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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 696 KB, 1080x1411, $9.79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19430889 [Reply] [Original]

why the FUCK is mayonnaise so expensive now?

this shit is getting ridiculous. I go through one bottle a week so in a year, I'll be spending $500 on FUCKING mayo

>> No.19430894

I saw this on reddit, too

>> No.19430897

don't get the EZ squeezey bottle then you bougie bitch

>> No.19430902

1. The squeeze bottle is only slightly more expensive than the jars
2. I'm not going to spoon in mayo like some savage

>> No.19430909

It's $5.50 at Walmart for the same thing. Name brand processed foods are getting really expensive for some reason though.

>> No.19430916

>buy large jar
>put in own squeeze bottle

Wa la you fucking faggot

>> No.19430924

Thanks, I had not considered that

>> No.19430926
File: 1.13 MB, 2477x2480, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying exorbitant prices for sneed oil spread
Yeah, I'll stick with homemade.

>> No.19430935

If you buy the store brand, it's more likely to have a lower prices and more ounces of whatever the product is than the name brand item.
For more useful lifehacks, follow my channel on youtube. Here is the link:

>> No.19430951

>seed oil schizo
>twitterfaggot meme
yeah checks out

>> No.19430954

first of all, that price is obscene. it must be at a convenience store that's business model is to gouge customers, like a 7-11 or maybe a cvs.
second of all, duke's gang

>> No.19430978
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>A bottle a week

>> No.19431001

Then make it yourself. Egg yolk and oil is the base.
Also, wtf a bottle a week? Are you eating 4 sandwiches a day or making a batch of potato salad / coleslaw every two days? Slow the fuck down.

>> No.19431062

I eat two bowls of tuna salad a day and also feed some to the neighborhood cats

>> No.19431071

based mercury enjoyer, don't forget to renovate with asbestos and get the 6th booster

>> No.19431084

Homemade mayo will never taste as good as Hellmanns
>inb4 sneed oil

>> No.19431113

It's less than half that where I am, tho the imported McCormick mayo I like is indeed, like, $9 and change now.

Also, squeeze bottle costs more per oz than he typical jar.

>> No.19431117

Yeah, I thought my family and I are bad because between me, my kid and my ho, we go through a jar every month.

>> No.19431268

Use a knife you fat fuck jfc how much fucking mayonnaise do you need at once?

>> No.19431348

Show me an obituary or death certificate in the last year that lists MERCURY as the cause of death.

I'll wait

>> No.19431358
File: 126 KB, 810x572, 1680482525658403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get more generic mayo at Whole Foods for cheaper.

>> No.19431360

>$9 for soybean oil
pretty gross

>> No.19431775

Theh never put eggs in cage so they up price. I order for cage eggs because way cheaper. I love cage eggs, same taste and cheap cheap.

>> No.19431914

Not OP but mayo is one of the few things I always get name brand for. I've gotta have that Hellmanns zest.

>> No.19431918
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>sneed oil enthusiast
>shitter shattered as usual
hows your bitch tits and terminal cancer treating you faggot?

>> No.19431927

Make your own

>> No.19431930

You can make it you know?
Also, you clearly never heard of the chicken holocaust that just happened after an outbreak of (((Were not making enough on eggs))) ..er I mean bird flu...and, incase you didn't know, eggs are a key ingredient.

also, make your own you lazy fuck.

>> No.19431938

>First ingredient is poison

>> No.19431953

Anon, you will not die of this but your neurologic conditions will make you rope anyway. Just please reconsider this, other fish exists.

>> No.19431973
File: 102 KB, 600x600, c23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I go through one bottle a week

>> No.19431998

Because eggs are $7 for half a dozen
Mayo is made from eggs

>> No.19432005

Well, that same bottle is 5 bucks near me. So, I don't know where you got that picture from.

>> No.19432063

Even if that price was true (they're 99c/dz large here, lol), the yolk of a single egg can make 8-16oz of mayonnaise.

Not that guy, and you should keep eating tuna if you like it, but have you tried mackerel? King Arthur mackerel is my second favourite canned fish after Sealect tuna in green curry (which I have difficulty getting since I no longer have a Thai roommate who gets care packages sent from home).
You really ought to try it. It's very tuna-y and much lower in mercury.

>> No.19432069
File: 50 KB, 461x531, Angel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the yolk of a single egg can make 8-16oz of mayonnaise
Stop making shit!

>> No.19432072

>posts anime consistently
>thinks he has any room to call someone a faggot

>> No.19432122

Those squeeze bottles are shit, nothing comes out and have to fight with it
buy the jar and use a knife

>> No.19432243

anime website

>> No.19432282


>> No.19432291
File: 5 KB, 145x129, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I go through one bottle a week

>> No.19432661

If I could have one job it would be to work at a mayo plant. Saw the how its made of mayonnaise once, they just unload three semis with pumps into a room sized vat and just fucking blend it and send it. One scene was a dude keeping tabs on an old crt that displayed three boxes for oil, eggs, and vinegar with lines connecting them into the single box stating "mayo". I want that position.

>> No.19432667

No retard

>> No.19432677

just buy some eggs and vinegear and make it yourself brah. a stick blender costs like $15

>> No.19432689

god your shits must be so oily

>> No.19432699
File: 1.22 MB, 245x250, JXVZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking mayo
jeez a little desperate, huh?

>> No.19432701

>making a cake for my aunt
>recipe wants 9 (nine) eggs
I'm never going to financially recover from this

>> No.19432718
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, Your-toilet-bowl-will-be-sparkling-thanks-to-this-Clorox-Toilet-Bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434250

>I go through one bottle a week
Are you fuckin' jacking off with it?

>> No.19434272
File: 64 KB, 320x483, mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a CVS or somewhere that jacks up the prices?

Jew York prices on instacart.
Aldi brand is 2 fucking dollars and is the same shit
Hellmans is 5 dollars.

>> No.19434603

Why are you going through that much mayo so fast?

>> No.19434640

knock knock
>who's there