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File: 138 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__2014__09__20140915-pawpaws-americas-best-secret-fruit-cutting-board-samara-linnell-f24cff2e4aa7407fad4562af6b374e29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19428188 No.19428188 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody ever try paw paw fruit? How about a cashew apple. I recently heard that chilled paw paw fruit was George Washingtons favorite desert. I guess they cant stand up to our modern shipping, grocery system

>> No.19428222

Livin in MD

Pawpaw are tasty as fuck but only when they're ripe

Tastes like a cross between a mongo/jackfruit with banana

Now if I see you in my public hunting grounds picking pawpaws I'm gonna slide a knife through your abdomen

>> No.19428243

you won't do shit bitch

>> No.19428252

>cashew apple
I've had rose apples many times. Same thing, no?

>> No.19428259

>thats not a knoife, this is a knoife
Then I turn around and we make out while JOing each other

>> No.19428263

Just looked it up and nah. Cashew apple looks nifty, tho. Hopefully tastes better than rose apples cuz they suck. Tastes like someone sprinkled cumin on a sour carambola.

>> No.19428287

They can’t stand up to any grocery shipping or greenhouse treatment actually, to the point that it baffles horticulturists and food scientists. It’s as though the Paw Paw refuses to exist outside of its niche biome under any circumstances.

>> No.19428354

Maybe theres something unique about the soil conditions where they grow

>> No.19428370

Look into Niel or Neal (Neil?) Peterson. idk if he's still alive, but he's been cultivating and selectively. breeding pawpaw since the 1980s and has singlehandedly trademarked a half dozen varieties. Never met the guy but a Friend at my Meeting knows (knew?) him and told me about him as an example of a good Quaker.
>"he's doing this amazing thing, planting tens of thousands of trees on his own and cultivating more and more varieties in the hopes that some day, everyone will get to try this fantastic fruit and his name will likely be forgotten, which is as it should be since we should live our lives to better those of others"

>> No.19428379

Well that’s what a lot of them are trying to figure out. Why specifically does it die EVERYWHERE else?

>> No.19428468

In the wilds here, I find them growing exclusively along riversides with loose sandy loam and no where else. Planted a few in the yard and they took just fine, on a dry clay slope. The trees planted near a creek simply dropped dead. I thought they liked water? Confusing little bastards

>> No.19428545

OP here. Im in Iowa and live out in the sticks with different types of soil and a creek. Where are you at? Ive done some research and they say raccoons are a problem, I can fence them off I guess. Also you need a few to get them to cross polinate and fruit. Is the fruit good?

>> No.19428586
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>paw paw
they literally grow fucking everywhere
just dont be a 3rd world shitter

>> No.19428651

Read the post right above yours

>> No.19428722

Bump. Any of you ever planted a Paw Paw?

>> No.19428758

Australians inexplicably call papaya "pawpaw." So that's likely what this dumb cunt thinks the thread is about.

>> No.19428769

Gotcha. Faggot needs a walkabout. Im researching Paw Paw right now and really want to figure it out

>> No.19428804

I ate some strange fruit hanging from poplar trees in the gallant South one time. Do not recommend.

>> No.19428816

Could've been funnier. Toss in a clown or a few physical gags when you next retell the story.

>> No.19428879

>retarded ozzie thinks his silly words are universal
You know that tomato sauce is what you put on pasta and KETCHUP, or CATSUP, is what goes on burgers and fries, right?

>> No.19428937


Im thinking of buying a few. Any experiences of buying shit like this onlone?

>> No.19428946


>> No.19429021

You live within a two hour drive of the supplier right? Because otherwise you’re in for a nasty surprise.

>> No.19429880
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*blocks your path*

>> No.19429893

Maybe they have a symbiotic relationshion with a specific family of fungi/insect in the soil.

>> No.19429896

Surely they can just breed it so the amount of it in the fruit is lower

>> No.19429949

No. In fact I just chopped one down. Stupidest looking tree I've ever seen in my life

>> No.19429991

Ah yes, the state official fruit of Ohio.

>> No.19430002

Just be sure to eat them when ripe, or it will burn the fuck out of your mouth with the caustic substances in the unripe fruit

>> No.19430959

Living in Gambia I've had quite a few cashew fruits,that's what your talking about right? The fruit where the nut comes from?

They're really fucking juicy, sweet, but bitter at the same time.

I don't really like them, first bite makes it seem like you like it, but 2nd isn't too good.

>> No.19430968

No. Why the fuck would you think that?

>> No.19431002

Goes eye moss.

>> No.19432944
File: 971 KB, 3024x4032, shoots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've planted small flower pawpaw, Asimina parviflora, since I figure those will do better in pots on my apartment balcony than A. triloba, which will grow to be a 30 foot tree. My dad's got a couple of cultivars planted, plus several dozen seedlings he sprouted from seeds I gave him from wild fruit.

>The common name of this species is variously spelled pawpaw, paw paw, paw-paw, and papaw. It probably derives from the Spanish papaya, an American tropical and subtropical fruit (Carica papaya) sometimes also called "papaw",[16] perhaps because of the superficial similarity of their fruits and the fact that both have very large leaves. The name pawpaw or papaw, first recorded in print in English in 1598, originally meant the giant herb Carica papaya or its fruit (as it still commonly does in many English-speaking communities, including Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa).

>> No.19432949
File: 683 KB, 3024x4032, A. parviflora fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small flower pawpaw fruit, for comparison.

>> No.19432956
File: 1.15 MB, 4032x3024, pawpaw harvest 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the fruit good?
The fruit is creamy and sweet, with little to no fiber. If you've had any other custard apple fruit (cherimoya, atemoya, sweetsop, soursop, etc.) they taste similar. Exact flavor varies between cultivars and wild plants, but I've heard everything from canteloupe to grapes to bubble gum to mango, banana, and pineapple. I think they can have a bit of an herbal taste to them, sometimes. They make a pretty damn good ice cream.

>> No.19433537

tfw virtually all of those cause parkinson's

>> No.19434357

I get a few ripe cherimoyas that fall off my neighbors tree in my yard. Love them

>> No.19434394

Wwwwhatttt thhhhhe fffuckkkkk dddddddid youuuuu jjjuussst fuuuuuucking ssssssayy abouuuuuttt mmmmmmme, yyyyyyooou littttttttle bbbbbiiitttttccccchhhh?

>> No.19434402

I have eaten the anon fruit (custard apple), philodendron fruit and I guess winter cherries are kind of rare
Wild strawberries, if those count

>> No.19434406

Good ole paw paw
East coast's tropical fruit

Wish they made paw paw flavored candy, it's a good taste

I ate my first ones with skin on and looked up it can damage nerves lmao. But it was like on the tier of bananas can give you radiation

>> No.19434418
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Uh oh paw paw bros we got too cocky

>> No.19434424

I have quite a few paw paws on my property, and I sometimes find coyote poop with the seeds in it, but I never actually see the trees produce any fruit. I feel like I'm just crazy or something. Maybe it's just the trees close to my house not producing fruit and the coyotes are getting them elsewhere.

>> No.19434536

There used to a be a market that had a lot of southeast Asians and south Americans selling produce from their countries that they grow here (central FL). I know someone that used to do these tours where he'd just take you around and tell you what the fruit, veggie, or herb was, when it was ripe, and how to use it along with buying some and slicing it up to try. Love egg fruit, chocolate sapote, and custard apple. The market closed down though and I haven't found anyone around where I live now selling these. I might be too far north now since I'm on the edge of north fl. I've actually never tried paw paw but I'm sure if I tried I could locate some since I know it's not super rare.

>> No.19434548

Been curious to try it, they don't grow in southeast Texas
I heard that on the last week of Lewis and Clark's expedition, they ran out of food and had to live off pawpaws as made their way back

>> No.19434593

That's nice, dear, but it doesn't make sense since pawpaws grow in fucking Canada for fuck's sake and don't like hot climates, becoming increasingly uncommon the further south you go, pretty much stopping altogether by the time you get to the FL/GA state line ergo, I find your whole story sus af and can only guess that your are George Santos and are simply lying for lying's sake, you lying liar who lies.

>> No.19434595

It's been said that Juicy Fruit gum is meant to taste of paw paw.

>> No.19434625

I didn't say I could locate them in FL. I travel to other states a few times a year. I just said I haven't found the tropical fruits I used to eat.