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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1500x1000, peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19390307 No.19390307 [Reply] [Original]

You guy ever get spicy piss? I'll take a piss after eating hot chili and a minute later I feel the burning on the end of my dick and have to rinse it in the sink to cool it off. No I don't have chili juice on my hands, the spiciness is in my actual piss.

>> No.19390308

i think your kidneys are broken

>> No.19390374

You have a UTI or gonorrhea

>> No.19390376

Go see a doctor.

>> No.19390380

with chilis being $70/lb i cant afford to even find out

>> No.19390393

Wash your hands dumbass. If you touch a pepper than your peepee it's going to burn.

>> No.19391449

Only after doing a spicy food challenge. A real one, not eating a pack of 2x spicy or whatever passes around here on this destitute shithole of a board

>> No.19391459

Yes. I had a major excess of very hot peppers in a ramen once. After that every time I have a good amount of very spicy peppers I pee the spice out. Quick too.

>> No.19391486
File: 54 KB, 630x473, Postres2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guy ever get spicy piss?
Only once when eating super spicy rice from thia place

Being Mexican and used to spicy foods hard a hurdle to enjoy the spicy plate aside from being surprised from the spiced piss.
Ate the meal recalled the level of heat and went down a level.
The flavor was not a pleasing accent even at that degree of spice, anyhow the plate is still a favorite at times due to lack of variety

>> No.19391496

That's just gonorrhea anon.

>> No.19391498

>Being Mexican
What’s the best way to get to San Diego from El Centro without getting caught by the Feds?

>> No.19391503

Yeah, this happens to me every once in a while. I've got Trinidad Scorpion and Carolina Reaper powder and even though I'm not adding a lot of it it's enough to give me the occasional flamethrower piss.

>> No.19391648

Are you the anon who made /bpg/ that one time?

>> No.19391664

Yes, but only when i eat extremely spicy stuff like ghost pepper and carolina reaper powder. If thats the only time you experience it then you dont need to worry about having an infection.

>> No.19392017

No, but when I drink too much alcohol and jerk off, the semen burns my dick.

>> No.19392029

It'll burn a little when I piss after jerking off all day

>> No.19392215

It's because your handling it and then touching your dick

>> No.19392221

No it's because your jerking off too rough try some lube. Everyone on this board is a fucking retard.

>> No.19392305

i'm cut, have never used lube jerking off alone, and have never experienced this. OP definitely had residual chili oil on his hands.

that or he has a UTI

>> No.19392331

My dad is a urologist and the people's complaints in this thread are common, people always think it's internal when it's external. Someone people jack off two hard and basically irritate and overstimulate. Happens a lot when people masterbate multiple times a day.

>> No.19392648

my weener burns all the time whether i pee or not pee it burn the same

>> No.19392965

Once. Mi padre picked up a hot sauce that was 50% extract. The sauce itself wasn't incredibly hot (still quite spicy, probably in the 750k-1 mill range), but I guess the extract didn't really digest well. It definitely took me by surprise.

>> No.19392975


Ring of fire piss is a deeper burn than just the glans and urethra (it doesn't really effect the glans at all unless you have splashback) - it definitely burns most at the tip, but it's noticeable all the way back. It's the same sensation as a spicy shit, just at the wrong hole. It's certainly not the pissing-crushed-glass sensation of an infection.

>> No.19393010

>or gonorrhea

>> No.19394335


Yes but only after eating out the pussy of a 40$ black hooker.

>> No.19394354


>> No.19394406

Classic misinformation. Eating spicy foods will not make your urine painful, capsaicin is not processed by the kidneys and passed through urine.

>> No.19394627

Classic retard.

>> No.19394690

Tell that to my tingling schlong after I eat super hot peppers.

>> No.19394714
File: 28 KB, 650x650, dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I get drunk and accidentally too much hot sauce in my ramen or something