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19402017 No.19402017 [Reply] [Original]

>Killing a beautiful sentient being older than the average person just for its white tastleless white meat and instagramable food selfie

How reddit can you be?

>> No.19402019

it's a bug who cares

>> No.19402089

Not as reddit for you, fag.

>> No.19402091

yeah it's fucked

>> No.19402137

>having empathy for food
>bragging about like it’s some kind of virtue

>> No.19402177


>> No.19402179

Brown or yellow hands typed the shit out of this post

>> No.19402229

go fucking back

>> No.19402232

Are we training some Twitter newfag ai or something?

>> No.19402236

Back you go

>> No.19402240

They're sentient by the redditor definition of "has a brain" and "does things" tbf

>> No.19402728

100% a subhuman, they are incapable of empathy.
>lets just destroy nature cause i felt like it lol

>> No.19402754

I don't see the problem here unless you are a vegan. As long as they don't overfish who cares?

>> No.19402765

eat the one who haven't lived for 100+ years. humans need to stop destroying everything.

>> No.19403112

This post is exactly what is wrong with leftist bullshit, it is just garbage alarmist bs over completely arbitrary stuff. What does it matter how old an animal is before you eat it? There is something to be said for conservation but as long as the population isn't threatened there is no actual reason to care about this more than any other meat eating. And then there is your solution to your stupid arbitrary problem of just killing the young ones instead, which would obviously be much worse for the population. You are all just idiots like this.

>> No.19403148

I had an oak tree cut down that after counting the rings turned out to be between 120-130 years old just because it was shading my pool. Can't wait to make smores with the corpse this fall.

>> No.19403197

Isn't it better to eat one that's 100+ years old instead of one that didn't get to live its full life?

>> No.19403210

>Oh WOW, the crabiness of the crab.

>> No.19403221

I mean I’d eat it, crabs aren’t supposed to be pets anyways unless they’re hermit crabs

>> No.19403230

Big brain over here. inb4 I don't mind losing 5 figures for a few extra hours of swim sun per year.

>> No.19403234

he's a big guy

>> No.19403248
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>5 figures
I own a farm boss. It cost $600 for the Mexicans and meth heads doing line clearance work to knock it down for me.
>Home Value
I've still got plenty of trees.

>> No.19403272

they are sentient they just aren't sapient

>> No.19403277

paint your shed

>> No.19403307

They are not sentient. Sentience requires the ability to perceive feelings (not just feel as in touch), as in self-contained subjective, evaluative, and independent of the sensations, thoughts, or images evoking them according to the APA Dictionary of Psychology.

>> No.19403314

Yes, yes.. I have to replace more of it than I want to first. Thanks /diy/......

>> No.19403315

God I want it to pinch my sack

>> No.19403339
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>older than the average person

what tf are you on about?

>> No.19403398

Sentience is an extremely fucking poorly defined term as there are too many fucking competing analyses on it

A crab can feel pain and stress even without physical stimuli plus they have spatial learning

>> No.19403432

Any animal that evolves to avoid causing damage to itself on a jagged rock, a broken branch, a plant thorn, or the natural defenses of another animal can feel pain. Any animal that evolves to find food and not get lost learns some spatial reasoning. Basically you just described most things that haven't gone extinct.

>> No.19403435

crabs can solve mazes

>> No.19403442

There are forms of mold that can solve mazes. If you put a reward at the end, organisms will find the most effective way towards it.

>> No.19403459

I wonder if tribal africans can solve mazes

>> No.19403702

anything done to be posted online for le upvotes and attention should be an executable offense

>> No.19403734

Water can also solve mazes too, big fucking whoop. You can solve any maze by always turning left. It requires no intelligence.

>> No.19403773

>tasteless white meat

>> No.19403805

>old is... LE GOOD!
shut the fuck up and let me eat my sea bugs

>> No.19403810
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>> No.19403823

so true bestie!

>> No.19403830

You had natural shade but DIDN'T want it? Wtf. My neighbors are cutting down their trees left and right so they don't have to rake or so they can see more river from their attic.
Looks like shit. It really looks quite awful. Same people turning lawns into parking lots. Disgusting.

>> No.19403833

You fucked up. That was perfect.

>> No.19403841

That crab isn't even that big it just looks like that because it's being held closer to the camera than the guys in the background. It's a photography illusion

>> No.19403871

yeah such a good and noble idea, let's eat all the young ones so the species will die when the oldfags die

>> No.19404110

I can only hope something terrible happens to him

>> No.19404179

animals were made by god to be food for humans, do you get mad at the lion for eating a gazelle?

>> No.19404230


>> No.19404309

>I own a farm
Nigga that's a yard.
Post crops or animals.

>> No.19404345

That makes it even worse. Assuming the tree was in the middle of that shot. Fuck man.

>> No.19404863

The mold doesn't solve the maze, retard, the individual parts of the mold that get to the end do, and the ones that don't literally die
Would you say the village of 100 solved a maze if 10 of them got to the end and the other 90 died trying?

>> No.19404870

based real estate expert on a Taiwanese crab forum

>> No.19404873

>>eating bugs
Had to be asian bugmen

>> No.19405514

That's the new look. The tree I had cut down was in front of the pool, right in the middle of the yard growing directly over it. It shed leaves and shaded the pool and was a pain in my ass.

>> No.19405520

A farm boss is a chainsaw, hombre.
>Leave a century old oak directly in the middle of your back yard to pose a danger to your house, pool, and pool house. Also it shades said pool and is a constant nuisance with leaves, sticks, and seeds. Beyond all of that it's directly in the middle and blocks the view of the yard and of the lake in the back

>> No.19405626

>I own
Your parents do, why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.19405646

I'm 38. The thing about a 20 year old website is that some of the people that have used it habitually have real jobs and are grown ups.

>> No.19406211

>Would you say the village of 100 solved a maze if 10 of them got to the end and the other 90 died trying?
It's actually the other way around with mold. It looks like 90 solved the maze and 10 died trying because they repopulate along the way. And yes, I would consider that to be solving it as most got to the end as efficiently as possible.

>> No.19406241

>real jobs

>> No.19406245

crabs exist to be owned by everything, leeches, ants, otters, lizards, humans, cars, even other crabs.

>> No.19406250

Eh, I sit in my office at home and stare at a computer all day while shitposting on here. It's exactly the same as everyone else I just get paid.

>> No.19406302

>It's exactly the same as everyone else I just get paid.
I get paid too, just not for working

>> No.19406305

I bare no ill will to my neet, drug dealer, or camgirl companions.

>> No.19406311
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>> No.19406313

>retard has a literal lake next to him
>builds a shitty pool anyways
do they really??

>> No.19406315

>has a brain
Crustaceans barely have what can considered brains. They're usually referred to as "mushroom bodies", based on their shape, rather than brains.

>> No.19406325

You moron, lakes are for fishing. Besides, you don't propose that he let his friends and family get themselves slathered with poisonous sunscreen and then go lay waste to that ecosystem, do you?

>> No.19406348 [DELETED] 

>lakes are just for fishing
>slathered in sunscreen

>> No.19406355

>lakes are just for fishing
>slathering yourself with poisonous sunscreen

>> No.19406371

Because the lake in my picture is so dense with lily pads that birds can walk across them. Plus I'm not poor, so I'd rather swim in clean water. It's shallow enough to kayak, but that's about as much as I want to do with it.
>Sunscreen is bad
Ah, you're brown. Your comments make more sense.

>> No.19406710

>I'd rather swim in clean water.
Shit, even when I was poor, a body of water would have to be pretty fucking clean before I'd swim in it. It's no fun to go for a swim, and then have to sit around feeling the crust of dried algae forming on your skin.

>> No.19406773
File: 56 KB, 640x360, pastry crab (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will eat the bugs and I'll be happy

>> No.19406907

Plants have fealing two thairs alive breath, drink water and need sun. Before another vegan tryes to guilt trip me about my lunch just remember your polluting the world every time you drive a car. As fore see food I strongly disagree about it being tasteless and without flavor.

>> No.19406959

Yeah, it looks like shit and i hope you get skin cancer

>> No.19406974


I wonder if you've read the global rules.

>> No.19407032

I get triggered as fuck when animals eat other animals

>> No.19407044

lol. vegans are reddit sois. meat eaters are chads. seethe more as i eat more animals. enjoy your bugs, butt pirate

>> No.19407051

only orcs and hook noses are subhuman and lack empathy.
also libtards have no empathy. just look at how they treat the poor orange man. have a heart, soi faggots

>> No.19407053

based. fuck the orcs

>> No.19407054
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>> No.19407059

>muh rules
fuck off sage

>> No.19407092


Yep, rules. They are there for a reason, follow them or get the fuck out.

>> No.19407100

>let's just industrially torture and systematically kill cows in the tens of millions every single year, it's much more humane than eating an old crab!!!
The retarded Anglo moral system will never not be funny.

>> No.19407144

a penis typed this post

>> No.19407149


>> No.19407154

so youre ok with eating old crabs but want to demolish the meat supply chain
you are a total faggot

>> No.19408824

What is your argument?
Is it being humane? Because killing 300 million cows a year to get your steak into the grocery store is less humane than eating an old crab.
Is it protecting the environment? Because the cattle industry is one of the leading causes of deforestation, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and GHG emissions while eating an old crab changes nothing.
Is it just being a faggot? In that case, you win.

>> No.19409682

this reddit invasion is getting dire