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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19406303 No.19406303 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19406309

My dad died when I was 7, the only thing I ever remember him cooking for me was canned beans, but he was really enthusiastic about it.
My mother can cook a very few dishes well, she makes good tomato soup and a couple of other things, but in general no she's a shit cook, but she knows she is so it's not really a problem, I don't have to pretend she's great at cooking.

>> No.19406320
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>> No.19406331

I bet she is amazing in bed

>> No.19406339

My mom yes, my dad sort of.
She cooked both northern and southern Italian food as well as Hungarian and Swiss food. She was from Italy, raising in Switzerland.
My dad is halfmerican. He can cook some of my gran's Central/West Asian shit and learnt to cook blackmerican cookout stuff like potato salad from growing up in 'groidsylvania, Brooklyn but ruins most things he tries outside of that.
For example, his Christmas/Thanksgiving turkey is drier than a nun's cunt and his gravy is an awful mess thickened with a cornflour slurry.
Wish he'd just make turkey plov.

>> No.19406343

this nigga's dead dad cookin' beans

>> No.19406350

Knowing how to cook is big in Jamaican culture, so yeah.

>> No.19406351
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Both were good cooks in their respective styles. My father would prepare large meals at parties and camping. My mother was a recipe collector who gave us new and interesting meals and excellent desserts.

>> No.19406366

only her sauce is archived as far as I can tell, not sure if the meatballs are still around

>> No.19406369

My dad avoids it except canned spaghetti sauce mixed with canned vegetables or bbq. His bbq consists of hamburgers or steak which he does to infrequently the steaks are often rare and he says "better to be undercooked than overcooked".

My mum has a variety of foods, but most are unseasoned and she's never cooked chicken or pork correctly. She always gives the same "better undercooked than overcooked" as if properly cooked isnt an option. I now do all the cooking.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.19406373

these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s37u_o-pJzQ

>> No.19406374
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No not even in the slightest. And I'm just starting to realize how poorly that affected my developmental years

>> No.19406410

Barely. But they didn't have YouTube so i don't blame em too much

>> No.19406411
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I love you son, you're doing great

>> No.19406433

oh nice, the channel I had lost one of them
they copyright claim them when they pop up still

>> No.19406485

My dad is Martha Stewart.

>> No.19406640

my mom did
I never saw my dad cook in his life

>> No.19406653

Nothing special but I did like eating their homecooked food. Grandma worked in a kitchen during the war so her food was divine, hard to measure up to her.

>> No.19406685
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One day the world will be rid of your kind lawry's salt using motherfucker

>> No.19406780

Videos like this make sad, bet she really thought she had a shot at being a "bigshot" online chef. Instead gets nothing but mockery and hate in return. If she's still copyright striking videos now then it must have really stung, poor broad.
Yes I know this makes me a faggot I don't care fuck you.

>> No.19406794

mom made dynamite breakfast, but don't remember anything else really being steller.

>> No.19406796

She could've just owned it like jack or not even know the comments exist like Kay. It's her fault for choosing to see how people responded to her terrible cooking.

>> No.19406804

who the fuck is that and why does everyone know who it is

>> No.19406962

lurk moar

>> No.19406977
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Did you watch the big game last night?

>> No.19407052

never seen her before, did she have any other videos besides these? they're funny as hell

>> No.19407066

fuck off

>> No.19407113

My dad is a grill master and my mom can cook a number of great dishes

We all got together for a big dinner for Father's Day.

>> No.19407155

Mom could basically operate the microwave and that was it. We didn't trust her with knives. Ran in her side of the family too, her mom couldn't cook jack shit either. Grandpa ate at local cafe all the time for meals to survive.

Dad was basically a cooklet, but no where near as bad as mom. Could at least follow fucking box/package instructions and make basic things using a pan/oven. Grill? Food was charcoal briquettes. His family might have been ok? I don't recall anything special from holidays that stood out as awesome food.

I learned my ass how to cook very fucking early in life. It was rough as fuck, I had to make do with what groceries they would get, and arguing for better shit was impossible. Fucking tubs of margarine tier bad. As we got more money later on, food mostly came from fast food/restaurants, so that helped me cope. The upside is zero nostalgia for home cooked meals or homesickness. That was never a thing for me. I could literally be out in the woods, making shit in a foil packet, and I would not be bothered.

>> No.19407163

yes they both can cook, my dad strictly cooks asian dishes however

>> No.19407183

Yes, mostly simple fare like roast chicken, shepherd's pie, salads, etc, but they did it well. My mum's specialty is squash and pumpkin, normally I'm not a fan but her gourd dishes are always good, especially her butternut squash soup. My dad's main things are potatoes and breakfast, he taught me how to roast, fry, and make coffee.

>> No.19407365

my dad used to cook some really good custom dishes (no recipes), but i think he literally forgot how to because he has never been able to recreate them a decade later

>> No.19407371

Congrats on transitioning ms Severus!

>> No.19407392

>chicken and pork
>”better undercooked than overcooked”

I like a pink pork tenderloin, but that’s just dangerous with American commercial meats.

>> No.19407406

it's a shame she got ran off so early. imagine how much more kino she could have provided

>> No.19407448

Never knew paternal grandmother. Maternal grandmother was good/decent. My mom was horrible. Dad didn't cook at all.

>> No.19407470
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My dad was born with out tastebuds and my mom hates cooking so she never learned to cook.
I ate macaroni beef soaked in v8 juice and scrambled eggs baked on toast almost every day until I was 16.
My brothers and I all have eating disorders, we are all 6'3 and weight 130-140 pound. We all dislike eating and food in general. Ironically I love cooking but hate eating my creations.

>> No.19407612

>I add bread crumbs
>Bread crumbs to save the day
>The solution is to use bread crumbs
This is 2 steps away from a proper british toast sandwich.

>> No.19407637

I don't post on /ck/ often. I'm more of a /g/ and /biz/ user. But I honestly can't tell if this woman is a troll or really posting her cooking.

>> No.19407657

I took the opposite path. We had FFY (fend for yourself) days growing up so when I learned to cook and that food could be good I over indulge.

>> No.19407667

My father made 'tacos' - Tortilla with unseasoned ground beef, with a nice bit of ketchup on top.

He also used karo corn syrup instead of maple syrup on his pancakes.

>> No.19407730

My mom is an amazing cook. She mostly makes pakistani food since my family is originally from there but she experiments with other cuisines too and it always turns out so good even if it's her first time making it. She had a catering business at one point when she was a stay at home mom to make some extra money but she's stopped now that she has a serious job that makes more money.
My dad on the other hand is a horrible cook. He does make bread and yogurt from scratch which actually tastes good

>> No.19407751

My mom can cook stuff like chicken pot pie from premade ingredients like canned soups and frozen mixed vegetables. My dad can cook spaghetti with canned sauce and frozen meatballs and he was impressed when i told him you can mix the sauce with the pasta in the pan. He was also impressed when i told him he could save some of the spaghetti if he was full instead of eating it all or throwing it away.

>> No.19407858

island nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

>> No.19407862

Yes, she is a professional chef. However, cooking is the only thing she can do. She's horrible at everything else.

>> No.19407866

>he taught me how to roast, fry, and make coffee

Why would you fry coffee?

>> No.19407867

Both of my parents can cook, overall dad's a better cook and my mums a much bettet baker. Mums inconsistent tho, sometimes she makes something absolutely delicious, sometimes she makes watery pasta.

>> No.19407889

my mom was an average cook. There were some dishes she did quite well, but nothing incredible. She also wasn't very innovative and cooked the same 10 or so dishes over and over the entire time I lived with my parents.
my dad is literally the "bbq boomer" meme. His definition of cooking was throwing shit on the grill and acting like that made him a 3 michelin star chef. Again, not bad, but very repetitive

>> No.19407894

While his gravy may be shit, there's nothing wrong with cornstarch as a thickener, and potato salad is not a black person thing lol You are a retard.

>> No.19407900
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My mum's not a great cook, but she is a decent cook. Her father (who I never knew) was by all repute an amazing cook, and he left a whole box full of index cards of his resippies (like, 200 of them). My mother tries to make them but she has "her own way" which, as an adult, I can see is usually messing up some of the instructions, and also a lot of them are too complicated for her to bother with so she never made them.

BUT she made me love cooking and some of "her" versions are actually better than the originals. Also, I'm not much of a baker at all, but in autumn when she would make an apple pie, it was a big deal and took the whole kitchen table plus counter space. She bought me my own roller and pastry cutter etc so I could make a little pie along with her. It was great.

>> No.19407918

>potato salad is not a black person
And it's not a Central Asian thing, either. He learnt to make it from blacks, which is why I mentioned it as I did. Ya dingus.

>> No.19407931

If you copy a ravioli dish made by a Chinese person living in Mexico, you're not cooking anything representative of anything by default. It's just a bad rendition if it's a bad rendition for whatever actual reason, whether that be lack of technique, proper ingredients, or basic understanding of said dish.
>ya dingus
Go back, retard.

>> No.19407958

That's nice, dear, but I didn't bother reading what you posted because nothing you have to say would ever change the fact that he picked up how to make black people potato salad the way black people make potato salad as instructed him by (you fucking guessed it) black people, now would it?
So enjoy your diatribe that I didn't read and the next one you post in reply to this that I won't read, either. : )

>> No.19408001

Mother is terrible at cooking and we all have to pretend that she’s good at it. If you hand this woman a pork chop, it will turn to charcoal as soon as it touches her fingers. She prides herself on never using recipes and I’ve seen her dump an entire bottle of wine on top of a pork tenderloin as it burns in the pan on High. She’s recently been watching Top Chef and she’s decided that, for my birthday, she’s going to cook me a five course meal and obviously that’s not what I want, but also I love her, so I’ll just grit my teeth through it. The good news is that, according to her, one course will be a “palette cleanser” and one will be an “amuse-bouche.”

Dad exclusively cooks soups and he’s great at it but he’s also not allowed to make them spicy because my mom can’t have any in her food or she wont eat it.

I think my mom might have autism.

>> No.19408029
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I'm beside myself at how much your mum loves you anon. A five course meal for your birthday?? It'll be fine, and enjoy it for all the good things, even if the food is 6/10. In ten years you'll be on here bragging about how amazing your mum was.

>> No.19408034

you need to always remember that you are a human bean not a human doing, my boy

>> No.19408130

>I'm right, you're wrong because I said so! See, I even repeated my previous statement, so there!
>fingers in ears
>I can't hear you!
Fucking manchild idiot.

>> No.19408134

Absolutely amazing. But she doesn't like when people bother her while cooking, I had to force myself into helping her to learn how to cook myself.
He was afraid of the microwave until a few years ago when both me and my mother had to leave for a week.

>> No.19408135

No my dad obly made frozen foods and my mom had a couple things she made but genetally hated cooking and grocery shopping
It worked out good for me because from a pretty young age maybe 10 or 11 my mom would give me her credit card and i could buy and make whatever i wanted and i became pretty good at cooking

>> No.19408138

You're one of the "It's the thought that counts" people. When you've had salmonella multiple times and always eat raw or unseasoned food, you'll understand that phrase doesn't apply to food.

>> No.19408139
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but anon that's not how you learn to cook

>> No.19408140

he's right though, your input was pointless, retarded, and wrong

>> No.19408145

well okay if you're getting food poissón that's a completely different story. that's not what anon was saying though

>> No.19408159

Yeah, pretty much. My parents are both foodies. Mom's cooking is pretty inspired, and she's good at making stuff that comes together in 30 minutes on a weeknight delicious. My dad does more of "dad cooking" — very showy, lots of fermented food, &c. But they're both quite competent.

I didn't learn to cook until I was 15 and living with my grandma, who doesn't cook at all.

>> No.19408161

Are you retarded?

>> No.19408169

>it's wrong because... just because!
Two retards doesn't make anything better.

>> No.19408179

Watch two downies get into a fight and tell me it's not better than two normies doing it. After a few slaps, they turn in whirling dervishes of tears, fists and elbows and it's super entertaining.

You got me. I actually did read this one. Still didn't read the other and it's still black people potato salad, homie. : )
You didn't even bother asking what makes it black in particular.

>> No.19408181

American pork is unironically among the safest porks to eat while still rosey.

>> No.19408185

My dad didn't really cook much that I can remember, but I have some good memories of making breakfast on the weekends, just simple stuff like waffles from boxed mix or making donuts from canned biscuit dough, fun shit that you really appreciate as a kid even though I know it was all really basic stuff that people who don't actually know how to cook do. My mom was pretty much the quintessential 90s lower income white suburban parent, she'd make basic ass shit like chicken or pork chops with canned/frozen vegetables and boxed mashed potatoes or rice-a-roni, shit like that.

Parents divorced pretty early on, like when I was 7 or 8, and from then on it was pretty much eat whatever you can figure out yourself. Instant ramen, cereal, canned ravioli, spaghettios, etc. Dad died when I was 13 (fuck cancer) and mom spent all of my teen years actively neglecting any parental responsibilities, so it just pretty much continued like that until I turned 18 and moved out.

Thank god for chef John, legitimately learned like 90% of basic cooking skills from his videos when I was first trying to figure shit out on my own.

>> No.19408191

this is objectively true. chicken, no of course not. but pock, absolutely.

>see also: Alton Brown, Chef John, Ram-Ram, Julia Child, et al

>> No.19408205

Mum couldn't cook for shit but she could suck a good dick.

>> No.19408282

Who gives a fuck about your stupid attempt at debooooonking, you dumbass? It's a story on 4channel, why the fuck are you acting like an investigative journalist?

>> No.19408286
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watch your fucking mouth this is /ck/

>> No.19408355
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When I was growing up I thought my mom could cook, but as I got older and learned to cook for myself I realized she wasn't that good of a cook.

>> No.19408375

Yes, told her multiple times that she could become rich by selling her cooking. She also loves it if family and friends come over so she can cook for them.
Mind you, it's not the healthiest cooking.

>> No.19408380

both my mà and pà
feels fucking good broes

>> No.19408384

I used to think my mother did but then I started cooking to save money and realized that the most complicated thing she did was bad roasts and whole chickens, everything was a packaged meal or a combination of packets.

Now I'm in the awkward situation where I'm a better cook than my mother or sister, but I can't cook for them or the family because that threatens their identities as mothers/homemakers

>> No.19408391

Do what I do anon. Show up with a nice side dish and act all aloof like "oh do you like it? wow, okay haha" and let the rest of it go. Forever.

>> No.19408408

I was allowed to cook a turkey for Thankgiving once, mainly because I disguised the act as something fun me and my BIL could do (frying it outside)
Brought a brined Turkey that turned out fucking amazing. Sister was visibly annoyed that her Turkey (which took way longer day-of to prepare because oven) wasn't as good.
We don't get to fry Turkey anymore

>> No.19408447

Yeah that's kinda shit, not surprisingly. But I feel you. The last time my parents hosted the Big family Christmas™ at our house (literally it was always like Christmas Vacation with all the relatives etc) I roasted a turkey and followed Alton Brown's advice, 20hr brine and foil the wings while it roasted etc. It was SO fucking good my brother got the shits with me and kept telling everyone they need gravy but nobody wanted gravy, it was just juicy. He was pissed because he brought little chicken cutlets wrapped in bacon that sound nice, but were so dry people were chocking trying actually eat it. I swear I should send him gravy in the mail as a Christmas present every year.

>> No.19408454

My parents are boomers, so they're dogshit cooks, I learned to cook myself so there would be something to eat worth eating growing up.

>> No.19408461
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>chicken cutlets wrapped in bacon

>> No.19408531

Many of us eat pork straight raw in yurp. Is Ameripork safe to eat raw, you think?

>> No.19408540

Since about 1920 yes. The meme before clean slop and iceboxes was that pork was a parasite risk (not a food poisoning/bacteria risk mind you), but worms are never found in pork anymore and certainly in this century you don't have to cook your pork grey for it to be safe.

>> No.19408570

I know it sounds childish to say, but I didn't really feel like a "grown up" until I hosted my first Thanksgiving for my parents, brother, sister and their families.
Was that your experience, too?

>> No.19408577

I assume it was my sister's, I don't really tend to care about things like that.

>> No.19408587

Nifty. You should try it sometime, then!
I had pork "ceviche" in a Cambodian restaurant once that was very nice so if the idea of it not being "cooked," even if just with acid, worries you, you could try that. Pleah sach chrook, it's called.

>> No.19408594

This nigga stealin' his sister's thunder.

Anyway, I've gotta try frying a turkey sometime. The only deep-fried turkey I've ever had was the one from Popeyes.

>> No.19408744

It's pretty easy, though I recommend using two people to slowly lower the turkey into the pot
Also I know for most people this is obvious but you need to account for displacement of the oil - don't overfill

>> No.19408770

My mom is an excellent cook and taught me a lot of what I know in the kitchen at an early age. My dad also was good at making chili and home made pizzas with his own dough.

>> No.19408801

Mom is average these days. She used to be horrible because she just made old recipes from my great aunts and grandma, whom were also average cooks. One day I told my mom that nothing she made was really that great growing up, and she has been seething ever since. It made her a way better cook. I still feel bad for saying it.

My father has never cooked for himself. He is a tastelet too, which was surprising because when I was a kid he always took us out for many different restaurants. He refused to believe me when I told him they put mayonnaise on Mexican corn instead of butter, and couldn't cope with the fact that he really enjoyed eating mayo covered corn. He also flat out refused to have the roast duck I made for Christmas and insisted that he was made a separate London broil because he would not even try the duck. He made the icky face when I said I was making duck. I got him during that meal when he said the potatoes were good, and I told him they were roasted in duck fat. He likes all of my desserts and his favorite meal of mine was when I made an overcooked brisket in my anova oven, with homemade Mac n cheese and a collard green like side dish made with swiss chard from the garden. He acted like I made a perfect meal. Most meals he doesn't care for that I made him.

>> No.19408999

I've got a 10 gallon stock pot like thingy. It's more like a cauldron, really. I bet it'd be good for frying a medium-sized turkey.

>> No.19410129

who is it? I don't recall ever having seen her

>> No.19410149

>thing I ever remember him cooking for me was canned beans,
hmpf, I eat a lot of beans. am I going to die?

>> No.19410155

oil made her stupid.
if you want a healthy brain, keep fat intake to a minimum.

>> No.19411544

>put seasoned meat into a grill/smoker for 10 hours
>do nothing those 10 hours
>call it a pit master
what a fucking fraud

>> No.19411551

yes it's the one and only thing they know how to do

>> No.19411555
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what are you saying anon

>> No.19411557

that they're retarded at doing literally anything else but the food is fantastic

>> No.19411564
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>anything else

>> No.19411566

parenting, logic, reasoning, those sorts of things
very nice people though, they just do everything bad on accident

>> No.19411568

My parents know some dishes really well but as soon as they try something new it's a disaster.
Sometimes one of them is good at a dish and the other is terrible. My father is great at roasting a chicken but my mother always ends up making some kind of boiled mess even though she makes it in the oven.

Monkeypaw situation; there's porn of her but it's the same cameraman as her cooking videos.

>> No.19411580

I live in the house with a bunch of aunts, the ones that do the cooking only learned how to season food when I was about 14. Before that every single thing was covered in black pepper. It was absolutely disgusting. They have literally no standards and would eat the most disgusting slop as long as it doesn't kill them. I once ate their dumplings with mushrooms and cabbage (their favorite dish), I wanted to vomit for 3 days.

>> No.19411592

Depends on the dish but generally yes, im a polack so my mom made lots of perogies, stuffed cabbage, she doesnt cook too much but when she does shes good at it, she has trigeminal neuralgia which pretty much makes her feel electric shocks in her face and is triggered by eating, brushing teeth, anything that activates the trigeminal nerve there's a chance of her getting a shock so she can't eat much and is underweight. She likes cooking for us and watching us eat, gives her satisfaction. Shes a wonderful baker too, made my sister a beautiful barbie cake with the dress made with fondant.

>> No.19411759

Yes both my parents know how to cook and mum always tells me do this and do that and it'll make your life way easier

>> No.19411770


>> No.19412248

solidarity to a fellow pollack. I ate the same things growing up. sorry to hear about your mom's health problems anon, but she sounds like a champ.

>> No.19412253

Yes. Though, my mother’s weak to spicy food and under-salts literally anything she isn’t following a recipe for.

>> No.19412489

my mom got paranoid about using any salt after she was diagnosed with high blood pressure..her cooking sucked after that.
she used to like that godawful Mrs. Dash

>> No.19412572

Are trannies the only thing you ever think about? Fucking weirdo.

>> No.19412697

My parents are average cooks but everything they made was always good. Very 1950s style meals.

>> No.19412818

My mom made meatloaf in the microwave. If I could have, I would have eaten that every night. To this day I have never made meatloaf at all let alone properly in the oven.

>> No.19412935

each of my parents can cook maybe 10 or so dishes that would pass for restaurant quality.

for the most part I'd say they're average midwest american cooks. We ate a lot of stuff like grilled sausage, steaks, pork chops and cassorles. it wasn't bad but for the most part it was generic bland "home cooking". the idea of seasonings other than table salt pepper and Italian seasoning was non existent.

>> No.19412952

i think mine had completely burnt out tastebuds from all the smoking because nothing they made was edible

i used to think i was a picky eater but i never had a problem eating at my friends house.

>> No.19412978

If you're a parent and you can't cook, then you're a failed parent.

>> No.19413024

My mother is a very good Arab cook. Better then most I think even when I went to Iraq I noticed she was better. Even better then my grandma. I won’t lie though she chooses to make things I don’t like half of the time though but still good. My father can cook a handful of quick things but I think he prefers not to. He even taught my mom how to make a dish or so but she improved on them.

I think every person should know how to cook to some extent. It’s cheaper most of the time, stops you from eating goyslop, and is better for you. Only reason why you wouldn’t is because your either autistic or lazy. Good litmus test for being retarded or not really

>> No.19413503

>Italian seasoning
What's Italian seasoning?

>> No.19413513

my mother is an excellent cook and I was lucky to grow up eating healthy and high end food.

>> No.19413514


>> No.19413519


My mom was always great in the kitchen. My dad cooked survival food like a single pot of spaghetti that would be his lunch and dinner for three days

>> No.19413533

She’s a pretty good cook, I need to learn her recipes someday. Though I don’t like her chicken soup, which is sad because I fucking love chicken.

>> No.19413549

Yep my Dad made a lot of roast dinners, stews, curries and other stuff pretty damn well

>> No.19413551
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my dad is pickerel

>> No.19415055

Mom was a generic low-middle class white mom cook. Competent enough to follow most recipes and not fail, but she'd never try anything too foreign, tends to overcook everything out of fear and underseasons if she's not following a recipe.
Dad only really made smash burgers by himself though if he HAS to cook he's actually pretty good and made several great pastries, donuts, bread, except he eats all of it so it's almost a secret if it wasn't for the dirty dishes lmao

>> No.19415240

>tends to overcook everything
my first mother in law boiled veggies into mush
added allspice to seemingly everything

>> No.19415272

Anyone else have a non tasting mom? My mom is grossed out by meat, doesn't like most anything else, and usually eats toast yogurt salads and corn chips. So since she doesn't like her own cooking she never tastes it. She just makes everything the same way every time and my dad has to tell her how it is. And he has to lie to her to prevent fights which is probably part of the reason he eats so shit and has heart disease. Idk what to do about this. I tried giving mom recipes but it didn't seem to change much.

>> No.19415329

my mom hates garlic
she won't put it in anything

>> No.19415476

It's Martha Stewart
She's super famous anon, she had a cooking show and books and merch

>> No.19415505

She's weak
My boy Jack receives hate constantly for the abominations he cooks, and yet he never once took a video down or disabled comments

>> No.19415580

My gran did, to. Here's the kicker: bitch was Lebanese. She would add garlic to other people's food but always set aside a garlic-free portion for herself.
Either that, or she'd add garlic whole so she could fish it out, but that was rare.

>> No.19415758

My dad had a local cooking show back in the '80s

>> No.19415991
File: 1.47 MB, 897x900, beet berserk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the name of this vid? I need to see it again before i die

>> No.19415996


>> No.19416035

My dad is unironically and completely unbiasedly the best cook I have ever seen in my entire life by a wide margin. And he's not a professional chef or anything like that so I don't know where he got the talent or the gene. Most of my family are all pretty good cooks except for my mom.

>> No.19416061
File: 359 KB, 596x470, 1659049160646568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks brethren

>> No.19416064

i got you senpai

>> No.19416119

>potato salad is not a black person thing lol
Where did Anon say it was? Anon said it was a thing at black people cookouts, which it absolutely is.
>You are a retard.
A more apt occasion for the use of "no u" is seldom seen. No u, retard. No u.

>> No.19416190

My mom makes an effort to learn and improve but she's always doing crazy stuff like replacing sugar in her coffee with homemade date syrup.

>> No.19416239

is she an old hippie or something?

>> No.19416245

My mom does. The annoying thing is even with dozens of cook books she'll spend hours online finding new recipes. Half the time she'll some how forget the recipe after buying a bunch of new ingredients, which will then rot.
My dad not so much. He can follow basic recipes, but with stuff like mac & cheese he'll throw in shredded cheese.
Both don't seem to like to use timers if they're cooking noodles, rice, or frozen pizza, so it's more likely overcooked.

>> No.19416794

Neither of my parents know how to cook. My dad comes from a culturally conservative background where only the women cook and my mom only knows very basic stuff and mostly just buys cans which is what her great depression-era mother would do.

All of my cooking experience comes from YouTube and my paternal grandmother.