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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19405145 No.19405145 [Reply] [Original]

You are given a food truck as a gift. What food will you serve? Me, I would sell gourmet frozen treats with high prices, ice creams, sundaes, Italian ice, kakigori, smoothies, etc why? Because in my areas theres so many good trucks selling hot ass pizza, burgers, fried chicken in the blistering heat of summer, the people eating this have to be overheated, I would make a killing.

>> No.19405148

I think I would sell dog shit

>> No.19405150

I heard theres a market for that in china

>> No.19405284

Oh I read dog meat

>> No.19405308

Maybe there's a reason no other food trucks are selling frozen treats.

>> No.19405324

or dog shit

>> No.19405330
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I wanna sell fries and tendies but the selling point is the dips, and the REAL gimmick is various blended ice cream (milkshake) dips, including some that are actually savoury flavours

>> No.19405332


>> No.19405341

Now you're thinking creatively, godspeed, anon

>> No.19405442

how common is that in america?

>> No.19405449

We used to call those ice cream trucks back in my day.

>> No.19405481

Completely unheard of

>> No.19405502
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>> No.19405504

Fried chicken, only in minority neighborhoods

>> No.19405512
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I would sell authentic Indian food.
No, not the 3-michellin-star-NYC Indian cuisine westerners appropriated.
I'll sell the real deal.

>> No.19405521

Meat/other savory pies, maybe one or two dessert pies, with different pies each week. No vegan pies though, I'm not making a separate vegan crust.

>> No.19405540

something extremely easy to make that sells well. I want to put in the least amount of work possible and still make good money.

>> No.19405543


Very uncommon. I'm in Canada in a city that used to be called Berlin and has a very long German and Bavarian heritage, so I have wanted to try and introduce it to the Canadian palate. They'd probably hate it, though.

>> No.19405546

This thread reminded me that there's a video game all about coming into possession of a food truck I think your dad owned and it's your job to make it a success. Bretty gud.

>> No.19405554

Kitchener is just Indians now and I am not even a /pol/tard

>> No.19405568


You're not wrong there. Sounds like I'm in New Delhi everywhere I go. I'm cool with them except for the fact they always smell like body odour and always seem to be on the phone 24 hours a day.

>> No.19405571
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why are they like this?

>> No.19405575
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It's their rich and vibrant culture anon. ypipo dont season dey food. This is called cultural enrichment and you might need some time to understand it.

>> No.19405578

holy shit

>> No.19405580

Pizzas, I don't think there's a single food truck in my area that sells pizzas and I've been making them for myself, friends and family since I was 18. At 30 I've come as close to perfecting my personal style as I think I can

>> No.19405583
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don't be bigoted, you need to accept their beautiful culture into yours, get enriched.

>> No.19405584

>that dumb faggot that thinks people have these questionable cultures for any reason other than abject poverty

>> No.19405593

>muh poverty
the problem is, Pajeet, you believe this us normal.
You're a bunch of piss poor bottom of the barrel human beings who literally shit on streets and beaches because the White man's plumbing and toilet is way too expensive.
You have no voice in cuisine, your cuisine consists of sweat, pubic hair and leftover items from around the mud hut you live in.

Make a political coup de grâce or something or get nuked.
Youre worse than pakis.

>> No.19405601
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It's normal to them because of poverty you stupid fucking retard.
>implying I'm Indian and not just somebody who's got some real world experience
Fuck off you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.19405615
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>It's normal to them because of poverty you stupid fucking retard.
No shit. And they need to fix their own issues and stop being looked up to by mediocre westerners who think every pajeet and paki and towelhead who comes aboard brings rich and vibrant culture with themself. they're 50 years behind, hungry, dirty overall birderline retarded browncels who have no place in developed(or even developing) societies.
let them roll in their own shit and migrate to other turdworld whitholes.
>real world experience
haha yes you're the only one. the rest of us are all incels who have never left their basements, never interacted with indians, never seen what their culture does when introduced into a wealthy western society.
it's you with the experience and knowledge and the rest of us don't know what's going on.
thanks for the input King.

>> No.19405620

>they need to fix their own issues
That's difficult when your country has a history of being exploited by western countries. Up until the last 70 years they were still under western exploitation, you'd know if you ever read a history book though. Rural areas in wherever the fuck you live are probably equally fucked up as their rural areas.
>the rest of us are all incels who have never left their basements
When anon tells you he's an incel on 4chan, believe him the first time.

>> No.19405623

i sell it, these things are traps, no one is successful

>> No.19405660

>Western exploitation
Wow how dare Great Britain help build their country up and then leave. And how dare they constantly let Indian people move to their country. And how dare America let them flood in, too. Those darned westerners.

Give me a break.

>> No.19405671

absolutely retarded take, followed by
>read a book
lmao at the state of 4chuds

>> No.19405675

>driving a food truck into black neighborhoods
Surely this is a well known industry no-no

>> No.19405678

>200 years of occupation from the British
>building them up
>1.4% of the population of America and 2.4% of the population of the UK
>letting them flood in
God damn you're fucking retarded bro. How many dozens of times did you mom drop you on you head?

>> No.19405682

>be everywhere but Europe
>Europeans invade
>build industry, schools, transportation and end slavery
>Europeans leave
>blame them for pulling you out of a 1000AD society
Unless you were ruled by the Dutch or dealt with Americans (in America), there really is no room to complain

>> No.19405683

That ring's looking a little tight there, fat boy.

>> No.19405687

Exploitation isn't a real thing.

>> No.19405692

>more common, more severe, and larger famines under British rule than before British rule
>no room to complain

>> No.19405696

You have more common, more severe, and larger famines now than you would if you had no government. ;)

>> No.19405697

They're perfectly nice people but I am becoming racist from dealing with them in professional environment lol

>> No.19405700

Only a fucking retard would ever think such a thing. Your IQ is so low it's not even worth arguing with you. Your drool-stained clothing and unkept appearance are more of an insult to you and your family than anything I could ever tell you. I feel sorry for your parents and your ancestors because their lineage dies with you. I hope you have siblings so their struggles were not in vain.

>> No.19405747

Only a retard could possibly buy into communist cringe, sorry homie but you ain’t it.

So called exploitation is just trade in a nutshell, two necessarily inequal parties meeting to exchange and both become enriched by each trading what they have more of and value less for what they have less of and value more, the rich could just as easily make the case that they are oppressed by the existence of these poors who threaten their lives for just living, maybe they too seek a revolution but from you? Not even Marx could define exploitation, and he spent the last 13 years of his life putting it off so he could keep leaching money from engels, kept telling him he was learning 6 different languages to try and crack the code lmao. Your whole ideology is an alarmist scam for greedy idiots who think they haven’t been given enough.

Not that I don’t feel bad for you, I realized the other day that incels gripes with women are the exact same problem communists have with the rich capitalist exploiter. And the example of women is perfect for destroying the concept of exploitation, since every woman is the undeniable owner of their body, how could we stop their exploitation of men without infringing their rights, and is their exploitation of men their fault even or is it mens fault for being so horny? The same way man puts himself into this position with women, the employee has put themselves in that position with the employer. Really all you want is a nonconsensual relationship with the rich, where you benefit from their work but they don’t benefit from yours.

>> No.19405753

Okay retard. Thanks for spelling out how retarded you are simping for people who literally look at you like ants.

>> No.19405755

Oh and I should mention that all communism has come around to discuss communism of wives even, even a 1970s female communist feminist who recognized the incel problem way back then wrote a book arguing for communism of wives.

>> No.19405759

I am not retarded, you are. Maybe you are right and we should be enslaving women, but at least I know what I am doing and not doing shit inadvertently.

>> No.19405764

>No u!!!!!
The retard argument, and a strawman. Two retarded things for the price of one from the retard.

>> No.19405765

It isn’t a strawman, you just don’t know what you are. Good intentions are not good results.

>> No.19405772

>It isn't a strawman it's just a thing that's a bad argument that nobody actually says that's a bad argument that's easily defeated!
Okay retard

>> No.19405774

You couldn’t beat my argument though, that is why you are just choosing to have a melt down instead. Part and parcel to the immature person you must be to be affected by communist promises.

>> No.19405780

As usual, a good thread gets ruined by retarded racists from /pol/. Sage and KYS faggots.

>> No.19405782

Cajun food. Gumbo, Jambalaya, Chicken Bog, all can be made beforehand (and will taste better the next day anyways). Cornbread and red beans and rice for sides, maybe something else.

Turnover would be fast as hell and the food delicious.

>> No.19405786

>You couldn't beat my non-argument when I accused you of being something that I don't like when I don't have the brainpower to not conflate anything I don't like with communism because I'm a mouthbreathing retard!
>Then I went on to make a strawman almost as retarded as I am!
>Why won't you defend this awful strawman or beat my retarded non-argument!

>> No.19405820

chili during the winter

>> No.19405945

>poverty apologist horseshit
Nigger, you dump me in the middle of nowhere with nothing more than my sweatpants and I'll hand you a basic bitch forged spoon and bowl inside of a week. Poverty has fuck all to do with it. These animals have zero comprehension of things like basic hygiene or building to improve their lives. They are essentially parasites that can only take what they are given but have no appreciation for how it came into existence because they cannot create, only use.

>> No.19406119

Now hold on a minute! I think there is a gap in the market. If we sell dogshit from our food truck, then all that demand will come to us! Those retards selling pizzas won't stand a chance.

>> No.19406808

Don't like food trucks. Overpriced food for mid to low tier quality products.
You would die like a dog in three days.

>> No.19406825


Depends on the religion. Hindus? Yeah they're assholes with that whole caste system thing. Muslims? Fuck em. Sihks? They're based and generous people and are one of the few demographics that don't constantly smell like a homeless person.

>> No.19406851

Amateur smelter here, faggot. Can and have made many simple rustic tools from nothing more than mud, rocks, and sticks.

>> No.19406873

Hello faggot. Show me your garbage spoon and bowl, or forever be known as a lesser to the poorest Indian.

>> No.19406891

Just do it.

>> No.19406903

lel this
shit has been around since way before the "food truck" fad even became a thing

>> No.19406939
File: 48 KB, 1080x698, F74E13FD-5BC8-4C40-A4EC-CE1CAD2B59B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currywurst? More like Cunnybest

>> No.19406941

The poos don't even know how to use toilets, anon. I'm not really all that concerned with their thoughts on me. But I promise, as soon as they manage to get the literal and figurative collective shit together, I'll take a second evaluation on whether their opinions matter.

>> No.19406991

this is your brain on /pol/ webms

>> No.19406994

You are very chatty about people you consider your lessers. However, I am convinced you are on the same tier as them. Just another lunatic.

>> No.19407009

Burgers and cocaine.

>> No.19407043

Cannabis ice cream

>> No.19407079

i sell 5 items:
>pickled egg
>beet pickled egg
>birch beer

>> No.19407152

I am very chatty about whatever the fuck I want to be chatty about, yes. A very astute observation there, dipshit. Maybe there's hope for you learning to use a toilet afterall. I mean, people manage to train their cats to use it, so surely you pajeets can be too with a more regimented training.

>> No.19407762
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thanks friend. Toying with the idea of getting an iced cream maker this next spring to pilot some savoury milkshake ideas. I feel like anything can work if A): the flavours go well with cream to begin with, and B): as long as incorporate fresh ürbs. So a blue cheesee milkshake with some fresh parsley could be the bees tits, a per-peri milkshake with fresh lemon zest, etc

>> No.19407955

lol getting married is for faggots

>> No.19408379

can food truck operators get open carry for PDWs?

>> No.19408483

I get to have degenerate sex with a hot blonde with big tits, a thin waist and a fat ass whenever I want, in whatever hole I want and cum wherever I want. She's also my best friend, makes more money than me, and gives me a reason to experiment with delicious recipes. It's pretty based.

>> No.19408514

I don't see a problem here.

>> No.19408525
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Erm pictures of face. Cut the Eyes out if you must.

>> No.19408553

I don't post identifying personal photos of myself or my wife on Canadian moose herding forums.

>> No.19409053
File: 575 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-06-22-18-00-14-879_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is a model with big boobs!

>> No.19409057

If it's edible, I'll fry it.

>> No.19409062

I didn't say she's a model, just that she's a Midwest 9 (a West Coast 5).

>> No.19409191

Alright. How much would you sell her for?

>> No.19409406

>Sihks? They're based and generous people

Lmao, fuck Sikhs and fuck Khalistan. Being superior to street-shitting Dravidians doesn't make you good people.

>> No.19409461

my dads wife makes a mean moo ping (thai pork skewers), I've been telling her that she should start a food truck, though the problem is getting a qualified kitchen to cook in

>> No.19409502

Batter fried steak fingers
Waffle fries
Mushroom ketchup
Arnold Palmers
Pick a flavor freeze pops

>> No.19409515

I'm tall and if it could fit me. I'd go with fried rice and noodles. I love making big batches of it.

>> No.19409558

Yeah, hand made ice cream sandwiches are a thing, not sure why people are not slinging them.

>> No.19409606

How exactly does poverty make you use your feet for food or rubbing it under your armpit for some reason? There are far better ways. Even if you mean lack of education due to poverty if these people can film and post this stuff they can look up food safety and start using utensils.

>> No.19409981

Source? I want to post this on leftie forums

>> No.19410688

Tacos, burritos and nachos. Everyone loves TexMex, and they're easy to prep and assemble. Seasoned ground beef , steak, or spicy chicken (can add chili for an extra). Tamarind and Guava soda. Fresh churros and tortilla chips.

Or maybe crêpes. We have beaver tails around here, but no crêpes like breakfast restaurants.

>> No.19410728

Poutine. Cheese, gravy, and fries?
No idea how that hasn't caught on massively in the south

>> No.19411682

Why is this though? I realised this years ago, they are different to every kind of Indian. It's mind boggling.