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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19423698 No.19423698 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I'm about to go home next week after being in a west african village for the past 9 months.

Every day I eat rice with some variation of sauce, usually river fish, onion, okra, bitter tomato, eggplant and even more rice.

But most of my diet is fucking rice. I've eaten hippo, python, and monkey(monkey heart as well) since being here.

My question is this

What should my first meal back in America be?

>> No.19423705

Cool larp. Did all those naive African village girls blow you nightly, too?

>> No.19423709


>> No.19423711

What airport are you flying into?

>> No.19423717
File: 50 KB, 500x266, Vigo-Red_Beans_n_Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nasty looking, get some vigo yellow rice.

>> No.19423757

Was a volunteer government organization I worked for and I'm quitting early because I really don't want to be here another 17 months.

Girls here don't even approach me because its heavily Islamic where I am. That and everyone lives in compounds, everyone sees everything.

Best food I've had here though would be kucha, which is sorrel leaves usually mixed with other stuff , and domada which is like a peanut stew.

>> No.19423767

Why did you join in the first place and what made you regret it? Thought about joining the Peace Corp thinking it might give me "purpose", what's your take on this?

>> No.19423773

I don't know where I'll land first, likely somewhere on the east coast first, maybe JFK. But home will be SEATAC in Seattle. So any Seattle based suggestions would be Neat. Idk where my first flight is too though, it's probably gonna be Brussels, idk what the Brussels airport has to offer or if my fuckin debit will work there.

>> No.19423781

Plain white rice

>> No.19423950

Man, I tried getting into the Peace Corps for 3 years, was supposed to leave for an east african country in 2020, then covid canceled it. I waited for 3 years, the medical process was gruel8ng and annoying just because I had some specific back issues and mental health history that I had to be real thorough with papers and everything.
Finally got approved and left my girlfriend and job, girlfriend broke up with me 2 months later and started dating a friend.

Why did I join, I had an intuition that I should, I wad hoping for forced growth, I was hoping it would help make me all the things I'm not. I'm sure I've grown somehow, I couldn't tell you specifically how, I mean there's the small things, like most of life will seem easier and I can wipe my ass with my left hand and water.
West Africa is one of the hardest places to do peace corps, it's extremely underdeveloped(in my country), it's really fucking hot, there's no electricity, and the food sucks. There are countries worse to serve in than mine, like mauritania and Niger, I hear those countries are hard-core af.

I guess you could say I came trying to not necessarily find purpose, but to hope that the experie ce would somehow magically make me a better person. Frankly I think I'm a worse person in some ways now lol.

I wouldn't dissuade you from doing Peace Corps though, every country is a vastly different experience, and the experience is what you make it. If you click well with other volunteers they'll easily be friends for life. If you want to try to do it, do it. But be prepared for culture shock and difficult times. There are amazing times too, but most then life is mundane everyday sufferings.

Again everything heavily depends on the country your in and the program you're apart of.

>> No.19423956


>> No.19423971

Google image picture. Was gonna post a picture of the monkey I ate but the file size is to big to upload using my rural african data connection

>> No.19423980

What country? Do you actually choose where you get to go or is it like the military? I would want to go to somewhere cold and mysterious, have a friend who worked in Tajikistan for a couple years and had nice things to say about it. How would you say it's made you a worse person?

>> No.19423991

>Hey guys, I'm about to go home next week after being in a west african village for the past 9 months.
>My question is this
>What should my first meal back in America be?
Long pig.

>> No.19424007

what does monkey taste like?

>> No.19424021

>>19423698 (OP) #
>Hey guys, I'm about to go home next week after being in a west african village for the past 9 months helping all those poor niggerinos with increasing thier population so they can spread thier hellish existence into rich countries.
>My question is this
>What should my first meal back in America be?
A shotgun.

>> No.19424056

>A shotgun.
Wa la!

>> No.19424095


They usually offer you a country or two to chose from and you can turn it down.

I think it's made me a worse person in the sense that I'm numb to a lot of animal cruelty. I HATE donkeys and chickens now. I was forced to kill a rat with a cinderblock by my host mom in a training village, and I've seen puppies beaten with sticks. I'm even more critical of the US government, and maybe even more cynical about the realities of development in these nations.

This is an experience where your shortcomings become really obvious imo, but also you realize how much you can take, and it's usually more than you think.

I think I've also become maybe a bit more sensitive in terms of humor, I'm less inclined to joke about people struggling like this.... like I still will joke about it but I'm more aware. I far less likely to complain about the weather, or food, or waiting.

The people are a huge redeeming factor of the experience though. Everywhere you will find the best and the worst of people, but it's nice to be reminded that greatness and genuine good is available to every group and ethnicity.

>> No.19424117

>The people are a huge redeeming factor of the experience though. Everywhere you will find the best and the worst of people, but it's nice to be reminded that greatness and genuine good is available to every group and ethnicity.
>I think it's made me a worse person in the sense that I'm numb to a lot of animal cruelty. I HATE donkeys and chickens now. I was forced to kill a rat with a cinderblock by my host mom in a training village, and I've seen puppies beaten with sticks. I'm even more critical of the US government, and maybe even more cynical about the realities of development in these nations.
What does human flesh taste like? Does it really taste like Spam?

>> No.19424162

The monkey I had, which has red hair, idk what kind it is...but it was prepared boiled then season with salt and this strange mustard sauce.

It's hard to explain the tastes of exotic meat because all you can compare it to is meat you've had, but I guess it tasted most similar to pork, it didn't taste terribly foreign. The heart tasted like any other liver from any other animal.

Hippo tasted a bit like beef but the texture was different, like it felt like it disintegrated in your mouth quicker, and the texture was like bulbous, like the cooked flesh looked like a bunch of beads. The fat from beneath the skin was really rich, like melted in your mouth.

>> No.19424183


I want to be crystal clear.

I was supposed to be here to fund agricultural projects. I didn't do fuckin shit.

The biggest contribution I made was giving.my.family 80 dollars a month for the duration that I was here. That and I'm leaving them some of my valuables....but other than that I just fuckin lived here. Reading and chilling every day. You wanna know why this place is poor....because it's 100 fuckin degrees everyday, there's no natural resources and nothing fucking grows.

>> No.19424187

>The monkey I had, which has red hair, idk what kind it is...but it was prepared boiled then season with salt and this strange mustard sauce.
They are usually called IRISH, you psychotic missionary.

>> No.19424208

My initial thought is some junk food that is easy to get here, but not there. But if it was me, I'd almost certainly go for some comfort food. Chicken fried steak or pot roast with mashed potatoes and corn, leaning toward the pot roast right now, but I imagine eating rice for 9 months would make the breaded and fried steak more appealing. Bean soup with smoked ham hock and pickled peppers, cornbread and honey soon after. I've never been much of a breakfast eater, but pancakes with berries and sausage would likely seem glorious, too.

>> No.19424231

I think a Chicken Fried Steak would be an excellent choice, maybe with some gravy and bacon(no pork in Islam countries).

Fuckin love me a chicken fried steak.
Maybe a nice Belgian waffle with bacon cooked into it.

>> No.19424353

How do you know so little about your itenerary? There are flights direct to Africa from Houston and Miami. But if you are there on ngo mission or peace corp yeah they are probably going to fly you to Germany then depending on how cheap they are into God knows what airport in the east. One deployment my first "American" airport was in Nova Scotia. If you go into Germany I would definitely stick up on chocolate in the duty free. If whoever you work for springs for a direct flight to Houston I would eat bbq. Otherwise just wait until you get home I bet your mom will make a nice meal.

>> No.19424478

You’re so close to getting it.

These people had 500,000 years to develop. It’s not gonna happen. They are not developing. Stop using the wrong word. They are just an inferior race, and until we recognize that, we are going to continue to force them to participate in civilization against their abilities. Leave them be. Let nature run its course. End the subsidies. As long as we send them rice, they are going to continue in this massive dysgenic experiment of raising the most unmotivated, incompetent people the continent has ever seen. Charity is incredibly immoral.

>> No.19424493

>and the texture was like bulbous
that sounds strange to me. is it just the outside of the steak that is bumpy, but biting it is the same as beef?

>> No.19424527

Big Goy with siloxane fries.

>> No.19424549

I remember believing all of that in high-school sure, back when I was intellectually lazy and didn't like thinking too hard about dynamic issues. The downside of being a contraband is your forced to give up thinking critically.

You redpilled racefags are actually retarded.

>> No.19424552

You are an esl retard. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19424557

They haven't told me yet, I don't even have a ticket yet as far as know. Garuntteed they'll go with the cheapest option. I just know it'll be July 5th in the evening.

>> No.19424564

Yeah exactly, the closest I could compare it to is like a tender piece if beef from a stew.

>> No.19424590

sounds delicious. i heard that texas was going to import hippos for meat, but it never happened. guess i might never get to try it

>> No.19424595

a humble New York slice. then go to Dick’s in Seattle when you get back

>> No.19424737

Texas Roadhouse makes a great chicken fried steak

>> No.19426164

I was debating whether to get really nice food or to go ham on some muthafuckin dicks.

Honestly the latter sounds more appetizing,
Get me a Dickson deluxe, 2 cheeseburgers with some fries, that's the way to go I think.

>> No.19426176

Go to the nearest burger place at the terminal you arrive at. Why is this even a question?

>> No.19426178

You should have taught English in Japan or something rather than doing the thankless task of peacecorp work

>> No.19426251

>if you're a contrarian you stop thinking critically
brilliant, another groundbreaking psychological insight brought to you by 4chan

>> No.19426355

Honestly yeah,I should've gone and taught English somewhere. Still might in the future, but I this im gonna chill for a few years first.

>> No.19426362

I'm not wrong, fuckin loners of society just chose to go against the grain on everything. Decide racism is the correct way of thinking and being a nazi is unironically woke.

Didn't fit in in school, got bullied a bit, then put all the chips into being redpilled because it's easier and provides more security than trying to have friends.

>> No.19426386

lol take your meds you fucking crybaby

>> No.19426389

>No natural resources
The country borders the ocean
>Nothing fucking grows
It's an equatorial nation and the whole country is along a river
>I was supposed to help these people, but neither they nor I did any work
That's probably why they're poor. That and, well, IQ correlates to success, and race correlates to IQ.

>> No.19426422

>The people I lived with to fulfill my savior complex were filthy savages and I hated it therefore AMERICA BAD
ok retard

>> No.19426423

Welcome home!

Eat at McDonalds

>> No.19427002

Only so much money you can make on fish dude, and everyone fuckin fishes.

Just because there's a river doesn't mean the soils good enough to grow anything decent. Not to mention irrigation systems are extremely pricey to make and no one can afford them, would take decades just to pay them off and bother they would need repairs because the hammattan winds bring so much dust that clogs up everything.

I never said they don't do work.

They do Hella fuckin work, more than you'll ever work in your life, but then again that's a low bar for a basement dweller like yourself.

>> No.19427007

Try harder dude. The problem is working for the government and it being 100f+ every day.

>> No.19427011

Looks like I'll be in Brussels Airport for like 5 hours, that should be the prime place to eat, I know it isn't in America, but it will do.

>> No.19427016

>incel watches one alternative hypothesis video and thinks he's know an anthropological expert on africa
MANY such cases. sad!

>> No.19427019

>Was a volunteer government organization I worked for and I'm quitting early because I really don't want to be here another 17 months.
what is the name of the organization?

>> No.19427030

Like Jesus fuck, is there not a site that I can go to that's not cucktier faggotry reddit bullshit but also not retardedly racist?

>> No.19427071

He has a point, though crassly put. You complain about the US government (understandable), but Gambia is rife with illicit markets. I can only imagine the shitshow that is their governance, or lack thereof, and it's difficult to comprehend developing a greater cynicism toward the US government when you're given that sort of backdrop. I guess I could see it if you were naive to begin with, but then you start talking about the expense of irrigation. I mean, sure, if you need pipelines and pumps, but digging and maintaining ditches ain't hard or expensive so long as you don't have people intentionally fucking it up in some way, and incremental development, starting on that sort of very basic level, works without a pervasive deleterious influence. You could make some legitimate points about how much of that negative influence comes from outside, but unless they're fighting wars over that shit, it doesn't amount to much more than excuses in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.19427080

You're real fucking mad, man. You're in here dropping half a dozen posts arguing with all and sundry.

You know who digs ditches and lays irrigation pipe all summer long, every year? Every farmer and rancher in America. And they do it without billions of dollars a year in aid money being thrown at them. Why can't Africans do the same, considering they have all these foreign aid workers there to show them how to do exactly that?

>> No.19427091

good on you anon for stepping outside your comfort zone and broadening your perspective of the world. you're making the sickly pallid incels that have never left their home state seethe out of their mind

>> No.19427155

There's really not much in teems of illicit markets here. There's weed that comes up through the cassamas region of senegal, but that's about it.

I'm very close to the river and where I am There's about a 20 foot steep decline between the river and the earth, then 500 meters between that and a giant hill, making the actual amount of land that could potentially be irrigated very low. If you dig past a certain point you hit solid rock.

Also, during the rainy season which is now, the rain is so heavy that any carefully constructed ditches typically get washed out.

There's a ride field near the village I'm at that my village operates, and they have an irrigation system there, they were lucky enough to get funding, but water pumps literally have to bring water up the 20 feet vertically into the dugout ditches. Most the ditches are simply dug, but some have been reinforced with concrete to keep from washing out.

The government here is as corrupt as they come and any and all foreign aid goes straight to corrupt leaders.

>> No.19427159

They don't get any aid money, it's kept by corrupt leaders.

>> No.19427165

The hippos also fuck shit up, but that's a relatively minor problem, and ultimately the reason why I get to eat hippo.

>> No.19427173

Yet another reason we should stop sending aid, in many ways it only makes the situation worse.

>> No.19427192

>Numb to using animals as tools
>More critical of the US government
>Cynical about forcing Africa into joining the modern, industrial, global world
>Humbled yourself
>Acquired wisdom about people who suffer more than you do
>Complains less, more stoic
Sounds like you "developed" a pretty good deal there anon

>> No.19427199


>> No.19427235

I don't disagree, leave it to the NGOs that can actually handle their funds.

>> No.19427385

i know nothing about peace corps but basically you just get paid to go live there and you join an african village and they try to get you to help them do stuff right?
I think your success in doing stuff and feeling purpose is dependent on the village's willingness to use you as a resource.
Did they ever have you help do anything or come to you for advice, even questions?
did you ever have sex with a local, explore alone, travel to different villages/regions, hunt alone or with others, any notable events?

Even if you just sat around and answered questions and did thougt processing for them, that is absolutely invaluable to them dude, that you can interpret what they are thinking and go from there, then interpret your thought in a way they can understand, if this is what you did then that alone is great.

>> No.19427391

>That and everyone lives in compounds

>> No.19427427

not op but I imagine he means similar to arab compounds where you have a dwelling or multiple dwellings surrounded by walls or dense fence, which the dwelling is sort of in the corner, a part of the wall, usually there is a gate and animals are free to roam around the compound. they are usually about an acre or two in size, its more common for the wall to be shared between other compounds that all connect together.

>> No.19427474

A compound is an area with a building or two each with multiple rooms that your entire family lives at. You your dad, your mom, your kids, your brother, your brothers wife, their kids etc. Sometimes multiple compounds are interconnected with other relatives.

Fun fact about gambia, it's such a small country but there's no such thing as 7 degrees of separation here.

Here it's more like 3 or 4 degrees max. Everyone's literally related somehow through one of your hundred cousins being married to someone else's family.

This is also one of the biggest reasons Gambia hasn't had any real wars. There were a couple coups, but they were honestly extremely small.

>> No.19427491

depends on what u want my man. my favorite places to get food in seattle are bongos which is caribbean sandwiches and plates, silver spoon which has thai food, and cafe india or saffron grill. but you probably don't want that as your first meal, if i were you i'd get a large greasy burger. my favorite burger place in seattle is saint bread

>> No.19427509

You can always resize in paint, or scale image in a shoop program.

>> No.19427521


>> No.19427576
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x818, vlcsnap-2019-01-13-22h32m21s738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19428355

So you are naive. Read up on Gambian drug and timber trade sometime. They don't farm because it's easier to illegally cut down trees and smuggle drugs through the port.
>washing out
so you use the flooding to your advantage, Nile style or using cisterns, whichever works better for their situation. This shit has been dealt with for millennia before the iron age. Again, excuses.

>> No.19428943

>But most of my diet is fucking rice.

If you lived in the Islamic part of West Africa, it makes sense. Before the higher yielding (but less hardy/more prone to disease) Asian rice was introduced to Africa, African rice was a commonly eaten grain across the West African section of the Sahel and in the Niger River area. If you went further south into tropical West Africa, your rice would be replaced by pounded yams, fufu, or some other starchy vegetable.

>> No.19428951

>These people had 500,000 years to develop

Homo sapiens wasn't even around 500,000 years ago, you meant to say 300,000 years (besides the huge bulk of West African ancestry arrived to West Africa in the Neolithic).

>> No.19428966

>usually river fish
lol how bad is ur diarrhea

>> No.19428983

OP, do you miss the simple things, like pissing and shitting in a toilet, or wiping your ass with toilet paper instead of your hands?

>> No.19429010

>What should my first meal back in America be?
This question is almost too significant to address, like in Iron Man, Tony Stark and that cheeseburger. We need more info. What is your general geographic location in USA? And will you be too tired to cook, or can you at least reheat frozen/prepared sloppa, or will you have the strength to actually cook from scratch? Regardless, the answer will be a combination of classic American comfort food (burgers, pizza, hot dogs, tacos, chili, etc) combined with refreshing cheap beer, a metric ton of Pepto Bismol, and a pallet of toilet paper for the impending literal shitstorm. (It will be epic.)

>> No.19429071

Are you done being mad and calling everyone a racist?

>> No.19429417

13 coins, faggot

>> No.19429706

see if you were an educated, esteemed statesmen or pillar of society with many accomplishments under your belt i might listen to what you have to say
but you're posting on 4chan and spewing the most basic /pol/ talking points

>> No.19429712

Peace corps actually looks respectable on a resume though

English teaching in japan is basically "I'm a huge incel loser and a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to tie up my HR departent for the next 2 years ticking time bomb" red flag

>> No.19429713

So how'd it turn out in some Brusselsprout airport?

>> No.19429714

Peace corps doesnt look good or respectable on any resume, it looks you work for free and are a sucker.

>> No.19429765

it shows op loves niggers and that's very important for employment in america

>> No.19429863

>without billions of dollars a year in aid money being thrown at them.

>> No.19430987

Only if the plane comes in late. 13 coins is like an elite Dennys. Good shit though, I remember they did a Montecristo Sammy right.

>> No.19430997

Pacific Northwest, I'll probably be pretty tired, but I think I'll be awake enough to cook myself. But I don't see why I would cook myself when I can just go out to eat in Seattle with endless options of high quality shit at my disposal.

>> No.19431005

Why aren't they doing it then if it's so simple.

>> No.19431013

>just like in my heckin marvelinos

>> No.19431016

I've been buying TP for myself here. But yeah I'm super excited to sit on a toilet with my phone. No such thing as using the phone on the latrine. Too much fear of dropping it in, and squatting just not a comfort stance.

I'm really excited to fall asleep in a cool room, touring cold water whenever I want. To be able to go to the store and get ANyTHING I want, to have goo internet connection. To have a laundry machine, a car. List goes on.

>> No.19431019

Different every day, this morning I shat straight liquid.

Fucking hate the fish from the river.

>> No.19431028

Won't be in Brussels Airport until next week.

>> No.19431042

The rivers water level is 20 feet below the land, so basically the shore is a 20 foot drop-off in most places. They already dig irrigation ditches, but they need waterpumps and pipes to get water from the river to the ditches.

There's a giant rock layer in most parts. Another issue is the rainy season usually destroys alot of the dugout irrigation ditches, flash flooding is freque t in the rainy season.

>> No.19431905
File: 79 KB, 894x894, 1680574497794076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>west african village
so the ATL

>> No.19432479

lol i wonder if the reason spam is popular with pacific islanders is because of the cannibalism in their heritage

>> No.19432516

corruption spurred and enabled by colonial powers and geopolitical titans has crippled africa's development, gambian dictater yahya jammeh is a great example of the tinpot dictators that have screwed the continent over (enabled and used for profit by the usual corporate-financial suspects obv)

>> No.19432851

If you love africa so much why don't you just stay there.

>> No.19432855

>eat monkey heart

you know shit like this can give you horrible parasites right

why would anyone go to africa, honestly

>> No.19432894

So what you're saying is we should leave africa to the africans. I agree with you.

>> No.19432910

>why would anyone go to africa, honestly
White savior complex.

>> No.19433192
File: 261 KB, 776x582, Gambia-Banjul-1883757575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrialization began 300 years ago. Also, you have to be a special kind of retard to not understand that somebody specifically sent to a poor part of a country is only going to see poverty. Pic related, it's from the capital.

>> No.19433201
File: 34 KB, 1135x317, Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 02-47-31 Federal farm subsidies What the data says - USAFacts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
I've heard that hippos were extremely dangerous and hard to kill.

>> No.19433210

When civilizing people this dumb. The only effective method is violence and oppression. Educating them is bad because then you just get violent animals that know how to use tools to kill you better.

>> No.19433223

Obviously a mcchicken and a mcdouble

>> No.19433366

That’s called a mcgangbang

>> No.19433397

>Not only helping niggers, but Muslim niggers
You failed the game

>> No.19433509

>taught English in Japan
I feel like you have to be handsome and social to do this, besides how do you even teach English to japs when you don't speak Japanese?

>> No.19433829

Jammeh was a terrible dictator but he had the silver lining of at least improving Gambias infrastructure. The current president, adama borrow, has done Jackshit. But yeah your basically right.

You talk to anyone in Africa they'll tell you the biggest problem in Africa is corrupt leadership that sell the natural resources and land of theor cou try to China, America, and Russia for their own personal wealth.

>> No.19433833

Yeah, but that includes the cessation of funding proxy wars, corrupt leaders, and military coups. Interventions which are all used to advance America's corporate interest for raw materials.

>> No.19433835

Extremely dangerous yes,but when you have multiple hunters shooting them from afar, they go down pretty easy.

>> No.19433840

In my hometown, we called it the Mcchub!

>> No.19433848

My main motivations were to get a new perspective through a vastly different culture and to try to Initiate forced personal growth on myself.

I Def knew that any help I provided would be marginal.

>> No.19433881
File: 3.05 MB, 3264x2448, 6DC26D21-FDA1-4D29-8566-A5733D2CD6A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol lol and another lol
t. taught English in grorious nippon

>> No.19433883

Some good pierogi

>> No.19434070

Used to love these but just doing it by hand really does btfo them.

>> No.19434185

If you've eaten bushmeat, you should get checked for parasites. When you get back to the U.S., I recommend having some Eastern North Carolina style pulled pork.

>> No.19434587

I'm getting a bunch of anti parasite drugs right before I level the country, been taking doxys too which is an antiparisitic daily drug.