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19464068 No.19464068 [Reply] [Original]

Why and when did working as a chef become such an autistic way of life? Every professional chef I know is a fucking psychopath and I knew several of them before they decided to do that - they weren't generally psychopaths before joining the profession.
Can any chefbros shed some light?

>> No.19464097

working in a kitchen is the 6th layer of hell

>> No.19464102

Miserable physical conditions, tremendously fast pace, very little control

>> No.19464103

When wasn't it? Cooking has always been an easy job for drop outs and invalids that some take autistically seriously.

>> No.19464106

>Why and when did working as a chef become such an autistic way of life?
since the 80s i think, theres always been that "rush to cook" i think it stems from journos and new york talking about retarded foods
its honestly pathetic, my nana can probably make some dishes 1000% better than a michelin star chef
just because a guy farts in a bubble and puts it on a fucknig cracker does not make it gastronomy
can you tell i really hate this demi? culture

>> No.19464109

Sounds like a sadist's wet dream

I'd love to sexually dominate one of these wirey rail thin kitchen worker guys

>> No.19464120


No your nana with slow hands and zero technique throwing everything into a pot, filling it with water and boiling it is not the same as a skilled chef.


Its super competitive and pure meritocracy with low pay. you end up having to train people who suck and if they suck the food sucks so you have to stop on top of them and yell a lot.

>> No.19464124

>No your nana with slow hands and zero technique
sorry mate that bitch aint gonna fucking die and could cook you under the fucking table

>> No.19464125
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>> No.19464180

Your Nana is probably a powerful hog in the kitchen, and undoubtedly could do some stuff better than Michelin chefs, but they win in over all consistency and other things.

I think the Michelin guidelines are more "is every ingredient cooked to perfection" "can the kitchen staff execute this well" "how much did this wow me" "how inspired was the menu"

>> No.19464186

This is also my fetish

>> No.19464335

Working in a kitchen takes less effort and less ability than working in a warehouse.

>> No.19464341

but it takes more drugs

>> No.19464828

Always has been. Probably used to be much worse.

>> No.19464834

i know man i was just saying to cause a fire

>> No.19464846

Only if you're dyel. Otherwise a kitchen requires focus and technique as opposed to mindless larbor

>> No.19464857

It's a job that was delegated to women, it can't be difficult

>> No.19464860

They had all day to do it, line cooks have like 7 minutes tops

>> No.19464890

Lol stop gas lighting its a cushy gig as far as work for scum of the earth goes

>> No.19465342

It's one of the most stressful jobs in existence. You're basically doing 5 different jobs at once, working 100 hours a week, and getting paid the same as a low level office worker. One of those jobs is managing other people, and it's impossible to find good help with how thin the margins are, so it's always a struggle. If one person fucks up, everything fucks up, which means the chef fucked up. That's where the yelling and "autism" come from; there simply isn't time for people to be making mistakes or not knowing what they're doing, and it happens constantly. Even in the most well-oiled kitchen it always feels like you're one step away from falling completely behind. Some people get off on that, and it feels good when it's over, but you either have to be some kind of nutjob or self-medicating to do it for any extended period of time.

>> No.19465588
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i worked in two very high pace warehouses and while i worked my ass off it wasn't nearly as mentally stressful as a kitchen and i wasn't getting burns every other day

>> No.19466013

I would work a forklift any day before I'd go back on the line. Also, stop replying to such obvious bait.

>> No.19466049

Not true at all. Warehouse jobs are piss easy. I ran one and worked in another. There's a reason those guys are usually fat as hell

>> No.19466275
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being a chef is a lot more than just cooking, and I dont think a lot of cooks understand that before getting into culinary school. On top of razor thin margins, and a high turnover rate, you'll end up feeling very overprotective and paranoid. I would never chef unless I knew the owner on a personal level, and had full reign in the hiring process.

>> No.19466279

i will forever hate the term gastronomy and gastropub, all those retarded terms make me think about is guts and farts. I wanna think about food not the digestive tract. I completely lose all respect for anyone who uses gastro adjacent to food in conversation.

>> No.19466288

Pretty based desu, references to shit and piss are jewish and misanthropic

>> No.19466336

Imagine you knew how to spin plates on sticks. You start off with a couple at first and keep practicing until you can stack many at once. People hear of the reputation and so they come to watch you work your magic. So there you are, balancing 100 plates on sticks, when someone comes along and pulls 1 stick out. "What the fuck?" you say to yourself, "Do you retards not see what I'm doing here? You're ruining everything!" The people watching then say to themselves "I guess all this racket we heard about this man spinning plates was fiction, he can't even spin 1!"
That is to say, if you are running things properly, you have the overview of each individual system in your head as it goes on. If all are maintained properly, all will work perfectly. Then along comes a retard to fuck up the whole system, be it another cook, a server, etc. and it all falls apart and YOU are the one who is blamed even though you did nothing wrong. It can definitely lead to beaten dog syndrome where either you curl in a ball (new hires) or you bite before they have a chance to have an excuse to smack you with a newspaper.
Essentially, it just makes you neurotic
t. sous chef for 5 yr, cook for 10, just quit for IT

>> No.19466359

Incredibly low barrier to entry. It's worse than law.

>> No.19466415

Polar opposite almost imo. Law enforcement attracts people who crave power and then reinforces it, kitchens attract people who want to cook and then murders their love of cooking

>> No.19466783

Probably the most accurate description I have ever read of being a chef on this Vietnamese Dog Grooming forum.

>> No.19466983

>The people watching then say to themselves "I guess all this racket we heard about this man spinning plates was fiction, he can't even spin 1!"
It's a lot worse than just losing a potential repeat customer these days. Two or three off-nights in a year can lead to one or two bad Yelp reviews, and that shit can influence hundreds of people. And people are more likely to write reviews when they have a bad experience because everyone loves being an asshole.

>> No.19467760

Thanks, that comes from years of neurotypical behavior
I never realized how stressed I truly was until I switched jobs, now I don't feel like a psychotic asshole that blows up over stuff I shouldn't

>> No.19468403

>gas lighting
Woman spotted.

>> No.19468408

Only in the home. Pro cooks need to be better than women

>> No.19468539
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I think because the nature of the job is so hectic while also requiring the workers in it to exert great control over their station, it just attracts neurotic people. A lot of chefs lead kind of shitty lives and the kitchen is like the one place where they have total control over their environment.

Bc let’s be real, people who are dedicated to the career obviously don’t like their lives considering how much time they have to spend in the workplace. I realised life in the kitchen wasn’t for me when spending more time with my partner and generally having free time was a point of contention for my head chef.

What you’ll find is that chefs prefer their time spent in the kitchen as opposed to outside, being with their families or partners during the free time they have and shit. And the only way you can enjoy such an arrangement is if your life is well, shit.

>> No.19468594

>be passionate about food
>hehe I should make it my job
>ungrateful customers
>incompetent management
>shit hours
>one calloff fucks shit up
>repetitive and tedious

>> No.19468616


To quote a very wise man;

> “whoever came up with the idea that if you find how to make money doing what you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life, is a fucking asshole”

>> No.19468661

You forgot
>horrible work hours plus overtime
>a fuckload cocaine to compensate
>work and drug induced neurosis

>> No.19468695

>tremendously fast pace
Lies. I've worked iin a bunch of kitchens and then switched to construction. Construction is much faster pace.

>> No.19468707

My ex was a chef and was super passive agressive with his coworkers. He would always try to start arguments and got a kick out of trying to piss people off. Had a good sense of humor tho. Hed always complain about work. Went back to school and became a tech writer instead

>> No.19469170

I've done both too and kitchens are much faster paced.

>> No.19469173
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>> No.19469394

>I'd love to sexually dominate one of these wirey rail thin kitchen worker guys
I'd love to "accidently" pour boiling oil over you

>> No.19469407

Anon is obviously a girl

>> No.19469497

the autists are the only type of head chef that dont suck to work for. ive worked for a bunch of head chefs and all of them suck except the autists. ill take the "carmy" type execs anyday
>t. sous former prep former line
>t. currently work for passive aggressive fuck that cant run a kitchen due to insufficient autism
also you need a psychopath to bully sysco into actually doing their job

>> No.19469617

modern chefs will just yell at you if you fuck up. nan would hit me with a wooden spoon if i fucked up. she'd bring gordon ramsey to tears

>> No.19469639

My little sister has run a burger joint by herself a few times, kitchen and front desk

>> No.19469705

If you're ever in a position to look at employment or disciplinary records at professional kitchens that aren't restaurants (e.g. Hospital kitchens) where the head chefs are not ultimately in charge, and are themselves held to non-culinary-industry levels of professionalism, you will see a hilarious trend begin in 2004.

You know how gangsters started wearing suits after the Godfather came out?
Chefs started doing their amateur R. Lee Emery acts after Hell's Kitchen came out; they literally watched a reality TV show and decided that, hey, Gordon Ramsay is doing it on reality TV that they should too.

The amount of people disciplined or fired for unprofessional behavior in these settings skyrockets in 2004-2005, often from 0 cases in an entire decade to multiple per month.
Kitchen workers, including chefs, are literal fucking drones going through the monkey-ladder experiment.

>> No.19469739

Unfortunately it seems that is Grandma Ramsey's legacy: normalizing or even IDEALIZING asshole behavior in a field that was already a sad, desperate area of employment. You're not painting the Sistine Chapel, and my comfy microwaved Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowl with hot sauce at home doesn't smell like sweat and cigarettes. gg no re

>> No.19469785

Shut the fuck up, there is no way anyone could even verify that. "Good morning chef, will you please get the HR girl/ bartender who handles the paperwork on the phone and bring out the "disciplinary records" (???) so I can confirm with her that you were in fact firing cooks for being too drunk/high before this shitty reality show was released in 2005? Oh, you're busy yelling at the produce rep because he sent you brown lettuce for the third time in a row and you'll be fucked for service tonight if those white ladies can't eat their salads? Go fuck myself?" What compels people to just make up shit out of thin air like this? Ramsay's whole shit is just a toned down version of Marco Pierre White and white heat was released like a decade at least before hell's kitchen.

>> No.19469830

It might depend on where you work and who you work for, but my experience was basically extended boot camp without any benefit. The restaurant kitchen exists to create dissatisfied killers.

>> No.19469880

But why did you take it personally when the food got fucked, but are perfectly okay with the IT being fucked? (IT is always fucked.)

>> No.19469913

yeah, it's the exact opposite in reality. There's no faster way to end up despising something you used to love that having to do it every day because you depend on it for a living, rather than choosing to do it when you want after you've made your money.