusters. Shame quality children's programming isn't around any more.

>> No.19471087

Ah, he fucked your wife.

Mine was the eggnog episode where the recipe is great but he completely neglects to mention you need to whip your egg whites in a complete clean, dry bowl or they won't fluff.

>> No.19471149

Yeah agreed. It really got me into cooking as a kid but I see now that he isn't that great.

>> No.19471302

>pumpkin pie episode
>prepares an elaborate actual pumpkin filled with savory filling.

>potroast episode
>elaborate mess of slop akin to cooking with jack, including adding fucking RAISINS

fuck that guy

>> No.19471366

>Apple pie episode
>Bitches about people putting cinnamon in apple pie saying that's not what an apple pie should be
>Puts in a bunch of apple flavored things that will just make it taste like sugar, not apples
>Puts in grains of paradise for some reason anyway along with fucking lime juice and tapioca flour

>> No.19471461

I actually tried putting raisins in potroast because of that episode. Tasted fine. Kind of turns into non-alcoholic wine.

>> No.19471519

I liked his baked mac and cheese a lot. His fruit cake is cool buy expensive to make. I want to try his potato pancakes because the dried mashed potatoes sounds like a good idea. I never actually used many of his recipes, I watched him because the show was entertaining and I was learning to cook at the time and he talked about a lot of concepts. First time I made a roux was because of that mac and cheese and I've used that a bunch over the years for different things.

>> No.19471532

>Probably was the best food show of all time

>> No.19471542
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>comparing based alton with rachel ray

>> No.19471595

>Neither actually were chefs
>Both made entertainment shows for people who thought they could be cooks
>Both took dumb shortcuts and think they were making the most easy/efficient versions of food
Martha Stewart and Jamie Oliver are legitimately better chefs lol

>> No.19471601

I like alton and the show was fine. But it has inspired the absolute worst retards to copy his 'hecking food science", and "acktually" routine and turn into the dumbest incorrect garbage. He is ehy we have regusa, chebowski, weissman, and all of those guys.

>> No.19471642

Stop seething, Adam.

>> No.19471748

Good eats was comfy, entertaining, and took the fear and mystery out of much of cooking for me. I grew up with parents that both worked and my mom almost never cooked. I had zero cooking knowledge when I left home, so it all seemed unapproachable. The explanations of basic cooking techniques and tools were so helpful, even if the recipes weren’t the best. I make a very popular cheesecake based off of his recipe, but with my own changes to get a texture and flavor that I prefer.

>> No.19471762

Alton credits 9/11 with significantly boosting his show and presence as the nation became depressed and turned to food en masse.

>> No.19471772

Alton is certified based

>> No.19471908

If you watch his livestreams he's just unpleasant, not playing a character at all. No wonder he got divorced

>> No.19471924

He was always kind of like this, and his newest wife has him completely browbeaten

>> No.19471998
File: 221 KB, 765x1024, good eats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pot roast
you should pay attention to his methods, not his flavor profiles. ditch the olives and raisins if you don't like them.

>> No.19472048

Every motherfucking one of these food science fucks stole EVERYTHING McGee was doing in the early 80s. “On Food and Cooking” is amazing but super dense so if you’re a moron it will be too difficult to understand. And they never ever credit McGee.

>> No.19472082
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>mfw when I work as a substitute teacher and have to watch the same episode 6 times in one day when I sub for a home ec teacher.

>> No.19472084

I hate hicklibs like him

>> No.19472132

just play six different episodes whats the difference

>> No.19472172

best food show ever.

>> No.19472179
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>> No.19472187

Most teachers only leaves DVD with only 1 episode.

>> No.19472196

My mom makes a cherry/cranberry sauce for chicken that kinda gives off the same vibes. It's delicious though.

>> No.19472275

It was like Beakman's World but with cooking. I enjoyed it.
Good Eats, Emeril Live, Iron Chef - Food Network was god tier in the early 2000's.
I'll never understand why they committed suicide by turning their back on everything that made them big and instead becoming a "reality tv" channel interspersed with multi hour blocks of that stupid fucking Guy Fieri goyslop show.

>> No.19472428

Holy shit, they still teach home ec?

>> No.19472449

For me, Chef John is close second.

>> No.19472459

Everything on tv did that seemingly all around the same time.
I'm not going to complain though because it honestly got me to stop watching so much tv.
Early oughts did have some comfy programming though.

>> No.19472572

Yes, but it is mostly foods and cooking. There are some classes about sewing and child care, but foods class out numbers them 4 to 1.

>> No.19472585

looking back, it was kind of "oh my science" the show

>> No.19472589

You forgot Unwrapped with Marc Summers.

>> No.19472644

probably the show that got me most interested in cooking when i was young

>> No.19472717

If you cared about food safety you'd hate the USDA too

>> No.19472754

same here, back in the day, early 2000's i remember watching this as a kid and the og iron chef, late at night on food network, really got me into cooking.

>> No.19472757

Man I grew up watching Julia Child cut herself open on live TV and I was like, "holy shit, this is in color!"

>> No.19472785

Bobby flay you fuck outta this thread, /ck/ is an Alton board

>> No.19472787


>> No.19472793
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>"Oh no I can't feed my cows other cows or call my milk water ice cream without the feds yelling at me, save me Ayn Rand!"
Lol, this is the world you and Alton want

>> No.19472830
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The remake series is kind of awful. You can see why the original food network execs "censored" Alton's "humor" in the early/mid 2000s

>> No.19472839

Your pic is retarded and doesnt mention how a minority of the populace lived in an urban setting back then.

>> No.19472882

yes but he's insufferable on everything after this

>> No.19472896

If you got the regulation free world you wanted everyone would be eating the lice ice cream from their local Kroger, don't worry.

>> No.19472899

Why don't you watch it and form an opinion?

Points I guess for not asking us what you thought of it.

>> No.19472902

nostalgia revivals always suck because of this. for all the bitching people do about studios/producers/etc "stifling" creative people, clearly it's beneficial at times

>> No.19472934

Those conglomerates got that big because of the regulations they lobbied for dipshit

>> No.19472944

>took dumb shortcuts

Are we talking about the same guy? Alton Brown bakes a ham by importing a barn-cured one from Virginia and then rehydrating it in Dr. Pepper for 48 hours before getting started.
Never this side of Thomas Keller have I seen such complexity and time put into simple dishes. Please share with us WTF you are referring to.

>> No.19472986

Iron Chef was incredibly expensive to produce. Emeril Live too I imagine; live studio audience and all that. But smaller shows like Molto Mario and Taste with David Rosengarten were basically just a guy in a kitchen cooking and teaching.
Reality TV renders even those cheap shows expensive by comparison because you simply can't compete with one guy and a small camera crew touring locations. And also the viewing public eats it right up. They LOVE "reality" because I guess they think it's real. People in front of a camera act accordingly (emphasis on ACT) and everything is heightened. When the producers can't achieve this they trick it into existence with editing. I get a lot of shit in my circles for bitching about everything new, but I can't help but see everything just being shittier. It's always been so and always will be. Purity is diluted and maximum profits are the only goal. Something may be cool for a minute but will ultimately be ruined when they figure out how to cheapen it or try and make it fit for a larger audience.
People are voting against it though by seeking out their little niche corner of perfection. But there's no money in that exactly because it's niche. Nothing can get big and popular and still remain cool. Anything that made it before was incredibly lucky. Now anyone can make anything but it will not be well produced and will be lost in a sea of so much other shit.

>> No.19473003

Yes, 25 years ago during its original run. But the Twitter sardonic libshit cringe since then has ruined any possibility for nostalgia.

>> No.19473008

Nta but he might be referring to Alton scienceing away established culinary conventions. And anon is correct, some of Alton’s food as science approach to cooking is ridiculously impractical for the majority of home cooks. Not to mention Alton stole every single solitary bit of his culinary raison d’etre from a 1984 book called “On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee. You can go through “On Food and Cooking” chapter by chapter and see exactly where every episode of Good Eats came from. McGee is such a nice food autist that he doesn’t give a fuck that lesser men have been aping his work without credit for 40 years.

>> No.19473019

Are you looking for reasons to disagree? Did you read the entire text? A minority of the populace? So what? So maybe 50% or fewer lived in cities, so that means that MOST of the people lived on farms and therefore none of this "regulation" nonsense affected them? Okay, but those who didn't live on a self-sufficient farm also deserved some sort of oversight on the production of their food.
Did you read 'The Jungle'? I'm betting you'd have no problem with any of that either since there were people in the world who processed their own meat.
What the hell kind of argument are you making? Since some people do not depend on regulated food, regulated food is not necessary?
The pic was NOT retarded. It was quite interesting and informative.

You're just the type to now argue that there are far worse chemicals and preservatives in modern foods, again shifting the focus away from what we're discussing.

Those people would dump anything into any food or ingredient if it would get them one single extra cent in profit. Sure, they do that now too, but they can't just dump fucking lead and alum in. They have to spend money lobbying and changing wording and maybe someday it will be proven unhealthy, but no one is currently just dumping poison in the food and getting away with it and that's a good thing you're unable to argue against.

>> No.19473038

>you need to whip your egg whites in a complete clean, dry bowl or they won't fluff
That's just common sense retard

>> No.19473039

Yeah, you've got your head quite far up McGee's ass. You keep telling us.
I'm arguing with the supposed "shortcuts" one poster accused him of. You agree that many of his methods are impractical for home cooks. My point exactly. Something needlessly scientific and impractical is really the opposite of "shortcuts". I have On Food and Cooking. I went to school. I know. But once per thread is enough trying to shove your ripoff claim in everyone's face.
There's a huge difference between making a visual TV show based on similar principals 20 years after they were printed in an admittedly non user-friendly textbook and "aping his work".

>> No.19473043

I really wish I could find a torrent of this show in better-than-dogshit quality.

>> No.19473055

well I had never whipped egg whites before nigga shit

>> No.19473099

Alton is that you? Are you trying to repent or something?

>> No.19473105

What $20 spices are you talking about?

>> No.19473118

Honestly, I didn’t care for the majority of the “stand and stir” shows. It was only the ones that added a hook like 30 Minute Meals or Good Eats that got me interested.
Cutthroat Kitchen was the last Alton I really enjoyed. Maybe it’s the cancer patient look, but he just “fell off” as the kids say.

>> No.19473160

His margarita recipe is my go-to. 1 Valencia orange, 1 lime, agave nectar, tequila. Muddle the fruits and nectar, remove rinds, add tequila, shake with ice. The tastiest, fruitiest margarita I've ever had, will drink it until I die.
Outside of that, he removed a lot of the mystery surrounding cooking and what the tools/techniques/etc were for and what they did for your meals. The show has its flaws, as does Alton himself, but I can't thank him enough for where I am.

>> No.19473167

>Maybe it’s the cancer patient look, but he just “fell off” as the kids say.
He had some health issue and solved it with deenz

>> No.19473181

Fucking insufferable breed.

>> No.19473182

Alton’s got his head up McGee’s ass and has never been courteous enough to even mention his name. McGee deserves every reach around he gets. He’s the most influential foodman in forty years and barely receives any credit.
>making a visual TV show based on similar principles
>similar principles
You mean the principles McGee enshrined? Do you honestly believe Alton didn’t base Good Eats on what he learned from studying On Food and Cooking?

>> No.19473292

Eh, it was fine. I was mostly happy Marc Summers was getting a steady paycheck.

>> No.19473301

rember that episode where he had a bdsm dungeon witha nun or something

>> No.19473328

Good Eats the Return is just too cringey too watch. The skits, the asian lady shit, it's too much

>> No.19473839

show sucked, grillin and chillin is where it was at

>> No.19474258
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>> No.19474271

I always thought the show was more for educational purposes not to turn your cooking into 10/10
Basically to show you the basics
How things worked
Then show you home cooking can be more then basic level
More an intro then anything else

>> No.19474313

is that toothpaste for dinner?
man, i haven't read that in over a decade