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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 212 KB, 1800x1198, tomato plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19468708 No.19468708 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/ growing this year? Make anything good with your yield?

>> No.19469427

I wish, fresh tomatoes are the shit

>> No.19469447

Tomatoes are hard to fuck up, high yield per plant, and probably one of the biggest improvements over the grocery store. If you have a yard, go for it next year

>> No.19469473
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not much this year because it's hot as fuck at my new house.
i live in a micro climate thats desert even though its swap a mile in every direction of my house
it fucking sucks because i'm used to growing tropical fruit but now all i can grow is cassava, star fruit, moringa tree.

my coffee, chocolate, vanilla, pineapples, tomatoes, bananas, dragon fruit, sugar cane, squash, ginger, garlic, cranberry hibiscus aren't doing so good

>> No.19469487

Foreskin salsa

>> No.19470042

you're not allowed to do that

>> No.19470059

Haskaps, yellow and red raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, plums, tart cherries and chamomile
Only tiny harvests on a few of those, they're all first and second year plants.
I'm addicted to cobblers and fruit breads

>> No.19470080


>> No.19470097

I have a single purple basil plant that I grew from a seed. I had three but I was gone for a few days and the other two shriveled up due to lack of water, I guess.

>> No.19470233

I'm growing guail and chiggens this year.
The duggs might be ready to lay eggs before the end of the year, idk yet. Really need to get more turggys, but that's a whole different beast than the 3 aforementioned birds.

>> No.19470236
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Well of course, for the millionth fucking time this week, i forgot to add the pic

>> No.19470443

I have more summer squash than I can eat. I'm going to yield hundreds of tomatoes and a 1000+ peppers this year. I don't know what I'm going to do with all this stuff. Any anons want any hit me up.

>> No.19470477

Can I name the egg in the top right? :3c

>> No.19470480

not cannabis, my garden is just full of fucking weeds

>> No.19470497

You have a garden and you're just letting it go to waste like that? Fucking hell dude at this point in my life I'd be growing any food plants I could. Not only is it a neat hobby, but you legit save money doing it.

>> No.19470508

ive literally been complaining to the council since before covid
my neighbor is a fucking dosser (i cant express how disgusting it actually looks) and there isnt a fence so until the council get a fence fitted, im neglecting it

>> No.19470519

>ive literally been complaining to the council since before covid
So you're willing to never have a comfy garden full of neat plants because the council won't come and put a couple of cheap fence panels in? Holy fucking shit you're a humongous bitch. The money you could've saved on produce would've probably paid for the panels by now. If you don't want their weeds growing into your yard and they don't care just throw salt and bleach over or something. Christ what a moaning little bitch you are.

>> No.19470527

I bought an heirloom tomato from the grocery store and planted the seeds. Have no idea what I'm doing, so planted them all in one pot, assuming some of them would misfire. Turns out they all took, then had to buy more pots to transfer them to. Still waiting on tomatoes to appear.

>> No.19470531

>cheap fence panels in?
you missed the part where i dont want a shitty panel fence and i want a concrete posts fence which reuires ground work and i cant exactly pull a jackhammer out and fucking sstat smashing up the concrete can i ?
you fucking spedophile

>> No.19470536

If you can't find cheap/simple solutions to your problems that's on you.
>I want this I want that
Christ what a moaning little bitch you are.

>> No.19470541

Snowdrops. Growing herbs veg and succulents is gay cuck shit.

>> No.19470545

>If you can't find cheap/simple solutions to your problems that's on you.
>its my fault the council wont talk to me to give me permission and to do groundwork
brilliant mate, youre the brightest bulb in the illumination store

>> No.19470563

I tried to grow garlic. It did well in an old rusted paint can inside then when I planted it outside it dried up and died. I think the sun killed it.

>> No.19470565

They won't talk to you because your problems are fucking pathetic and not worth the time or money it would take to solve them. Fucks like you are the actual problem with this country. Waahhhh mommy council won't whip out a fucking tit for me me hungy waahhhh.

>> No.19470576

i have the money do it you pathetic gremlin im willing to fucking pay to have the garden repaved and have a fucking pond
keep on crying mate, not gonna stop me from sleeping.
why would my mother help anyways shes a manager at a hotel ??

>> No.19470577

Cope harder, my neighbours aren't shitcunts lmao

>> No.19470581
File: 295 KB, 1140x1140, lavatera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew nothing but lavateras and peppers, and the peppers are still growing

>> No.19470585

cope harder? by not caring about my garden?
that doesnt seem like cope.
i never said he was a shitcunt hes just a dosser?
i think youre mistaken. seems like horrible muppets like you are whats wrong with this country. im not going to talk to you anymore because i missed the last part of your message and your stupidity actual vexes me slightly

>> No.19470594

Weeds. Everything died. Fuck new york and fuck anyone whobdrives a car for causing global warming. Gretta was right. Kill all car owners.

>> No.19470861

my onions died again :(

>> No.19470870

>Fuck new york and fuck anyone whobdrives a car
Nigga you're in one of the 3 places in the country that doesn't need a car

>> No.19470979
File: 100 KB, 552x592, 1672351632547752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few tomatoes and peppers coming in, waiting on the reaper peppers to start showing up though

>> No.19470989

Where you at? I'm near the tip of Florida and I haven't got much to grow lately besides peppers and a couple tomatoes

>> No.19470994

>blaming le global warming for your lack of gardening skills
Lmaoing@ your life

>> No.19471001

This year is pretty simple.
Several different chilies, tomatoes, tomatilloes. Several herbs are still coming in. I also bought a bay laurel, and that's doing well. That's fun.

>> No.19471306
File: 153 KB, 800x600, 20200730_163637_HDR_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FL space coast but i move just a few miles from here and my new lot is desert sand and cactus

>> No.19471317

What kind are those, my plant isn't doing so good where it's it

>> No.19471538
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 20200803_154048_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tomatoes?
homestead and Floradade tomatoes are very heat tolerant but maybe not the best tasting

>> No.19471715

I want to shit on you for that flex but I'm just envious.

>> No.19471726

Nothing apart from the fruit trees that are already there, I'm pretty sure this Summer is going to be an absolute shitshow for produce, the apples and pears are already fucked.

>> No.19471735
File: 2.80 MB, 1800x3262, 20230706_130825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planted a lot of flowers this year. Had my first cherry tomato today.

>> No.19472014

Borage! I love those things.

>> No.19472096

Checked. Yes, lad. You can name it.

>> No.19472259
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 20200805_132921_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strat simple with easy to grow plants.
save the tops of pineapples and stick them in a bowl with water until they root.
they are a zero maintenance plant and taste so much better when they actually get to ripen on the plant

>> No.19473297
File: 1.52 MB, 1800x3460, 20230709_122603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First tomato of the season. :D It was fairly acidic, so I will wait for the next one to get even softer. Delicious nonetheless.

They are fun, but I am angry they are spiky. The cucumber taste of them is quite fun also.

>> No.19473329

borage, blackberry juice, cucumber, mint leaves, ice water

sip on a patio

You're welcome

Also be careful about the Borage setting seed, because they get everywhere and you'll be pulling them up forever.

>> No.19473391

I'm growing all those things. Will try. Do you muddle everything before adding water? Borage leaves or the flowers?

>> No.19473397

I'm growing my hair. And nails. LOLOLOLLLLOOL
t. joker

>> No.19473555

Oh I just designed this in my head. It should taste excellent. If you want to make it boozy, add a little St. Germain liqueur to it.