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19396920 No.19396920 [Reply] [Original]

the year is 2023
if the word "gum" in terms of gum going into your mouth (not like plumbing spackle) and im not saying food because chewing gum is essentially plastic and xanthum gum is essential a chemical (theres others too) doesn't raise a red flag idk what to say

>> No.19396930

omg a chemical :(((((

>> No.19396932

>Xanthan gum may have some health benefits. It has slowed tumor growth in mice with skin cancer,[14] stabilized blood sugar,[15] lowered cholesterol [16] and improved the symptoms of dysphagia.[17] Xanthan gum may also act as a laxative.[18]

>> No.19396940

You wanna try writing that in English?

>> No.19396943

Xantham gum is a bio product derived from the brown fungus that grows on old broccoli. Its not synthesized any more than vitamin c thats in everything.

>> No.19396945

let's elaborate because le reddit response of zomg its a heckin chemicalarino can be right but in this case you're instinct to be tough is far from intelligent. xanthan gum is made from sugar. its on par with high fructose corn syrup also a lab made chemical. the issue isn't just chemicals such as you could call table salt in water a chemical if youre a seething autist but these are synthesized non occurring in nature abominations not meant for or fit for human consumption unfortunately for you the FDA pretends its fine because the ship sailed. what're they gonna make everyone eat tobasco-level unthickened sauce can you imagine the rage

>> No.19396956
File: 45 KB, 1080x222, 20230618_215153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because humans grow something doesn't mean it isnt synthesized this is just a different route of manufacture. also I doubt this is how its done large scale lmao. bottom line is the stuff is a polysaccharide same as high fructose corn syrup made by lab coats and completely untested.
did you know isopropyl alcohol doesn't evaporate fully and isn't fit for food chemistry?

>> No.19397036
File: 540 KB, 1080x1627, Screenshot_20230618_215805_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat tobasco-level unthickened sauce

Marie figured out how to do it without the gum and it's pretty good. Superior IMO. That said I have no hate towards the xanthan other than too much gives a mouthfeel I don't care for and I do have a bag of the xanthan powder for home use. Also planted a prickly pear this year for going the nopal route. I view xanthan as sort of a cheat, but a very minor one I'm willing to overlook. My girl is also a food scientist and is familiar with the food development biz. She tells me that scientists playing with cactus leaves for some outsourced sauce like Steve-O's Butthole Slather is most definitely not in the budget.

>> No.19397091

Almost nothing evaporates fully from a mixed solution, be it isoprope in your gum, ethanol in your bread, methanol in your tequila, etc. This is why you have a liver, anon.
Caution is fine, but don't make yourself schizophrenic.

>> No.19397103

ethanol and water do. all food scientists should know this. im an analytical chemist and can say this without a doubt as isopropyl alcohol permanently adulters your sample unlike ethanol or distilled water

>> No.19397130

>Ethanol and Water do
Find me a dish that you can reduce the moisture content of to literally zero, anon, I will wait. Even freeze drying doesn't drop below 1-4% moisture content, you crazy bastard.

>> No.19397133


>> No.19397246

Xanthan gum is sold as a dry powder. If there's trace isopropanol left it's insignificant compared to all the other risks you tolerate without concern.

>> No.19397275

the point is ethanol and water dont adulterate your product and notice you didnt use ethanol as the example like we were talking about because you know it can fully evaporate and doesn't leave any contamination, or should know.
yummy yummy i hear its very healthy to ingest

>> No.19397291

Isopropanol evaporates easier than water.

>> No.19397310

>Oh no, my hecking word I don't understand. The chemical byproduct from bacteria that is linked to health benefits. Probably dangerous because I can't pronounce it.

You can't be too poor afford ranch rope at Menards anon. Just remember, a fan or some shit won't support human weight, you need a support beam or a tree.

>> No.19397418

it does not evaporate without adulterating you clearly do not comprehend the terms im using. it will always leave traces of itself which is the contaminant. water is not considered an adulterant or contaminant and therefore although it doesnt evaporate fully without lyopholization it does evaporate out cleanly assuming you started with distilled
funny how aggressive the coca cola shills are these days. $0.40 has been credited to your account!

>> No.19397426

>brown fungus that grows on old broccoli.

>> No.19397624

It's an additive used in small quantities, not a staple food. I don't care if it has traces of isopropanol. A few micrograms of something not particularly toxic is going to do fuck all.

>> No.19398310

The only reason people take issue with xanthan gum is because it has the letter X in it. This makes it sound scary and chemicaly. If it were called "natural happy thickening carbohydrate", because that's what it is, no one would give a shit. It's the same reason you can't put carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in ice cream but instead use guar gum, even though they do the same exact thing, because good luck getting consumers to buy something called "carboxymethyl." Thank God we thought to call sodium chloride "salt" or else we'd all be eating unseasoned potato chips.

>> No.19398323


>> No.19398425

$0.40 has been added to your account.
>its funny how the all chemicals are okay as long as I can gaslight you hard enough on the molecular name of water being dihydrogen monoxide
notice how these people don't talk about the nutrition or nutrients in the gum, they dont argue its food, they dont argue its healthy or good for us, just some weird attempt to gaslight me about one mostly non relevant word choice other than the fact that once again gum is NOT food and even these shills dont try to claim it is. stop eating gum.
only one anon in the entire thread offered some good info. oh look a thickener I trust directly from a plant

>> No.19398452

>carbohydrates are not food

>> No.19398558

>ethanol doesn't adulterate your product
It's literally fucking poison though?

>> No.19398571

>all the food scientists know this
>the first thing they know is that you evaporate all the water out, something a process developed exclusively for (freeze drying) cannot do
>he didn't mention ethanol, which means ethanol is entirely evaporated
Stop lying about food scientists. Ethanol remains because we don't bother trying to remove 100% of it; like isopropyl alcohol, it's such a low grade toxin that we don't bother with worrying about trace amounts

>> No.19398739

ethanol is non toxic
isopropyl alcohol is toxic at any amount, whether it causes acute toxicity may be up for debate but it concretely adversely effects health at any concentration. dont consume IPA it's on par with drinking methanol. sad food scientists defend this bad practice

>> No.19398744

ethanol is the only non toxic alcohol in small amounts to humans get your facts straight

>> No.19398765

Imagine not eating clean whole foods in 2023

>> No.19398912

Acute toxicity is of isopropanol is somewhat higher than ethanol, but quantities involved are so low than it's irrelevant. As for chronic toxicity, isopropanol gets metabolized to acetone, which is a natural product of human metabolism and of similarly low toxicity, and then acetate, then carbon dioxide and water. Ethanol gets metabolized to acetaldehyde, which is a Group 1 carcinogen.

>> No.19398915

actually, it's mid-June

>> No.19398932

Gum is just another word for sap

>> No.19399075

Methanol is produced by you whenever you consume pectin, interestingly enough, and you produce it at a higher ratio than any possible trace amount of isopropyl alcohol could be present in the already smaller amount of xanthan gum you utilize in anything, ever.

>> No.19399090

>"No you don't understand it's le bad chemicals!"

>> No.19399264

if this is your definition, then that gum is healthy. sap is very healthy. this anon gets it>>19398765 eat whole
k gl w that

>> No.19399271

the point is that potential damage is determined by potency x concentration not just one or the other but always both. youre here saying blah blah concentration and totally ignoring potency where potency is in terms of acute toxicity to health such as ethanol at low concentration has a zero potency does no damage at all fully non toxic. at low concentration ipa has a large toxicity/potency

>> No.19399371

>at low concentration ipa has a large toxicity/potency
This is false.

>> No.19399657

>at low concentration ipa has a high toxicity
Isopropyl alcohol, via its metabolites, is somewhat more toxic than ethanol, but considerably less toxic thanethylene glycolormethanol.
Per https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/15563650.2014.914527
Additionally, Isopropyl alcohol is sufficiently nontoxic as to be widely used as an antiseptic and even hand sanitizer, despite being absorbable through the skin with relative ease.
>ethanol is non-toxic/safe
Also false, what the fuck? Toxicity isn't an instant death button, it's a measure of deleterious effect-did you manage to miss the "Toxic" in the word "Intoxication"?

>> No.19399735

Food science. Cool.

>> No.19399756 [DELETED] 

If you're going to bitch about additives giving you cancer it's a bad idea to pick something that's made from fermented simple sugar, a process made by bacteria rather than forcing various artificial chems together in a lab.

>> No.19399773

>Have to have a degree in something food science adjacent stuff or read about metabolic processes on a low chemical level to determine if an additive will kill me
>Those who have done the above still debate and can't find common ground
No wonder we get "is coffee good for you?" threads.

>> No.19399783

its true especially when compared to ethanol or even methanol
ethanol again has ZERO TOXICITY and FULLY EVAPORATES WITHOUT ADULTERATION I cant believe im taking the time to explain this to you for the forth time. bottom line is any adverse effects is too many and ethanol is zero, youre even admitting ipa has more than zero
lmao the issue is all the paid shills. they make shit up to confuse the public so they can keep selling it.

>> No.19399789

for example this guy >>19399657
already admitted his wife works for big food science thats poisoning us as he openly argues in her favor, or maybe its her arguing either way, very aligned to the big mcdonalds team
>i I i didn't poison people m m my boss t t told me to

>> No.19399801

>lmao the issue is all the paid shills. they make shit up to confuse the public so they can keep selling it.

This slow ass board is not worth money to have "paid shills" sit and shitpost all day in sub 19 IP threads that die within 72 hours. This is such asinine attitude to have when people simply are wrong, confuse things, defend their ego, just bullshit to get an explanation or actually believe they are right. Blaming any friction on they all being "paid shills" is such stupid crock of shit. Never argued with people being bad faith in real life that say the most insane shit because they must die on that particular hill no matter what? They don't get paid to be wrong and they are here among us right now.

>> No.19399809

>for example this guy >>19399657
>already admitted his wife works for big food science thats poisoning us as he openly argues in her favor

I tried to find the connection you make here by skimming the post chain but I don't see it. Did you infer it from some link that was posted or something?

>> No.19399981

uhh >>19397036
>my wiiife the food scientist says a little of a bad thing is ok
before we go on please post wrist only thins opinions shall be heardith

>> No.19400001

IPA is far less toxic than methanol. People routinely survive doses in the 100s of grams. Dose from a trace residue in a minor ingredient in hot sauce will be in the micrograms. And ethanol is carcinogenic at any dose.

>> No.19400425
File: 590 KB, 1000x1109, ingredients banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xanthum gum is essential a chemica
goddamn you people are retarded.

>> No.19400432

Don't bother. esl non Americans are retards.

>> No.19400580

ethanol is not carginogenic where do you liars come from? also what part of fully evaporates without adulterating do you not understand?

>> No.19400590

now if you actually memorize these terms and start to learn them you'll notice which ones aren't on that ingredient list. guess what? I dont see xanthan gum. I dont see high fructose corn syrup. I dont see canola oil. pass on your lab made bullshit and your gaslighting. I love how you people pounce on the le its a chemical meme everytome but fail to realize the person saying it this time knows what they're talking about. btw most of the things on the list in your banana are amino acids and healthy proteins, muh big scary words like arganine noooo, lol bro you can learn some of this chemistry in 101

>> No.19400725

One side of this debate is posting facts and the other is posting retarded bullshit and schizo rambling. Who is dumber, the schizo or the guy who can’t decide who to believe

>> No.19401512

The part where something fully evaporates, as it is functionally impossible even within a lab environment, to say nothing of a common household kitchen. It is impressive how stupid you are.

>> No.19401565

>before we go on please post wrist only thins opinions shall be heardith
What is this supposed to mean? Get your head straight.

>> No.19401603

Yeah no-one gave a shit about guar gum or locust bean gum or acacia gum. Xanthan is just too spooky a name.

>> No.19401606

he's had too much zero toxicity ethanol

>> No.19401875

>Its a fact kids, eat your xanthan gum or you can't survive!
wrong. ethanol and distilled water do.
the guy is telling me no one here works for big food but meanwhile I've had people admit in this thread they do. I think he's dishonest. its a running joke on ck to say post wrist.
I give a shit about all 4. hard pass.
you missed the part where its zero toxicity at trace amounts. this is the type of misrepresentation low iq id expect NOT from ck tbdesu yall usually are better than this :) but I suppose it's only trolls left to debate me with anything close to reality and facts

>> No.19401998

Isopropanol has as little toxicity in trace amounts as ethanol.
All those other gums come from plant matter. They might as well be stevia or something.
Take your meds