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19404911 No.19404911 [Reply] [Original]

I've never tasted bad Indian food. How do they do it?

>> No.19405040
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>seasoned with pop particles

>> No.19405057

Indians smell bad because the intricacies of deodorant escape them, and they bathe in cow piss. Their overseasoned food smells bad. Every bastard Hindoo or poo-njab I encounter is either an arrogant cunt, a rapist, or a stingy bastard. Somehow pakis are even worse. I wouldn't eat Indian food at gunpoint, much less voluntarily pay for what is less appealing than literal SHIT.

>> No.19405170

Lots and lots of butter but even so i agree indian food is doink.

>> No.19405189
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they make indian food like this.

>> No.19405190

I've never tasted good Indian food. How do they do it?

>> No.19405220

Ok the guy lost the arm but is the armpit the best place to crack an egg? Fancy chefs do it with one hand anyway.

>> No.19405228

I used to love eating out at indian places, but after seeing too many webms like this, I can't anymore. Are Indian restaurants in the first world hygenic? I assume most of the cooks are mexican anyway..

>> No.19405232

No they aren't, it's known that they don't wash their hands and do all sorts of nasty things to cut on cost.

>> No.19405234

we run the world

>> No.19405235
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>I used to love eating out at indian places
>Are Indian restaurants in the first world hygenic
i have some bad news for you anon

>> No.19405240

>we give the world the runs

>> No.19405550

Real answer? The sheer amount of ghee and heavy cream they use for most dishes that white people order. You can make it at home and have more or less the same flavour profile, but it won't taste the same as restaurant curries if you don't use a fuckton of ghee and cream for stuff like butter chicken or tikka masala. Same exact reason why Chinese food always tastes better from a restaurant than cooked at home unless you're making something like steamed dumplings.

>> No.19405605

The heat of the spices cook the feces

>> No.19405625

sloppa with lots of spices, hard to mess up

>> No.19405638
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>> No.19405644

I started cooking Indian because I had had so much BAD Indian food. I've learned how to cook plenty of things because what the restaurants were serving was not very good or bad, but bad Indian food is the absolute worst.

>> No.19405699

my favorite indian restaurant was shut down by the health inspectors, they got like a 40/100 on their inspection and then a 59 on their "redo." also should mention i literally got food poisoning there once. their food was so good though

>> No.19406010

The only "bad" Indian food I've had came from lunch buffets. If you order off the menu even at a mediocre place it's typically going to be pretty good. At least at your typical North Indian place.

>> No.19406197
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>> No.19406251

They set it up like a Chinese takeout, they all cook with the same basic formula that they know westerners like (including generous amount of butter, sugar, & MSG).

>> No.19406255

>Virgin walk on top of the dough
>Chad armpit egg crack

>> No.19406359

I always get Vindaloo
Tikka Masala is literally british food

>> No.19406363

I have indian friends, the food tastes identical.

>> No.19406368

it gets worse, way worse, if they're like muslims, they don't jus "accidentally whpes ass with hand" they do it out of tradition, they wash their hands afterwards, but they really do whpe their ass with their left hand (if they usually do everythin with the right), crazy world

>> No.19406414

>Tikka Masala is literally british food
So is any vindaloo you'll find in a takeaway.

>> No.19406426

i've never got food poisoning from an actual indian place but i DID get some pretty gnarly food poisoning from taco papi in las vegas, which was ran by indians. That had me stuck in my hotel room for almost 2 solid days, i could barely make it downstairs to have a smoke and get drinks
i also recently went to a pizza place in daytona beach ran by indians at like 2 am - the pizza looked like it had cat food on it and tasted like trash and i ate it anyway and was on the toilet for a day

>> No.19406445

You're wrong though.

>> No.19406447

>went to a korean fried chicken place
>it had raving reviews
>place was full of indians standing around in the corner
>food was delicious

>> No.19406449

Looks like he's pressing some kind of dough

>> No.19406459

>a pizza place in daytona beach
Oh fuck, I live in Daytona. Where was this? Also next time you're here, try Lenny's Pizza instead.

>> No.19406474

IME "cloth tablecloth" Indian restaurants take their shit pretty seriously, I've never once gotten sick from eating in one. Usually the "greasy spoon for delivery/takeaway only" curry places are the ones that will give you the shits, and it's because they precook their meat and gravy days and days before they ever use it, probably not refrigerating it properly.

>> No.19406477

Bullshit. I make indian food at home that tastes better than from a restaurant, same with chinese and middle eastern food. We have the recipes. It's not a secret. Sink the ships.

>> No.19407619

what did you start with and what would you recommend a beginner cooking indian food?

>> No.19407870

I could eat lentils and rice forever

>> No.19407877

Oldest culture on the planet anon makes yt "boys" seeth cause they immune systems are to weak to handle the pajeet particals

>> No.19407882
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I eat Injun food weekly and it's almost always good and sometimes great. TWICE I've had a bad experience. Worst was 72hr food poisoning that had me so dehydrated I was having nightmares about water, and I was puking up thick strands of stomach lining for maybe 16 hours. Second was a vindaloo that must have been prepared by Exxon >:|

>> No.19407886

thank God I hallucinate all the time from alcohol induced dehydration. Ive been preparing for food poisoning.

>> No.19407890

the loosinations are by far not the worst part of food poisoning anon. the constant vomiting and nausea and retching can get to the point of breaking ribs. It was 5 fucking days before I could stomach a warm meal after that, and maybe 4 years before I could smell a curry cooking from down the street without needing to shit my pants

>> No.19407897

I agree anon, I don't think I've ever had especially bad Indian. I've had oily curries, stingy curries (low meat), curries with average cuts of meat but it's all tasted good otherwise. My only issue with Indian is in Australia it's weirdly expensive, much worse value than a pizza or the like, plus places have taken to asking upwards of 6 dollars for some rice. It's very hard to spend less than 30-35 dollarydoos by the time you get rice and some garlic naan. These days I just make my own rice to save on cost.
On the other hand I've had plenty of shit SE Asian food, Chinese food, "Americana", Japanese, fish&chips etc.

I'd be much more hesitant to eat Indian in India but in countries with reasonable health codes you're as likely to be eating shit at the nearest maccas or KFC.

They smell like curry because the spices when cooking seep into their clothes, skin and hair. If you've ever made Indian you'll note you keep getting whiffs of it from your hair and any clothes you haven't washed for days after.

>> No.19407989

So thats why everything is imploding.

>> No.19407994

This guy knows. The secret ingredient for any recipe is usually butter and in retarded amounts.

>> No.19407996

Based pants shitter

>> No.19408175

I've never tasted good (or edible) Indian food, except starters. Any dishes you recommend?

>> No.19408401

There is this Indian place near my house, the curry was actually fucking really spicy, like the spiciest thing I've ever eaten, but there was so much ginger in it that it tasted like how potpourri smelled

>> No.19408406

The worst food poisoning I got came from eating curry at a place with good reviews. I was vomiting for like 3 days and had the shits for like 7 days. I should have gone to the hospital, I was hallucinating a lot of the time.

>> No.19409029
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>MULTIPLE anons recounting stories of food poisoning from indian food
Get what you deserve retards

>> No.19409049

I've never had bad indian food.

>> No.19410047

I make butter chicken easily as good as my favorite takeout. I just use sweet cream butter. A whole stick of it with a bit of coconut oil and then I add coconut milk. I've made ghee before and it's good but not enough where you can't get by without it.

>> No.19410407

the purpose of curry slop has long been known to digsuise subpar quality meat.
this. you can't sleep and it feels like a dream but it's not.

>> No.19410415

knowing you can't use your left hand because you wipe your ass with it but being too mentally retarded to remember right from left isn't "culture"

>> No.19410437

I was also dehydrated as hell, it was a good thing my dad showed up at my place.

>> No.19410500
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Had it once, never again
>forced to go to Indian restaurant by women
>usually like foreign food, willing to give it a shot
>it's a "nice" restaurant but is almost empty on a Friday night
>takes over an hour for us to get our food
>girls keep creaming themselves over how good the naan is so I try it
>it's just shitty half-burned flatbread???
>finally get food
>ordered a lamb spinach dish or something
>it's a little copper pot of greenish-brown slop that looks like the chef's diarrhea
>almost no flavor, bland and dry meat
>takes another hour for us to get our bill
>that'll be $19 plus tip sirs
>poo lady stands over me and watches after giving me the tablet for the tip (I tipped nothing)
>shat my brains out a few hours later
What a fucking joke. Further proof that India is the armpit of the world. More shocking was how everyone I was with fawned over it like it was the best thing ever.
>b-b-but you should have gotten the butter chicken!
Well I didn't. The food was shit and I'm not wasting my money on it again.

>> No.19410738

>i read a thing on 4chan a few years ago
>it has long been known

>> No.19410752

it's literally in the fucking diaries of europeans when they arrived in hinduland

>> No.19410760

Can't believe you would have the audacity to come on the internet and just lie