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19395505 No.19395505 [Reply] [Original]

mcdonald's new medium size

>> No.19395509

you shouldn't care or go to McDonald's anyway you fat fuck

>> No.19395516

they are gonna make it so that we can only afford this slop so they can sell us overpriced insulin

>> No.19395541


>> No.19395561

I already can't afford it that slop

>> No.19395569

>exclusively at McDonald's in Walmart
So it's only for those locations. Makes sense; the only Subways in my area are in Walmarts and they charge higher prices and don't accept coupons.

>> No.19395613

thanks fat retards who watched superskizome and now think they are intelligentsia

>> No.19395614

It's some of the best slop there is, fools.

>> No.19395640

they use the same scoop so always order a medium fries
i got a medium fries and a fish filet sandwich and it was $13 as of 6/16/2023 in connecticut
i have no idea how people aren't rioting

>> No.19395663

>go to my local goyslop
>get a medium drink
>less volume than a can of soda

opperator, i think ive lost it.

>> No.19395867

Americans are letting Europe live in their heads rent free to the point they copy our serving sizes

>> No.19395908


>> No.19396058

So if I order a small they'll give me just 5 fries?

>> No.19396123


>> No.19396129
File: 66 KB, 358x333, 1619449768573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are returning to 1950s portion sizes
America is healing

>> No.19396162

>>we are returning to 1950s portion sizes
and we couldnt be further from the economic conditions of those times

>> No.19396171

It's true, we're way wealthier now

>> No.19396187

kek, the propaganda is too easy

>> No.19396205

My mom was so poor growing up her family couldn't always afford to heat their house in the winter. They'd all sleep in one room with a fire going to keep from freezing to death. I am not dissatisfied with the money I make

>> No.19396311

since making this shit vegan friendly they're doing you a favor

>> No.19396342


>> No.19396369

>lol poverty is fine because of central heating and cable Anon.

>> No.19396385

Yes. If you can afford food, shelter, central heating, and a plethora of entertainment, I'm simply not convinced that you are experiencing poverty.

>> No.19396442

What more do you want exactly? Blacks living on government assistance today have better lives than medieval kings

>> No.19396540

Specify no ice retard, are you brand new to fast food?

>> No.19397125

I see six

>> No.19397132

>pay retarded fast food workers 15 dollars an hour goy, it won't affect prices at all

>> No.19397154

Most people today have less purchasing power than in the 1980s. Maybe it's all that money getting extracted from productive members of society to pay for all that welfare for blacks.

>> No.19397164

>Maybe it's all that money getting extracted from productive members of society to pay for all that welfare for blacks.
You don't think Blacks in the USA deserve $2.5 million cash, tax free, as reparations for slavery, and don't you think all white people are guilty because they were all slave owners and they are all racist?

>> No.19397166

>Most people today have less purchasing power than in the 1980s
This is not true

>> No.19397168

>"look mommy I posted the meme racist buzzword again!"

>> No.19397187

The items I can buy today doesn't even exist in the 80s

>> No.19397196

Fucking fascists in shithole Connecticut are too busy pissing their panties about Target and books.

>> No.19397231
File: 314 KB, 544x391, walmosque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exclusively at Wal-Mosque, your big savings home, under the big round dome! Come on over!

>> No.19397585

They need to bring the cheese curds nationwide. I'd eat those over fries any day.

>> No.19397609


WEF shills

>> No.19398172

Thanks for telling me how to feel and live my life you oppressive cunt. Hope a pack of wolves jump through your 12th floor high rise window and rape you to death

>> No.19398183

Just get two

>> No.19398188

never get the fries anyway retards
double quarter pounder and chicken nuggets is all you need

>> No.19398237
File: 55 KB, 500x651, ssddsaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's fries are healthy

>> No.19398962

>The fatty takes criticism of its food personally

>> No.19398987

>They're trying to screw me over on my 7 dollar seed oil sticks

>> No.19399023

I know I can kill
The truth is just beyond the gate

>> No.19399112

fucking retarded ass country
>That will be $1.07 sir

>> No.19399125

And 1950's BMI

>> No.19399132

Frenchies are very anal about their food, their McDonnald's is probably under a lot of regulations to be even allowed to operate

>> No.19399147

Fat retard

>> No.19399278

Well to be fair fast food places need to pay at least that to get even the retards to show up these days, minimum wage laws or not. My state has a minimum wage of $9 something, yet every fast food place is hiring at $15/hr. My 17 yr old nephew who has worked at McDonalds for a year just got bumped up to $16.5/hr, and he says even at that they can't get enough employees.

>> No.19399293

God this is a stupid response

>> No.19399328
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 168717795346859055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God this is a stupid response
sorry no (You) for you. thanks for playing!!!

>> No.19399364

Fires give off heat.

>> No.19399369

>least freedom
>least space
>least community
>least family
>least purpose
>worst food, water, and air quality
>longest hours devoted to survival
Literally the worst time to be alive in all meaningful objective measures.

All of the stupid bullshit they teach about like slavery and auschwitz is fucking meaningless now that zoomers have less hope for the future than that.

>> No.19399442


literally start having sex

>> No.19399450

But not always enough to heat more than a single room

>> No.19399451

>goes through the extra trouble of removing a (You)
>manually re-enters it in the reply anway
>"ha got you"

>> No.19399457

>The world is full of problems that need fixing
>Also i have no purpose in life
Lol. It's also hilarious that you think you live in a time of poor air quality

>> No.19399477
File: 37 KB, 1200x628, 168715550508692998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (You)

>> No.19399506

Tell me how the air quality was even worse 300 years ago

>> No.19399522

>fatty is butthurt over being called out
lmao dont get too worked up fatty that fat heart of yours doesn't need the extra stress

>> No.19399534

You mean during the industrial revolution, when everyone burned so much coal it dropped the global temperature? The same time period when London was famous for pea soup fog, an impenetrably thick greenish mist? Air quality has improved by leaps and bounds over the last fifty years

>> No.19399549
File: 116 KB, 828x828, 1637300955928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hope a pack of wolves jump through your 12th floor high rise window and rape you to death
Well now who's being bossy?

>> No.19399555

recently learned that nutri-score stands for the unprepared product, so the fries without being deep fried.. when they are deep fried it's a D/E instantly

>> No.19399587


>> No.19399952

What are you, a faggot kike? McDonald's is quintessential goyslop.

>> No.19400223

Only fat people do this

>> No.19400244

Jews can't be racist because they're non-white and goy is a jewish word

>> No.19400328

horseshit this can't be real

>> No.19400902

>McDonalds in Walmart

>> No.19401005

It’s mind-blowing to me how if you work at a McDonalds today it takes two hours worth of wages take-home pay to buy one meal. Used to be minimum wage was around $4 but you could buy a sack of 40 cent burgers or afford a meal and have change left over. If trends like this continue I don’t see how so many of these franchises are going to be able to stay in business. My guess is we’re going to see some of them start closing.

>> No.19401062

Not even McDonald's pays minimum wage my man

>> No.19401282

>burned so much coal it dropped the global temperature
wuh buh
Science says this raises the temperature??!!?

>> No.19401310

Why doesn't Mickey D's just come with a value meal or bowl in which the fries are the main?

>> No.19401481

yeah my ex works at a mcdonald's in a small town and she makes $17.50 per hour

>> No.19401493

That's not true. It includes the oil

>> No.19401496


>> No.19401522

They've been getting smaller for a long time

>> No.19401537

How about you kiss my fat ass you seething twink.

>> No.19401544

Sounds pretty comfy desu

>> No.19401582

>returning to 1950s portion sizes
>paying 2023 prices
They are monopolizing food and you're letting it slip right under your nose.

>> No.19401585

>monopolizing food prices
grocery stores exist, or other fast food if you want to eat like that

>> No.19402314

>1950's portions
>still paying current year prices for it
insanity is what's happening

>> No.19403352

>be eastern european post-communist shithole
>american complaining how poor his mother was when growing up in the most prosperous place on earth
i cant wait for your house of cards to collapse. you must be gassed

>> No.19403378

I am not complaining. I am expressing my gratitude at living in a wealthy country that has only grown wealthier over the course of my parents' lives.

>> No.19403388

How dare you talk to your superior like that.
God bless you

>> No.19403433

As much as I hate the vatniks, entitled mutts like yourself i hate even more. I hate chinks the most.

God I hope one of the superpowers I hate nukes my shithole asap.

>> No.19403443

no you have the world's biggest debtor in human history running high single/low double digit inflation on "good years" and being allowed to self-report and say it's 1.5% because they save half a trillion/year on outlays like social security payments, and you all just don't even question it. it's the best scam they got going and always has been

>> No.19403497

What about French ? Germans? Brits?

>> No.19403514

I'm confused at what you think entitled means. I do not believe I'm entitled to the luxuries in my life. I'm lucky to have been born in the wealthiest nation in history, and I'm lucky to have been born to parents who were talented and ambitious.

>> No.19403696

It's mostly the lack of salt.
French fries in France are unsalted.
And as the grade is given simply by looking at some values (like, if salt is 1g, it's D, if it's 0.9999g, it's C), you can fiddle a little with the ingredients and boost your rank to healthy "easily".

>> No.19404384

>can of soda at the store costs $4
fucking clown world we live in now

>> No.19404613

fork putdowns x failure. Now.

>> No.19404697

do you really think that every poster that talks about goys is jewish?

>> No.19404946

>Thanks for telling me how to feel and live my life you oppressive cunt.
>for being told to not go to or consume junk food
lmao bro