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19409130 No.19409130 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from? It has historical roots in Celtic Britons brewing with crabapples, or the Spanish making sidra in the ancient times before the birth of Christ. It had also been popular among sailors in the Age of Discovery.

If nothing else, it's a refreshing, atmospheric drink in the fall as the leaves are turning brown and the weather is cooling down.

>> No.19409140

You can tell it's a woman drink by the way only women drink it

>> No.19409143

Anglos fucked it up with their sugared or artificially flavoured swill.

>> No.19409147

Because most mass-market modern ciders (Somersby, Strongbow, Old Mout) have a shitton of sugar in them, plus different fruit flavors, and an ABV under 5.

>> No.19409154

Because in our primitive brains we associate the ability to endure pain with masculinity. You are more of a man the more pain you can withstand.

Therefore you aren't allowed to take sugar or cream in your coffee, it's feminine. THe blacker and stronger it is, the more of a man you are
You aren't allowed to smoke filtered cigarettes, that's for women
You aren't allowed to prefer red wine to white wine, men drink fullbodied red wines, women drink white wines and prosecco and sweet shit like that
You aren't allowed to prefer sweet alcoholic beverages to, say, bitter beverages like beer, not being able to deal with the bitterness makes you weak and womanly
You aren't allowed to not like really spicy food, if you can't take the heat, you're feminine
the redder the steak is, the more of a man you are
etc. etc.
it's so boring and pathetic desu

>> No.19409158

i fucked up on the red/white wine thing btw

>> No.19409177

Both creamed and sugared and black coffee are bad. Coffee is supposed to be a brown, reddish and naturally sweet and kinda sour beverage, no sugar or cream needed. Black coffee is literally bug flavored charcoal tea

>> No.19409182

Women drink hard seltzer and rose

>> No.19409188

People are drinking the wrong ciders then because I don't touch that apple soda

>> No.19409190

>Americans fucked it up with their sugared or artificially flavoured swill

>> No.19409193

The Spartans used to fuck young boys. That doesn't making fucking young boys any less gay.

>> No.19409196

Real men drink stuff that is very bitter or is hard to drink because of it's high alcohol content. This helps us assert ourselves as masculine.
That's why we take our coffees black, we would never be seen putting anything sweet like sugar in our coffees, because that would pose a threat to our masculinity. Nor something like cream that would make the coffee drinking experience more 'rich' as this would be equivalent of drinking breast milk, totally infantilizing.
For this reason, you also won't see me drink white wine or rose, or if it's a white wine, it would have to be one that is very dry. That would help me maintain a sense of masculinity. I can endure pain and discomfort.
This is also why I prefer a whisky neat over, say, a gin and tonic. The former would be considered much more masculine, and it is important for me to exude masculinity at every turn.

>> No.19409205

Marketing shit in the 80s to sell women booze before the popularization of alcopops in the 90s, because it's sweet and women like apples I guess. If you go to the UK you'll find plenty of middle aged working class men drinking pints of scrumpy.

>> No.19409209

the US doesn't grow the right varieties of apples that make good cider, they grow apples that are sweet
when these apples are made into cider, the cider is very sweet and women often prefer sweet drinks

>> No.19409324

White wine goes good with seafood though

>> No.19409326

Don’t get sweet, get dry white wine if you want to preserve your masculinity

>> No.19409339

Thats an American thing I think. Prior to Prohibition cider was popular here, but during Prohibition most of the established orchards were destroyed. After it was repealed, beer took off as the drink of choice due to its ease and speed of growing the barley needed compared to establishing new orchards. This paired with the general attitude of "if its not popular its for women" grew over time and led to the stigma, though its not so prevalent today.
Personally I can't stand beer but love cider, especially with peach or pineapple added

>> No.19409345

This too >>19409205

>> No.19409347
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mostly because, until recently, you couldn't get a decent cider at least here in america. for a long time, cider was extremely popular in the former colonies. cider apples, however, are very different from eating apples--they have much less sugar and a different flavor, and they aren't good for eating. during prohibition, most of these orchards were lost since they had no productive use any longer. (kinda similar to how so much rye stopped being grown during prohibition in the north.) and since an apple orchard takes a long time to mature, we're only just now getting productive cider apple orchards here, since good cider has been getting more popular for probably about a decade now. a lot of the old varietals were saved by just a few apple orchard gurus who have been collecting oddball strains and growing them for decades. my favorite one is poverty lane orchards in Lebanon, NH. i used to go apple picking there in college since it was just down the road and would come home with all kinds of weird stuff. now that there's interest in cider apples again, people all over have been getting cuttings from him and other apple collectors like him and starting new orchards. it's a beautiful thing. good cider is fucking awesome. problem is, it will never be dirt cheap, because the raw ingredients for cider will always cost more than the raw ingredients for beer.

>> No.19409377

Nowhere. It's been a teenage delinquent's drink for years now.

>> No.19409381

Very insight, thank you anon, but why is there a place in New Hampshire called Lebanon.

>> No.19409386
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>t. retard who has no idea how fermentation works
Yeast consumes all the sugar available in apple juice to make alcohol. The more sugar there is the juice before it ferments, the more alcohol is created. In fact, ciders brewed with a high starting alcohol content are usually very tart and dry because all the available sugars have been eaten by the test. "Sweet" ciders have some combination of chemical stabilizers that stop yeast activity, added sugar, and artificial sweeteners that the yeast can't consume.

>> No.19409415

>Yeast consumes all the sugar available in apple juice to make alcohol
depends on how long it goes
you don't think commercial cider production is the same as home brewing, do you?

>> No.19409418

Same problem with mead. Since honey is sweet, people expect mead to be sweet. But you can have mead that's not sweet at all and similar to a dry white wine.

>> No.19409470
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>You don't think restaurant pasta water boils at the same temperature as pasta water you make at home, do you?

>> No.19409573

They named it after the town of Lebanon Connecticut, where many of the founders of the city came from.

>> No.19409643

I am a smart person and you're a dumb person. I'm more intelligent than you.

>> No.19409856


>> No.19409878

>Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from?

America, where everyone is stupid and confused. Cider is delicious, historic and delicious. Both men and women can enjoy it. Only emasculated Amerifats feel the need to define certain food and drink as being for women, gays or trannies. "Lol real men eat steak and drink whiskey!" No, bitch, real men can enjoy a properly baked pastry and sip on a cider without losing their testicles.

>> No.19409905

>men can enjoy a properly baked pastry and sip on a cider without losing their testicles.
thats sus. America is the land of alpha males. we dont do that shit around.

>> No.19409933

for women
for men

simple as.

>> No.19409932

If by alpha males you mean uncivilized barbarians then yes

>> No.19409953

Some ciders aren't as sweet. How is it any more gay than the faggotry surrounding IPAs

>> No.19409998

I fucking love cider and i will never be a woman

>> No.19410024

women try andf claim anything that is flavorful or pleasant to the eye..hard cider like wine is a mans drink ,at the end of the day a man invented it such as jewlry and perfume woman buy it but mewn create it ...fuck these dumb broads taking credit and trying to monopolize litejavascript:quote('19409140');rally everything that is pleasant or creative .....fuck roasties
>Verification not required.

>> No.19410027

yes IPAS are fucking gay

>> No.19410029

no america is know for being the world superpower

>> No.19410031

kek I guess if you go too bitter into double dry hopped triple ipa then you become soi

I was just taking the piss though, I don't really care. I can't imagine someone being called gay for drinking orange juice, but it's gay to drink a screwdriver?

I guess this. I think because drinking culture in particular has a lot of masculine culture associated with it (you're a tough man if you can drink more, you're a tough man if you can drink harsh alcohol etc.)

>> No.19410072

cause it's east of West Lebanon, NH, i think

>> No.19411246

Itch beth fram germany

>> No.19411691

a good chunk of american towns, depending on who settled the areas, are named either directly from the bible or just general holy land place names. probably 1 out of every 4/5 places in utah is a biblical/levant reference

>> No.19411834
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>> No.19411848

lmao, underrated post, thanks for the laffs anon

>> No.19411874 [DELETED] 

>It has historical roots in Celtic Britons brewing with crabapples
No it doesn't
Romans introduced apples to britain and the anglo saxons who came over post rome drank it as well

>> No.19411936

So when are the democrats going to start changing the names then

>> No.19411963

my mom lives there. one of our multiple redneck armpits of the state.

>> No.19412160

Cider was always manly

>> No.19412210

Based and sea shanty pilled

>> No.19412213

You sound like a huge faggot.

>> No.19412295

And what does that make you

>> No.19412449

cider is expensive to make because you need good apples and the right kind of apples. this is why the cans and the small bottles that you get at a grocery store are all shit. nothing under 5 bucks for 750ml is even worth trying, it's all the same industrial garbage

>> No.19412466

>the only reason people like certain things is because le toxic masculinity
What liberal arts college did you graduate from, you weiner?

>> No.19412763

I think tea is pretty gay but I still drink a couple of cups at work. I also believe that Aperol spritz is highly homosexual, yet I order it frequently when going out. I think pink is a color mostly for girls and wearing something like that in public makes you appear like a faggots, yet I have a pink shirt and shorts and wear it frequently.
Maybe people should just stop giving a fuck what others think and do what they want.

>> No.19413021

Insufferably based

>> No.19413433

So what do you get

>> No.19414039
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Don't know, don't care. I never got a taste for beer but I enjoy a good cider on a warm night. Picrel is my favourite brewer at the moment.

>> No.19414579

It's sweet and not as hard on your stomach. Here in Ireland it's the thing you start drinking as a teenager before you start drinking beer, girls just keep drinking it

But proper cider is really nice

>> No.19414753

that's considered a student drink in new zealand (at least higher alcohol versions like scrumpy). loved it when I was 17, now it just tastes kinda sugary i'd just make a margarita if I had the option. 5% alc versions can taste nice but I think it varies a lot we got good orchards here

>> No.19415209

My cider at home is like 8.5 percent. Tastes way better than any high % beer

>> No.19415313

man i love being jacked so much
i just order the actual good tasting drinks I really want. i fucking love hard cider and drink it all the time.
feel bad for the insecure people drinking shit that tastes like burning couch leather.

>> No.19415335

Only people who say that are faggots who are from America or rest of Europe where they simply don't brew it like in Britain.
Even in Britain, hard cider is more of a niche and not as popular as beer. But you aren't truly a man until you get pissed as a badger on proper scrumpy.
The highly sweet, sugar laden, low quality and volume "cider" doesn't deserve to be called such IMO. Honestly there's a fine craft in making traditional cider. They piss on history and tradition, providing the wider world with a vile mockery of real country cider.
If you know, you know.

>> No.19415348

>Because in our primitive brains we associate the ability to endure pain with masculinity. You are more of a man the more pain you can withstand.
It's simpler than that. It's that men are supposed to endure hardship more than women, and you're expected to make small demonstrations of constitution in order to woo them. On a subconscious level, it makes them feel like you can protect them and stay grounded if/when things get tough.

>> No.19415350
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You mean this stuff or are you talking about the stuff made in a shed by a 80 year old man in Cornwall who still says thee and thou?

>> No.19415354

Precisely! Proper gut rot shit. Makes a man of you! Both are valid

>> No.19415388

Getting scrumped tonight

>> No.19415414

Have an extra for an anon who is also getting pissed on that shit tonight

>> No.19416102

Wanna piss on me

>> No.19416150

So retarded

>> No.19416153

>crabapple cider
Probably because no woman would have touched that

>> No.19416235

Lmao. Can you get this in America? I have to have try this and have those bottles.

>> No.19416434

It sounds like you're just gay, anon. Slightly based, but still quite gay.

>> No.19416704

>Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from
Shit Amerimutts say. No one in Europe thinks this

>> No.19417607

Like you? Yeah

>> No.19417785
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As the connaisseur i am i just buy the 1,99€ stuff.

>> No.19417961

Probably not. You can check if they ship internationally on their website.

>> No.19418604

God pics

>> No.19419072

That's because europoors are all feminine

>> No.19419863

Amerimutts all have fat man tits and can't run a kilometer so I wouldn't be so quick to judge.

>> No.19420876


>> No.19422207

Actually good post

>> No.19422220

I agree with what you said, but the way you say it makes you sound like a limp wristed fag who’s bent out of shape because some American called your euro dish gay one time or something

>> No.19422856
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Make your own damn cider it's piss easy, I have a gallon batch fermenting or bottled on hand at any time at it takes 10 mins tops to prepare
>5L plastic bucket or glass jug, a gallon with a hole poked in it and a funnel if using the latter, all sanitized and properly rinsed out and left to dry with either no perfumed bleach or even dish soap.
>Five 1L cartons of pure apple juice from the grocery store. No additives or flavourings, just pure apple juice (sometimes they add vitamin C it's fine)
>1 cup white sugar (optional, makes the cider a bit stronger)
>1 cinammon stick (optional)
>1 tsp baker's yeast (not instant)
In a small bowl add a finger of warm water and stir in a teaspoon of sugar. Pitch the yeast into it and wait about 15 mins until it's bubbling.
>Add apple juice to the container, sugar as well. If it's not room temperature (bt 18-24C), heat half of one of the cartons in a small pot til just about boiling and stir in the sugar. Add to vessel, seal it and shake it REAL good for 5 mins
>Add yeast, seal the vessel and forget about it for a week.
Yields about 4.5 L of 6% hard cider, leave it longer to clear out if you want but the alcohol is often converted in a couple days.

>> No.19422867


>> No.19424471

>masculinity can never be the reason anybody does anything
Anon, you cannot possibly be this stupid.

>> No.19425066

>Very insight, thank you anon, but why is there a place in New Hampshire called Lebanon.
There are old cities all over the United States named after places in the Bible, or ancient cities.

>> No.19426012


>> No.19426532

From me. I came up with it.

>> No.19426547

Cider comes in a few varieties. Sweet cider is definitely a woman's drink since it tastes like sweetened fruit juice. Dry cider is not. However I'm not speaking as an American so maybe you have different terminology over there.

Traditional British cider actually falls on the dry end of the spectrum.

>> No.19426569

>Traditional British cider actually falls on the dry end of the spectrum.
You still mostly get the nontraditional stuff on the continent. It's also easier to get proper cidre than proper British cider.

>> No.19426590

sure thing woman

>> No.19426596

From what I gather the traditional stuff on the continent was often sweet in the first place so that makes sense.
>It's also easier to get proper cidre than proper British cider.
Sadly true.

>> No.19426666
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That's because stuff like pic related got pushed so retards expect such swill.
When it comes to French cidre you can only get the sweet doux that's just 2% alcohol and therefore not very popular/interesting as an alcoholic drink or the brut that's still just like 4.5% but not sweet enough tastelets.

>> No.19426778

Looks like stupid hippy shit

>> No.19426913

what else would you think it was?

>> No.19427042
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Why even carbonate the cider?

>> No.19427110

Because it carbonates itself when it ferments.

>> No.19427209

For me it's Magners. Dry, but not too dry. Not really sweet either. Still enjoyable cold with bubbles like other ciders.

>> No.19427625

You're one of those people who want to believe they know more than everyone else so you have to unnecessarily and passionately get involved in every conversation, despite not being knowledgeable in the subject, with some controversial take as a way of trying to assert dominance to compensate for the fact that you have no assets or qualities that are actually deserving of respect.
In the end you just look like a stupid asshat.

>> No.19427646

and you're the type of bitch that thinks he's better than everyone else because he makes pretentious posts in response to his preconceived villain. you're trying to play hero because you have no redeeming qualities, and so you have to play pretend pseudo intellectual in the hopes someone will notice you. now go die

>> No.19427679

You're the type of schizo that replies to himself. Take your meds.

>> No.19427795

>Schizo calling others schizo

>> No.19428164

>Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from?
Most likely
Ciders good, haven't had it in years, I've been fighting alcoholism though
A bit of this too though. Theres an extra dry local cider I wouldn't mind try again
I drink my coffee black and I still like cider. I feel like having less sweet things in general leads to me enjoying more as well.

>> No.19428190
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Adding milk and sugar to coffee is a fucking crime against the brew you embarassing redditor sperg. Black coffee is not about being manly or whatever, it's about being the only proper way to truly enjoy coffee.
It's like lemon juice with fish, a fucking disgrace.

>> No.19428648

That sound about right except it was cheaper brands first of all. Your image is more like the next tier of spending over cheap.

>> No.19428682

Rosé is quite possibly the nastiest type of wine that I've ever consumed. Wine in general is not delicious. >>19409196
I know that you're memeing, but it's sad that people feel this way. There are people out there who think a woman proudly serving her husband a homemade pastry is trying to undermine his masculinity by making him fat and feminine. In reality, that's probably only partially true.

>> No.19428694

>to the brew
I drink coffee black, instant coffee. Mostly because sweet shit is still shit. Coffee isn't about how it tastes, or how manly it makes you look it's about how much caffeine you can pump into your body. Coffee in addition to energy drinks, caffeine pills, diet soda and espresso can be a good addition.

>> No.19428724
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San Diego bros have the best cyder out there

>> No.19428742

You lost me at chamomile. Why would you have a chai-spiced drink and add that of all things? Fuck that flower with a fly swatter.

>> No.19429115

This nigga heart finna explode fr

>> No.19429171
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Nope. North Carolina and Virginia have the best cider.

>> No.19429483

Too sweet. "Dry" commercial cider is actually medium. "Medium" is actually sweet. "Sweet" is pretty much just syrup. Real dry cider exists, but you'll never find it in supermarkets.

>> No.19430036

I like hard cider. Drinking pic related rn. One of my favorite summer beverages

>> No.19430072

>Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from?
You literally made it up in your head.

>> No.19430100

>Where's the idea that hard cider is a woman's drink come from?
I've never heard this. People need to stop listening to idiots that say retarded shit like this. Anyone can drink whatever they want. If you care about what I'm drinking, you're always the bigger bitch.