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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19404159 No.19404159 [Reply] [Original]

Cultured-meat/lab-grown-meat make food free and BETTER.

>> No.19404188
File: 80 KB, 900x481, Gates-Branson-Faux-Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm yes, can't wait for this weird, meat like substance to hit the steak section at my grocery store.

>> No.19404199

you're telling me that's fake meat? other than it looking raw as fuck (is it meant to be chashu? too pink looking) I wouln't know

>> No.19404226
File: 336 KB, 828x633, 57E9FE65-D5AB-4C96-829E-4225779F3B92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a sample of meat grown without a body like a plant.
A slab of meat continues to be fed nutrients etc.

And MY PEOPLE have every right to have free food.

>> No.19404290

but couldn't you at least cook it a bit before sticking it in you soup??

>> No.19404303

That ramen baffles me
>extra meat
>random red onions
>Leek(?) stalks
ok I guess

>> No.19404536
File: 2.03 MB, 3072x1536, 6D945C1B-0A7F-4C1E-9603-89CEBF1ECA8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty nice

Ever tried French onion soup?
Onions are good in soup

>> No.19404630

diced raw red onions are a weird topping for ramen

>> No.19404721

>the process of making lab-grown meat starts with the careful removal of a small number of muscle cells from a living animal, typically using local anesthesia to provide relief from pain
>Then, a lab technician places the harvested cells in bioreactors before adding them to a bath of nutrients
So they toxify the sample with medication, then they almost certainly feed it synthetic nutrients and inorganic minerals with tons of extra toxic ingredients
>When growing meat in a lab, food scientists can actually control the quantities of harmful cholesterol and saturated fat in each cut
>lab-grown meat is pretty resilient against bacteria like E. coli on its own, and, as such, would require fewer antibiotics
So it will have less nutritional value and it's so unnatural that common microbes don't want to eat it, so your digestion of this will be poor. Imagine eating this garbage

>> No.19404744

Who are “your people,” anon? And why is lab-grown meat any more likely to be “free” than regular meat? You can go kill a deer and eat it—that’s free. I don’t follow why bioreactors and lab technicians would be available for free.

>> No.19404861
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It’s ever improving and has only just begun.

Be curious.

Who do you think my people are? Truly.

And let me be clear, food should already be free. For everyone.

>> No.19405591
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>let me be clear

>> No.19405595

>So they toxify the sample with medication, then they almost certainly feed it synthetic nutrients and inorganic minerals with tons of extra toxic ingredients
In short they induce cancer on the sample as to get results through rampant cell replication, mmmmm cancer meat

>> No.19405596

or just raise quality meat with good welfare that's eaten less frequently?

>> No.19405599

>be pre industrial salmon
>best nutrition
>best taste
>eat raw
>eat cooked

>be post industrial salmon
>meat dyed
>filled with parasites
>covered with bacteria
>bad quality fats

salmon bros, what happened?

>> No.19405603

You're not wrong, but you're also a copelet. Everyone needs security, but screwing with the natural order is not the way to get there.

>> No.19405642

>Food should be free
I think adequate food for survival is a human right, but beyond that not so much.
>Who do you think my people are?
I’m truly not sure. Outside of old texts, I’ve only heard “my people” used in this way by today’s racial and religious minorities. In the specific context of claiming entitlement to free things, I’ve only heard it used that way by black people and native americans—am I allowed two guesses?

>> No.19405652

I only trust what mother nature builds, I won't eat the lab grown meat.

>> No.19405854
File: 3.94 MB, 2000x1329, 1727D730-2AA8-4046-9D11-E5A624EAFFCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Cultured-Meat for my people. I don’t give a shit about what others do.
Y’all can say all kinds of things but it’s real progress of utmost potential. The more it is invested in, the more perfect it is.

I want MY peoples money to go to a world where all is free and ever improving and progressing.

My peoples wealth is for OUR desires. ONLY.

>screwing with our natural ordah

Your natural order isn’t MY natural order.
I LOVE divine progress.

Obviously staple foods have been free in every sane real civilization.
However, things like cultured-meat allow for everything to be free. We can turn what is rare into what is common and free.
We’ve been post-scarcity the whole time.

A slab of meat should already be free. Cultured-meat just adds infinitely more to the infinite force that is the truth that all should be free as is.


Yeah all people deserve real progress and for all to be free.

I’m a white American.

My peoples desires

My peoples desires

Do you feel my peoples desires

>> No.19405863

alright nazareth just cook yo meat next time

>> No.19405899

Lol, lmao.

>> No.19406134 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 543x98, 58BCD9EA-85F2-4B54-AB75-91661751D985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel sucks my yankee Nazi cock in hell.
All theft against us will be paid back.

The national debt isn’t ours.

>Oy vey progress is (((expensive)))

>> No.19406142

We are going to be able to 3D WAGYU steaks.

>> No.19406737

wild salmon has far more parasites than farmed salmon, because they eat other small fish and creatures with parasites. That's why they use farmed salmon for sushi

>> No.19406740

imagine being able to custom design your own marbling and meat texture.
>skirt steak with wagyu fat
would be based

>> No.19407024
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That’s like HALF the point.
This is the greatest empowerment for the food community EVER.

>> No.19407025
File: 566 KB, 1125x1402, 70C633BB-5DF5-405D-963A-2ED8FCEE24D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can also mix meat into new meat that has never existed before.

Spread the excitement. This is progress so divine that I get the feeling it’ll be a win for EVERYONE.

>> No.19407082

Food isn't a human right. Work or die. I don't care which one you choose but you have to choose one.

>> No.19407159
File: 78 KB, 500x469, DD9FE19C-57A4-4006-A63B-C67381991517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone thrives.

Work sets no one free.

My people reject Israel and its facade economy. My people love our utopias/heavens etc.

If you push, the only one that dies is you.

>> No.19407165

Can I get lab-grown milk on tap in my kitchen like a water faucet plz

>> No.19407238
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>> No.19407256

How about you work on these nuts, fag?

>> No.19407258

Ty friend

>> No.19407384

That's how you drop humanity's average IQ by 50%
If anyone stupid can reproduce, everyone becomes stupid

>> No.19407387

Absolutely retarded thread

>> No.19407426
File: 134 KB, 749x894, C47F6457-2849-4ED5-AFC8-D21DE9F48A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victory to all your people, soul of utopia.


>> No.19407428
File: 817 KB, 1125x746, 29BDCB37-C9B2-4486-8C78-2410D63B64D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All victory always to all loves of utopia.

>> No.19407443
File: 48 KB, 636x382, AEB4FD15-22CC-47DB-9366-E89586B81C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is called real progress.

>> No.19407449

>tiger steak
Eating some wild tough pussy.
>ground lion
Wrecked fat pussy.
>zebra sushi
Most people won't know this is ass.

>> No.19407477

There's no way this shit doesn't cause cancer right

They literally supercharge animal cells with stem cells to get them to multiply, and then you have to do that on an industrial scale. There's no way that's just not free cancer. You're ingesting shit that's cultivated in an environment meant to spur uncontrolled cell division. You might as well buy a portal x-ray machine and aim it straight at your penis

>> No.19407576 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, sarah-petruzzi-02-comp-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i heard that this new lab-grown meat is made from " immortal " cell lines that were harvested from some nigger woman in the 1960's after she died from a cancer that completely overtook her body in like a a week and a half. It is LITERALLY cancer cells. That is how they get the meat to grow in a lab. It is cancerous cell tissue that multiplies and grows uncontrollably. I would not eat it, or anything made with it.

>> No.19407589
File: 235 KB, 811x1000, F43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i heard that this new lab-grown meat is made from " immortal " cell lines that were harvested from some black woman in the 1960's after she died from a cancer that completely overtook her body in like a a week and a half. It is LITERALLY cancer cells. That is how they get the meat to grow in a lab. It is cancerous cell tissue that multiplies and grows uncontrollably. I would not eat it, or anything made with it.

>> No.19407606

>i heard
You should look things up to see if they're true or not. I don't think anything from a human is legally allowed to be sold as food.

>> No.19407627

Buymypee.com sells pee from humans and it’s sold as food.

>> No.19407859

I don't think so.