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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 171 KB, 1200x1200, bacon-egg-cheese-recipe-snippet[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19393961 No.19393961 [Reply] [Original]

Why do New Yorkers think that they invented this

Why do they think that it's noteworthy enough to be a cultural phenomenon specific to NY

Is it because the humble bacon sandwich perplexes and enrages the average american? I don't understand.

>> No.19393974

I don't know what that is and I don't talk to people from NY. That place might as well be on another planet.

>> No.19393986

Obnoxiously, they call it a 'baconeggncheese'. It's just a bagel or roll with.. well, do I need to state the obvious?

>> No.19393990

Because NYC is the new London / Amsterdam. It's the center of the financial industry, and by extension the seat of power for a vast global empire. It's full of the kind of vapid, narcissistic morons who are enticed by the idea of living in the imperial core, and they honestly believe everything they do is unique and can't be found anywhere else. It's sad, really. I hope God wipes these kikes and kike-minded whites from the face of the Earth.

>> No.19394000
File: 218 KB, 750x1016, 2E9D2CFC-E627-462E-9E80-84941D635282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to try some REAL new york regional cuisine

>> No.19394004


>> No.19394017

the fuck is wrong with new yorkers man

>> No.19394032
File: 894 KB, 1238x794, image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provincial rubes will never understand our sophisticated food culture. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna go and grab a Slice™ from my local Bodega (that's a 'convenience store', to you).

>> No.19394038
File: 99 KB, 838x836, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're just joking, but Casey's pizza is genuinely better than a shitty New York dollar slice. Obviously not as a good as a local neighborhood joint, but we have those, too.

>> No.19394039

>painted nails
this is the tranny making the blahaj threads, isn't it

>> No.19394048
File: 100 KB, 750x895, ipam6k0l37cx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pretend like you ever had an authentic NY slice, country bumpkin

>> No.19394054
File: 784 KB, 845x819, blahaj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 seconds on google image search.

Unless the blahaj tranny is an Axios writer called Linh Ta, no.

>> No.19394060

>what is google image search
I have. I went to Manhattan on vacation in 2006.

>> No.19394065

>Why do New Yorkers think that they invented this
I've never heard anybody make this claim.
Why do you just go on the interwebs and make up lies?

>> No.19394069

You must not talk to a lot of New Yorkers.

>> No.19394089

"Do Americans Really?" the thread.
If I make fun of Mexicans, I'll get banned.
But America bashing? Carry on, apparently.

>> No.19394092

New Yorkers aren't real Americans, and the entire planet would be better if the entire tristate area along with Nantucket and Cape Cod were rapidly depopulated via biological agent.

>> No.19394131

Literally google 'bacon egg and cheese', 'baconeggncheese' or even 'BEC' and look at all of the sites that describe it as "New York's Famous", "quintessential new york", "authentic new york", "a new york classic", etc etc etc.

>> No.19394142

OK, /pol/

>> No.19394147


>> No.19394151 [DELETED] 

/ck/ mods are the worst on the entire site and i'm not even /pol/
i said ch*nk f**d in a loving and appreciative manner and was banned for 3 days on all boards
i have literally never been banned from any other board in 15 years
and it's always a global ban too
fuck em

>> No.19394153


>> No.19394157

Epic blog post bro

>> No.19394265

so show us who did make the bacon/egg/cheese on a hardroll then? And don't post some bullshit bacon only sandwich and call it the same thing
bodegas dont sell pizza you goober, I bet you drink hamms and eat runza

>> No.19394270

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. Also, putting bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll has existed for as long as those things have all existed in the same place. It's such an obvious and ubiquitous thing. Homeworkbrained narcissists really think nothing exists before it's written down.

>> No.19394280

they ruin it by putting cheese in it. bacon and egg is better without it.

>> No.19394292
File: 33 KB, 550x543, b610114958331a4d1b07002f9ae13ebe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right on time..

>> No.19394298

These are basic european ingredients.
This is a white dish.

>> No.19394326

It's called a sandwich retard. People have been putting things in bread (including """hardrolls""", another extremely retarded americanism) for centuries before your country even existed.

>b-b-but it wasn't this *specific* combination of x bacon and y cheese

It literally doesn't matter. If I set up a shop in London that sells flatbreads with tomato and cheese on top and decide to call them 'cheeseyweezeys', that doesn't mean it isn't just pizza.

>> No.19394328

>bacon egg and cheese
OK, I am seeing a surprising number of NYC references, but nothing saying they invented it.
Instead, I'm seeing:
>The classic bodega breakfast sandwich is a staple in many a New Yorker's diet
You could say the same thing about my native Virginia.

>> No.19394341

>/ck/ mods are the worst on the entire site
In my experience, /vg/ is worse.
>they ruin it by putting cheese in it
No. Just no.

>> No.19394344

especially american cheese, if you can even call it that.

>> No.19394348

The implication is that it's a product of NY and not just a variety of sandwich that became popular there. People in the UK have been eating bacon sandwiches for over a hundred years, including, on occasion, other breakfast ingredients like eggs and cheese. They are a staple to this day. That doesn't make it "quintessentially British", "a British classic", etc.

>you could say the same thing about my native Virginia
I'm sure you could, and I'm glad you don't - because that's the insufferable part of this whole affair. Everyone eats breakfast sandwiches, only New Yorkians are vain enough to think that it belongs to them.

Only an American could need a specific term to delineate Wonderbread from what Europeans would just call 'bread', or a 'bread roll' or whatever.

>> No.19394352

>new... Amsterdam
I like the cut of your jib. Would you mind lying face down with your hands on the back of your head so I might borrow it indefinitely?

>> No.19394357

Personally I prefer country ham, egg and cheese on a proper biscuit.

>> No.19394525

>american cheese, if you can even call it that.
Fuck me in the ass, when will this meme die?
American cheese is various cheeses blended together, often with other dairy products, and some preservatives.
Would I put it on a ham and cheese sandwich? No.
Cheeseburger? YES.
But even if you're too much of an anti-American snob to use American cheese, what about cheddar? Colby jack? Provolone? etc etc.
Unless you're not a mammal, you should crave cheese.
Oh, wait. Are you one of those lactose intolerant weaklings? In that case, I'm so sorry God hates you.

>> No.19394537
File: 11 KB, 213x237, AmericaFUCKYEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The implication is that it's a product of NY and not just a variety of sandwich that became popular there.
An implication I've never heard from anyone other than OP. That was my entire point.
>only New Yorkians are vain enough to think that it belongs to them.
[citation needed]
>Only an American
And there it is. You've got a hard-on for America, and New York is the jewel of America.
So sorry you're such a bigot.

>> No.19394541

>New York is the jewel of America
Wrong, demon
see: >>19393990 and >>19394092

>> No.19394543

2 planes wasn't enough

>> No.19394550

/pol/tard detected, opinion discarded.

>> No.19394557

I've been on /ck/ since before the days of Ronnie's Burgers, newfag. I remember the tripfaggot infestation that we gradually took care of via bullying (BBQ_KING, progun, sceack, etc). I was literally in the thread that had the first wa la post (guy was posting a series of snapchats showing some bullshit food he made and the last one was just captioned "wa la")

>> No.19394558

lol like that's something to be proud of

>> No.19394561

>newfag tries to act like someone who's been on this board for far longer than he has doesn't belong
you have to go back

>> No.19394567

>oldfags acts dumb and gay
many such cases

>> No.19394571

>doesn't know how to conjugate verbs
You're not even American lmao; you're just some RPing ESL retard.

>> No.19394599

I've been here since the early Obama years.
Don't have an exact date, but it's got to be nearly 20 years.
That's how I can tell how you're a /pol/tard.

>> No.19394601

>early Obama years
>nearly 20 years
Obama was inaugurated less than 15 years ago lol. Definitely not American.

>> No.19394602

>nearly 20 years.
Nearly 15 years, not good at math.

>> No.19394608

Well I've been on 4chan since the Bush administration, and that's how I can tell you're a faggot.

>> No.19394622
File: 40 KB, 540x960, 1686871188638795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on ITT? Trolls trolling trolls, or bots arguing over who's the bigger retard? I demand answers.

>> No.19394626

Dark hearted, hubristic empire worshippers don't like to face the fact that their disease ridden, crime filled shithole of a city isn't unique or special in any way.

>> No.19394646

Bodegas are technically a thing but only lib transplants actually say the word bodega, nobody from here says that
It's a corner store or deli
It's actually really easy way to sniff out if someone is a new yorker or not
And the way they call everything a bodega is the worst part. mrs. Chen doesnt run a bodega you fucks!

>> No.19394655

Thanks for proving my point: It's all about America-bashing.

>> No.19394694

I'm American, shit-for-brains, unlike you.

>> No.19394766

stay mad, I never said I didn't like cheese it just doesn't belong in a bacon and egg sandwich and american cheese doesn't belong anywhere apart from the bin.

>> No.19394783

>the bin
non-American detected; opinion discarded

>> No.19395149

>I'm American, shit-for-brains, unlike you.
Born in fucking Bexar County, Texas.
Bow down before me.

>> No.19395151

ok sorry, I didnt' realize you were from Bexar

>> No.19395163

whats obnoxious about calling it a bacon egg and cheese? it has bacon egg and cheese on it.

NY does have a habit of trying to say they invented basic shit though. Like chopped cheese, its a fucking cheeseburger and they try to act like its some amazing invention.

>> No.19395189
File: 33 KB, 799x598, 1681615974339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at all of the sites that describe it as "New York's Famous", "quintessential new york", "authentic new york", "a new york classic"
Because they eat it there. It was popular because it was tasty, filling and you can make it really quickly on an industrial griddle. It barely requires space. If you use taylor ham (already cooked) you are just browning the meat, which is even faster and also very tasty. It's not "claiming to invent" a dish, it is making it apparent that the style of preparing that dish (which is indeed a thing unique to New York City, as it would be in many other places) is what's being advertised. New York City also has some weight to its meaning as it was once very glamorous. In summary you have autism.

>> No.19395230

Every food belongs to america. Come to chinatown and have some authentic New York General Tsao's Chicken

>> No.19395267

same reason the dumb canadians think they invented chips, cheese and gravy. protip: the english did it first, just like bacon, cheese sandwiches

>> No.19395289
File: 12 KB, 259x194, download (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious pide is the true breakfast of gods! Your sandwiches cannot compete with Turkish beauty!

Haha, I am having a fun with you, but pide is also a good breakfast if you would like it.

>> No.19395314
File: 10 KB, 259x194, liberty chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nyfag reporting in
Most of the population are insufferable losers who think because their town is famous (fame=cool here) that it somehow replaces their lack of personality or likeability. They will somehow tell you how they are from Brooklyn within the first sentences of meeting you. 9/10 places cant even make a BEC properly or even have worse abominations like Hobos or Sobos. Place is a dumpster fire. Hope all the new bused in illegals can make things better. Probably not.

>> No.19395388

Most people refer to it as a bodega. Some black dude on instagram said that nonsense, hope he sends you a like back. if a chinaman owns your bodega your entire neighborhood should be ashamed. If some old Dominican with 6 girlfriends (2 underrage) where English is not a prerequisite,who runs a fake lotto/bar/eatery/bodega does not own your "corner store" you are not a real New Yorker. Later tourist.

>> No.19395424

The Dominican guy with 9 kids runs the bodega. The Korean lady everyone thinks is Chinese runs a corner store.

>> No.19395692

I make these all the time and they're wonderful. I'm probably doing it wrong somehow. I'm gonna try importing some genuine NYC tap water for my next batch to take them to the next level.

>> No.19395762

Have you tried making the hole with your stinky, greasy dick?

>> No.19395864

>chopped cheese, its a fucking cheeseburger
it objectively isn't

>they try to act like its some amazing invention
again, only white lib transplants do this
people from here just treat it like a normal thing

goes hand and hand with the bodega thing since the chopped cheese is something you normally get at an arab run place

"I'm gonna head downstairs to the bodega and get some snacks, you want anything?"
abdullah and hamza are from Baghdad, their store isn't a bodega just because they sell takis, Bethany

>> No.19395895

I’m from north Jersey and I’ve been all over the country, “baconegg&cheese” is common everywhere, the only thing New York does different is they serve it on a 3 day old stale Kaiser roll cause the store owner is a cheap fuck. I hate New Yorkers so much

>> No.19395909

Hehehe. His shits all retarded?

>> No.19395911

the statue is ours and you're never getting it back, stay mad

>> No.19395917
File: 32 KB, 720x540, jgi5fl548hh01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19395950

jokes on you pal, who hasn't
might want to get yourself checked bucko

>> No.19395953

I mean don't New Yorkers think they invented the corner shop and are the only place in the world that has them

>> No.19395957


>> No.19395962

BTW midnight cowboy fucking sucks and was completely retarded

>> No.19395973

That's as may be, but Taxi Driver fucking rules and was completely based

>> No.19396744

You are a stupid in bread retart faggot

>> No.19396794

Remember around 8 years ago when they stood in line for hours to get toast?
They even had videos showing how great toast is and some dude showing how the special bread they use which was above average bakery mold bread made their toast so special

>> No.19396804

I dont remember that

>> No.19396866
File: 133 KB, 1500x1500, 71oy5PV5xcL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from NJ retard

>Why do [I] think that it's noteworthy enough to be a cultural phenomenon specific to [NJ]

Because this is the only state (besides NYC) where it exists? Do you think bagels exist in the other states, because they don't. Either you're from here and have no idea how bad the conditions are elsewhere, or you're from elsewhere and have no idea what you're missing. People in other states eat stiff bagel-shaped bread from the grocery store like pic related and they think they've eaten a bagel. The conditions are actually much more dire than the pizza situation, the real version of which you can actually get in a couple other states now.

>> No.19396882
File: 212 KB, 1242x1242, main-qimg-c18088785b04f3361ec469846fae8a88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a stupid in bread retart faggot
This is so unironic it becomes based.

>> No.19396906

>it objectively isn't
shut your hipster ass up

>> No.19396960

you're talking shit and don't even know what you're saying
why is it called a chopped cheese? because you chop up the meat, cheese, and onions together
it's not a burger, its a loose meat sandwich similar to a cheesesteak just using ground beef instead of steak slices

>> No.19396970

Your disease riddled pussy is a loose meat sandwich, you stupid slut

>> No.19396997

listen, you keep talking shit and I'm gonna smack a bitch
I don't know who it is, and it probably wont be you
but there's a chance it is you and I don't think you want to take that chance

>> No.19397016

its ground beef, cheese, and bread. shut up you insufferable hipster faggot.

>> No.19397023

You couldn't smack your lips after a ten day fast, you limp wristed dandy

>> No.19397033

>he admits texas is inescapably part of america.
absolutely BRAINFUCKED by massive yankee cock.

>> No.19397282

>New York is the jewel of America.

The rest of America thinknits a pozzed shithole

>> No.19397350

Now you've gone and done it! >:(

>> No.19397388

holy jesus fuck off

i had a good bacon egg cheese in London one mornging sitting at come cafe watching everyone run to work. nice chat with the guy loading boxes into the restaurant about the sandwhich too.

shit is universal (in new york and london)

>> No.19397404

i've always called them corner stores

>> No.19397581

skyline chili is a cheeseburger

>> No.19397606
File: 1.01 MB, 964x542, runzapng1500494497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19397607

I've always waxed broetic about the brodega. If it's 9 bro'clock and I need bromatoes for my broschetta, I just hit the brodega. I'll discuss the plight of the broletariat vis-a-vis the brogeoisie with the bro-wner, haggle for a free bag of mini broreos because the bromatoes aren't super ripe, then head brome, and make my delicious treat.

>> No.19399318

kek, my college roomate from rochester wouldnt shut the fuck up about the salt potatoes he was going to make for our thanksgiving and they were just salty baked potatoes,,
v weird

>> No.19399392
File: 590 KB, 2560x1920, AdobeStock_222803193-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure the breakfast bap predates America

>> No.19399397

>A bacon and egg sarnie

>> No.19399400

I really want a Runza right now.

>> No.19400740

What stops you from attaining your desires

>> No.19400742

>Why do New Yorkers
Because fuck you, you fucking jew. Fuck NYC too. Upstate best state

>> No.19400746

My childhood. Janesville DeWitt red rams baby!

>> No.19400875

baconeggncheese sal peppa etchup, gracias mira

>> No.19400897

I'm an Australian and I don't want either of these
>10 seconds on google image search.
Yeah but it was 10 seconds dedicated to "calling out" some stranger on an anonymous image board over a matter that is totally superfluous so who gives a fuck
>My corner of this cesspit is better than your corner!
You're a winner, son

>> No.19400904

My corner of NY is better. There's fewer niggers here and they mostly stay in big cities

>> No.19400989
File: 65 KB, 700x700, this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cow fucking slut