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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 207 KB, 1000x667, prepper-storage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19467523 No.19467523 [Reply] [Original]

things aren't looking too good in America right now. should I be stocking up on supplies? if so, what should I be stocking up on?

>> No.19467530

Guns and ammo

>> No.19467535

Chest freezers? Dehydrators? Gennies? Ammo?

>> No.19467547

long life foods?? you really needed to ask??

>> No.19467580

Stock up on cash and buy the dip

>> No.19467592

what a useless generalization answer. no duh food that last. which ones? people say dry beans but those get hard and useless after 6 months. supplies need to last at least 2 to 3 years.

>> No.19467599


>> No.19467609

Always watch for sales on Amazon of 25+ year shelflife #10 cans of emergency food. All of it is normally expensive, but a couple times a year most every item goes on sale for cheap. Dehydrated potato shreds (hash browns) are a big one to look for on sale but make sure it's a balanced mix of food you get. Also keep track of calories. Bulk, calories, and vitamins/nutrients; variety is key. A #10 can of powdered shortening is an assload of calories, but you also need those lightweight cans of freeze dried berries. Shop the sales and you'll quickly have more than you can store very quickly. Also, use your pantry as storage for more daily rotating items. Again, shop the sales and keep the pantry full of canned goods. Pull tab cans have shorter shelf life than regular cans. Don't buy a little bag of rice, flour, pasta, sugar, salt, buy big and fill buckets fitted with gamma seal screw lids. The food grade buckets can be had for free if you ask the bakery at your local grocery stores. No whole wheat or brown rice shit though. It goes rancid. So does any oil that's been opened, so buy oil in smaller bottles.

>> No.19467614

You will never be American esl. We can see your ip retard lmao

>> No.19467616

yeah, get the long life ones


>> No.19467624

Lol. Don't worry, anon. Trump isn't getting reelected.

>> No.19467663

OP stock up on bullets so you can finally get rid of deadweight like this.

>> No.19467687
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, Bic lighter 50-count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should I be stocking up on?

>> No.19467749
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>> No.19467768

lol sissy

>> No.19467776
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>> No.19467782
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>> No.19467789
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>> No.19467794
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>> No.19467802
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>> No.19467819
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>> No.19467820

grains like rice, oats, farro, and wheat berries basically last forever if kept dry.
honey, sugar, and maple syrup lasts forever.
its useful to keep dry beans, and just rotate them out every year or so.
even if they did get too dry to soften, you could still grind them into a powder which would rehydrate into a "refried beans" type consistency.
Coffee and tea last forever and will be worth their weight in gold.

>> No.19467840
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>> No.19467862

Yeah, stock up on the single bullet to end your life when 'shit happens' Fucking paranoid freak.

>> No.19468074

failure to prepare is preparing to fail. you'll be one of the first to die. that makes me smile. :)

>> No.19468078

just keep buying the shit goy

>> No.19468345

Know what makes me smile? Knowing I'll be alive years after you're food for the worms. Stay paranoid faggot.

>> No.19468434

ooooooh he flippy dipped it! classic unoriginal faggot move. I love when they're seething so hard they just parrot the insult.

>> No.19468509

What happening are we worried about now

>> No.19468581

cunt probably lives in the city and thinks the police are on his side.

>> No.19468994

You do know floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes occur, right?
Have you not heard of the few incidents of people trying to take out power substations?

>> No.19469001

I really should stock up some canned food, but it's gotten pretty expensive. Even store brand Spaghetti-Os are over $1.
Boxed foods last pretty long, but they're usually high in sodium and still require water that might not be available.

>> No.19469925

learn how to store flour and and rice

>> No.19469975
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, bathtub water bladder-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still require water that might not be available.

This is an element of preparedness that many overlook.

> dude, just buy a fuckload of dried beans!

>> No.19469993

This is the best post here.

We actually have a pretty good idea of what will happen when SHTF and approaching WROL because it happens a lot, actually. Communities remain coherent. Smaller scale government remains decently functional. It's not Mad Max.

If you're not already, start gardening and store seeds. Not about being sustainable right now, but get comfy working with plants. I personally really strongly doubt any disaster knocks us back to long-term small farming communities, but if that does happen you're gonna want to be in a position to start immediately.

>> No.19470132
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>> No.19470158

You will end up like prepperfags did when covid hit
>runs out of supplies in under a week and starts screaming about the TP shortage

>> No.19470559

Actually, the economy is chugging along, even if the bitchfight with China ended longstanding low prices. Welcome to reality.

>> No.19470587

Most important is lots of vodka, also download lots of kinos on your laptop. Guess you'd need a generator if the electricity went. That's what they do in the movies

>> No.19470614

what a weird way of saying you're a brainwashed stooge who still lives with his parents. such a wonderful barely affordable economy under this senile woke administration. food prices are up, food availability is down. gas prices tripled. rent almost doubled. toiletry prices quadrupled. medicine prices doubled then doubled again. literally on the verge of WWIII. more countries than ever before hate America. crime so bad major cities aren't even livable anymore. hordes of people fleeing blue states. our army is full of faggots and trannies. Chinese crossing our southern border in huge numbers. CCP found operating in NY and Cali. that's just a few of the problems right now. mm yeah, chugging along indeed.