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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19422170 No.19422170 [Reply] [Original]

I have some jarred smoked salmon from 2016. The seal's still good, I don't see any mould, and while there is a degree of liquid buildup I think that's just a natural result of it having been sitting there for a long time, not an indicator of it being spoiled. One of the jars (not the one pictured) does have some tiny black spots on the salmon, but I believe those were simply present on some of the cans and may be from when they were smoked. I also know the stuff was rather heavily salted.

Should I eat it?

>> No.19422174

Go for it, one of us might call an ambulance you when you freak out convulsions

>> No.19422176 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x227, Pickled_Punks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen better looking pickled punks from urban exploring in old hospitals

>> No.19422181

If you eat that shit you'll wind up in some morgue

>> No.19422206

if it smells ok, try it. if it smells off, chuck it.

>> No.19422388

that will kill you anon, but im not your mum so go for it

>> No.19422446

If you cant tell by yourself why this seems like a bad idea, go for it, natural selection will take care of the rest.

>> No.19422490

*shakes up those jars*

>> No.19422496

you can probably sell it to some chinese person as "medicine"

>> No.19422537

fry it to destroy potential botulinum toxin
there shouldn't be any other toxins

>> No.19422572

For botulinum toxin you need to boil it for at least 10 minutes, but the spores can survive up to 115 C minimum. If the seal is good and the jar isn't bulging then it's probably safe, but I would probably pan sear it anyway for good measure.

>> No.19422575

no definitely not. throw that crap away pronto
>7 fucking years mate
and the top of the meat is exposed to air...

>> No.19422576

These. Botulism is no joke, it severs the connection between nerve and tissue, and even if treated in time you can wind up paralysed for life.

>> No.19422612

sneed it

>> No.19423077


>> No.19423527

Eat it, then immediatly call an ambulance.
Don't worry about potentially calling it in vain, you'll definitely need it.

>> No.19423667


>> No.19423703

Film yourself eating it.

>> No.19423795


>> No.19423847

Then how did the MRE guy get botulism and recover with no permanent injuries?

>> No.19423857
File: 56 KB, 500x500, artworks-2soXUh1c2EHSuumU-bBGebA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check if there's a hiss

>> No.19423865

he got better

>> No.19423896

based and cabinetofcuriositypilled

>> No.19423902

Got a source? My supplier got busted by his employer few weeks back
You dont have to post it just email me

>> No.19423912

It's common knowledge (or so I thought) that medical outcomes can differ from person to person, especially when it comes to recovery time.

>> No.19423941

Do it.

>> No.19423996

It's probably fine. If it were frozen I'd say stay away because the longer meat is in the freezer the more its molecules are changed to become inedible and toxic

>> No.19424044

If there is botulism in there you'd get sick with a 1 year old jar or 10 year old jar, age doesn't matter. Seal good? just do it pussy. As others have said, cooking the meat first will destroy the toxins.

>> No.19424170

>nooooo don't eat your ancestral foods, goy!
>fermented and pickled foods are actually ROTTEN!
>you should only eat FarmFresh™ food from your local supermarket!
>btw do you have a license to grow or can foods at home?
>that can make you very sick, you know!

>> No.19426230


>> No.19426234

>I fucking love SCIENCE!
OP just eat it raw you faggot

>> No.19426235

Steve is, I'm not kidding, a superhuman.

>> No.19426246

who are you quoting?

>> No.19426253

The redditors with the science-y warnings

>> No.19426255

string comparison doesn't match what you typed in your post, nobody in this thread said that

>> No.19428090

That meat doesn't look like it was canned right for the age.

Even if it passed the sniff test I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.19428100

What are these kind of jars called? Where can you buy them?

>> No.19428111

OP it's fine. Eat that stuff, don't waste it.
t. literally OCD germaphobe and canned salmon appreciator

>> No.19428193

Eat a tiny bit of it and wait 24 hours. If you don't feel sick or strange in any way then eat the rest of it. The fats from the salmon have definitely gone rancid at this point though and it'll taste weird regardless of it's safe or not.

>> No.19428203

loosen up a lil eh

>> No.19428212

In the Soviet Union they once discovered a frozen river that was full of fish 100s of millions of years old. Paleontologists were notified but they never got to see it, because by the time they got there the russian people had already chipped up the river and eaten every last slimy chunk of 100 million year old giant salamander.

>> No.19428431

They're called mason jars. You can buy them in many places.

>> No.19428446

I just got a blast of nostalgia thinking about fetapets.com

>> No.19428555

It's canned. It's not raw

>> No.19429422

thing can kill an entire city
surprised nobody weaponised it yet.
perhaps i first will

>> No.19429442

>string comparison
Again with the science speak