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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 798x1100, 71tcXQRRslS._AC_UY1100_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19470389 No.19470389 [Reply] [Original]

Seed Oil malarkey is just the newest fad in which middle class retards try to separate themselves from the poors by avoiding common food. Grifters noticed and piled on to sell alternatives at a significant markup.

>> No.19470423

How is free bacon fat an expensive alternative that someone sells me?

>> No.19470499

>Seed Oil malarkey is just the newest fad

>olive oil is healthier than vegetable oil

>olive oil is healthier than seed oil

>> No.19470513

Meaningless buzzword. I've seen it used on somebody as good faith as Hasan Piker to the smallest business owner either no other means of opportunity.

>> No.19470523

>somebody as good faith as Hasan Piker
That's like saying "somebody as good at driving as a drunk, sleep deprived Asian from Texas in a lifted truck with bald tires on an icy road."

>> No.19470562


>> No.19471453
File: 69 KB, 828x552, 16699566555577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a way of making "carnivores" feel healthy while eating a 100% meat diet.

>> No.19471615

This guy will be dead soon.

>> No.19471626

Epic bait

>> No.19471693

My grandparents shat in a made up shack. If I think about it, it was the worse shack ever, you had to shit standing up, sometimes youd get shit on your legs. Anyway...
They ate sneed oil all their lives sunflower specially. It was poorly refined because it tasted bitter. It was the worst oil ever, I hated that shit. They lived in Estern Europe, they were poor, can't really blame them.
I dont think they ever met their daily requirement of protein intake. Because killing your livestock meant you had no eggs and milk. In the winter they sacrified a pig and had meat for a couple of months.
A-anyway.. they lived for 70+ years.
Fad diets are the worst meme ever.

>> No.19471698

You niggers would have said they same thing about asbestos.

>> No.19471727
File: 57 KB, 666x500, Canola ''Shortening''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just some Sneed goyl shill that gets assblasted every time I DESTROY THEM with real studies and sheeeeeit.
There are 2 of these retarded breads going, right after I ass blasted to retard in a different seed oil shill thread.
Just season them all when you reply, so this chode-yodeling, butt-dart playing, cum-guzzling retard gets NO TRACTION.
I'm tired of tearing these retards apart...
Here's your "HEALTHY" oil--
Nothing suspect here, huh?

>> No.19471780
File: 104 KB, 750x507, 1620796897578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is RIFE with lies--Or at least misinformation.
>..and is high in mono-unsaturated fat, which lowers cholesterol
This has been PROVEN in study after study to be FALSE. Dietary cholesterol and oils do NOT effect blood serum cholesterol levels.
Eating natural cholesterol is necessary to healthy hormone production and fat soluble vitamin utilization, and Pharma has known for decades that reduction of dietary cholesterol causes a "waterfall effect" which is a CASH COW for their bottom line.
It ALL depends on where the AG lobbyists' money gets the most traction...

>> No.19471812

That canola oil video vs. this:

>> No.19472577

bacon used to be unsellable trash meat before they turned it into a meme

>> No.19472613

>bacon used to be unsellable trash meat before they turned it into a meme
Got any proof of that?
In many cultures, lard was commonly used instead of soybean oil to fry a lot of stuff.

>> No.19472619

Seed oil malarky is a constructed distraction created purely to prevent people from realising that most modern chronic illnesses are caused by unsafe vaccines.

>> No.19472635

I'm not sure I'd really call them vaccines.
Back in my day, a vaccine prevented you from catching and getting sick from a virus/bacteria/whatever, and prevented you from spreading it to other people. I haven't caught polio ONCE.

>> No.19472677

Well when I do get covid, which is very frequently now thanks to plague rats like you, it is not as severe as it would have been had I not been vaxxedd boosted and up to date

>> No.19472728

no, it's the latest fad where right wing retards decide they know better than scientists who have actually studied things and then they start grifting each other.

>> No.19472750

>sunflowers are one of Ukraine's main exports
>sneed oil conspiracy theories start right as Russia is invading Ukraine
>Russia is known to use conspiracy theories to weaponize disinformation in order to control the masses to do what they want

basically you're being psyoped because russia is trying to economically harm Ukraine.

>> No.19472752

>middle class retards try to separate themselves from the poors
And thank god for that. Imagine being poor in the modern age and thinking you're somehow in any way, shape, or form better than middle class people.
Poor people and the faggots who speak on their behalf really are dysfunctional, dysgenic nutcases

>> No.19472885

>newest fad
retard. even the fucking food pyramid tells you to keep seed oils to a minimum.

>> No.19473762

>seed oil schizo fries enough bacon to cover all his cooking fat needs
Checks out

>> No.19473771

>afraid of stuff made in a factory
Guess what, your butter is made in a BIG BAD FACTORY with METAL CYLINDERS and CONVEYOR BELTS where they HIGHLY PROCESS milk into butter by SEPARATING butterfat from buttermilk in a BIGASS MACHINE

>> No.19473778

>he eats bacon
>to get away from seed oils
kek. NGMI. Nitrates ARE poison. Not understudied, not necessary in food, not an industrial byproduct - just poison. Dig in!

>> No.19474791
File: 32 KB, 324x242, bd9ff6ec-875e-4f74-838a-17114489b570_324x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not defending seed oils but hatred of them is done by schizoposting RW weirdos.

>> No.19475246

My boomer parents always make roast vegetables with canola oil and man the kitchen reeks of toxic aldehydes afterwards.
I don't understand how anyone eats that stuff.

>> No.19475250

Kek anon that's just them blowing ass

>> No.19475286

>schizoposting RW weirdos
Did you forget what website you’re on? This isn’t reddit, btw. There’s nothing schizo about noticing foods with seed oils are fucking poison

>> No.19475337

>There’s nothing schizo about noticing foods with seed oils are fucking poison
I always thought it was weird that they actually made edible oils out of cotton. I mean, it's obviously not a food item.

>> No.19475598

if this bait doesn't deserve a (You) then idk what does

>> No.19475613


>> No.19475810

But olive oil is highly processed too…

>> No.19475819

Nuh uh

>> No.19475823

there's plenty of research on it showing how bad it is. if you want to be an ignoramus and ignore all that, that's not my problem

>> No.19475835

i can make butter in a half hour in my own home. i can't make seed oils. you disingenuous faggot

>> No.19475842

You could if you weren't a pussy

Also heavy cream is expensive AF, made my own butter once to make sure I had the process down but it was twice as expensive as buying butter and it wasn't any better.