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19449391 No.19449391 [Reply] [Original]

Is there truth to the myth that different alcohols have different effects? I heard it many times but haven't seen much proof, don't drink that much but tonight I'm seeing how much of a bottle of wine I can down after a couple of cans

>> No.19449399

i think its true, i can drink cider till im falling over and ill be giggling all the way to bed
after a few vodkas im bitter and just angry

>> No.19449409

I swear tequila does something weird to you but i have no proof

>> No.19449413

It's just a mushroom trip for normalfags. You have your mind set on how this is gonna go before it happens, often subconsciously, and that is what leads to the outcome.

>> No.19449414

i thought he just posted dick pics and his awful hrt breasts

>> No.19449415

I don't know this dude's name but holy fuck I want to tour his chocolate factory.

>> No.19449417

Avatar use is not allowed here.

>> No.19449423

Yeah you’re drinking poor third worlders drink so you naturally feel shitty. This is why I don’t drink rum or tequila.

>> No.19449543

they're awful bolt-ons.
ime it's just the differing abv and what stage of intoxication I get to. i'm a happy tipsy and sad drunk.

>> No.19449547

Not true at all, the only difference is ABV%, volume size and the time span in which you drink. People who say tequila or whiskey makes them crazy would also go crazy if they were railing shots of brandy or gin. If you drank a measure of tequila or whiskey over the same time span that you drank a pint of beer you'd have more or less the same buzz also.

>> No.19449619

ignore anyone but me, it's fucking obvious that mixing beer wine and liquor gives you a way worse hangover than drinking the equivalent amount of any one of the three.

>> No.19449632

have you drank a lot of tequila and vodka to verify this

>> No.19449653

That's the tremendous amount of sugar in the cider, not the difference in alcohol.

>> No.19449659

oh i always drink it with coke/ dr prpper so thats full of sugar aswell, but youre probably right

>> No.19449662

>after a few vodkas im bitter and just angry
unlike any other drink, vodka tells you the truth

>> No.19449669

Maybe. Tea and coffee both have caffeine, but even at an equal amount of caffeine they feel differently because there are other things in them that have effects.

>> No.19449692

it's mostly a myth. however, there are differences in absorption and other factors (set and setting) that are associated with certain drinks. many people have strong tequila drinks when they're in a partying mood, six shots of vodka over an hour will be different than six beers over 3, you often eat with wine as opposed to spirits, etc. but alcohol is alcohol and there's no congener that has any significant psychoactive effect.

>> No.19449705

>Studies show!
>Science says!
>It's due to other factors1
>Consider the nuance!
Jew bullshit.

>> No.19449715

keep blaming your gay prostitutes on the tequila, fag

>> No.19449717

Yes. Different oils are released during distillation from the different types of grain or other additives used in alcohol. Anyone who says "it's all ethanol" is a retard who has never experimented with plants that have medicinal or other properties when fermented or introduced to alcohol. It's like saying kimchi and Sauer kraut are the same thing just because they're both fermented.

>> No.19449737

Anyone who says there is no difference has never drank an entire bottle of Listerine because the stores were closed for 6 hours

>> No.19449739
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>> No.19449741

>listerine? you are but a child
>*chugs bottle of meths*

>> No.19449758

Yeh. Even different brands/distilling dynamics of same type of booze can vary the effects.
I had a friend who could drink any whiskey and be fine, but every time he drank Cougar he would completely flip the fuck out and often end up in jail. No shit.

>> No.19449761

What's wrong faggot, too good for a Dimetapp Dacquri or a Scope & Coke? You can keep it in your center console while driving and the pigs will just think you have good oral hygiene

>> No.19449767
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I think I'll stick to 3-4 light beers a night

>> No.19449769

>Dimetapp Dacquri

>> No.19449771

lmao this nigga drinking bud light for trannies

>> No.19449774

well never say never. You can buy Vanilla Extract with EBT as well. It's gotta pretty good ABV for something from the Dollar Store and you can down it before the Bus driver realizes what your doing

>> No.19449780

Well "different" isn't all that different
but it's undeniable that getting drunk on one thing vs another is a bit different

>> No.19449787
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>mfw this thread made me realize for the first time in 14 years of being over the legal age to purchase alcohol that i am a big boy with his own bank account and his own car and his own driver's license and his own over the legal age to purchase alcohol and i can get a bacardi chocolate milk alcohol any time i want and not only when my mom says i can have a glass at thanksgiving
>mfw i can go get some bacardi alcohol chocolate milk right now and nothing can stop me

>> No.19449811

you really can't, it's overpriced and you'll get fat

>> No.19449812

Ethanol is the main factor, but there are terpenes, fusel alcohols, and esters to consider, There's also what else is already in your stomach, what you're mixing with or eating while drinking how hydrated and rested you are... Apples to apples, 80 proof liquor should do the same thing to you all the time, but terpenes can do interesting things to mood, and esters and ketones can change your perception of what you're drinking, which can change how you react to it. Fusels are usually not present in high enough concentrations to do much but worsen a hangover, but that can depend on how sensitive you are to them.

>> No.19449880
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>> No.19449890

She's a qt so we'd have to try them out together to be sure.

>> No.19449892

its a picture of a troon showing no emotion
what the fuck are you seeing that im not to make it lust provoking?

>> No.19449957

hello Taftaj

>> No.19450237

>is ethanol derived from grapes different than ethanol derived from white sugar
Not the ethanol itself, but there might be different compounds in one alcoholic beverage that don't exist in another. For example, wine (especially red wine) contains lots of tannins which can make a hangover worse. However that doesn't really have anything to do with the alcohol itself.

The only other difference is cultural perception (like with tequila) and how quickly you get drunk.

It's 100% the context you're drinking and how quickly you're getting the poison into your system. I'd wager that if you were chugging ciders to simulate taking shots of vodka instead of drinking them at a normal pace you'd get just as drunk and shitty.

>> No.19450240

>It's 100% the context you're drinking and how quickly you're getting the poison into your system. I'd wager that if you were chugging ciders to simulate taking shots of vodka instead of drinking them at a normal pace you'd get just as drunk and shitty.
nah man id be asleep by now after smashing my flat up, im still drnking cider and have been for nearly 11 hours

>> No.19450281


>> No.19450340

i remember when it was called boipucci

>> No.19450346

>different alcohols
Like ethanol, isopropanol, methanol, etc? Yeah, they're very different.

>> No.19450361

The speed at which you get drunk changes depending on the percentage of alcohol, which varies between different types of drinks. If you act differently drinking a 40% whiskey vs. tequila, then it's because you are expecting there will be different effects, but there aren't. In short, your expectation for a specific type alcohol is changing your behavior.

>> No.19450422

Yeah absolutely. And a glass of bourbon hits different than a glass of vodka, I don’t know why this thread pretends to be so clueless about that, it’s not voodoo, it’s literally a different type of alcohol. Like saying different oils don’t affect you differently, it’s just wrong

>> No.19450619

>literally a different type of alcohol
it's literally not, you guys are the same as bitches who believe in the zodiac. real capricorn energy, that's why you think this way

>> No.19450641

They're both ethanol.

>> No.19450682

I'd buy comparing shots to cocktails, since there's a concentration difference. Or comparing shooters to sipping, time difference. But just two colors of liquor against each other are the same.

>> No.19450701

Some types of alcoholic drinks contain more methanol, which can give you a worse hangover.

>> No.19450736

what the fuck kind of third world gutter wine are you drinking that has any amount of methanol in it?

>> No.19450757

I always avoid tequila, it takes away all of my energy and makes me feel like I've been in the hot sun all day without drinking water

>> No.19450765

>Surely the incredible variety in how different alcoholic beverages are made has nothing to do with how the human body reacts to them!!

>> No.19450778


It's all ethanol and is fundamentally the same high, but only an obtuse person wouldn't notice the difference in experience that the different beverages can bring on, among other things.

>> No.19450908

In my case, it is.

Gives me a pleasant sensation of weakness on the jaws, something similar to shivers, I don't know how else to describe it.
Makes me the drunkest, undoubtedly. Drunk enough that I send long dm's to random girls on social media.
Just makes me drunk. No special feeling.
Makes me happy, pleased, but also sleepy, which is why I often drink a strong coffee before my wine.

>> No.19450920

chicken really makes me feel more full than other meats, pork makes my more lively, and beef makes me feel romantic

>> No.19451016


>> No.19451108

I dunno. Some of those super hoppy, super cloudy, and 9% ish IPAs hit a little differently and I suspect it's because hops were a very early branch off of the evolutionary path of what would later become marijuana. Also, consider for different types of beverage like whiskies and dark beers or barleywine to cause gout in a person. This is because these items change your blood chemistry.

I told you guys before about how my wife made her own orange liquor and one night I had three shots and had mild hallucanition. Basically mild visual effects. And I used to work with a guy who could drink beer all night long, but literally a single shot of whiskey turned into a god damned animal. For him just the experience of the whiskey was like a type of euphoria. I suspect it's the same with some Mexicans and tequlia.

So I agree with you.

>> No.19451629

One drink is made from a potato, one drink is made from sugarcane, I’m sure they’re both ethanol but they’re different drinks. If I drink shots of bourbon it’s drinking thick corn syrup, and if I’m drinking vodka I’m drinking potato water, it makes a difference

>> No.19451635

> I suspect it's because hops were a very early branch off of the evolutionary path of what would later become marijuana
Ok you need to fucking stop, my friend. ‘Oh it’s hops so maybe I’m… smoking weed?’ Jesus Christ get a grip

>> No.19451641

A different type of liquor, I meant. Go have a glass of kook aid and a cup of tea with sugar and tell me they’re the same and hit you the same way, I’m waiting

>> No.19451671

RIP in pepperoni Trevor

>> No.19451681

how times have changed

>> No.19451714

>The relaxing effect of hops may be due, in part, to the specific degradation product from alpha acids, 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, as demonstrated from nighttime consumption of non-alcoholic beer.[67][68] 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol is structurally similar to tert-amyl alcohol which was historically used as an anesthetic.

>> No.19451727

taftaj is hot and if she doesn't get you hard you're probably gay

t. not gay

>> No.19451745

ok then whats the difference lol. put it into words if it's a real thing

>> No.19451759

unless you're drinking everclear, then you're drinking more than just ethanol

>> No.19451771

Ethanol syrup means you’re drinking syrup which is like drinking syrup, ethanol water is like drinking ethanol in water

>> No.19451779

Comparing alcohol to cannabinoids is pretty retarded when you consider that there is only one (1) active ingredient in booze, which is ethanol, meanwhile there are hundreds of active cannibinoids that bind to various receptors in the brain, and changing genetics of the plant being used changes the balance between those many different active factors. And even where there is significant difference between strains, lots of people will simply not notice it because it's such a fine detail. People who insist that there is a difference between differently harvested forms of ethanol are just victims of the marketing industry.

>> No.19451785

It makes a significant difference to drink clear shots of ethanol versus getting the same amount from a liter of grape juice. I’m not going to act like the ethanol is different, but a stomach full of grape juice with it is

>> No.19451788

Ethanol is the only *active* ingredient. We're talking about the effect that it has, not the flavor.

>> No.19451793

Sure, but that's an adulteration of the drug, not a property of it. Introducing new effects with new ingredients. Very far from the ridiculous notion expressed earlier in this thread that different brands of the same liquor, prepared the same way will have different effects (alcoholic hobbyism).

>> No.19451800

ah, so you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19451801

and coke is coke yet it’s different based on you cut it with, it’s not just taste for why having five sodas in a night with your alcohol is different than just having shots

>> No.19451803

It's all down to how much sugar is in the beverage.
A session of drinking beers will have a vastly different result to a session of drinking sugary cocktails.

>> No.19451810

Whiskey/bourbons give me awful headaches.
I swear it is the stuff that seeps from the wood to it, some pre-turpentine compounds.
Red wine as well, maybe it is the tannins.

>> No.19451823

- speed of absorption
- body hydration/dehydration
- sugar
- contaminants that cause hangover
- flavor/smell affecting mood.

The differences aren't huge, but they are definitely there. Alcohol has a strong unbalancing effects on physiology, and so rather minor changes in factors that affect our mood, perception, feeling, have sweeping effects. Something that normally would make you frown or smirk, while drunk will send you brooding or give you giggles, so quite small and mundane changes to the recepture have out-of-proportion effects.

>> No.19451861

High end liquor is adulterated differently than low end liquor

>> No.19451891

Not really. The ethanol in vodka is the same as the ethanol in beer is the same as the ethanol in jägermeister. When you drink beer your stomach will also have to ingest the carbs etc. that are present in beer with the alcohol. In theory it takes longer for the alcohol to effect you, but the difference is negligible to drinking booze (e.g. vodka) straight up.

a lot of people think tequila causes you to get shitface drunk but in reality its just the circumstances of doing tequila shots (usually at a bar when everyone is already rowdy and drunk).

>> No.19452046


i've often heard dark alcohols like whiskey/red wine make girla horny. for my part i get a headache if i drink too much dark alcohol but clear alcohol like vodka works well enough so its my go to drunk.

>> No.19452059

>>The findings of both cross-cultural research and controlled experiments indicate that the effects of alcohol on behaviour are primarily determined by social and cultural factors, rather than the chemical actions of ethanol.

>> No.19452092

>generic thots with no personality are the hottzorz

tell me you're under 20 without telling me you're under 20

>> No.19452106

Drink six pints of porter and tell me you don't shit like an energetic lahar the next day.

>> No.19452134

cheap red wine makes my shit literally fucking grey
FUCk red wine

>> No.19452161

You're saying that fermented agave adds nothing but ethanol to tequila? Or the aging process? And fermented grapes or barley or anything else are just producing ethanol and no bi product during production? Cause that's dumb. I also never brought up cannabinoids

>> No.19452186

I want to brap her asshole

>> No.19452418

Terpenes are absolutely mildly psychoactive. If you're drinking beer, gin, or tequila, you may find that it makes you feel more drunk, slightly stoned, lazy, sleepy, or it may shut down your ability to reason or problem-solve, especially if the hops, botanicals or agave involved had a decent farnescene, myrcene, or linalool content. Isoamyl alcohol - present in all fermented and distilled beverages, with higher amounts in rum, bourbon, and really any liquor with some tails/funk to it - has a higher tendency than ethanol to fuel narcissistic and aggressive tendencies.

So, no, ethanol isn't the only active ingredient.

>> No.19452425

I am gay.

>> No.19452635

it's a crock of shit and whenever i hear people i know talk about it i refrain from sperging out

at most you might be consuming more sugar or caffeine inside whatever your booze of choice is, which would have a mild but ultimately negligible. the only thing that can really "effect" you is how quick you consume said alcohol.
>"i don't drink tequila because it makes me angry"
no, you're just an asshole

>> No.19453185

I'm 54

>> No.19453203

nothing besides ethanol is in a sufficient concentration to be psychoactive, you'd have to drink a hundred beers and by then you still wouldn't notice the terpenes

>> No.19453395

And yet the isoflavones cause manbun growth and bitch tits, right?
Get thee back to the azeotrope.

>> No.19453493

nah, the drinking 12 beers a night and doing no exercise grows bitch tits, it's not hard to figure out

>> No.19453531

when you consume alcohol in it's various forms you are not just consuming ethanol. when you consume wine, beer and cider you are consuming a soup of plant chemicals and yeast byproducts, ethanol being one of the main constituents but not the only one, there are tens if not hundreds of compounds produced which can also be further impacted by various environmental factors. even distillates contain more than just ethanol and water depending how they were distilled, by whom and by using what equipment. all alcohol is the same is the uneducated take that only looks at it from a basic level and fails to take into consideration that there are synergistic effects from other compounds.

>> No.19453630

It's pure placebo effect to think they affect you differently. Alcohol is alcohol, facts.

>> No.19454015

Wrong. Excessive hopping like IPAs experience DOES promote more phytoestrogens in the beer causing bitch tits and depression which in itself proves that different alcohols affect the body in different ways

>> No.19454082

>tranny OP is not being called out
come on ck point out that the op is a transvestite lest anyone say this board is gay or worse, liberal

>> No.19454086
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tequila is the only alcoholic drink that really doesn't give me a hangover. it's more of like an afterglow. always figured it had something to do with the agave or something.

>> No.19454092

I would say yes.
I am the anon that tangled with 151 everclear for the first time , in my 40s
My 3 rooms looked like a tornado thrashed them
And I went to the ER the next morning for a boxers fracture.
Is it even a question

>> No.19454094

BTW this was this past Thursday

>> No.19454109

I'd hate to see the other guy

>> No.19454121

It was a door from what I recall from my greyout
Also I've had a few nights with 151ru before it left

>> No.19454126

Shit rum!

>> No.19454207

wrong and you have no support for your stance. it’s fine that you guys like to imagine things, but this shit is really like some bitch saying what time you were born matters. no alcoholic drink has any congener at a concentration sufficient for anyone to notice. there are trace terpenes and many other compounds but they don’t matter in the slightest. there are differences in set and setting, there are differences in the rate of how certain drinks are consumed, there are correlations in eating meals with certain drinks, but ethanol is the only meaningful active ingredient in an alcoholic beverage, nothing else will be psychoactive at the levels that they are consumed.

>> No.19454236

>different alcohols
If you mean different alcoholic beverages, then no. Ethanol aka ethyl alcohol aka drinking alcohol is C2H6O regardless of how it's produced, what flavouring or sugar is added in.

If you mean different alcohols, then yes. Some of them will kill you quickly. Some of them will make you blind. All of them, including ethyl, are poisons.

>but whaddabout !
Your mental mood is important to intoxication. The hippies used to call this "set and setting." Of course you're going to act differently when sipping on a sangrias on a beach then when slamming straight vodka at the dive.

>> No.19454247

Go and be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.19454256

Addendum : the sugars, flavouring, etc can have a huge effect on your hangover.

>> No.19454273

my ex gf looks like this tranny

>> No.19454275

Prove it, gay.

>> No.19454297

I can appreciate opinionion
But I've have plenty of drunken nights in my 40 plus years.
After that 4 to 5 ounces of everclear that a roommate left, and seeing slight differences in wine

>> No.19454304

I think I punched that door because I could not find a plug for my fan, and this is the absolute worst time to punch a door in AMER!!

>> No.19454334

You can look into it on your own if you want, but it's pretty simple. Does fermentation have different outcomes from different types of fruit and vegetables? Yes. Why wouldn't alcohol be similar?

>> No.19454361

As much of a role we getting fucked has played in history of humans.how IS THIS NOT SCIENCE?

>> No.19454366

Sorry 4 the drunken slur hahaja

>> No.19454395

>And a glass of bourbon hits different than a glass of vodka
No it doesn't lmao

>> No.19454400


>> No.19454674

He does.
Until he opens his mouth.

>> No.19454689

I’m not necessarily saying shit doesn’t hit differently, just that it’s just the amount of alcohol and rate that you absorb it makes the difference, not because of hops or agave or anything. of course drinking a six pack will get you feeling a little different than taking six straight shots.

>> No.19455111

>wine (especially red wine) contains lots of tannins which can make a hangover worse
You're barking up the wrong tree chief. Biogenic amines are the key.

>> No.19455133

Yeah, I always thought there's a reason why he doesn't smile.

>> No.19455301

if the weak estrogenized "male" voice coming from an irreversibly feminized body doesn't get you rock hard, you might be gay

>> No.19455966

>Dimetapp Dacquri
Named after the guitarist?

>> No.19455988

you know who taftaj is stop lying

>> No.19456000

>unlike any other drink, vodka tells you the truth
whiskey does a pretty good job of that, too.

>> No.19456038
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>> No.19456083

Different ingredients produce different toxins, even if everything is industrially measured.

>> No.19456091

I thought there was a specific special high to whisky that I couldn't get anywhere else, but I got drunk from high alcohol imported beers and the high was very similar
but for context, I haven't drank heavily for literally years

>> No.19456297

huh? what other active ingredients there are in booze?
weird, citrus has a shitton of terpenes, noone is getting high from that.. thats a bullshit argument.

>> No.19457074

Yeah that's the whole point of the thread. Different alcohols do affect you differently. We're not saying a shot of vodka will fuck you up more than a shot of tequila. They're both usually 40%, but the grain used or the fruit used to make the spirit or wine or whatever does impart extra shit in the drink that may lead to a different reaction between the two, be it mentally or physically

>> No.19457457

addendum ad absurdum: the flavour can have a huge effect on how you drink, beyond social expectation and peer pressure.

>> No.19457471

Psychoactive agents don't necessarily get you high. Limonene, myrcene and linalool absolutely effect mood, even if only on the same level as the poppyseeds on your bagel. That grapefruit your grandpa eats every morning, even though it's strongly contraindicated on three of his medications? It keeps him from killing your parents with a flensing knife.

>> No.19458660

Cider makes me frow up after about 10 cans, like beer/spirits at the same abv

>> No.19458927

Grapefruits effects are unrelated to terpenes though. and it does not make you high by itself, it just changes the effects of other drugs. it is true though I tried MDMA with grapefruit and its awesome

>> No.19458961

>Psychoactive agents don't necessarily get you high

>> No.19459012

What do you even mean by this? it affects your mind (makes you high, these mean the same) -> psychoactive
Also in the context of this thread: people like to say that different types of booze affect them in wildly different ways, some making them aggressive etc. Now youre saying that terpenes can "effect your mood" in some non-measurable vague way ("like poppyseeds on a bagel", so basically not at all). To me these are completely different things so why make this argument?

>> No.19459042

The sugar in cider keeps you happy you retard. Ethanol is ethanol is ethanol...

>> No.19459045

Right but people drink liquor, wines and beers, adulterated sourced if ethanol, pure everclear or ethanol is just one less popular type

>> No.19459050

Myself personally, I've never found this to be true in any way whatsoever, and I've been getting drunk just about every weekend for the last 13 years now. I wouldn't bother testing this since it would require buying a lot of different things at once (straya alcohol prices, please understand), but in the same night I could have mixed rum, neat vodka, glass of wine, bottle of cider, shot of bourbon... It's all just alcohol to my body. There's different percentages obviously, but I know how to pace my drinks.

The only thing I can say for certain is back when I used to drink pre-mixed shit, woodstock cans would always give me a scratchy and slightly sore throat the morning after. Literally the only drink that ever did that to me (and consistently).

>> No.19459053

does he do cumshows?

>> No.19459054

what if i slam vodka shots and eat sugar cubes? will i have a good night?

>> No.19459061

Maybe, grab some absinthe and we can try it anon.

>> No.19459146

Young me: lol that’s bullshit alcohol is just alcohol, the only thing that matters is how much you drink and how fast
Old me: you absolutely have different effects with different alcohols. Even if it’s just psychological, the influence of medium and setting will impact your mood even if not incredibly obvious. Compare sipping a scotch alone to slamming tequila with friends or drinking a beer on the beach. Even if you’re consuming X amount of units per minute in all situations your mind’s not going to be in the same place with each one

>> No.19459327

Doesn't work in my cunt. We have menthol liquor.

>> No.19459727

Just because it has an effect on the mind does not mean it alters your state of consciousness. Antidepressants and antipsychotics are psychoactive. Terpenes alone can induce feelings of relaxation and well being, but when combined with CNS depressants and euphoriants, they basically tune the quality of the intoxication (myrcene toward torpor, farnescene toward contentment for instance), which is why someone might be chattier or sleepier with certain beers or strains of marijuana than others. As I've stated before, liquors with higher isoamyl content (anything with "Character", basically meaning impurities from trace amounts of heads and tails) tend to make more "stupid" or "aggressive" drunks - isopentanol does this with more consistently and more potently than ethanol.
To be a person with one triggered chemical receptor is to be a different person, neurochemically, than you were before - when you start mixing a chemical cocktail, this effect compounds.

>> No.19459751

>Compare sipping a scotch alone to slamming tequila with friends or drinking a beer on the beach.
Once again the entire "difference" between supposed alcohol psychoactive properties has its origins in the marketing departments

>> No.19459780

Lots of redditors here. Volume of alcohol is not the only factor, it's the rate at which it's absorbed and how long before it's metabolized out. There are ingredients that interact with both.
I'm not gonna "ELI5" so you can "TIL" and wonder "AITA", google it

>> No.19459866

I believe different froms of alcohol do get you drunk differently. Beer for me and how I drink it is a slow burner. But wine and gin I drink at a slight slower rate but as it's high abv(I like strong gin and tonics) it gets you pissed faster. Common sense. ABV, how you drink, where you drink and how fast you drink are the defining factors.

>> No.19459868

I reverse image searched the picture and found his name.

>> No.19459887

yes, drinking also affects different people differently and also affects you given your lifestyle
if your in good shape and worked out that day drinking feels way better than if youre fat and out of shape
beer and wine are clearly a different drunk, as is liquor

>> No.19459901
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>> No.19460876

Agree. It's a different buzz than beer, wine, or liquor

>> No.19461358

RIP Trevor

>> No.19462808


>> No.19462810

I beat off to OP every time she uses one of those pictures as an avatar :3

>> No.19462852

Total BS. It tastes different so you drink more or less. That is the only difference. If you are able drink a whole bottle of Tequila yes you will act different than if you had 2 shots of whiskey.

>> No.19463320
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Are you terminally online? How do you all, on /ck/ of all places, immediately recognize some random dude?

I'd argue that the only difference in alcohol is how you're drinking it, not the alcohol itself. Like beers over a long time, versus shots, versus whatever nonsense is in the cocktail mixers.

>> No.19463332

>recognize some random dude?
because he looks like one of my freinds and its been a running joke for about 6 years

>> No.19463957

For whatever reason, vodka and whiskey make me feel like shit and I’m not even having fun but if I drink 5 pints of Guinness I feel absolutely ecstatic

>> No.19464002
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>> No.19464073
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> Is there truth to the myth that different alcohols have different effects
Can drink for hours and keep high spirits and energy, don’t get into too much trouble
>white wine
Drunk fresh, preferably sparkling. It is my drink of choice. I feel energised by it. Can keep going socially always with a great mood. Staying the life of the party type of drunk
>Gin & Tonic
Utter and absolute recipe for disaster. Got into much trouble from this drink (and mind you it was my favourite as I truly love the flavour and sensation of bitterness and freshness that comes with it) that I outright stopped drinking it for good years ago. I talked with at least another couple of hard drinkers who felt the same. Gin by itself or with juice does not feel dangerous but there’s something about the mixing with tonic that evokes hellish trouble
Drank pure (it’s the only way), gets you solidly and surely inebriated however it’s more of a clear drunkenness compared to other spirits. Your energy levels do somewhat remain high for the amounts of alcohol you’re consuming.
>aguardente (Portuguese homemade)
Got me into all sorts of troubles as well. Comparable to gin& Tonic but perhaps of a less chaotic but lower form of drunkenness
>red wine
Too pasty for getting drunk on it, does not get easily digested as other spirits. May upset your stomach in high doses, creates a sort of drowsy and sleepy drunkenness. Ideal for a good meal though.
Too sweet for my liking. Cant drink too much of it

>> No.19464088

/ck/ is the trap board.

>> No.19464096

> Listerine
Never downed a bottle but went for around 1/3 of one at times. It’s surprisingly not all that bad, taste and drunkenness wise. Only thing is it will upset your stomach the following day

>> No.19464101

I find any alcohol with carbonation will hit me faster and harder than alcohol without. One 4-5% ABV 12oz beer is technically around the same amount of alcohol as a shot of hard liquor or glass of wine, but it will always get me far more drunk.

>> No.19464548

>running joke for about 6 years
again, terminally online? I frequent /ck/ and have never heard of this guy.
since when?
speak for yourself.

>> No.19464557

You're forgetting sugar content.

>> No.19464563

Hand sanitizer is popular for that too.

>> No.19464564

>being terminally online now means coming to /ck/ for a few hours a night while im stuck with a shitty laptop
so what if you havent heard of some fucking tranny ? what the fuck in gods great name does that have to do with browsing /ck/
wow thats a very bold statement of you.

>> No.19464565

I would have gay sex with your friend.

>> No.19464624
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>> No.19465131

You‘re a negromaniac

>> No.19465133


>> No.19465735

ahh interesting now this is the first convincing argument in this thread, thank you

>> No.19465762
File: 726 KB, 960x1280, EC20FF5D-BC47-4C20-A586-685EB1FC1087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise Christ I am no longer and a drunken mongoloid

>> No.19465832

just look at the bottle and it'll tell you the proof

>> No.19465885

>lots of tannins which can make a hangover worse.
why don't i get a hangover when I drink tea then?

>> No.19465969

If it's 80, you can have it.

>> No.19465981

Describe his cock

>> No.19465985

You're still only semiliterate, so maybe that's slightly premature.

>> No.19465987

He is no longer, and a drunken mongoloid. I'm impressed - he types really well for a deceased, lubed up downie.