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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19470355 No.19470355 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of HelloFresh?

>> No.19470368

hard to cram unless you do one ingredient at a time

>> No.19470369

Imagine not even being able to get groceries yourself

>> No.19470371

stupid, gay, and retarded

>> No.19470382

the voices in my head are telling me that its too expensive for me even though it's probably a fair price for what you are getting. they need to find a way to bring me more value. now run along and tell that to your boss, mr market research stooge

>> No.19470390

i think it's great since it gets more people to cook, though everyone i know that uses it is a rich bastard

>> No.19470392

seems pointless if you've already learned to shop, because shopping is the easy and fast part, if you've already learned to shop. if someone else is deciding what i eat, i might as well go out for it instead. it's not any cheaper than something from the punk worker coop cafe

>> No.19470425

I support anything that gets more people to cook their own meals, but unless you're completely and utterly clueless I wouldn't go for it. Just use a random recipe picker and buy shit yourself.

>> No.19470433

too many carbs

>> No.19470434

$7.50 seems pretty expensive to me for ingredients for one meal, but maybe it's because I come from a poorer country where everything is cheaper.

>> No.19470530

europoors rise up

>> No.19470704

(delivery - cooking) + marketing

>> No.19470751

not the person you reacted to, but you know how dumb your comment sounds? some European countries have a really low income thus really low food prices (Bulgaria and other Balkan countries), some have a really high income thus really high food prices (Swiss mainly). is this really so hard to comprehend?
as an American you would be an Ameripoor visiting Swiss. Europe is not a country like the USA, it's a continent with 51 countries with all a different income and prices. unlike USA that's just 1 country. and thus have similar prices around the country...

>> No.19470769

It's a step up from takeout for people that don't know how to cook and have more money than time. My uncle gets it and apart from still occasionally doing shit like cutting the stems off tenderstem broccoli and throwing them out it's got him making meals. The amount of packaging is utterly insane.

>> No.19470775

For people who say they don't have time to cook food, but have time to cook pre-packaged food.

>> No.19470781

I'm not going to pay people to tell me how to cook using the food equivalent of a lego set. This is basically the antithesis of cooking. And if you're not a super functional keener, this won't work for you. Feel too tired to cook and put it off a day? There goes your ingredients.

>> No.19470784

I think it's a good idea for inexperienced people to learn to cook and what ingredients to get.

>> No.19471101

We have this thread too often. I'll break it down into my three points again:
• Overpriced as fuck
• Tons of wasteful packaging, if you care about that.
• Ingredient quality is low.

On the upside, their customer service is pretty alright. The times I got garbage ingredients, they compensated me the value of the meal, but giving me my $8 back doesn't make up for having a dinner without a main course.

I did HelloFresh for about a year. Their recipes are fine, and anyone bitching about them being difficult literally doesn't know how to boil water. Their portion sizes are fine, but if you're fat, you'll never make it.

They're also very basic recipes, no special techniques. You'll be using a lot of pre-mixed spice packets and individually wrapped items.

Think about it from a monetary perspective. Don't fall for their "EIGHT FREE MEALS" dogshit. They only do that to reel you in, then they give you $5 off 20 meals, for a grand total of "eight" meals of value.

>> No.19471106

I also should have read the thread, first.

This was my opinion in the past, but lately the absolute pricing of HelloFresh and other 'meal kits' has seemed less and less reasonable.

>> No.19471353

The recipes using some random mix of spices you can't replicate sucks if you want to save the recipes to make again later. Otherwise it's fine I think, unless you're unlucky and they deliver you rotten food which happens sometimes

>> No.19471367

Seems directed at eternal bachelors and zoomer that never learned how to cook.

The biggest thing that ticks me off is how their podcast ads claim its cheaper than grocceries

>> No.19471368
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>> No.19471504

i thought the concept was incredibly stupid when i first heard about it. my thoughts were reaffirmed when my grandmother made one of these meals for me. keep in mind she's a good cook with tons of free time and money, so she only gets this to save herself a little effort and time one night a week. what struck me is that it actually didn't save her much time at all, and made a significantly worse meal than she could've made herself

>> No.19471592

Fucking retarded for anyone who isn’t a mongoloid. But it’s a great business strategy for roping in the two consoomiest coonsumer groups; woman and fags. They’re selling the idea of “adulting” to fuckheads who can’t shop or cook by themselves. Sense of accomplishment and virtue in a box, basically.

>> No.19471610

>we teamed up with dr. Evan Goldstein
You can't make this shit up

>> No.19471627

Angry europoor detected

>> No.19471637
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Lol who gives a shit about europe and how pathetic you are. Go milk a goat and eat horse meat.

>> No.19471682

At some point it's going to be hard to argue Europe doesn't resemble the US when there are 27 countries in the EU, 23 countries in the Schengen Area, within hours of each other; and 20 countries using the Euro, all while having a population greater than the US.

>> No.19471696

I don't get it.
I'm lazy as fuck but can still manage to look up a recipe online then go to a supermarket.

>> No.19471725

Are you gay?
Are you a woman?
No? Then you wouldn’t get it.

>> No.19471731

They get you with first time offers.
I get offers like "Get $150 off plus free shipping" from Blue Apron

>> No.19471741

>Are you a woman?

I will never be a woman?

>> No.19471841

And they'll tack on:
>Offer for $150 discount is cumulative across 20 boxes.

>> No.19471843

Good. Keep it that way.

>> No.19473350

>What does /ck/ think of HelloFresh?

overpriced bullshit for cooklets that don't understand basic home economics.

>> No.19473357

I had a 50% off coupon. At 50% off, the value is ok. You got quite a lot of shit. It is still more expensive than going to a cheap supermarket though. Without a coupon like that, at full price, it is an absolute waste of money.

>> No.19473374

>can still manage to look up a recipe online then go to a supermarket.

this is backwards from how you should be shopping and cooking. Go to the market first and pick out what's on sale and/or in season. Then find a recipe if you need one. You can literally look up recipes on your phone while you're standing in the store. Make sure you have everything you need for your recipe and that's it.

If you keep track of what you have at home in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer, you should literally never be caught off guard when shit goes on sale at the supermarket.

>> No.19473379

Now that's home economics

>> No.19473610

>He never thinks "I fancy beef stew" then goes buy to beef

>> No.19473639

tried it for like a month, ended up being easier than i expected, but honestly was too expensive and boring for the simple ass meals they give you. if you cannot shop or cook its a decent deal, otherwise just go to the store twice a week like a normal person and make stuff you like. the ingredients are pretty shit quality and you still have to store a weeks worth of food in the fridge, and some of them will spoil if you go even a few days later than their expiry, so you have to do certain meals earlier(not really an issue)

>> No.19473844

>milk a goat and eat horse meat
Why is this bad?

>> No.19473881

I mean, they literally did

>> No.19473905

Both are excellent. Grow up kid.

>> No.19474066

Greatest way to waste money on groceries

>> No.19474104

We need a Christ-centered version. Heaven O'Fresh, we'd call it.

>> No.19474122

Anyone who employs such a service is a subhuman. I might actually respect people who order fastfood every day more than this.

>> No.19474241

because all he eats is mac and cheese and chicken tendies

>> No.19474263

My cooking skills and tastes were (still are) very basic, but having to cook the more complex/uncommon dishes really helped to widen my repertoire, and it also encouraged me to start cooking with new ingredients that I wouldn't have considered otherwise.

That said, it's way too fucking expensive unless you have friends to abuse first-time discounts, referrals and "PLEASE COME BACK" discounts with.

>> No.19474267

tried it, all of the fresh ingredients go to shit in the fridge within the period of time you buy. So if you buy a 3 day, you better make all that shit in that three days without spacing it or you're fucked

>> No.19474578

Absolutely seething europoor lmao

>> No.19474684

>and thus have similar prices around the country...
This simply isn't true. You're obsessed and ill-informed.

>> No.19475091

if you want ease of preparation for cheap without ingredients going bad: it's called frozen dinners

>> No.19475114

Solution looking for a problem. The issue isn't grocery shopping, its finding the time or energy to cook.

>> No.19475123

Unironically this sorta solves that for a lot of people, deciding to cook or deciding what to cook takes a lot of energy for some people so being handed a bag of ingredients and step by step instructions takes the mental load away

It's weird that this is the case, but that's why they stay in business

>> No.19475689

Its okay, I was kinda unimpressed with the produce freshness though

>> No.19475799

decided to check prices, theyre a con for lazy faggots
for 2 people, capped at 5 meals a week, id have to pay £46.98 incl. shipping, and thats probably as a first time offer, meaning its more expensive any other time
whereas currently i feed me and my girlfriend on £50/week, so all 7 days unlike hello fresh and we literally eat whatever we want and this £50 includes fizzy drinks too. i guess it helps we both can cook and enjoy it but thats something every human should be able to do, not my fault if youre too retarded

>> No.19475846

JFC do gays actually not get offended at this?
>Advice seems to boil down to eat healthy
>Tops can apparently just eat shit
What am I bothering to stay in shape for?

>> No.19475923

I liked it but sometimes you don't want to cook but the ingredients expire right away

>> No.19477141

it's called discipline. when the beef is on sale, that's when I buy it. if it's hot out, it goes into the freezer until the cold weather hits, then I make a nice stew.

you need to learn how to eat what's seasonal. the produce and meat for beef stew will be cheaper when it's cold out. kys.

>> No.19477146

Its a time saving thing

>> No.19477154

We do, we make fun of it, it's cringe marketing horseshit

>> No.19477159

I think it's offensive how they seem to think bottoms DON'T want to have diarrhea.
t. top

>> No.19477223

I am the primary cook at home
I hate having to plan out the meals and write out the grocery lists
If I wasn't so passionate about cooking I could definitely see the appeal of this

>> No.19477316

>150% markup for getting groceries delivered in a green box, rather than picking them up at the supermarket.
It only starts making sense once you make 80k+ since it eliminates the grocery trip or the process of selecting items from a regular delivery app like Flaschenpost.

>> No.19477323

khlav kalash

>> No.19477370

The food drone shows up at my door
>The children get excited
>Dust flies everywhere as they run around
>It covers their naked feet
>I told them to settle down
>Timmy could get another heart attack
>I open the door
Greeting humans here is your Chinese food dinner. Every ingredient raw and frozen
>I beg the robot for a Morsel of spice
0.7 grams of individually wrapped pepper is I. Your package human
>I remember mom taking me to the supermarket when I was a young boy
>I remember the shelves stocked with all sorth of produce
>I remember grandma's old recipe book
The pie my wife used to make before her passing
>I strike the robot
>My hand is bleeding and damaged
>I strike it again
>I must have been yelling since my neighbors are staring through the windows and some have come outside to see what's going on
>I hear my children crying
>I close my eyes
>I strike one last time

>> No.19478389

Instapot should have marketed itself to eternal bachelors

>> No.19478391

I live in a country where markets are common and you can buy ingredients whilst taking a stroll around town, much better than to have things delivered to your door at who-knows-what-hour, you also get to choose things like ripeness and size.
Marketing makes it sound like shopping is some traumatic experience in America, I know supermarkets are further away but you still only need to go once a week with basic planning, there is also no food waste since there is no difference between using six tomatoes to seven when cooking for a few days, it only happens if you are cooking single portions or following a recipe with exact measurements instead of pieces (basic home cooking should not need measurements), and even so you can always use that quarter onion the next meal. Leftovers should not happen either, your house is not a restaurant, so you can adjust portion sizes to make sure you eat everything.
There is also less waste in buying a shopping bag and using that for manny years over having every meal packaged in bags and boxes. The delivery guy pollutes about as much as you when taking a slight detour to the market after work.

Arranging things in points makes it sound like a lot, but everything is just common sense. If people want to start cooking then they need chef John, not another subscription box. You are exposed to more dishes and learn a bit about cooking instead of the californized dishes these services sell