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File: 68 KB, 660x535, seeds-alfalfa-sprouts-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19409373 No.19409373 [Reply] [Original]

I want one of those old fashioned 90's salads with alfalfa sprouts

>> No.19409410

i want the sandwich jamie foxx had in collateral

>> No.19409775

You can still buy alfalfa sprouts in just about any grocery store. You're just unlikely to see them on the menu at a restaurant. My mom used to make bacon, avocado, and sprout sandwiches on toasted whole wheat with mayo and it's still one of my favorite sandwiches.

>> No.19409800

Wildly disgusting vegetable. Watery, flavorless, yet somehow gross tasting. All the worst parts of a cucumber rolled into a pube-y little package with god awful mouthfeel.
Fuck I hate asians

>> No.19409806

or you just buy a bag of seeds and grow your own in a jar. it only takes 4 days. waste of money to buy them.

>> No.19409824

>alfalfa sprouts
Not worth it to grow your own. They have such a short shelf life that I don't want to assume I'm going to want alfalfa sprouts 4 days from now. Instead I can just pay $2 for a big container that's ready to eat right now.

>> No.19409829

Every part of a cucumber is mana from heaven with a side of ambrosia

>> No.19409840

Southeast asian restraunts often serve their food with a side of sprouts. I have no fucking idea why
They're fine, but generally add nothing but moisture to anything they're on

>> No.19409842
File: 38 KB, 540x325, nconway11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fandangle's in North Conway NH. Ate there multiple times each year on vacation, from the time I was zero to maybe 20. Had one of them classic 90s salad bars that was the stuff of awe and excitement for a kid. Bean sprouts, alfalfa, blocks of cheese and ham, real bacon bits, and ladles of dressing. Dang what I would give to have a salad with blue cheese and their char grilled chicken teriyaki again


>> No.19409850

>southeast asian restraunts often serve their food with a side of sprouts
Can you give me one example of a SE Asian restaurant serving alfalfa sprouts? Like literally give me the name of a place you've been to that does this so that I can look up pictures on Yelp, because I've never seen this before in my life.

>> No.19409862
File: 632 KB, 1741x914, sprouts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a menu of a Thai place in Cali

>> No.19409865

anon's being a pedant about alfalfa vs bean sprouts so get ready for some autistic reeing

>> No.19409866

I love alfalfa sprouts. They're so delicious on a nice sandwich. Looks like I'll have to pick some up tomorrow and make a good sandwich with them on the weekend.

>> No.19409872

Oh, I see. Didn't realize there was a difference. I've literally never been served these anywhere but a SE Asian place

>> No.19409889

>being a pedant about alfalfa vs bean sprouts
They're not even remotely similar, anon.

>> No.19409890
File: 11 KB, 128x120, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we go

>> No.19409892

I defy you to explain how they're different in any meaningful way

>> No.19409919
File: 169 KB, 495x801, 1616638801116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how long they take to grow
>how they're used (alfalfa sprouts are always served cold, while bean sprouts are often stir-fried or added to hot dishes at the table)
>the cuisines they're used in
>their availability in restaurants
>shelf life
>nutritional value
Can you name a single way in which they're not different? Other than that they're both "sprouts"?

>> No.19409967

They both taste like watery ass

>> No.19409973
File: 458 KB, 2000x1500, lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes 15 minutes to come up with a clever reply
>this is it

>> No.19410156

Americans seethe at Asians for no particular reason even if it's not relevant to anything

>> No.19410170

Americans love Asian food, and typically know the difference between alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts unless they're underage or deep flyover.

>> No.19410496

I never see them in the store anymore
they were always for sale when I was a kid
about 5 - 10 years ago they disappeared

>> No.19410610

micro greens are the next "in" thing. I've been adding them to my salads quite a bit for some variety. Can get all different kinds if you go to the right grocery store. Broccoli sprouts, alfalfa, arugula etc

>> No.19410634

because they are now known to be toxic and have many negative interactions with drugs

>> No.19410640

'80s but w/e
Go to the store and buy sprouts
They're kino on sandos, too

>> No.19410680

You can grow more than you can eat in a jar for next to zero cost. The problem with buying market sprouts is they’re always substandard, they’re super expensive for the amount of sprouts you get, and they’re responsible for a lot of food borne illness because of poor growing practices. Buying sprouts instead of growing your own is the equivalent of using jarred minced garlic instead of mincing a whole clove. Only stupid, fat, lazy bones buy sprouts.

>> No.19410690
File: 120 KB, 1440x1440, ItemImage-632198-5jq87vfkbc4gn4j7wcpr3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing your own sprouts is fun, easy, and cheap. i recommend this thingie. my wife bought me one and it works great.

>> No.19410826

>poor growing practices
It has nothing to do with poor growing practices. It's just innate to how sprouts are grown that they can become contaminated, and that's just as true at home as with store bought. That's the reason they never came back into style; there's simply no guarantee that any supplier is providing 100% safe sprouts.

>> No.19410951

I posted the reply from my phone, I went to a singo event in the city

>> No.19410965

Heil Hitler

>> No.19411079

it's danger