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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19425193 No.19425193 [Reply] [Original]

bye bye burger!

>> No.19425197

Tacos. Fuck beaners

>> No.19425198

Out of these 4?
Tacos, just to make nonwhites seethe.

1. Wings
2. Burger
3. ‘Za
4. Mexislop

>> No.19425204

>bone-in wings
Easiest fucking choice of my life. Fuck those things.

>> No.19425205

Wings, while they are tasty tacos, pizza and burgers are all much more versatile.

>> No.19425208

bye bye wings.


>> No.19425210

Tacos because burritos will still exist

>> No.19425214

Fuck off I would rather have a full plate of drumsticks.

>> No.19425217

Buffalo wings. They're literally waste parts of the chicken that are now more expensive than the actual meat.

>> No.19425220

Also while bad tacos or pizza are still kinda tasty and bad burgers are usually at least edible, bad chicken wings can get really nasty or even downright dangerous if undercooked.

>> No.19425224

I can't remember the last time I ate a hard shell taco so it's gone forever.

>> No.19425225

wings. drum sticks are better in literally every way. wings are just skin and bones.

>> No.19425490

Tacos are garbage. There is a reason they are only enjoyed by third worlders

>> No.19425499

Pizza. Calzones are better anyway.

>> No.19425504

I'm white so adios tacos

>> No.19425686

Based, fuck winglets

>> No.19425691

Wings, easily. Fuck wings. Most overrated food of all time.

>> No.19425753

wings are one note and have to go

>> No.19425756

Chicken wings, and by an easy margin. Why would you wanna suffer the indignity of picking thru inedible bone, textured fat and cartilage all for small morsels of meat that's too fatty to be enjoyed by anyone who isnt a lard ass when you have thighs and it superior bone to meat to fat to cartilage ratio? Chicken wings is just another way for corporations to sell a cheap and worthless cut to the unsuspecting masses but package it like it's some high tier food. Most cultures won't ever sell wings by itself because most people know not to be fooled by marketing. I don't t know why Americans haven't figured it out yet.

>> No.19425765

wings can fuck off
then tacos
then burgers
pizza til I die, although the one in that pic looks like a fatty mess

>> No.19426050

obviously wings

>> No.19426059

Never tried a taco so I'm curious...
Bye pizza I guess. Find them a bit boring at this point

>> No.19426060

Is this just a standard hard shell ground beef gringo taco or tacos in general? I ask because tacos are just far too broad of a category to ban outright. It feels like banning ‘sandwiches’ as a whole.

>> No.19426101

wings. Ill just switch to nuggets.

>> No.19426105

Wings are overrated as fuck

>> No.19426117

>lol at nobody saying pizza because they’re probably fat and gay
Pizza is leaving because I’m not a faggot that eats pizza

>> No.19426140

Look 4 posts up, anon

>> No.19426144

generic pic for all tacos.

>> No.19426156

so just a faggot then?

>> No.19426165

Wings are great but they're like $2 a piece nowadays. Later, nerds

>> No.19426180

I don't eat any of those often enough where the sudden Thanosing of any of them would significantly alter my life or diet so whoever picks one of the four after this post, count theirs as double, once for them and once for me.

>> No.19426183


>> No.19426187

they are. buffalo thighs are too. most just call it hot chicken.

>> No.19426240

so many saying wings instead of tacos which is the correct option. i suspect a high ratio of swarthoida in this thread

>> No.19426256

Clearly, I did not know this. Thank you.

>> No.19426440

fuck off

>> No.19426568

Tacos easily, who gaf about tacos, just a shitty version of the burrito

>> No.19426578

Both wings and tacos I don't give a shit about those

>> No.19426631

Just eat burritos instead

>> No.19426694

sure, Pedro.

>> No.19426744

I don't eat wings or tacos so can I trade both for an extra delicious pizza?

>> No.19427285

Burgers and Tacos I eat on an almost weekly basis. Wings I enjoy too much to give up.
Guess it's Pizza. Can't remember the last time I ordered a pizza for myself. I usually only eat it when I'm out somewhere and someone has already ordered one.

>> No.19427295

>they think Mexicans eat that abomination you call "tacos"

>> No.19427305

I haven't eaten a wing in at least a decade.
Good bye, most worthless part of a chicken.

>> No.19427325

>pizza, tacos and burgers all very versatile and can be made a million different ways
>wings are just wings
>can't see that the wing is the odd one out
I enjoy wings too but cmon. I suspect you're letting your political views affect your taste buds.

>> No.19427328

ill keep pizza only

>> No.19427374

i've never had a wing in my life and don't plan to. they seem to be an inferior part of the chicken with some sauce, nothing special about that. then probably a tie between pizza and tacos, i don't eat tacos very often but when i do i prefer them over pizza most of the time, and they're the cheapest food you can buy pre made. burgers i will eat until i die

>> No.19427377

So sad Ta see you Co

>> No.19427434

Wings are the fucking best, I can’t imagine never eating them again. Wouldn’t bother me to get rid of tacos, though.
Pic related, wings I just made today.

>> No.19427438
File: 1.87 MB, 2886x3137, 5CC8DF7C-25FC-413F-B53A-642070C1CBA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot the pic

>> No.19427456
File: 1.03 MB, 2180x1634, 2CE9D84C-20CF-423E-8A1F-CB565C8C600C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t mind cutting your own, you can get a big pack like this for not even $5. Never ever buy wings from a restaurant, they overprice them like crazy.

>> No.19427460

Lookin' good. Typical sauce?

>> No.19427467

Franks Red Hot Buffalo, it’s the best classic buffalo I’ve found. Sometimes I’ll throw in some Tapatio if I want some extra heat and pepper flavor.

>> No.19427481

does anyone under the age of 45 even say "bye bye" in this day and age?

>> No.19428108
File: 399 KB, 480x238, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't give a damn what those "people' eat
Tacos are gone and that's that

>> No.19428115

one day you're gonna have a proper soft taco and it's going to absolutely ruin your life it might even make you trans with how badly fucked your ego will be

>> No.19428616

tacos are the best.

>> No.19428627

all of them are bad to even eat

>> No.19428638

I usually do it in the same context as op, in a mocking tone.

>> No.19428639

Bye bye wings!

>> No.19428674

Chicken wings are literal garbage food that only got popularized through the childish "masculinity movement" of the early 2010s. Before that chicken wings were on the same level as gizzards, being trash only niggers eat. Wings have neither the flavor of chicken thighs nor the versatility of breast. The fact that chinks, the scum sucking bottom feeders of humanity, consider wings the second best part of the chicken, after their feet, should tell you everything.

>> No.19428703

It’s a song >>19425193 >>19427377

>> No.19428720

Wow, just wow.
There's a lot going on in this post

>> No.19429384

Hotwings. Sure, I like them, but with all the other items there is so many different ways you can serve them.

>> No.19429405

soft cornflour tortilla tacos or die, hard shells are the worst

anyway, pizza is out for me

>> No.19429504

Wings, easy answer. Fuck chicken wings. Food should not have bones in them.

>> No.19429517

dude people liked chicken wings before the 2010s wtf are you talking about
I agree that they're the weakest option of the 4 in OP's pic

>> No.19429536

>Wings, easy answer. Fuck chicken wings. Food should not have bones in them.
I like buying boneless thighs and putting hot sauce on them. I'm a heretic.

>> No.19429572

The tacos, because I can literally just eat the exact same meal, same ingredients prepared the exact same way, with thirty other names.

>> No.19429725

I’m Hispanic but I think I’d get rid of the crispy taco. I can’t even remember the last time I ate a crispy taco. They’re very lackluster compared to other Mexican food. But I did have a patty melt the other day and it was orgasmic

>> No.19429785

Wings, I haven't eaten wings in years, I eat chicken strips, breasts, and nuggets all the time.

>> No.19429812

it's not just crispy tacos. that pic represents a generic image for ALL tacos.

>> No.19429822

Chicken wings. Thighs or die

>> No.19429827

wings can fuck off
its 90% just a delivery system for hot sauce
its mostly bones with nothing edible
and thats coming from someone who doesnt even really like burgers or tacos much either

>> No.19430662

Tacos, because I can just cheat and make something incredibly similar.

>> No.19430672

Looks tasty. How'd you make 'em brother?

>> No.19430864

wings are for wiggers

>> No.19432648

Burger = Pizza > Wings > Tacos

>> No.19432713

pizza is overrated as shit
bye bye pizza!

>> No.19432746

back in 1985 i would eat a whole box of wings
buy frozen then bake at home

>> No.19432753

>south western US is a "third world"

Honest to God, people out east should not be allowed to have any opinion on food.

>> No.19432856

hardshell tacos of course
how the fuck do you eat them? they break in half immediately

>> No.19432865

Why only 1?

>> No.19432869

RIP Pizza, easiest choice of my life.

>> No.19432876
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x720, 1659369673334713 Jack burgers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger > Pizza > Taco > Wings

Some of you just haven't had a well made, juicy burger

>> No.19432885
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1593615031733 Jack big bite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good pizza can come close though

>> No.19432889
File: 631 KB, 720x404, 1523025789594 Jack juicy taco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, but tacos can be good as well

>> No.19432892
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, 1649353874110 Jack juicy chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken can be good too if you get the seasoning right

>> No.19432932

it's all tacos you idiot

>> No.19433014

pizza, too much bread

>> No.19433183

Bye, wings

>> No.19433229

wings bye fly away

>> No.19433294

there are not wings without bones. i will pray that one day you will be able to at least pretend to assimilate into society.

>> No.19433610

Chicken wings. Easy choice.

>> No.19433811

Pizza isn't that good. I can live without it.

>> No.19433841

1. Pizza
2. Tacos
3. Hamburgers
Wings gotta go

>> No.19434010

That's a lot to unpack. Are you ok anon?

>> No.19434029

wings because no one does them right.

>> No.19434036

Wings are ridiculously overpriced and never really -that- good. I'm gonna assume that those tacos represent a greater variety of foods than just hard beef tacos, otherwise they go.

>> No.19434039

A whole bird only has two wings because they're nice as a fun little treat just 2 times before it gets old and you want real bites of meat

>> No.19434043

when done right they are really good, and many of them have tons of meat on them. but no one makes them right.

>> No.19434050

what's with this "x food is bad because masculine" bullshit. never once do I eat food because I think it makes me more manly. I eat it because it's good.

>> No.19434061

Tacos are trash, and I am latino.

>> No.19434262

softshell tacos don't break in half retard

>> No.19434354

bye-bye wings

>> No.19434375

by your logic then pepperoni pizza is the only pizza being eliminated because the picture has pepperoni on it. you try to twist a simple image to fit your narrative by focusing on the literal instead of the general. you're either a typical liberal or legitimately retarded. the two aren't mutually exclusive so you're probably both.

>> No.19434388

Wings easily. It's just small pieces of friend chicken. They were easier to love when they were cheap now normies are brainwashed into thinking they're worth fucking 2 dollars a pop.


>> No.19434392

Chicken wings garbage meat

>> No.19434437

You're the one defending tacos. You must be a disgusting Mexican or self loathing white liberal scum.
Either way fuck tacos and fuck you

>> No.19434449

I'm defending rationality, you imbecile. if you're too stupid to understand a simple game, you do not deserve to live. society would be better off without you and everyone like you. nobody, not one single person, would miss you if you disappeared right now. in fact, everyone would breathe a sigh of relief knowing your idiocy has been removed from the human gene pool.

>> No.19434459
File: 401 KB, 900x780, 923504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. You can take all of them as long as I get to keep my hot dogs.

>> No.19434463

You're definitely a tranny
Dial 8 and rope

>> No.19434473


>> No.19434499


>> No.19434506

>doesn't deny it
How bad does your axe wound smell? Have to remove any cheesy buildup yet?

>> No.19434513

>they think Mexicans eat that abomination you call "tacos"
Every Mexican I know hre in the states does.

>> No.19434522

nobody takes you seriously. you're a joke. this is your last (You). keep crying and die mad, you worthless idiot.

>> No.19434573

OP said “one” has to go. So I choose one slice of pizza to “go”. Not my problem he decided to be so vague.

>> No.19434620

OP said “one” has to go. So I choose one slice of tomato on the burger to “go”. Not my problem he decided to be so vague. also, my mother had me tested and I'm autistic.

>> No.19434704

i live in Omaha Nebraska
I can travel anywhere
Give me a list of places or people I can get this "authentic" taco from
Don't be a coward