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19399253 No.19399253 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>19377624

>> No.19399263

nice, sounds interesting
in general I've never had a sencha that I disliked, as long as it was fresh and reasonable and not some mystery 5 year old teabag stuff

>> No.19399289

I’ve been experimenting with ‘aging’ brewed green and black teas in a vacuum-sealed flask. So far it seems to make teas dramatically less tangy (I prefer it this way), and after an hour other flavours begin to be lost as well. Has anyone experimented with this before?

>> No.19399398

This has pretty much been my experience, I haven't bought sencha off of amazon or anything but any reputable vendor won't sell you bad tea. I wonder if the production of pre-brewed tea has had a strong selection effect for loose leaf sencha in Japan, maybe the market ignores anything that's even mediocre.

>> No.19399423

can someone recommend some higher end shengs?
I was thinking about some shengs from banateacompany (btc?) mainly because vesper chan meme

>> No.19399435

I think it might also have something to do with labor costs? if you can't compete with dirt cheap tea from third world countries, you naturally have to make slightly premium stuff by default... but that's just a thought

>> No.19399472

Do you know what kinda teas you are into? Either region or flavor profile wise? Young or old?
Not super high end but ive really been enjoyed the menku rongshi excellent taste great accomplishment" aka tea spirit cakes.
This one is priced reasonably and ready to drink right away.
Tart fruity sweet, a little bite without getting into bulang levels of bitterness. Easily the #1 or #2 young sheng i bought last year. It's their flagship standard yearly cake, beautiful leaf, nice processing, great representative mengku mountain tea.
If you want semi aged shengs teas we like has some great offerings.
I got this a few years ago and it was really nice, still a lot of vitality and punch.
Teas we like also has some interesting quarter cake sets on offer. And both some young and old premium yiwu teas which i haven't tried.
Banna tea company / vesper chan stuff sounds good but i have delved into it

>> No.19399573

thinking of getting a zsl cake from teaencounter instead of from farmerleaf this spring when the 2023 teas get on the teaencounter website maybe, their prices arent awful for some of the 200g cakes
im sad it seems like theyre not selling teas from the chinese storefront this year

>> No.19399597

How often does farmerleaf do sales? I want to grab a bunch of his cakes again

>> No.19399610

I believe at the beginning of the harvest and on the Lunar new year are the two consistent sales.

>> No.19399634

So last month was the last sale this year?

>> No.19399659

theres usually sales at black friday too

>> No.19399692

Okay nice.
Hoping his 2023 cakes and single tree pack don't sell out by then.

>> No.19399720

I am fairly confident that the single tree pack will sell out by then.

>> No.19399812

Is it really so bad that I love my Celestial Seasons? I love good tea too...

>> No.19399818

why would it be bad? nothing wrong with herbal tea

>> No.19399872

>don't start enjoying (black) tea until I abandon indian/sri lankan/kenyan in favour of chinese
>now years later I suddenly crave that robustness again
What do I even look for? I haven't touched this kind of tea in so long and I know next to nothing about it.

>> No.19399891

Ironically, the best sensha I've ever had is a mystery tea, most likely years old, that neither I nor the shop I buy it from can identify. It's very frustrating.

>> No.19399966

Hmmm should I buy this now? I was looking to buy 2 minimum so I can see how they transform over the years

>> No.19400169

I would buy one, then after you taste it you can consider a second, just in case you don't think it tastes all that exciting. Shipping is included in the price so making separate orders wont make a difference in cost, but he only has a small amount of that tea, a few kilos total, so if it's something you really want to try i would suggest grabbing a pack now. Then you can order some cakes during the next sale if you want.

>> No.19400363

>excellent taste great accomplishment
This will never not make me laugh

>> No.19400569

How did u drink the Indian black tea? Isn’t meant to be drunk with milk? British style? Chinese black tea isnt good with milk unless mixed with Indian tea to add body.

>> No.19400786
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is this true?
>tfw no 1963 7542

>> No.19400916

Nah that guys just a nerd

>> No.19400918

Where are they getting the 100 year old cakes for their study?

>> No.19400933

if you want less tannins you can try cold steeping if you have the patience, very nice. Otherwise you can dissolve a tiny pinch of baking powder i think.

>> No.19400944

It's likely extrapolation

>> No.19401284

>go to bargain overstock place
>always find black tea
>have got tins of earl grey, regional chinese black teas, oolong
>never any green tea
shits whack

>> No.19401442

I'm just trying to broaden my horizon. I'm not familiar with all the regions yet
>Do you know what kinda teas you are into?
I like young to slightly aged shengs that still have fresh floral flavors atm. So far really like Farmerleaf Jingmai Gulan the most. I find it interesting with just the right amount of bitterness and great mouthfeel. In my current stage of drinking sheng I don't find the mellower subtle stuff that interesting, I need sharp floral and fruits note with some astringency without getting crazy bitter

sounds like I'll enjoy it based on how you described it. I'll grab a sample maybe a cake

>> No.19401466
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anyone have some infuser recommendations for easy travel?
preferably ones thats not plastic or cheaply made

>> No.19401685

Are there any good tea suppliers in Australia? I dont wanna spend money on T2 bullshit.

>> No.19401708

haven't tried any of their teas, but Kuura has gotten popular lately as far as Aussie stores go

>> No.19401723

I visited their website. Seems like theyre promoting their own version of the tea equivalent of coffee pods( kuuuru balls) at 1.50
a pop. No thank you. Dont want to be ripped off by some overpriced hipster fancies.
I just want a tea suppliers thats good value and have reliable shipping.

>> No.19401871
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I literally can't stop drinking cheap factory ripe, I don't want to drink anything else at this point. unless it's cheap old liu bao

>> No.19401940

There's a tea discord? I like to imagine the sound of twenty or thirty people randomly sipping or slurping briefly interrupted by comments of "fruit flavors", "it's woody", "3/10 astringency", "the silk slip very nice"

>> No.19401953
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there's a discord for everything nowadays

>> No.19401989

Why does the discord user hate tealifehk? Also whats up with the fountain pens?

>> No.19401995

Used some baking soda and it really does work. Thanks man.

>> No.19402025

>Also whats up with the fountain pens?
consoomerist hobby crossover I guess?

>> No.19402031
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>anyone have some infuser recommendations for easy travel?
Tons of stainless mesh baskets on amazon/ebay, search tea infuser basket and you will find plenty. I think these are the best design because thwy give more room for the leaves to expand but still just work in a regular mug

>> No.19402052

Use two mugs, one for steeping and one for drinking. Decant from the first into the second. Then get a tight fitting lid for the first mug to make the decanting faster.

>> No.19402061

>Are there any good tea suppliers in Australia?
some shops owned by chinamen that might be okay but i don't know if anyone has tried them.
Most people in Australia just order from shops in china

>> No.19402062

I love how hipster packaging makes autists seeth uncontrollably.

>> No.19402068

>Most people in Australia just order from shops in china
Can you post some links to these shops plz? Im a bit apprehensive with anything chinese as they have a penchant for scamming westoids.

>> No.19402074

The Chinese will scam anyone, including each other.

>> No.19402078

Its less about the packaging and more about the blatantly overinflated prices you get for that fancy packaging.

>> No.19402080

Yunnansourcing.com is run by a westerner, they have a pretty broad selection and reasonable prices.
https://www.fullchea-tea.com is a cheap but mostly honest Chinese site. Just don't order the cheapest version on any type of tea they have and expect something different then cheap tea.
Depending on where you live asian grocery stores/markets can have a decent selection of cheap tea.
If you want standard indian black teas/English breakfast style teas check out

>> No.19402081

Im just giving you a hard time, that website is useless to someone who just wants standard loose leaf teas. They only have fancy boutique stuff.

>> No.19402123

can recommend fullchea (assuming they deliver to aus)
good stuff provided you don't have expensive tastes

>> No.19402170

Is it a good idea to store pu’er cakes under one’s bed? My mom is giving me 5 days to get them out of the kitchen.

>> No.19402186

Me on the far bottom right

>> No.19402362

White2Tea packaging makes me viscerally angry and I’m not ashamed to admit it

>> No.19402442

at least Kuura has more of a consistent design language with less wrappers that are plain ugly. still smug hipster aesthetic, but looks more like a "pretentious art project" instead of White2Tea's "half-assed craft beer bottles" look

>> No.19402489

For me it's kuura. They even picked out music to go with their tea. Just oozes lifestyle bullshit vibes so strong makes me seethe

>> No.19402516

to me it's the "concept" or whatever they're putting on there, the weird names and designs, try to give off the vibe of having some kind of deep meaning but they mean nothing at all. just name it after where it's from or how it's made like every other foodstuff in the world.
which is why they actually got it right with the waffles one and it doesn't bother me.
but enough autistic seething for now.

>> No.19402517

I keep wondering if the tea from those sites is actually worth it for the price or overpriced to all hell
I'm guessing the ripes are overpriced and I don't drink enough raw to make a whole order of that... so I guess I'll never know

>> No.19402963
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I think he closed up shop with unfulfilled orders and did not refund people.

>> No.19403077

Got some laoshan autmn 2022 oolong from verdant tea for my foray into the tea world. big fan

>> No.19403098

I noticed his website just disappeared a while ago. Im not hugely surprised, guy always took multiple weeks to ship orders out and seemed like he didn't have the money to invest in buying enough tea to actually start a business.
Plus his business model of buying random semi aged tea from Guangzhou and then insisting 6 months of HK dry storage made them taste amazing and selling at hugely inflatied prices just wasnt sustainable, maybe if he had started in the early 2000s he could have pulled it off.

>> No.19403108

Oolong is the good shit. I strongly recommend trying out roasted wuyi oolongs when you get around to it.

>> No.19403128

I want to buy some aged Da Hong Pao but everyone who seems to like it INSISTS that 90% of it is garbage and you need to find the REAL aged Da Hong Pao

>> No.19403235

>roasted wuyi oolongs
Is this a good source?


>> No.19403294

>20$ per session
damn this is some expensive stuff

>> No.19403430

Seems like the price range for higher end wuyi oolongs, but i havent used or heard of them before.
For vendors in china i like chawangshop for wyui oolongs in the more affordable spectrum and essence of tea for premium wuyi oolongs. For an American vendor i would try out old ways tea or wuyi origin.

>> No.19403444
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Grabbed some of this Green Earl Grey at Uwajimaya yesterday. It's pretty good. Didn't realize Earl Grey came in anything but black.

>> No.19403448


>> No.19403468

not sure why people like oolong or green tea. how long are you "people" steeping it for? Its always so astringent.

>> No.19403488

The chili sauce?

>> No.19403489

try steeping it for less. or colder water for green tea
or you just have some really shitty tea
frankly I've never had an astringent oolong in my life aside from dancongs. most oolongs are mellow and forgiving

>> No.19403492

3 min tops

>> No.19403512

Just how dumb do you have to be to make an oolong bitter?

>> No.19403531
File: 199 KB, 800x800, Bama TGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of Bama Tea brand? I was gifted a canister of it and inside the canister are individual packs. This pic isnt what I have, I have a cyclinder canister, but inside are these types of packs. Gonna try 20 secs steeps. Do i recommend this brand? Sure. yeah. I think these are supermarket brands too.

>> No.19403535

i didnt say "bitter", I said astringent. its always astringent after like the 3rd steep.

>> No.19403548

i dont think its "shitty" quality. Not high quality, but it was gifted and most ppl dont give shit quality. its sweet and floral, but theres astringency. I dont think u know what astringency means?

>> No.19403554

haven't tried this brand
maybe you could try western brewing it if gong fu isn't going well?

>> No.19403560
File: 11 KB, 306x165, bama brand store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, check it out, they have their own store. anyone have any info?

>> No.19403581

Heres a tour of Bama Tea Brand. This blond chick is easy on the eyes too.

>> No.19403584

that's wood and dirt anon

>> No.19403591

I'm mulling over starting a business retailing tea. A major goal would be sourcing unique or bespoke blends to sell exclusively, but to start I imagine I would be forced to stick with mostly factory tea and anything else interesting I could get my hands on.
At any rate, I could self fund for a good while and know it would not bring in much cash, but I want to do it anyway. I wouldn't mind hearing any opinions or concerns to help me avoid being another shady retailer who vanished.

>> No.19403592

it tastes like creamy thick hot chocolate and cookie dough. with some wood and dirt in it. good tea

>> No.19403595

tea picking seems pretty high tech, i wonder if brands that talk about picking teas and all that fancy stuff is fluffing it up.

>> No.19403623

modern-style oolong processing is the most high tech out of any tea. with many teas it is much simple and possible to do by hand

>> No.19403633

first time seeing a tea farm like that. always expected some mountain village that's very backwards. Or as how YS describes it, like some 300 year old tree and all that jazz.

>> No.19403638

>modern-style oolong processing is the most high tech out of any tea.
yeah this brand seems modern as hell. This is probably why cheaper supermarket tea might actually not be that bad.

>> No.19403658

>always expected some mountain village that's very backwards. Or as how YS describes it, like some 300 year old tree and all that jazz.
that's still how it is with some raw pu-erh. many of the tree age claims are bullshit though
stuff like oolong or sencha though? yeah it's almost always very modern and mechanised

>> No.19403670

maybe there is something to it. I've had mostly really good experiences with cheap oolong desu

>> No.19403677

His original business model was going to old tea shops in HK that don't gave a web presence, buying retail quantities of tea and then shipping it to buyers with a markup, basically a glorified proxy service.
If you are going to be selling teas like puer you shouldn't try to compete with warehouse style retailers, you ahould have an emphasis on sourcing a more limited selection of teas that you personally feel are excellent. Source teas that arent already available from western facing vendors.

>> No.19403688

>be me
>live in Japan
>invited to a tea ceremony
>never tried matcha in my life
>go through a bunch of shit, what to say before you drink, which way your cup should face, whatever
>finally get to the part where we drink the tea
>it tastes kinda bleh
>pretend to like it in order to not hurt the feelings of the old man that did the ceremony for us
>i'm never going back again

genuinely cannot believe the level of ritual that's developed around consuming something so plain-tasting.

>> No.19403690

this. a small, closely curated selection seems like the way to go for smaller shops. you just can't compete price-wise with something like Fullchea
bonus points if you have some weird curiosities people can only buy from you. like some of the stuff liquid proust sells

>> No.19403718

I want to get some korean teapots or gaiwans. Anyone familiar with those?

>> No.19403730

Not super familiar, there is one shop on etsy that sells handmade korean teapots, there is also some boutique on the west coat that has a few from some artist, those are all like $500 irc.
Koreas donestic market is kind of opaque to me, i dont find the huge nuber of proxy services and ebay sellers you find with Japanese stuff. At least last time i looked into it when i was interested in getting some korean red ginseng.
If you find some good websites let us know

>> No.19403731
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I really don't see a difference between either of them and bitterleaf. Buy the tea, toss the wrappers if they bother you that much.

>> No.19403796

Yeah sure, I haven't found anything interesting so far but I'll share em.

Could you link me the boutique one if you have it?

>> No.19403808

Oolong specifically? Maybe the leaves have opened by then so you're overbrewing, if you're doing short steeps. The first couple can be weaker.
It's hard to speculate though there's a lot of variables.

>> No.19403809

My take was that the biggest problem with his business model is that his prices were to high. His selling point was his access to and curation of the HK tea that is not easily available to westerners. The problem was that he mostly bought stuff at what was probably full retail price (which is often kind of high in HK) and then marked it further so that he could make a profit. The high shipping costs on top of that exacerbated things. There were a good number of teas he had that I was interested in but I always went elsewhere due to cost.

>> No.19403812

Where'd you get it from?

>> No.19403865

Is H-Mart or an Indian supermarket fine for getting a nice black tea in bulk? Maybe Assam, since Barry's is still my favorite tea.
If not, any online suggestions?

>> No.19403967

what kind of black tea? its easy to get british style teas which are black tea because the brits drink it.

>> No.19403972

im a little concerned about tea from india due to indian hygiene.

>> No.19403997

even the brown here in north american arent much better. they are everywhere and their practices are quite revolting. Little things like using a napkin and not your pants is not part of their culture. in the service industry, they dont give a shit about hygiene or cleanliness. Things a normal person would wipe or clean, they think its fine. so idk. Maybe thats why teas are recommended to rinse twice but who rinses british tea?

>> No.19404013

every culture/race has its own characteristics but for brown people, there really isnt anything redeeming. they suck up real hard to those they deem superior and treat their equals and most other people like shit. most of the indians the normal person interacts with is outside of indian, and its never a good experience. I worked CSR for a major food chain (s) and the amount of complaints regarding brown people is insane. They hate non indians because they are very tribal due to no other races liking them. its almost like ugly outside and and ugy inside.

>> No.19404014

If I ever meet you face-to-face I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life unprovoked and with no explanation.

>> No.19404019


>> No.19404025

im not sure about the hygiene of sri lankans. They arent well know for being dirty, I like to drink a ceylon tea for breakfast sometimes.

>> No.19404026

Recs for taiwanese oolong?

>> No.19404064

So one of the things I've liked most about tea vs coffee is that I don't have to grind anything or clean up anything. Just scoop the tea I bought, boil water, pour.

am I right about that? Or is there autism yet to find

>> No.19404076
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did i just get fucking grifted by a chinaman

>> No.19404077

Not the one i was thinking of but i found this
And this place
These guys have some korean teaware
And this shop might be the one i was thinking of
Unfortunately i don't really know anything about korean cermic styles so i don't know what to look for in a piece, i also don't know what kind of price range is reasonable.

>> No.19404083

>I really don't see a difference between either of them and bitterleaf
Bitterleaf actually tells you what mountain the tea is from, kuuro and W2T are allergic to doing that.

>> No.19404087

well depends. how much tea are u using? what scale are u using? what brand is your tea scooper and tea pick? what water boiling device are you using? what are you putting the water in? How much voltage does your water boiling device us? Who picked the tea leaves? what tea leaves? where did the water come from? what is the PH of the water? All these plus many more influence the cup of 茶 you drink.

>> No.19404091

I'm OK with that stuff, just as long as I don't have to clean up coffee after grinding beans. Some occasional leaves on the counter is easy compared to that

>> No.19404095
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Try Alwazah brand tea, some of our black tea drinkers have said it's really nice for the money. Indian markets would probably be decent for cheap black tea, not sure about hmart https://www.amazon.com/Alwazah-Triple-Traders-Loose-Ceylon/dp/B07DZ4M75Z/

>> No.19404096

If you stick to loose leaf yeah. If you get into iron cakes you'll need pruning shears or some shit to break them up. I've got some bricks that would be way easier to deal with if I had like a jewelers saw.

>> No.19404102

bricks are better quality?

>> No.19404103

what time do you drink the tea? tea brew at different times taste different. teas picked at different times taste different. the speed the water is boiled makes the tea taste different. what temp do you drink the at?

>> No.19404114

i have some 10gram samples cakes that i cudnt break apart with a knife.

>> No.19404119

Just looks like a broken website, did you just order from Awazan? If so that happens, you should get a conformation email in a minute or two.

>> No.19404125

>bricks are better quality?
With black or green tea no, the tea bricks are usually junk, mostly made for decoration. With puer and other Chinese fermented teas they usually come in bricks or cakes.

>> No.19404131

Nah you are rightz tea is much more simple, you don't need facy expensive grinders or shit like that. You can get really autistic about brewing if you want to but there isn't any real need to.

>> No.19404148

not really. you are what we call banchod. In india, we make sure the tea is boiled very hot and milk is add same time.

>> No.19404154

They sell $100+ 100g cakes with hipster artwork and a focus on western export. I'm not knocking the boutique bullshittery, just pointing it out.
Depends on the brick. There's a whole world of compressed teas out there. I really like some super compressed cheap tibet export shit. I haven't seen too much fu brick talk lately, but I'm sure someone else here could point you towards something cheap and tasty.
I was going to meme with telling him he'll need a hammer and chisel for some teas lel.

>> No.19404160

>I was going to meme with telling him he'll need a hammer and chisel for some teas lel.
you mean like the mini hammer and chisels? sure why not? eventually you realize a blunt knife isnt good enough.

>> No.19404166

Get fresh teas from last fall or this spring, especially for greener oolongs that aren't roasted. Try a few different types, make sure to try an Oriental beauty, some kind of green high mountain oolong (nothing too expensive) and some four seasons (get a bunch its usually cheap) maybe try a deep roasted tea as well.
Take a look at the descriptions and pick some that sound good to you.

>> No.19404182

Does anyone here know anything about the stimulant properties of tea? Or rather the difference across varieties of tea?
From some rudimentary searching it appears that white and green teas (though I don't know what varieties, I suppose I would have to try them myself) have a the highest concentrations of caffeine and theanine.
Is there any commercial variety of tea that has some other unique stimulant or other effect?

>> No.19404196

Black tea is clearly the stronger in caffeine content. It just feels that way. no idea if it is actually more.

>> No.19404200

>From some rudimentary searching it appears that white and green teas (though I don't know what varieties, I suppose I would have to try them myself) have a the highest concentrations of caffeine and theanine.
really? i thought black tea had the most caffeine

>> No.19404220

As I mentioned it was a rudimentary search. I checked again and it appears that black is generally higher in caffeine than those, though oolong surpassed all of the above. The difference in caffeine across any variety is less than 5mg though not terribly significant.

>> No.19404222

Me think black tea is most caffeinated tea. Us indians drunk types of many teas. we have teas for lunch and after mid afternoon and before supper in evenings. Cups we drink is apparently very strong to foreiners. why do you think you are being by saying black is not the strongest?

>> No.19404229

>The difference in caffeine across any variety is less than 5mg though not terribly significant.
I wouldnt be so sure about that as the effects on the human body is quite significant. You can try different types of tea and you can notice the effects.

>> No.19404236

British drink their tea quite strong, sar

>> No.19404245

shut up pajeet

>> No.19404264

Hello Sir,
please to not be posting on the 4channels, Dalit are not to post here.

>> No.19404281

I can't imagine selling tea I didn't personally like. I guess if I was trying to make it my main source of income I would. Still, it's hard to source teas not already available. I'm going to start reaching out, though. Thanks.
I have some experiments in mind I'd like to do and sell results of to whoever is into that sort of thing. Heated pumi, I've mentioned Florida storage, a couple other ideas I have too.
Appreciate the feedback. I don't need it sugar coated either. Just lay it on me.

>> No.19404294

I do like English teas, including Earl Grey, but Irish breakfast teas are definitely my favorite. I think they're (at least Barry's) a blend of Assam and Kenyan.

>> No.19404295

amusing. lacking education. that was quite obvious from you posting. in future, refer to the google to see you what you are. you are what is known in Britain as a alley way rat. here your kind, we do not see and we talk. we talk and we no look because looking is low.

>> No.19404298

I'll check them out, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.19404301

>Irish breakfast
very malty. definitely has assam in it. Had the Twinning ones and it was tea bag but the tea was way too powdery. Im sure factories defintely sell floor sweepings. It was tasty and needs milk and the caffeine content was quite strong.

>> No.19404312

I wouldnt buy tea with weird pictures on it and if it was 200 dollars a cake. like literally look where tea is picked and farmed, i doubt many companies have teas worth 200 dollars.

>> No.19404320

theres literally high tech farms and factories making tea in china and the production looks quite good.

>> No.19404342
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>> No.19404362

lol thats a tea meant for a post wall female.

>> No.19404394

examples? I'm a sucker for high tech

>> No.19404412

fuck high tech, i prefer convincing myself that all the tea i drink is hand picked from untented tea trees growing untened in the forest.

>> No.19404420

this is what i think too. I think supermarket teas are high tech teas.

>> No.19404421
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It finally arrived! 75 days total in transit, most of which was spent waiting for a plane in Guangzhou.
I went a little overboard on the order itself, but I refuse to feel guilty about it. The original intention was to get the KTM Project 1 packets for storage comparison. Ended up with a bunch of XiaGuan including a kilo of Xiao Fa plus some other cakes.
It also includes teas I've never had before: aged shou mei, aged XiaGaun shengs, lao cha tou, dan cong oolong, plus a few items from factories I don't know at all.
I'm going to let them rest in storage for a while before I touch them, but I couldn't be happier.

>> No.19404433

Fuck yeah. Glad you finally got it pal. Its been quite an adventure.

>> No.19404435


>> No.19404477

Would you rather drink this perfectly controlled industrialized fermentation done by bunch of japanese nerds in clean spaces and proper attires
natural fermentation done on dirty factory floors by bunch of sweaty chinese farmers using rusty shovels and rakes?

>> No.19404530

>, lao cha tou

>> No.19404531

the 1802 and 1801, what is it?

>> No.19404535

Oh shit, that should keep you busy for a while. Im interested to hear your thoughts on those xiaguan ripe tuos of all things. Im wondering if the modern ones are as funky as they used to be (i kinda like the xiaguan ripe funk)

>> No.19404540

>the 1802 and 1801, what is it?
Some ripe and raw cakes he added to the shop from some brand i haven't heard of.
>It is put it on shelf because of the good flavor and taste comparing to decent cost

>> No.19404547

Yeah the size of the box/weight is why it took so long to get on a plane, i had a large KTM order that took a while as well. And your box was probably much bigger because he had to pack the teaware safely.

>> No.19404554

interesting. please do review the store brands in this post.

>> No.19404558

lol can you compare ripe pu erh processing to the jap tea?

>> No.19404646

Thats their take on ripe

>> No.19404734

Here is their informational pamphlet.
I plan to buy some Yamabuki-nadeshiko later this year. I will tell you all how it is when i get it.

>> No.19404893

>dirty factory floors by bunch of sweaty chinese farmers using rusty shovels and rakes
That's one of the selling points though. Without the dirt and sweat it wouldn't be proper ripe puerh.

>> No.19404996

tea ritual is more relaxing than coffee ritual imo

>> No.19405248

kingteamall. but they also have the same one over at yunnansourcing

>> No.19405252

classic Awazon shopping experience
don't worry, they'll confirm the order via email and ship it out soon

>> No.19405259

funny, I also got the Project 1 samples and that tie luo han
what I'm most interested in personally is the Haiwan Lao Cha Tou. be sure to review once you try it

>> No.19405278

what tea should I be havig when I've got some stomach problems? reflux type stuff

>> No.19405416

Fucking nice. How much was it?

>> No.19405528

i dunno i tend to avoid tea when i have a bad stomach, the tannins don't seem to help, but maybe a shou? i just chug plain milk if i have reflux

>> No.19405619
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Buy his tea

>> No.19405659
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The farmer leaf full transparency

>> No.19405669
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VS the hipster tea shop trust me bro

>> No.19405690

this is the two approaches to tea, buy from the one you like.
w2t has some good teas, FL has some good ones. Knowledge of where its from does not make a tea taste better, just like not knowing where its made makes it taste worse.
spend your money wisely where you think it gives you the tea you want. (in literally all cases this means you never buy a cake worth more than 150$)

>> No.19405872
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If you want to try certain teas, at some point you'll have to accept that some tea is very expensive. If you want to try a very good Yiwu or Lao Man E gushu, it will be expensive. Is this tea better than shengtai? Better than gushu from less famous mountains? Better than random factory tea? Probably not, but the price is the price, which is the barrier to entry.
I actually no longer consider the price of specific teas, I have a set budget and teas that I want to drink, and I use the money to buy the tea. Some of it is multiple dollars per gram, some of it is a few cents per gram, I enjoy all of it. The expensive tea is expensive, and the cheap tea is cheap, and that's all it is.

>> No.19405875

William is the patron saint of Western puerh drinkers.

>> No.19405956
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cnnp black box liubao from purple cloud, absolutely fantastic tea.

>> No.19406003

He scratches his noise and wipes his sweaty forehead with the same glove he’s pan roasting teas with.

>> No.19406036

That's part of the charm. If you are buying teas produced in rural peasant villages in china you have either come to terms with the fact that you are getting tea made by peasants in straw shacks or you are fooling yourself into thinking your tea is somehow processed in a cleanroom.

>> No.19406056

Is that why you rinse your teas?

>> No.19406063

Which store in the pastebin do I order from if I want fresh sencha in the US without paying more for shipping than I am for the tea?

>> No.19406088


>> No.19406125

>Which store in the pastebin do I order from if I want fresh sencha in the US without paying more for shipping than I am for the tea?
O-cha but switch to the cheaper shipping option. It should be $8, the default one is $20.

>> No.19406132

I think this page has all the 2023 teas, in says sincha but it includes sencha as well.

>> No.19406136

Actually im wrong some that are just listed under sencha are also from this year, just make sure the harvest date is 2023 from the specs in the listing.

>> No.19406172

>origin post is preparing shipment
Lets see how long this order takes to get on a plane, im guessing it will reach customs within the next week.

>> No.19406207
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Disregard this i suck cocks

>> No.19406215

Is old oolong safe? I have sealed wuyi rock tea? from 2009 in a sealed package. Smells like dark chocolate when I opened it.

>> No.19406220

Not only is its safe its usually quite nice

>> No.19406246

it's highly dangerous. immediately throw it as far as you can and run

>> No.19406263

Yes, it's safe. This kind of oolong can age well and sometimes be much more expensive aged

>> No.19406334
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Do you add anything extra to your tea? I like to experiment and see how the flavor is affected. I know some people favor milk, honey, or cream depending on the kind of tea.

I've tried crushed pecan in coffee before, but not tea. The realization is why I'm posting this, and also why I'm steeping a black tea with crushed nut in the infuser for the first time right now. Am I going to regret this?

>> No.19406375

the particulates from my clay teapot

>> No.19406378

I unironically enjoy black tea with chocolate milk

>> No.19406379

I have never added anything to tea that i can recall, maybe i tried some Lipton with milk once as a teenager

>> No.19406384

Kids these days don't appreciate good clay, they're all about microplastics in their food and drink.

Huh. What are we talking, like half-and-half or just a teaspoon of brown milk or...?

>> No.19406393

I usually just eyeball it. About 2/3 Tea I'd assume. Got a big 350ml mug so I just make a normal cup of tea in that and add the choccy milk on top.

>> No.19406431

Not usually, but lemon in black tea can work, and I've added ginger to green tea before

>> No.19406453

2020 Yunnan Sourcing "Yong De Blue Label" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Mini Cakes. Do buy buy.

>> No.19406457

dont buy it. its not that good.

>> No.19406461

I can only afford cheap shitty tea from Amazon. Are you guys still my friends?

>> No.19406462

No, real /tsg/urus order cheap shitty tea from Awazon.

>> No.19406466

My box is a lot smaller and it is still taking months to get here via airmail. China Post is just screwy sometimes.

>> No.19406470

Black tea steeped longer is good with milk.

>> No.19406487

I used to put milk in every tea, but one week I forgot to buy milk and had to drink black tea. When I bought milk again it tasted so obvious and seemed to overwhelm the tea. Now I just drink my tea black.

>> No.19406541

Of course cheap stuff is good too. Through poverty, unity.

>> No.19406582

>overwhelm the tea
what type of tea? and how long steep?

>> No.19406629

Jin Jun Mei, and a fairly strong steep
The important part is that I did not change my parameters in any way yet in only a couple of weeks my taste had been completely altered.

>> No.19406632

Do teas with anime waifu packaging exist?

>> No.19406637

oh yeah i tried jin jun mei with milk, its not a good profile for having with milk. Assam, ceylon, and british breakfast blends are good with milk though.

>> No.19406638

this is a poorfag general, anon. we buy tea from Fullchea here and sort by cheapest on Awazon

>> No.19406649
File: 425 KB, 937x448, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 23-56-03 Sakamoto_Gyokuro_tea.jpg (obraz WEBP 1946×1946 pikseli) — Skala (48%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these waifu enough for you?

>> No.19406677

if you want, you can try mixing jin jun mei with ceylon milk tea and see what happens. might add some body to your milk tea.

>> No.19406694

That’s an interesting idea. I try mixing it with the Yorkshire Gold I keep for visitors.

>> No.19406702

Yeah, milk will mellow out the flavor of tea really well. That's good for something bitter, but add too much and it will completely conceal most of the flavor. I usually aim for about a half-teaspoon of milk.

> Assam, ceylon, and british breakfast blends are good with milk though
The British milk teas in particular are what got me to first try milk in tea. I was pretty dubious of it at first and didn't like the color it turned, but it has grown on me. IMO, it's best with a slightly sweet snack, like a pastry.

>> No.19406703

>Yorkshire Gold
thats not bad, its good flavor and some depth to it. but the grind is too fine. like floor sweepings.

>> No.19406705

>half-teaspoon of milk.
holy. obviously youre not drinking british teas lol. or dont steep long too.

>> No.19406722

or hes drinking in kung fu tea cups and not normal sized cups

>> No.19406827

It's good enough that it impresses the uninitiated and it's also really cheap

>> No.19406855

>It's good enough that it impresses the uninitiated
well said. its hard to get good british tea cus most brands arent that good. however, i think ahmad is pretty good. but i dont like the brand.

>> No.19406949

I've never had ahmad, it's not sold in the supermarkets here and I'm not going out of my way for brit tea

>> No.19406980


>> No.19407166

I've been experimenting with mineral drops. My RO filter adds minerals back in on the last stage but it's not minerally enough like you get with good mountain spring water. Imo just upgrades the tea by a little bit but doesn't fix bad teas.

Not related but does anyone try "infinity bottle" but for tea? I know sometimes I end up with small amounts of tea in my samples so I've been accumulating them in jars (so far just sheng and shu).

>> No.19407246

That's gonna be ippodo tea in your case. I recently bought their shincha and was very happy with it.

>> No.19407280

>Not related but does anyone try "infinity bottle" but for tea? I know sometimes I end up with small amounts of tea in my samples so I've been accumulating them in jars (so far just sheng and shu).
Yeah i have a old cardboard tuo box filled with the crumbs from various raw puer. It's pretty good, but it's only aged and semi aged stuff. Im not sure if aged and fresh sheng would mix well, maybe it would.

>> No.19407284

> My RO filter adds minerals back in on the last stage but it's not minerally enough like you get with good mountain spring water.
There are inline remineralization units you can plub int between the ro and the sink if your interested. There are also several links in the pastebin for water mineral recipes for RO water if you want to explore that further.

>> No.19407414

No W2T do all this bullshit but there is no tiddy catgirl puerh yet??

>> No.19407454
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>be American
>be tea-drinker
>start dating a British girl
>find out she doesn't do afternoon tea time, and in fact doesn't like tea at all
>tfw emotionally crushed, I don't even know what to do with this relationship anymore

I'm not sure if this relationship has legs to stand on long-term if I can't warm her up to the idea of a cup of tea, but damn her accent is really cute

>> No.19407512

Tell her that everything she and her family has ever had is rubbish and then show her the goods. Imagine being the yankee in-law who knows what good tea is.

>> No.19407648
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>> No.19407745


>> No.19407917

>want to finally try that semi-aged sheng I got
>but the urge to have a morning shincha session is too overwhelming
send help, I'm addicted to japanese greens

>> No.19408052

okay I just drunk both back to back. I am really high on caffeine / cha qi at this point

>> No.19408066

Same here, but with ripe puerh. I have so many types of tea, but i still end up drinking ripe daily.

>> No.19408202

yeah it's either japanese greens or ripe for me 90% of the time now
I'm liking this sheng too though

>> No.19408255

As long as you make sure to drink large amounts of tea every day your body will eventually adapt.

>> No.19408443

Hello Anons, I love drinking teas of all types. Is there a particular type of tea that will keep me up late at night? I go to school and I need some energy to keep me awake. If there is something else besides teas that works even better let me know. Thank you

>> No.19408471

>Is there a particular type of tea that will keep me up late at night?
Grandpa brewing shou puerh is good both because it's easy, and because you draw out the caffeine intake so there isn't a spike like chugging a cup of coffee.
>If there is something else besides teas that works even better let me know.

>> No.19408482

>Is there a particular type of tea that will keep me up late at night?
Buy ma huang (ephedra sinca) on ebay from china. Or just go to the pharmacy and ask for bronkaid.

>> No.19408492

They keep it behind the pharmacy counter but you don't need a prescription, you just have to ask for it. Its allegedly an asthma medication but it's really just ephedra, start with half a pill and don't use more then one pill a day or get in the habit of using it every single day, save it for papers and cram sessions.

>> No.19408500

yerba mate, sheng pu-erh and japanese greens seem to have the best kick for me

>> No.19408528

For some reason my Lapsang Souchong always loses flavor after a while. I wonder if my tastebuds just get used to the flavor?
Or am I just buying shit quality, where can I find good quality Lapsang?

>> No.19408545

if it's smoke flavored then yeah, it's definitely gonna lose that flavor pretty quickly
real traditionally smoked lapsang can get pretty pricey though
I like this Malawi Moto tea the africans came up with lately, it's also smoked and an interesting alternative

>> No.19408558
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Drink more Bulang puer

>> No.19408568

but what if I don't like the bitterness and astringency

>> No.19408569

Try this
Or this if you want a more mild smoke
My favorite cheap lapsang has been the canned stuff from the asian markets but it's either not available at all or way overpriced online.

>> No.19408573

>but what if I don't like the bitterness and astringency
Then drink more yiwu puer, or drink old hudmid tiwan storage bulang

>> No.19408596

Lao Man E has two varietals of puerh, the tea on the southern slopes are bitter, the tea to the north is sweet.
Farmer leaf sells a northern slope tea

>> No.19408626
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>animal fragrance
That doesn't sound good

>> No.19408629

The sweet lao man E is still bitter, im drinking some this morning..

>> No.19408638

He means animalic, like leather, musk, sweat. Its a great rangle of odors imo.

>> No.19408642

>Its a great rangle of odors imo.
*its a great category of smelly things. Animalic perfumes are the best, i love wearing deer musk tinctures

>> No.19408803

sounds cool, but I can't afford 1$ / gram tea

>> No.19408807

yeah I like them too. animalic and leather. I wonder how much crossover there is between tea enthusiast and perfume enthusiast

>> No.19408812

He had a much cheaper fall small trees cake that was $45 but its sold out, hopefully he will make another this year.

>> No.19408834

Musk and sweat doesn't sound good in tea. Ive had leather notes in ripes and it was pleasant but the rest not so sure. Animalic like civet shit and urine smell in tea?

>> No.19408876

Mostly in tea ive experienced leather notes and notes i would described as vaguely animalic, mabe some light musks but i don't think i have had any that smell like civet paste or deer musk or anything like that. I was just giving genrap examples of what the description meant by animal. Also i should be clear this is more odors from the tea then tastes, but i don't think i would mind a leathery tasting tea.

>> No.19408913

Before I try this, tell me if it's retarded or not:

Roasting your tea a little bit to bring out the aromatics

>> No.19408932

I hear some people do this with stale oolong

>> No.19408936

Yeah that doesn’t sound appetizing. Sometimes pu erh has fishy taste so yeah.

>> No.19408941

Remember to add some oil to prevent the tea leaves from sticking and burning

>> No.19408943

>leather notes
I think I also heard someone describe a bulang sheng as having a note of gasoline?
so... does it just taste the way Dior Fahrenheit smells?

>> No.19409033

There are specific tea ovens. Little circular bun-steamer looking things. KTM on YouTube has a demonstration.

>> No.19409041

>Remember to add some oil to prevent the tea leaves from sticking and burning
Don't do this, it will make your tea taste disguising

>> No.19409050

Yeah gasoline notes is a somewhat reasonable description. Especially in very young bulang teas.
No it doesn't taste anything like Fahrenheit smells. God that would be awful.

>> No.19409149
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The roasamonte especial arrived, smokey yerba mate is where its at. This is very different from the organic stem free air dried fancy yerba i bought last time.

>> No.19409198

yeah I find that "western tea store" mate is its own genre of yerba mate that's more delicate and "green" tasting than most of the stuff south americans usually drink. yerba mate can be more dark, smoky and woody. personaly I find that this type of mate usually has more depth and I tend to prefer it
smokey yerba mate kind of reminds me of some factory sheng pu-erh sometimes in that "green yet smoky" contrast

>> No.19409223

drinking that Awazon 2006 Dayi Spring of Menghai "sample" today (one third of a cake)
doesn't taste very aged to me, I guess that's on the kunming storage. nice smokey plum fragrance, the taste is more smokey, a bit resinous forest, a bit grassy. forest fire? smoked ham? still has a kick to it with medium bitterness and quite a bit of astringency. got some menthol aftertaste at one point, but mostly it's smoky and drying

overall I enjoy it for the price, but it's nothing super special, just an old school standard factory production. nice to actually try a semi-aged Dayi raw that isn't overpriced to all hell though

>> No.19409229

Yeah ive had some old ass Kunming stirage teas before and its shocking how little they change even after 15+ years. They do change some obviously but they stull tend to have that fruity young sheng taste and bitterness.

>> No.19409234

I can see that, it does have some smokey factory sheng sort of vibes. Pretty enjoyable, i will have to keep exploring the barbacua mates.

>> No.19409307

funnily enough the second semi-aged tea I got with that Awazon order, the 2002 6FTM ripe tuo actually has a pretty aged flavor to me. makes me wonder if it spent a few years in more humid storage before Awazon scooped it up and put it in their kunming warehouse

>> No.19409318

Yes i also noticed that definitely some aged taste there. I wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhere else for a while. The listing makes it sound like they bought them in 2012 and they claim they were in Kunming storage before that but it's hard to say. Maybe it has to do with the lighter style of fermentation.

>> No.19409396

I just bought some bulang samples from ys. Looking forward to try the meme region lao man e and experience bitter shengs. I'm most curious how wet piling transforms the bitter material tho

>> No.19409408

Nice, i don't think i have had any bulang ripes. Im guessing they will still have some punch to them.

>> No.19409428

Yeah the description says they have some bitterness. Hope it's a pleasurable contrast to sweet ripe flavor. Now the pain of waiting for the package begins...

>> No.19409447

I have had teas with a sweat taste before, but it is good. The saltiness is gone obviously, and it mixes well with floral aromas and tastes. Ymmv though. Also, I like fishy tastes in ripe. Savoury tea flavors are underrated imo and a nice fishy soup broth ripe is a nice dinner time tea

>> No.19409473
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Let's fucking GO

>> No.19409487

>400g of se chung oolong
Is this from Upton? I hope you really like that tea because I was struggling to drink it when I bought it years ago.

>> No.19409492
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it is. And that's very unfortunate to hear. I hope I like it. If not, it's getting heavily mixed with skim milk and sugar.

>> No.19409628

i drink lots of tea. had a rose green tea today. very sweet.

>> No.19409638

apparently its a taiwanese green tea.

>> No.19409797

I've only had two taiwanese greens. the weird taiwanese style bi luo chun that's good but nothing like normal bi luo chun and a green GABA tea
taiwanese greens seem a bit underrated to me

>> No.19409936

Anon that ordered one of every W2T dragon ball reporting.
Postal service god damn speedrunning my package, placed the order 10 days ago and I just got the out for delivery message.
Jesus it arrived 4 minutes ago, less then 4 days in transit. I'll just have my breakfast and post some pics later.

>> No.19409937
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I have a green tea with mint that makes me sick to my stomach when I drink it normally, but not if I add a few drops of honey. Anybody else experience this, or have any guesses as to why it happens?

>> No.19409940

Imagine the smell

>> No.19409944

Green tea causes nausea in some people when consumed on an empty stomach, just eat some food first

>> No.19409955

you are the anon that did like a 6000 dollar tea order?

>> No.19409966

note they we're out of canton canton so I got a refund.

>> No.19409974

are you going to be reviewing each of them?

>> No.19409976

requesting camphornot review.

>> No.19409990

how does it feel knowing you could get 1 aged yiwu cake for that price?

>> No.19410045

dont really care, i wanted try a bunch of samples. lemme guess, you are fat and overweight from eating too many cakes?

>> No.19410076

W2T gets an A+ for packaging and shipping. I think they paid for premium shipping which was nice of them.
I have checked everything and was a little insulted the only bonus was 8 grams of 2020 old reliable, but maybe it's dead stock and they chuck that in with everyone, or a makeup for Canton Canton.
2023 the thing still is smells absolutely incredible.
I also tried to post some images but the filesize was too big so I'll get imgur going again.

Yes, I'll try to make a post a day. (Who knows if I'll stick to it though, probably also keep track of my thoughts in excel or something too for later reference.
It'll be awhile I'll probably just lucky dip them and I got a lot to go though.
This, I would prefer to spend my money on variety and I'll enjoy this more.

>> No.19410081

>dont really care, i wanted try a bunch of sample
fair, also i wonder how a ripe dragonball sample would be, ive only had sheng ones before.

>> No.19410092

You are going to get really good at brewing dragonaballs, hopefully they open up pretty quickly and arent super compacted

>> No.19410097

I seem to be missing 2017 Baimudan Fuding Fujian White Tea from the white tea sampler. I have a double up of 2018 Censers instead.

>> No.19410133

If you email him he will probably do something. I think the tea you got two of is probably a more premium offering

>> No.19410135

lol one free sample of like 8 grams lol.

>> No.19410163

Looking forward to your notes.
Here's my review from Hoarding Edition three threads ago.
>I'm surprised! I've never tasted a shou puerh that had so little sweetness or richness. Instead, this tea tastes and smells a little more shallow, but not necessarily in a bad way. It's tough to describe. Reminds me of pulling on a pipe that's half smoked, but went out and needs relighting. There's something else there I can't put my finger on but I'm sure will hit me right before I fall asleep. The price is right for what it is, but I do already miss that familiar plum and dough richness that I expect from most other shous I've had so far. It's interesting to have a round, but I wouldn't make it a daily drinker.

>> No.19410164

I never get hooked up when it comes to free samples. The US YS warehouse doesn't give any, or at least they didn't back when i ordered from them. If i spend a couple hundred bucks at kingteamall he usually throws in a few 4-5 gram bags of his cheaper house teas. One time i spend like $350 at essence of tea and he gave me a sample of the cheapest cake they pressed that year.
Is there some shop the people are getting tons of freebies from?

>> No.19410174

i've only ordered from farmer leaf once and it was a small order, but they chucked in a pretty nice black tea sample

>> No.19410226

I got lucky on a W2T order once and got a sample of this.
Best yancha I ever had but I also don't normally buy expensive yancha.

>> No.19410232

God i love fancy yancha

>> No.19410240

Yeah i got a 7-8g white tea cube from farmer leaf when i bought a cake

>> No.19410264

peoples perceptions of the british's relationship with tea is so strange, they are painted as these tea loving addicts and in reality they are buying the cheapest shit from sainsburys and throwing it into the ugliest mugs, pouring in a shit ton of milk, usually letting it go cold, repeat 3 times a day

fucking hate this country

>> No.19410384

Included a few other teas I have from them. should have included a cute timestamp but cbf. It was an absolute pain to sort.

>> No.19410402

and tea bags too. their relationship with tea is that think they drink tea relgiously i assume.

>> No.19410412

Jesus christ imgur cries and shits itself if you block their ads.

>> No.19410424

some of them look like 10 gram cakes or tuos. I have some 10 gram ones and my tea pick cant break them apart. they are so compressed and smooth.

>> No.19410427
File: 882 KB, 1563x891, Screenshot from 2023-06-23 03-00-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted about this tea before, but now i've tried it some more i've gotta say i'm really impressed. i described it as like old books before i think, but i just smelled an old book and it's not that. maybe leather or cigars or something in that region (i will have to find some old leather to smell)
it's unfortunate it's a bit pricey for me at about 40 cent/gram, but i might grab 50g at some point.
so my question is, do any anons have a suggestion for what to try next? is this a typical flavour profile for 20+ year old shou, so i can just try to find something around that age?

>> No.19410441

looking through my tea book, i can recommend mang fei mountain ripe from YS. Dark fruit, cherry, slight sweet. very slight astringency. started with 2 20s rinse and a 4mins steep.

>> No.19410442

This is a very woody ripe with noticeable aged tea taste, reasonable price for tea that's 20+ years old, just don't blind buy a whole kilo and complain if you don't like it.

>> No.19410443

idk about drinking loose leaf. im worried about off flavors, and all that since its loose leaf. dry out easier and stuff. and storage issues.

>> No.19410450

>If i spend a couple hundred bucks at kingteamall he usually throws in a few 4-5 gram bags of his cheaper house teas.
sounds good. i think my next order will be a few cakes from them. However, my current YS order has like a free 250 gram ripe as a deal

>> No.19410477

looks interesting and quite a lot cheaper, thanks for the suggestion.

damn i was looking at that one as i placed an awazon order just a couple days ago. didn't go for it for whatever reason. i'll earmark it for next time

the "old dry organic matter" note is very forward but i wouldn't say it has any off flavours. i was a bit suspicious at first as well though.

>> No.19410524

is it better to buy 4 ripe cakes off awazon or one dragon pillar and star of menghai and the elephant dayi?

>> No.19410583

Good question, depends on what you are looking for. Most of the teas on awazon are on the affordable daily drinker side price wise. They also also have some age on them. If you want smooth mellow easy to drink teas without any funk they have some good options.
Im less familiar with the premium dayi offerings, in theory they could be more punchy and dynamic. But dayi is also not the best brand for value

>> No.19410593

>But dayi is also not the best brand for value
whats a good brand for value? yeah, awazon seems like they have tea that is easy to drink. not having funk is important.

>> No.19410628

>whats a good brand for value?
Haiwan, specifically on fullchea, the ones ktm has are kind of pricey.
This batch has a good reputation for being good and cheap. They also have some premoum ripe productions on there but i havent had a chance to try any.
Here are some examples of their more premium teas that fullchea has.
They look nice but that's about all i can tell you

>> No.19410762

I ordered $700+ and got one single 4-5 gram oolong sample from KTM. A little disappointing, but I hate to sound ungrateful. Just posting as a data point.

>> No.19410789


>> No.19410806
File: 1.14 MB, 4080x3072, 1673877530333456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, this is very considerate. Only somebody who gives a shit would do this.

>> No.19410822

What are you going for first?

>> No.19410829

thanks. il check those out. seems like theres a lot of good ripes for a decent price. The Dragon Pillar i want is like 90 usd and i also want like another 60 usd cake.

>> No.19410837

would a 60USD haiwan be better quality than 60USD dayi based on dayi not being the best value?

>> No.19410840

oolongs need a few days rest and the pu will need a week probably, so ill start with the whites and blacks, trying hot brandy.
Haven't tried it yet but I just started on my first brew smells very sweet like honey or aged shoumei.

>> No.19410959

I'm not really one for notes, and descriptions (I need to get better) but hot brady definitely tastes like a mix of dianhong, and gongmei I think? Don't think it's shoumei because the leaves are a bit smaller and i definitely saw some tips. I'm pushing the tea quite hard with 8:100 and longer brews and it doesn't become astringent, got a silky aftertaste, but it doesn't come across as sweet as it initially smelled.
The blend complements each other nicely and takes the edge off, usually if I brewed this way with a dianhong it would be too bitter.
Overall I enjoy and recommend 2018 Hot Brandy.

Review 1.

What do you anons think should I namefag to make it easier to search though my reviews?

>> No.19410996

>What do you anons think should I namefag to make it easier to search though my reviews?

>> No.19411011

>would a 60USD haiwan be better quality than 60USD dayi based on dayi not being the best value?
Hard for me to say sorry, i haven't had a $60 cake from either brand but considering dayi isn't all that cheap on king tea mall and that fullchea is usually on the cheaper side price wise i would guess your money would go further with some haiwan cakes.

>> No.19411023


>> No.19411029

New thread on the way

>> No.19411037


>> No.19411042

I've got that first one, it's pretty decent.

>> No.19411321

this. definitely some of the cheaper 20+ year old ripe out there and it does have an aged taste to it
I wonder how that YS tea stacks up to it considering that it's several times the price

>> No.19411329

I'd go for 4 ripe cakes off awazon
frankly I'm a little sceptical of premium ripe when sub 20$ factory cakes can be so tasty. seems to me like ripe has serious diminishing returns