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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 540x540, seed oils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19419779 No.19419779 [Reply] [Original]

>read nutritional facts of anything
>it has a seed oil in it

so if you really want to not consume this shit, you pretty much are forced to

>buy and consume mostly raw foods, and if you want more than that, you then combine/cook them into whatever you want to eat all the time
>never ever eat at a restaurant since surely they use ingredients with seed oils or seed oils outright, and you'll never know for sure unless you work there and see what actually goes into the food
>can never eat something a friend or family member makes since seed oils are so ubiquitous, they surely are in their food

how did it get so fucking bad???? i'm on week #2 of only eating nuts/fruits/vegetable/greek yogurt/eggs/meat that i eat raw or cook with only olive oil in the case of the eggs and meat. can't even eat fucking crackers because there is canola oil in triscuit, and canola oil in goldfish, and even sesame seed oil in this 'fancy' sesame cracker. i eat the same exact thing at the same exact time everyday and while it is tolerable if i just think of the act of eating as 'fueling my body and brain with healthy ingredients', it just sucks.

>> No.19419789

>I've picked an incredibly common ingredient and schizophrenically decided that the global jew cabal is using it to calcify my pineal gland, why the fuck is it in everything??

>> No.19419792

or you could just eat "clean" 80-90% of the time and not worry

you can also make crackers and whatever yourself

>> No.19419805

>only eating nuts/fruits/vegetable/greek yogurt/eggs/meat that i eat raw or cook with only olive oil
Then why are you eating Triscuits, Goldfish, and sesame crackers?

I wish this stupid seed oil meme would go away. Was it ever funny/entertaining? You guys just sound idiotic.

>> No.19419822

Crisco & Mazola on suicide watch, lmao

>> No.19419834

I MIGHT worry about any of this if I used oils in everything and all the time constantly.

I use clarified butter, EVOO, or bacon fat for sautéing.

this is a non issue that has been blown out of proportion by idiots on /pol/ who come here when they get banned.

>> No.19419859

I really cannot imagine being this afraid of food.

>> No.19419902

I'm not eating triscuits, goldfish, and sesame crackers, i read the ingredients list to scope out seed oils when i saw i had them in the pantry.

>> No.19419917

What's your beef with sesame oil? You can make it yourself, it doesn't require anything fancy that olive oil doesn't do.

>> No.19419939
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>fueling my body and brain with healthy ingredients
orthorexia nervosa is a hell of a mental illness

>> No.19419942

>blown out of proportion

>> No.19419947

Symptoms of orthorexia nervosa include "obsessive focus on food choice, planning, purchase, preparation, and consumption; food regarded primarily as source of health rather than pleasure; distress or disgust when in proximity to prohibited foods; exaggerated faith that inclusion or elimination of particular kinds of food can prevent or cure disease or affect daily well-being; periodic shifts in dietary beliefs while other processes persist unchanged; moral judgment of others based on dietary choices; body image distortion around sense of physical "impurity" rather than weight; persistent belief that dietary practices are health-promoting despite evidence of malnutrition."

>> No.19420001


holy fuck, when did big Seed start paying shills to post here???


>> No.19420013
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>don't worry about food choice
>don't focus on planning or preparing, just buy and consume
>food is just for pleasure, don't worry about calories or nutrients
>just like...eat anything and everything
>don't judge others for what they eat
>don't try to be healthy or worry about being fit
I wonder who would be concerned with this mindset, and labeling any deviation from it as "mental illness"

>> No.19420027
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>big seed

typical response when someone counters your bullshit

>> No.19420031


>> No.19420032

Point out what is wrong with this:
And how this isn't a laughable premise (keeping in mind that the proponents of this being mental illness also don't categorize wanting to lop off your genitals as mental illness):

>> No.19420042

>i'm now labeled as 'mentally ill' for wanting to cook stuff in strictly olive oil and butter

it's all so tiresome

>> No.19420050

clueless facebook boomer grandma fearmongering GTFO

>> No.19420053
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Uh, olive oil is a luxury and its consumption is unfair for historically disadvantaged people of color (formerly "minorities"). Butter and any form of biological dairy is oppressive to female bovines and the environment. Seed oils are superior ethically and culinarily. Disagreement is a sign of mental illness and may result in loss of social credit points.

>> No.19420055

Is it helping?
Why is seed oil bad for you? It can't be, surely?
What does it do?

>> No.19420060

QRD is it just is much worse for your heart and cardiovascular system, and the issue is that it's in basically anything that you don't make yourself.

>> No.19420118

This is only an issue if you don't know how to cook, I have no problem avoiding them because I'm not adding them. I don't even care about seed oils being unhealthy but soya, rapeseed and especially palm taste like SHIT.

>> No.19420154

all you need is olive oil, peanut oil, and a tallow. (I also have a sesame oil for asian dishes)

then get as many vinegars as you can

>> No.19420162
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eating rice cakes right now and will have some avocado oil pasta later

feels amazing to be better than 95% of people alive right now that eat seed oil poison

not vaccinated either i am literally better than 99% of the people alive

>> No.19420164

>nutritional facts
yeah from government cunt bags from focus groups, that's been proven to be real trustworthy

>> No.19420173

They're retards and them forcing this just makes me not do it even more

>> No.19420224
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i avoid it as much as possible hence why i have a tallow filled deep fryer

>> No.19420230

what's your pasta recipe? i got gifted 2 bottles of california avocado oil. tasted good when i tried it with some bread just to see how it was.

>> No.19420340
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>> No.19420363

So we're not wrong, just offensive to your sensibilities...so you strawman us as /pol/?

>> No.19420373

I don't think you understand what a strawman is. I'm just suggesting you'd be happier with the rest of your tranny friends.

>> No.19420379

Just don't eat seed oils, man.

>> No.19420392

>stop drinking soda
>ck: That's rad man, good for you!
>stop drinking alcohol
>ck: hell yeah man, that's poison!
>stop eating fast food
>ck: fuck yeah bro start cooking at home
>stop using plastic cutlery and paper plates
>ck:nice dude, get a good collection going and take care of it
>stop eating seed oils
>ck: uh incel poltard bro they're fine just eat them dude who cares lol you're gonna die anyway everything gives you cancer bro just eat them lol


>> No.19420440


Avoid buying things with (((SOIIBEANO))) oil,

>> No.19420570

>olive oil
Unfortunately, the olive oil industry is severely underregulated, and it's estimated that anywhere from 30% to 80% of the contents of a bottle of olive oil is soybean or canola oil. You are better off with avocado oil.

>> No.19420583


>> No.19420594

Peer reviewed study?

>> No.19420609

that's literally just 3 words not proofs

>> No.19420613

olive oil is notorious. a lot of suppliers cut it with cheaper vegetable oils. its actually quite literally a grift the italian mafia does in the godfather

>> No.19420781

don't get me started on trying to find good chili oil

>> No.19421071

peanut oil is fine. it has a high burning point

>> No.19421073

Fpbp, fuck keto faggots

>> No.19421103

based, where do you get yours from? I've been rendering my own but it's kind of a pain.

>> No.19421116
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i get mine from a food distribution service for $5 a kg

>> No.19421187

I can't keep up with these newfag memes. Why is seed oil the new thing to tard rage at? And after soybeans, plastic, and now seed oil, what's the next shitty newfag meme that'll flood /ck/? My money is on something tea related. Or maybe freezing things.

>> No.19421262

Those three bullet points of yours, yeah basically. May feel weird at first but you just get used to it.

Just buy from good farms that care about grass feeding their stock and all that good stuff. Avoid store bought anything as much as possible. Look up what's in your area, or just have shit delivered from farms that deliver, look at farms in Pennsylvania

>> No.19421268

defending soybeans, plastic, seed oil
this better be bait

>> No.19421271

Also, I too hated not being able to enjoy my own snacks and other foods that I loved, but then I learned how to just make them myself. Mayo, for example, commonly uses several of the oils you posted, I make it from scratch using butter instead. Now it's all good.

>> No.19421307

week #2 of only eating nuts...
Anon what do you think nuts are? Also you mention sesame seeds. Read it carefully again

>> No.19421401

Yeah it sucks but it's worth it. I just eat a mostly carnivore diet now, I still use olive oil for some things, but generally cook with tallow or lard, leftover bacon grease etc. I still occasionally have some crackers in like soup or chilli, but lately I've been tearing up wheat tortillas and frying them into crackers as an alternative, it only takes a minute in a hot frypan.

Basically you can't venture into the aisles at a grocery store at all if you are avoiding seed oils and processed slave food. Just the meat, veg and dairy sections. My stamina is through the roof though and my indigestion has disappeared completely for months now. I eat mostly beef, lamb, some onions and garlic sometimes, soups and bone broth, lots of cheese, and I've started trying organ meats (like liverwurst and pate to start with, I'm not super keen on liver though, chicken liver seems mild enough). My skin is GLOWING and my eyes are dazzingly bright, and 10/10 women can sense me coming a mile away. Must be oozing pheremones, unpolluted by the stink of soyslop canada oil and kellogs kastration kibble.

Eat more meat, brothers. Are we not men? Eat the flesh, gnaw the bones. Retain gang 4 lyfe.

>> No.19421539 [DELETED] 

this, I was a virgin loser before I decided to change my diet and drop all the goyslop that chad doesn't give a second thought about eating

>> No.19422031

so you want some mathematical formulae or some shit?

>> No.19422054

>corporations use the cheapest possible product possible that ruins your health long term for profit gains

Why are seed oil defenders like this?

>> No.19422233

Basedbean oil causes genetic alterations to the brain and can lead to autism, alzheimers and other neurological issues according to neuro science today.

>> No.19422239

Gumbo is typically made with an entire cup of vegetable oil, a whopping ~1,900 calories. Fucking disgusting and no wonder everyone in Louisiana is retarded.

>> No.19422243

Mmmm, oil soup!

>> No.19422287

the amount of sneed oil shills in /ck/ is disturbing. it's like they're here 24/7 to jump on any thread and try every tactic to derail, defame and damage control.

>> No.19422292
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>> No.19422296

see THIS is a straw man

>> No.19422301

you know the people complaining about seed oils are just gaslighting you

>> No.19422303

google it for yourself. it's why california olive growers started their own certification because of fake olive oil coming from europe.

>> No.19422308

i see you guys are getting to work already, right on time too, eh?

>> No.19422310

well that's because it's a load of hit that you mental retards locked on to.

>> No.19422315

the ol' I can ignore anything I don't agree with by saying everyone is a shill...

because manufacturers of cooking oil have nothing better to do than hang around on a board they don't even know exists...

OR it could be we know it's bullshit and you need to go back to /pol/

>> No.19422336

do they pay you by the hour or by post numbers?

>> No.19422385

The seed oil scare is almost certainly a psyop concocted by the dairy industry, still enjoy butter though

>> No.19422418


>Soybean oil consumption has increased greatly in the past half-century and is linked to obesity and diabetes. To test the hypothesis that soybean oil diet alters hypothalamic gene expression in conjunction with metabolic phenotype, we performed RNA sequencing analysis using male mice fed isocaloric, high-fat diets based on conventional soybean oil (high in linoleic acid, LA), a genetically modified, low-LA soybean oil (Plenish), and coconut oil (high in saturated fat, containing no LA). The 2 soybean oil diets had similar but nonidentical effects on the hypothalamic transcriptome, whereas the coconut oil diet had a negligible effect compared to a low-fat control diet. Dysregulated genes were associated with inflammation, neuroendocrine, neurochemical, and insulin signaling. Oxt was the only gene with metabolic, inflammation, and neurological relevance upregulated by both soybean oil diets compared to both control diets. Oxytocin immunoreactivity in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus was reduced, whereas plasma oxytocin and hypothalamic Oxt were increased. These central and peripheral effects of soybean oil diets were correlated with glucose intolerance but not body weight. Alterations in hypothalamic Oxt and plasma oxytocin were not observed in the coconut oil diet enriched in stigmasterol, a phytosterol found in soybean oil. We postulate that neither stigmasterol nor LA is responsible for effects of soybean oil diets on oxytocin and that Oxt messenger RNA levels could be associated with the diabetic state. Given the ubiquitous presence of soybean oil in the American diet, its observed effects on hypothalamic gene expression could have important public health ramifications.

>> No.19422424

Who cares about this debate? Let the sneed oil enjoyers have their slop and associated diseases. The info is out there, once it stops being "political" maybe they'll come to their senses. Or not it don't matter

>> No.19422439

Everyone knows soy turns you into a woman. Where are the studies on corn or the others?

>> No.19422494

>according to (((science)))
you mean that same bullshit that tried to convince us covid was deadly and that we all needed to inject experimental vaccines into our bodies? Ill pass

>> No.19422500

Uh, Covid-19 WAS deadly. Killed like hundreds of thousands of americans and that was mainly because so many of them refused the vaccine. I think you should head back to /pol/

>> No.19422545

>he said unironically

>> No.19422569
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>> No.19422615

$6/lb here, same as butter. Would be about $40 to fill that exact fryer you posted.

>> No.19422635

>the info is out there
Oh yeah thats why its never been posted. One time some lunatic tried to tell me there is cyanide in rapeseed oil because its in the seeds and he couldnt fathom what refining does at all. Other than that ive never seen any "info". Oh and temm le which diseases I have pls. Is it worms?

>> No.19422636
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>so if you really want to not consume this shit, you pretty much are forced to
Just learn to cook retard.

>> No.19422639

He cannot discern fact from fiction, cooking comes like 7 years after that point in development, he isnt able yet

>> No.19422683

>olive oil
>pork fat

>it's da dairy juuuuice

>> No.19422698

Lel enjoy your seed oils anon.

>> No.19422700

He didn't even "decide" himself. Its just /pol/ telling him the latest thing to whine about.

>> No.19422708

/pol/niggers tongue my anus

Stay on your fucking containment board you faggots

>> No.19422709

>being this scared of extracted oil from a seed
heads up, the meat you're eating is pumped full of antibiotics and hormones and the animal was tortured, the vegetables and fruits are modified to have way more sugar than were meant to have and covered in pesticides and micro plastics, the water you drink is full of shit, the dairy you drink is full of shit, no the organic brand doesn't make a difference

if you try adhering to whatever tinfoil hat shit you're on, you're just going to drive yourself insane. the amount of stress you're putting yourself through with this is doing worse for your heart than the fucking quarter tablespoon of canola oil in your crackers will. just enjoy what you like in moderation, the sneed oils aren't going to fucking kill you. no i'm not a shill i'm literally a foreign office worker in japan laying in bed lettting my fat body digest the ramen i just ate before i get up for my shift at 9am.

you need to fucking stop. you're better off adapting and embracing the future. everything is filled with chemicals and shit. the air you breath, the clothes you wear, the toiletries and products you use. you're never going to return to some caveman minimalist lifestyle of eating wild berries and fresh fish. we live in 2023. if you're so dead set on all of this shit, move to fucking alaska and self sustain.

i'm so tired of this nutjob horseshit. i was vegan for years and at least that shit makes sense, you're doing it to reduce suffering, but i had to give even that up because you need to just live your life. let corporations make the move, we have no other choice. you might hate hearing that, you might even seethe and cope upon reading it, but it's the truth. i WILL eat the seed oils, i WILL eat the bugs, and i WILL eat the soy. we're born to adapt not be faggots. and yes i WILL CONSOOM i can't fucking wait for that new final fantasy that shit looks so good

>> No.19422717

You're almost as big of a faggot as OP, please kill yourself.

>> No.19422718

no u

>> No.19422730

Whether or not seed oils are particularly bad for you, or no worse than other fats, they are a major source of calories that are not particularly filling. Cheap too, which is why companies use so much of them in all sorts of foods. The rise of seed oil consumption over the last few decades has also caused the largest increase in calorie consumption. If you compare the American diet of today vs the American diet of the 1970s, the amounts of most food groups (meat, dairy, fruit, veg, even added sugar) has not really changed much calorie wise. On average grain consumption has gone up by about 100 calories a day; added fats/oils have gone up 225 calories a day.

Anyone who avoids seed oils & does their own cooking will likely ended up keeping their calorie count under much better control than the general population (much like any other restrictive diet that forces you to be choosy on what you buy & make), and end up healthier.

>> No.19422736

With you up to the last part. I do my own cooking and I am the whale. Yesterday I made 6 cheeseburgers for dinner. I make the best fucking food and can't stop consooming

>> No.19422744

You could've saved a whole bunch of typing by just saying
>Cook your own food and don't be a fat retard

>> No.19422759
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The "seed oil" meme is idiotic, probably some glowie psyop. Using stupid imprecise words that just confuse people. Seeds are different from each other. What you really want is to avoid high omega-6 fats.
And the problem with diet discussions is normies have no sense of quantity. Putting a few drops of toasted sesame oil for flavor is waaay different from frying a whole meal in tablespoons of sesame oil.
Avoiding bad oils is easy.
I use avocado oil (high smoke point, easy to find these days), coconut oil, olive oil, butter, bacon lard, flax, fish oil. On a typical day i eat eggs, brocolli or some other vegetable, meat or fish, smoothie, protein shakes.
Crackers are very unhealthy, in some ways worse than unhealthy fats, just don't eat them. Wheat products, especially in the US are tainted with pesticides and junk that fuck up your thyroid among other things.
Learn how to season food so it tastes good and you don't miss SAD processed junk. Find quick and easy healthy dry spices and condiments you like, e.g. hot sauce, mustard. For example look at how asian people traditionally eat: well-seasoned healthy food. It doesn't have to take long, throw frozen pre-cut veggies on a skillet with some onion powder, garlic, paprika, etc. Cook a big pot roast that'll last a week.

>> No.19423725

I do this because you're full of shit.
Go sell crazy somewhere else.

I just get tired of pulling up facts and presenting them only to get the typical response:
>da jooos
>da shillz
>da trannies
>da schizo
>da not my sources
>da I'm a true believer and will never change my mind no matter what evidence there is that I am wrong.

>> No.19423728

>I use avocado oil
as far as you know

>> No.19423737

i cannot imagine a situation where anyone would want to use any of these except for grapeseed, which is easily replaced anyway. who the fuck are all these people using CORN oil? who on earth cooks with COTTON oil?

>> No.19423744

sesame oil tastes fucking good and I will continue using it.

>> No.19423769

>Or maybe freezing things.
Buddy you have just given me the next schizo trend of this board.

>> No.19423794

Or maybe he's just shitposting because the whole goyslop/seed-oil meme reliably annoys people.

>> No.19423811

sesame is a seasoning oil used in very small quantities and not in many dishes, of course there's no reason to be against it
now if you were cooking with it, that would be a problem for multiple reasons

>> No.19423828

What about Avocado and Olive oils? Are they just memes and kill you and giver you kids autism as well?

>> No.19423832

>buy and consume mostly raw foods, and if you want more than that, you then combine/cook them into whatever you want to eat all the time
Oh no, you might have to actually BUY food and be COOKING like this board is about

>> No.19423858 [DELETED] 
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I'm seeing a certain phenotype by this doctor

>> No.19423931


>> No.19423960

unfathomably based

>> No.19423981

>What about Avocado and Olive oils? Are they just memes and kill you and giver you kids autism as well?

Just grow up and use truffle infused olive oil at that point. That's the only olive oil that can be trusted. A lot of avocado oils and olive oils are found to be mixed with other shit like lesser oils. It's a scam from the top to the bottom. Personally I stick to lard, butter, and truffle oils.

>> No.19424031

>da joos

>> No.19424036

If you're not eating processed foods all the time, it's a non issue. Just use olive oil/lard/tallow/butter in your own cooking and don't eat fast/processed food every day, don't be the preachy vegan tier asshole every time your friends throw a party/invite you out to eat.

>> No.19424043

Exactly. Now you're learning.

>> No.19424058

> eating healthy is mental illness

>> No.19424060

Literally need to take a sledgehammer to the anti-semites in here.

>> No.19424067

OK anti-plastic retard. Microplastics are actually good for you, unlike Sneed oils.

>> No.19424076

>Literally need to take a sledgehammer to the anti-semites in here.
Unlike you, the anti-semites aren't threatening to harm and/or kill anyone.

>> No.19424078

Yes. I selectively choose what proves my beliefs and worldview with no regard as to where it comes from.

>> No.19424091



Seed oils were literally designed for mass frying large batches of food for industrial purposes such as popcorn chicken, chicken tenders, steak fingers, popcorn shrimp, pizza rolls, mozarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, fast food fries, etc. These oils were never meant to be used in everyday cooking for your personal meals.

>> No.19424100


>> No.19424108

>physically causing the cells of your food to burst, destroying their DNA
>this is “healthy”

>> No.19424133
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I have no idea what the science is on seed oils, but the way you fags talk about it makes me assume it's just some schizo conspiratard bullshit.
Assuming you're actually right, you need to find a better way to frame this.
I'm pretty sure all oils are bad for you. Are you sure you didn't just construe that obvious observation into a ridiculous conspiracy meme?

>> No.19424148

Dude it's the same all over. Mercantilist overlords pay cybertroopers to defend their plastic poisons all over the internet, just like shills on TV brainwashed the boomers. In Malaysia, it's palm oil. There's palm oil in everything, and literally billboards with "We Love Palm Oil, Healthiness Best Vitamins Yay Patriotism" Guess which country produces all the palm oil.

Meanwhile outside of Asia nobody eats palm oil, because it's nasty and save the rainforests etc. Palm oil is practically illegal here, because rainforests you see. It has nothing to do with our massive canola industry, don't be an antisemite.

So tired of this fake greedy world. Fucking demons, get out

>> No.19424155

Both palm oil and canola oil suck, but so does anyone unreasonably paranoid about the oils in their food.

>> No.19424211

holy fuck, when did big Olive and the Avocado cartels start paying shills to post here???


>> No.19424220

Jew've gotta be kidding me. This is matza my problem. Calm down, yarmulkein' my crazy.

>> No.19424225

with Jews, you lose

>> No.19424269

Yeah just stop thinking bro, mindlessly consoom bro, hey look new marvel movie! Nomnom i love ramen and french fry.

Here is an example of palm oil propaganda from the main Malaysian tech board. Look at all the shilling. Just like here, but for a different type of slop


>> No.19424303

>What about Avocado and Olive oils?
Make sure to get them checked cause they might be rebranded vegtable oil or cut with a cheaper oil. I hate the mafia and cartels.

>> No.19424407

>yeah I'm so awake and aware because I read bullshit propaganda from Russians, racists, and supplement salesmen
Fuck off, you are equally mindless, you just lack social skills and have anger issues as well. If you could learn to relax and not be a paranoid faggot 100% of the time, maybe you could have some friends and actually enjoy life for once, but since that's probably impossible for you at this point you should just chug some bleach instead

>> No.19424410

>anti sneed oil posting is Russian propaganda

Buck broken

>> No.19424420


>> No.19424424
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Yes, I know some of these words.

>> No.19424429

You are a gay paranoid racist and no one takes you seriously. Seek mental help or off yourself.

>> No.19424432

i usually eat whole food plant based, and always vegan, and it's really not an issue unless all your friends are fat. i go out for activities, not passivities

>> No.19424450

Not the racist dude, just linking an actual scientific study to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.19424459

My takeaway is that soybean oil appears to be strongly correlateed with damage to mRNA in parts of the brain

>> No.19424957


>> No.19425818

Consider probiotic foods, as a measure to make everything in your digestion sturdier and more resistant to damage for the times you indulge in junk food

>> No.19425893

So far ive cut out
>seed oils
>artificial sweeteners
>refined carbs
And i don't feel any different than i did before